Jason left through the door ignoring the woman’s plea. His eyes already scanned the gigantic boar in front of him.

Steel-Tusk Boar

A bigger Suidae mammal than the Iron-Bristle Pig, its muscle denser and stronger than its domestic counterpart. One can easily find the presence of this creature when there’s a team of Iron-Bristle Pig, the Steel-Tusk Boar acts as the guardian of the pigs. Their size easily reached three meters in height and in special cases, one might find a four-meter pig. Their favorite past time is sharpening their tusks over the big slab iron ore.

Species: Suidae Mammals

Level : 18

Elemental Weakness : Fire

S.Ability : Reckless Charge, Impaling Tusk

This creature wasn’t a threat to him as he smirked. The bow in his hand let loose three glowing arrows piercing straight at the boar’s head. But it didn’t stop, it kept on charging straight like a frenzy rabid dog.

Jason leaped in the air dodging the charge as once again, his bow shot three glowing arrows right on its back.

“Triple Strafe,” he said as his hand was busied shooting the glowing arrows.

Inches away from the open door, the boar fell on its knees as the life within its body was no longer there. The brunette hair woman yelped out of fear seeing the boar up close but after realizing it was dead, she was dumbfounded.

“It’s dead?” said the brunette haired woman.

“He really is unbelievable,” said Esther as he watched the white glowing arrows jutting out of the dead boar’s body.

“Are you hurt?” Hakeem asked.

The brunette hair woman glanced at Hakeem who was tall, she felt daunted facing the tall man in front of her but seeing that smile on his face made her wariness diminished a bit.

She checked herself top to bottom, she was riddled with cuts and bruises but other than that there was nothing serious.

“I’m fine, thank you for saving me,” she said.

“You’re thanking the wrong person,” said Hakeem as he glanced at the door.

A man walked in with his back straight and demeanor nonchalant like strolling inside a park.

“Coast is clear, let’s move up,” said Jason.

“What about her?” Hakeem asked.

“Leave her, she’s deadweight,” said Jason.

“No! You can’t leave me here!” the brunette hair woman turned frantic hearing such cold words from this Asian man.

“Dude, that’s cold,” said Hakeem as he didn’t expect Jason to behave like this.

“I disagree, she’s following us,” said Esther as she glared at Jason.

“Then I’m ditching you guys,” said Jason as he turned around and left like it didn’t matter to him.

“Wait, you can’t be serious?” Esther asked.

“No, you’re the one who’s not serious,” Jason turned back facing his sister. He stared right into her eyes. “The place we’re going is filled with monsters and this woman here is only going to be a liability.”

“But dude she’s-” Hakeem wanted to chime in as he felt like it was inhumane to left her alone, but Jason cut him off.

“You guys are not getting this, I went through New York and you guys did not. These kind of people are the one who’s going to be the reason you are dead,” said Jason while pointing at the brunette haired woman.

Hakeem and Esther fell silent. The brunette hair woman glanced around at these two hoping for them to stand up for her. But the silence only prolonged the hopeless hope, then she noticed the clothes they were wearing.

“Aren’t you the police? You’re supposed to help us,” she said as she desperately hoped to be saved.

“Shut up before I shoot an arrow through your head,” said Jason as his words left her stammering in fear.

“Dude!” Hakeem said staring at Jason, he didn’t think Jason would behave like this. Even Esther was displeased by how Jason was acting.

But none of them knew that Jason was furious at this whole situation, he was hoping to build up these two as reliable comrades but this woman was a pain in the ass.

“Please don’t leave me,” said the brunette hair woman as she latched herself to Hakeem’s leg.

Hakeem looked at her in pity, he too knew of what this person had gone through. He remembered the time when he followed Jason into the Kawartha Park and it was clear that at that time he was a burden to Jason. He knew Jason wasn’t wrong but leaving this poor soul alone made him felt guilty.

“I’ll stay with her,” said Hakeem. He decided it would be best to bring her to safety.

“No, you’re not,” said Jason. Hakeem and Esther stared at Jason in disbelief, this person that they knew really had changed.

