The whole police battalion surrounded the whole premise. SWAT teams are readied at every entrance of the American Dreamyard. The distress call from one of the fleeing visitors along with the mall alarm system wasn’t ignored by the police force. But their response team was held up by the large scale operation of securing Bayonne Bridge, Holland Tunnel, Lincoln Tunnel and the George Washington Bridge.

The SWAT teams commenced their operation barging at all possible entrances. But as they entered, the situation wasn’t like they expected. The squad leader relayed a message through the tactical headset.

“Captain, we’ve got a situation here. You’re not going to believe this.”


While the law enforcement sorted out the mess inside American Dreamyard. A couple was driving away from the mall, just a few minutes before the cavalry arrived. They even passed by each other, side by side with the blaring sound of the police siren filling the air. Jason who was sitting in the passenger seat stared at the sight of police cars driving by at the side lane.

“Did you kill them?” Bryce asked. It had been in her mind for quite a while now. Jason killing monsters was fine but if he was a murderer, then that was a line that should never be cross.

Jason maintained his silence. Bryce stole a few glances. She swallowed a gulp of her saliva as the silence was suffocating her.

“Keep your eyes on the road,” said Jason.

His words didn’t actually calm her down, only made the doctor more jittery on her seat. Jason glanced sideways and it wasn’t hard to discern how she was feeling.

“I didn’t kill anyone,” he said.

She nodded and the silence prevailed once more. Jason stared at the direction of New York City. Curiosity egged him towards the city direction.

“Cross Hackensack River,” he said.

“What?” she said. Her tone raised by a notch, surprised by the sudden change of direction.

Jason didn’t say a thing. He only waved his hand signaling at her. Her lips pressed together with her eyebrows lowered. She wasn’t pleased to be pushed around by this stranger. Nevertheless, she was indebted to this stranger. The ‘ten million’ kept on echoing inside her head. Again, the regret over opening that scroll kept on haunting her.

The Nord Bigo drove through Port Imperial Boulevard. Jason stared at Manhattan that was just across the Hudson River. He saw a few big silhouettes walking at the side of the river. It wasn’t clear but enough to tell him, that it was monsters. Running around the decimated city like they owned the city. It was like a different world between these two lands separated by a river.

Bryce’s forehead was bathing in sweats as the thought of being this close with a city filled with monsters made her nervous.

“Can we go now? Please?” she said.

She couldn’t stand it any longer. That single night of being abducted was enough experience for her. She knew the absurdities of those monsters. Then a thought popped up inside her head. Her eyes went wide with the whites showing.

“You’re not thinking of going there are you?” she asked.

Jason’s gaze didn’t leave the sight of the city. Then he spoke.

“I’m not that idiotic. Let’s go back,” he said.

To his cue, the car turned back heading towards Secaucus Bypass.


A car went into the driveway. The engine stopped as Bryce took off the key. Yet they still sat inside the car in silence. She stole a few glances at Jason as she could felt the situation turning awkward.

“I. Uhm,” her fingers kept on tapping the steering wheel as she hesitated. “My shift starts tomorrow morning. So, I am…”

Jason cut her off.

“Can I use your computer?” said Jason.

Bryce stepped out of her study room and closed the door behind her. She breathed out a sigh and she didn't seem to be relieved. Rubbing her forehead she went back to her bedroom.

Jason was on the laptop. Creating a new email account. Although he didn’t remember his family's phone number at least he knew their email address. He didn’t use his old one since he was too paranoid. Paranoid from being detected by the NSA. It was better to be safe than sorry.

He sent an email to his parents telling them that he was fine. A bit of a white lie wouldn’t hurt as he typed in the email that he was lucky not to be in the city during the time of the invasion. He told them he was currently staying with a friend’s house far from the city. Cracking his knuckles, he leaned back on the chair. He was in a daze staring at the empty air.

I should go back.

That thought came to mind.

Status open.

Jason Park

Job : None

Level 19

EP : 88.5/111

E.Guard : 50/240

Strength : 46

Agility : 71

Dexterity : 10

Stamina : 14

Energy : 37

E.Resist : 6

Points : 15

Unique Trait : Rapid Growth

Skills : Intermediate Swordsmanship Lv.4, Minor Heal+ Lv.5, Energy Guard Lv.2, Wind Cutter Lv.2, Shadow Hide Lv.5, Basic Archery Lv.4, Parry Lv.1, Identify Lv.3

Two bullets and the energy guard is almost gone. I shouldn’t underestimate guns. Hmm? Why is it fifteen?

His eyes traced down to points. What should have been ten was now fifteen. He swore he used all of it the last time he leveled up, unless…

You’ve got to be kidding me? Did the new title really give me an extra five points?

Jason still had trouble believing this but yes it is true. He knew the significance of gaining another extra five points, it was as if he gained another level unofficially. In a gaming type of explanation, he was turning OP. He was at the head of the pack, in front of others like him who discovered the blue window system. It wasn’t fair to the rest but for him, he gladly received it with opened arms. Another extra five points mean another chance of survival.

Glancing at the new bow leaning on the wall, he had a thought in mind. The bow that made Bryce’s bank account bleeding was his main weapon as of now. He got a knack of using it back in the park. If it wasn’t for all those fireballs burning everything, he would still have a bow without draining Bryce’s money. But everything had a silver lining. A compound bow designed for hunting seems like his best bet. He just prayed that the expensive bow wouldn’t be like the fragile katana he bought from Amazonia.

Although he still has the staff looted from the Copper Hobgoblin, he still wanted to focus on using the bow. Fighting at long distances didn't seem bad considering it puts him out of the range of danger. Besides, he got the skill that related to it, he didn’t want to waste it.

