Jason was crouching on top of a branch. His sight was focused at the tribal looking camp. He didn’t think it was even possible to build a tribal camp inside the Veteran Park. Lamp torches illuminated the camp as wooden fences barred the camp perimeter.

How the hell did no one notice this?

A good question, but with no answers.

They’re holding hostages?

Close to the center of the camp, a smaller fenced area was made. They were people inside, some already awoke while some still unconscious. Even if they are awake, they couldn’t do anything since the whole camp was crawling with hobgoblins. In Jason's eyes, something felt weird.

Why do they need fire torches even when they have good night vision?

The answer to that appeared as a silhouette emerged from the teepee like structure. Garbed with a clay color robe, it held something in its hand a wooden staff. Its back was hunch but its identity was clear for Jason to see. A hobgoblin but unlike those he had fought, it was old with a wrinkling ugly face. The tone of its skin differed from the navy tone of those other hobgoblins as it was a copper-like shade.

From above the tree branch, he saw the copper hobgoblin ordering around the other hobgoblins while pointing towards the humans trapped within the fenced area. One of them opened up the fence and dragged one of the humans out. People started screaming, as their plea for help echoed within the darkness of the park. They were terrified as the screams didn’t stop.

Yet one brave man tried to run away making use of the open gap in the fence but his attempt fell short as an arrow struck him on the knee. He fell to the ground screaming in pain. Tears rolled down from his eyes as both of his hands grabbed on to his injured knee. His eyes were frozen open as he was devastated.

Soon, he couldn’t felt his legs, numbed by the poison. He was shouting and yelling as he dragged his body over the ground. He was relentless in trying to escape but the copper hobgoblin looked down upon this man. It raised its wooden staff in the air and manifested a huge fireball. A fireball the size of a beach ball and those humans who were trapped in the fence stared at the spectacle with their jaws wide open.

The copper hobgoblin threw the fireball at the fleeing man as it set him into ablaze. He screamed in pain being burned alive, soon his voice drowned by the searing flame and in the end, it only left a charred body. Even after death, things took a nasty turn. The hobgoblins who were loitering around the camp jumped towards the charred body and devoured like it was some prime roasted beef. Those humans within the fence saw what happened as they witnessed a human being devoured by these creatures. Some soiled themselves while some passed out.

That’s got to hurt.

Jason witnessed everything from above. Seeing someone being eaten was like the norm for him, since he did experience that hellish two nights. He cast a glance at the base camp of these hobgoblins. From what he had observed so far, the numbers within this camp only amount to 4 dozens of them. Half of it he saw when he was chasing Bryce’s kidnapper. The rest were patrolling around the camp area.

I can handle them all if I did it discreetly but the problem is...

He glanced at someone.

That hobgoblin mage.

Jason was worried about the hobgoblin mage. He was still blind about the skill set of the mage. It would be troublesome if his ambush fails and leading the mage to rally the other hobgoblins. But then, an archer hobgoblin came rushing from outside entering the camp as it reported to the Copper Hobgoblin.

The Copper Hobgoblin responded, yelling in its own language calling those hobgoblins to gather at the center of the camp. These four dozens hobgoblins listened well to the Copper Hobgoblin before they left the camp in all directions. A dozen were left to guard the base camp.

At least they’re not that stupid. That archer hobgoblin probably found those dead hobgoblins that I killed. I guess I’ll save the best for last then.

Jason abandoned the thought of assassinating the Copper Hobgoblin. It was best to eliminate any possible risk before he confronts the Copper Hobgoblin. Jason leaped down to the ground and began his hunt. He was quick in chasing behind these hobgoblins and chose the one that was farther from the rest. He kept his distance close as he pulled the bowstring as far as he possibly can. When the distance reached a foot away he let the arrow fly.

An arrow lodged into the skull of the hobgoblin as Jason grabbed it before falling. The stench was unbearable but he endured it for the sake of not alerting the others. Slowly he let down the corpse and chased the back of those who were still visible in his sight.

“Shadow Hide,” he said.

He blended with the shadows disappearing from sight. He was getting the hang of seeing in the dark albeit the vision was terrible and the distance he could see was limited but at least he was able to see something rather than being blind.