“This place is at the border of the city, she can just walk back down the road and out from the city,” Jason said. Although he could just go solo but he needed to groom Hakeem to be reliable on his own.

“Can’t you see dude? She’s caught up in this shit and she didn’t even ask for it. We’ve got to help her,” said Hakeem.

Jason sighed as he massaged his temple.

“Look here, this woman here didn’t come alone. The rest of them had already turned into bloody mush. From the way I see it, she’s the one who brought the shit to her,” said Jason.

Hakeem and Esther glanced at the brunette woman.

“Is this true?” Esther asked.

The brunette hair woman nodded.

“But why?” Esther asked.

The brunette hair woman glanced at these two not knowing how to answer them both.

“She and the rest of her dead gang are probably here because of the Awaken,” said Jason as the bubble had been popped.

“What? But why?” asked Esther as she didn’t understand.

Hakeem stood silent as he knew what Jason meant.

“You’re probably one of those twitch gamer girl streamers trying to make it big with the whole Awaken thing aren’t you,” said Jason.

“No!” she shouted. “I’m not what you think I am,” she said.

“My boyfriend brings me along with his friends, he said he’s going to be the Canadian Scarlet Battle Maiden, the leading man of Canada,” she said.

Her boyfriend was overly ambitious and Jason wasn’t impressed.

The Scarlet Battle Maiden? Bryce really hit it big. Hmm, I think I should ask some royalty from her since 99% percent of her success is because of my stolen skill.

Jason was already thinking about how to profit from the questionable ten million debt incurred on Bryce. If Bryce knew of this, then she would have broken in tears.

“Then where is he now?” asked Esther.

“He ran away,” said the woman as her eyes were hatefully glaring at the dirt as the thought of her boyfriend was enough to infuriate her.

“What?!” Esther was surprised.

“That piece of shit left using me and his own friends as meat shields,” said the woman.

“Well you did go to bed with that piece of shit,” Jason chimed in and his words were like daggers piercing through the heart at the brunette haired woman.

She realized from the beginning that her boyfriend which was now ex did have a jerk-like attitude but she didn’t think he would leave her like that. She thought he loved her as she couldn’t deny the sweet whispers she heard every night but now the love she had for him broken into a million pieces and what left was only hatred.

“Jason!” said Esther, prompting Jason to stopped rubbing on the brunette hair woman’s wounds.

“Even so, we can’t leave her like this,” said Hakeem as he just couldn’t do it even after listening to the ridiculous reason of her coming here.

“Fine,” Jason said. “You two stay here and keep an eye out for any monsters, if you think you can fight, just lure one of them to fight.”

“Where are you going?” Hakeem asked.

“I’m getting tired of this, just stay here,” said Jason. He walked up to the brunette hair woman and grabbed her by the waist.

Then he left.

The brunette hair woman was feeling nauseated as she saw the scene around her like a blur. The man who was carrying her was running like crazy, she thought she was riding on a motorbike.

Fifteen minutes later, they were far away from the city edges. The brunette hair woman stood on the empty highway as she looked around in confusion.

“You can walk along the road through this way,” Jason said.

“You’re going to leave me here?” she looked around the empty highway with everything else pitch blank. She couldn’t help but be afraid.

Jason didn’t say a thing as he vanished into thin air leaving the woman who kept on shouting for him. He had no time for a useless things like the woman, he came here to get himself stronger and he was going to do just that as he saw something.

After running for a distance, he found a team of Iron-Bristle pigs. He smiled as he saw them as just a bunch of easy experience. They were at the opposite road of where Jason had traveled and thus he didn’t notice their presence, it seemed the monsters were crawling further into the domains of humans.

She better run if she doesn’t want to die.

He thought about that woman from before. If she has a bright mind than she would have started running by now, who knows when these monsters would catch up to her.

Jason turned invisible and decimated the whole team of Iron-Bristle pigs as he smiled at what he had gained.

Basic Blunt Weapon Mastery level up to level 4

The grip on his oaken mallet tightened as the sense of getting stronger was fueling his determination. He ran back as he couldn’t wait to rendezvous with the team.

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