On second thought, should I hunt those monsters?

The thought about the hobgoblins came to mind. They appeared out of nowhere from a random crack. It would have been good if he knew how these cracks related. But considering finding one of those random cracks by himself was literally impossible. The thought of grinding his level went out just like that. Although he still had the option of going back into New York City yet knowing that the Scarlet Rex was there only made him want to stay further away from that site.

Never mind, let’s put that on hold. I think it’s just better to go back home first.

Jason went downstairs and slept on the couch.


Bryce was dressing herself up for work. She tied her long hair into a bun while watching herself through the body length mirror. She picked up her stethoscope and her white lab coat before going downstairs. Yesterday day off was like a day at work, a night of suffering and a day full of mishaps. Her bank account was close to being nil and she almost lost her life back at the mall. Overall, things seemed to be great for today. She was just happy that things going back to normal again.

But as she reached downstairs, she saw Jason fully clothed with the mountain hiking bag strapped over his shoulder. Another long bag was in his hand, that stored the expensive compound bow she bought for him. While his other hand, he held a long wooden staff. She recognized it since its the staff that was previously owned by the Copper Hobgoblin.

“I’m going to work and-”

Jason cut her off.

“Can you drop me at Newark airport?” he said. He spoke so nonchalantly as if everything that he wishes would come over to him in a blink of an eye.

Bryce froze while staring at Jason. That airport was further away from the hospital. If she sent him, then she would definitely be late, and for a junior intern like her, being late was a big no-no. She wanted to say something, but Jason was quick to say something first.

“You owe me ten million,” those two words were like a slap to her face. She couldn’t comprehend how ridiculous it was for a scroll like that to cost ten million. Again, she felt like defending herself. She had her own priorities.

“Drop me off and I’ll be gone. No more nagging about ten million,” said Jason.

Him? Gone? That thought kept circling in Bryce’s head. Although she was grateful for him saving her, but she has her own life. A life that doesn’t involve her following every whim of Jason.

“Fine. Let’s go,” she said. She sighed one last time as Jason noticed it clear as day. He just grinned seeing her like this.

A Nord Bigo was on the road making its way to Newark Liberty International Airport. She couldn’t wait to drop off Jason, to the point of she was humming while driving and the radio wasn’t even turn on. Jason sat by her side amused by her actions. She was too easy for him to read compared to someone that he knew. The thought of it made his little grin vanished and replaced by his lips arching down. He turned his head to the window staring at the sky. He didn’t notice it but his eyes were moist.

Bryce was too oblivious by the changes in Jason. She was humming while getting in the groove. Just a while ago she answered her phone. It was a call from her colleague back in the hospital. She spouted some nonsense about being late and told it was a family matter. She would have scowl since this act of hers would only get her being reprimanded but today was her lucky day, the colleague told her that morning round was canceled so she won’t be scolded by her boss.

Finally, they arrived at the airport. Jason pointed out to just dropped him at the departure gate, but Bryce went to the parking lot confusing the man himself. She parked her car at the parking lot and both sat still in the car.

“So? What’s going on? You can just leave me there, you know,” he said.

Bryce unbuckled the seat belt and opened the door. Jason didn’t get this woman. At times she was easy to read and at times she was like any other woman in the world, a complex creature with a complex thought process.

“C’mon, I’m going to escort my savior till he reaches the boarding gate,” said Bryce with a smile. As if the burden on her shoulders was lifted.

Jason raised his eyebrows curious about what was going on with this redhead doctor. But since she wanted to do it so he let it be. They walked side by side entering the main entrance of the airport. Like always the airport was a busy place with people going in and out with bag strolling on the floor.

Bryce took the lead and led him to closer to the LCD board showing the flight information display. On second thought, she hadn’t heard of where Jason wanted to go.

“So, you’re taking a flight to where exactly?” she asked.

“Toronto, I’m Canadian by the way,” he said.

A big ‘O’ her lips as she just realized he wasn’t even American.

“Any particular airline?” she knew that she was the one who needs to pay for his ticket and she asked like it was natural.

“No, you don’t need to. I’m fine,” he said. It caught her off guard hearing what he said. As if he broke his own image that already had been embedded in her mind.

“Oh, okay then. So, this is goodbye then,” she said. She was barely making eye contact and don’t know what to do in this current situation.

“Yup. Thanks by the way,” Jason reached out his hand for a handshake. Bryce shook his hand and looked into Jason’s eyes for a few seconds. That few seconds made her remembered that this man saved her life. Thinking back, she never really thanked him sincerely. She only kept whining and grumbling over his annoying attitude.

“Thank you for saving me,” said Bryce. Her eyes turned moist and she fought back the urge to cry. If wasn’t for him, she wouldn’t be here right now. Her cheeks were flushed and she looked down in embarrassment.

“Sorry. Something got caught in my eye,” a lame excuse but Jason didn’t mind. He smiled gently at her. For a woman that went through hell, she was quite a positive person. He just hoped she won’t get caught up with anything in the future.

She shook his once more and let go.

“Good luck and have a safe flight,” she said.

“Thanks,” he said.

Bryce walked past Jason heading towards the main entrance. Jason just stood there as he let out a sigh, thinking about his next step.

So where do I go next?

As if the universe was answering him, Jason noticed the commotion around him. People were looking towards something. Everyone was staring at the big screen hanging on the ceiling. Usually, it would be an airline advertisement but now it was showing the news. A live-streamed one.

“Breaking news, we are here live at Essex County Country Club. As you can see in the sky, there’s a huge crack similar to the one in other major cities. What are we seeing here? Is it the same? Or our fate is similar to New York City? Is this, the end of New Jersey?”

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