Another one dropped dead as he motioned himself like the previous kill. Slowly he let down the corpse as his eyes searched for the next victim. One by one they fell silently without anyone else knowing. They departed from this world not knowing who just killed them. He hunted them down like they were defenseless rabbits hopping on the plains. A dozen fell to their death and finally the thing he had been waiting for had arrived.

Jason’s level increased to level 17

I guess they probably at the same level as those mini-velociraptors.

An assumption of his as he considered these two species experience gains. Although he couldn’t see it but by comparing the numbers that he killed, it might not be too far off from the exact number.

Five points to stamina.

Jason didn’t wait long and allocated it to stamina. It was one of his current weakness. With these five points, at least he would be able to stay longer in battle.

This is getting too easy.

A smile was difficult to hide, Jason himself was rather enjoying this hunt of his. The difference between fighting against the strong and fighting against the weak was like a huge gap. Jason hid once more but not without good news.

Shadow Hide level up to level 5

Just a while ago, his Minor Heal+ had leveled up to level five. The rate of leveling of these two skills of his was astronomical. It wouldn’t be strange since he had been spamming it repeatedly for quite a while now. But one thing he wasn't pleased with was the rate of his energy guard dwindling. The poison was too much of a bother.

It can’t be helped then, five points to e.resist.

He didn’t want to use it recklessly but his life was on the line here. Living was more important than point hoarding. He saw his EP being raised at a considerable amount. Enough to satisfied him, in a word enough to keep him long enough for finding the antidote. He had been killing a lot of those hobgoblins but neither one of them had an antidote.

Do these goblins don’t even use an antidote? Then what if one of them accidentally prick themselves to a poison arrow? Then would they let themselves die just like that?

That sudden statement brought a clarification in his train of thought. His assumption sounds awfully convincing considering the intelligence of these hobgoblins were rather low. He shook his head from side to side as he didn’t want it to be true. If it did, then he might as well shoot the arrow to his head.

I’m going to kill these bastards.

He was mad and his target of rage was none other than those hobgoblins who were searching through the park. He scoured through the park as he searched for those hobgoblins. He found one and he didn’t hesitate to approach it fast with his nimbleness. He nocked an arrow to his bow and released it when the distance was at close proximity. An arrow flew and struck through its head. Jason was getting used to the bow as he found it was rather easy to use. He had no trouble pulling the string as his strength was more than enough to resist the tension. In a way he kind of like it.

Like always, Jason was going to hide once more after he had done his deed. The only drawback about the ability is, it exposes Jason after making any contact with any other living being but he was skeptical about this. He shook his head as it wasn't the time for such a thing. Then he heard a slight rustling from behind, Jason jumped to the side as he saw something coming down towards the ground.

He glanced towards the spot where he once stood and there it was, a hobgoblin emerging from the darkness. A scimitar sharp blade was on the ground. The thing that passed by was definitely the scimitar. The hobgoblin raised up the scimitar in its hand and charged forward at Jason.

“Shadow Hide,” Jason vanished as his hands were moving quickly nocking the arrow on the bow.

As he glanced up, the sharp blade of the scimitar was slashing at him. Jason dodged the incoming strike and shot the arrow. The arrow missed the head but went through its neck.

Close call.

But it wasn’t the end. The hobgoblin dropped the scimitar in its hand as blood poured out from the leaking hole made by the arrow. It tilted its head upwards and released a deafening shout.

Damn it.

Jason aimed his arrow and shot once again as this time it hit right at the head. The hobgoblin fell on the ground and received its death. But Jason had a bad feeling creeping up over his shoulders. He hid once more using Shadow Hide. The arrow was nocked and he was ready to shoot. But his body kept on shifting in every direction as the faint sounds were becoming louder.

Soon the source of the sound appeared within his sight. It was hobgoblins. Everywhere he looked they were only hobgoblins. He was surrounded by these creatures, some wielded scimitar while some carried iron mace. A few perched on top of the tree branches preparing their bow. Even when he was hidden, he couldn’t help but felt nervous about this situation.

I’m fucked ain’t I.

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