The Copper Hobgoblin unleashed a rain of fireballs to its own tribal camp. Setting ablaze every teepee within the camp. It didn’t care about what would happen next as long as it decimates every last human within the area.

“Kii,” it spotted a naked red-headed woman laying on the ground unconscious. A vicious grin etched on its face. It walked closer to the fainted woman as something between its crotch was raging. Despite being a mage that demonstrated calmness over any situation, yet as of now it lost all rational and let the wild inside of it to go unrestrained. Like its name, the hobgoblin. The next evolution line of goblin which was known to be a sexual deviant.

In old tales as well as those modern works of literature, goblins are depicted as bandits of the monsters. They pillage what they stumbled, the kidnapped any woman on sight and they raped whoever they want. Indeed a terrible creature that shouldn’t exist. Even when it turned to a hobgoblin, its notoriety in releasing its sexual desire to a human woman was known to all. The Copper Hobgoblin stood a foot away from the fainted Bryce.

It licked its lips as it scanned her body from top to bottom. It had a plan after coming here. It planned to kidnapped women and men and stocked them for both as slaves as well as livestock but with all of it went gone into flame, it surrendered to its own primal desire. Its hands reached out to Bryce but an inch before it could touch her. Someone appeared behind it. Jason emerged from within the smokes of the burning camp. Wielding the scimitar in his hand, he ambushed from behind. He swung the scimitar as he unleashed a horizontal slash.


A clean-cut as he beheaded the Copper Hobgoblin. It didn’t know how it died. Truly, a pathetic humanoid. Its exclusive survival skill, Copper Skin was put to waste as he was distracted by his own carnal desire. If wasn’t for that it wouldn’t have died in this pathetic manner. In a fight, one should never let their guards down.

The headless body of the Copper Hobgoblin fell to the ground, jerking around before it stopped. Jason stood in front of Bryce staring at her as he pitied her fate. In fact, he was butt naked with the hospital gown he wore long gone being burned into ashes by the fireball. Jason looked around the whole camp as it was reduced into a burning field of nothingness. Yet his eyes found a single teepee still standing without a hint of burning.

Did this bastard keep the fireballs away from it? But why?

Before he has an answer, a blue window appeared.

Jason’s level increased to level 19

Jason is the first to kill a Mini-Boss

With matching courage and valor.

A leading man to a new era.

A man that does not falter against the strong.

A man befitting to be the first of the many.

Jason obtained a new title,

The Prime Conqueror

This old thing is a mini-boss? For a mini-boss, he’s kind of weak.

For someone who called the old Copper Hobgoblin weak, he had a pretty tough time beating it. His combat skills were even on par with the ugly old coot. If it wasn’t for his double points, he wouldn’t have been able to take on this mage solo. He swiped off the blue windows as his attention was focused at the sight of the untouched teepee. He was about to walk towards the teepee but halted seeing the doctor that he was supposed to save was laying on the ground.

Carrying her in his arms, one arm under her legs and another to support her back. It’s the so-called princess carry. With both of them stark naked, he should be thankful that no one was around. Explaining things would be a hassle. He entered and scrunched his face. The smell inside was nothing short of worst compared to those hobgoblins. He couldn’t pinch his nose as he was carrying Bryce. He even had the thought of throwing her down just for the sake of blocking his sense of smell. But since he still had a conscience, he just endured it while cursing inside.

His sight was immediately attracted to the familiar-looking crack. His expression was grave as now he knew how these hobgoblins got here. It wasn’t swimming through the Lower Bay but it was through a new inter-dimensional crack. A simple thought flashed by, more monsters will come out of here unless he does something. The question is, do what exactly?

Shit, is New Jersey also doom?

The thought of another state being run over by monsters scared him. If one of those kaiju-size monsters popped out in New Jersey, then he doubted anyone can do a thing.

On second thought, I don’t think Americans will complain about it.

In the first place, why should he care? Jason, although he had been living for a year in New York City. It had transformed him into New Yorkers himself and the loathing he had for New Jersey had also been birthed due to it. The reason why New Yorkers don’t like New Jersey? Well, who knows. Even he himself didn’t know why New Yorkers didn’t like New Jersey. His moment of thinking was disturbed by the crackling noise coming from the crack. He could saw plasma sparks flying around the crack. He didn’t know what was happening. The situation was calling for a red alert.

Should I throw her down now or wait first?

A meaningless contemplation. His body lowered itself as his stance was showing he was ready for another fight. Although it was short, the constant battle made his body reacted on instinct. Yet as he waited, nothing appeared. The only thing that happened was the crack itself mending on its own.

It’s repairing itself.

The crack was already small at palm-size. But with the ongoing spark, the size reduced until it was only the size of a finger. Jason remembered back when he returned to the dark alleyway hoping to find the crack but it wasn’t there.

It’s vanishing.

The mystery behind this phenomenon was still not yet known to the clever bunch of people on earth. For the like of average people like Jason, it was best to just be aware at all times. He exited the teepee and stared at the night sky. The cloud of smokes kept on rising. He had a feeling that it was better to leave now before someone else gets here. With Bryce in his arms, he ran back into the tall trees heading his way to Bryce’s home and he didn’t go back empty-handed.


Jason silently stepped inside Bryce’s room through her window. He didn’t saw anyone on the streets, so at least he was sure that no one going to see two naked people entering a house through the window. If the police show up, then at least he knew that someone saw his naked white ass.

Gently, he lay her on the bed. He scanned her top to bottom. He had to admit, she definitely has a bombshell body. No wonder that pervert tried to make a move on her. Unfortunately for her, the aftermath of that rain of fireballs made a few burns on her body. A pity for a woman like her. He placed his hand on her abdomen as a green glows spread across her body.

“Minor Heal+,” said Jason.

He continued healing her until his EP was zero. The discomfort look on her face vanished replaced by a calm smiling countenance. At least she won’t be having nightmares for the night.

I’m beat.

Even with added stamina, he was still pushed to the limit. He lay beside Bryce on the bed as it was quite comfortable, enough to turned his eyelids heavy.

She really knows how to pick a bed.

His slowly closing eyes glanced at the loot he obtained. For a mini-boss, the old coot really dropped quite a lot. Two scrolls and a ring. He didn’t think it was possible for these creatures to drop something like a piece of equipment but seeing the ring changed his mind. Jason also didn’t forget to bring along the wooden staff of the Copper Hobgoblin. He thought about bringing along the robe that the old coot wore but since it was too smelly, he abandoned the thought of bringing it.

“A good day,” said Jason.

His eyelids closed as was he swept into his dream. Sleeping with a smile.

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