Four black SUV driving on the road and the middle one swerved a bit before returning to normal. While inside, the situation was far from normal.

“Drop the gun!”

“Drop the gun!”

Two black suit men were shouting at the newly emerged Jason. They were shouting the same thing over and over again since their superior was being held at gunpoint.

Howard was nervous as shit but he tried to appear strong, a facade that he had developed in this line of work. Showing weakness wasn’t an option. Howard raised up his hand signaling to the two people beside him to be quiet.

“Jason Park, what you are doing right now is a big mistake. This action alone is worthy of being imprisoned no less than twenty-years minimum if I were you I will surrender and accept whatever punishment,” Howard said as his tone was calm and collected worthy to be one of the most experienced in his line of work. His subtle threat was how he made the perpetrator give in but right now, he wasn’t facing a normal convict.

“The mistake right now is you lots touching both of my parents and that’s a big no-no,” Jason said while pressing the muzzle of the gun into Howard’s temple.

“Drop the gun you narrow eye bastard!” said one of the agents beside Howard.

Jason glanced at him with a glare.

“Tell your subordinate if he spouts any racist nonsense, I’m going to put a bullet in his head,” said Jason.

“You don’t understand Jason Park, you’re not the one in power right now. Two guns are aiming at you at point-blank range and even if you have confidence with that flimsy energy guard of yours, a spray of bullets will be enough to cost your life. So be a good chap and surrender,” said Howard as he still thought that he had the upper-hand. He had intel regarding the Awakened abilities, those who were under the military had their ability tested and one of the most intriguing about them was the defensive barrier they had.

Howard believed the energy guard was too fragile to act as a defense mechanism. In his opinion, even a kevlar vest was more useful.

“Listen and fucking drop the gun you yellow mon-” the one who spouted racial slur at Jason had his words cut off with a bang.


A loud gunshot reverberated inside the SUV as the driver once more swerved the vehicle a bit before regaining balance. Meanwhile, Howard couldn’t believe it. The maniacal man really did shot one of his agents.

The one to his right was dead with a bullet hole in his head. The one on his left was enough to know how to respond to such aggressive action.

The agent to Howard’s left shot Jason in the head but there was only a shimmer of pale whiteness over Jason’s head as the shot didn’t do a thing to him.


Jason shot another round, leaving another one dead. Howard to his left and saw one of his agents once more dead. Now, he felt nervous as hell. The man who was dubbed as the Invisible Man went beyond the line as he killed without batting an eye. Howard thought he could put Jason in line with his words since he read the reports from team gamma and alpha that they did not sustain any injury upon contact with the Invisible Man. Right now he was regretting how narrow-minded his thought was.

“Hold on, we can discuss this,” said Howard as right now he feared for his own life.

The agent who sat beside the driver was aiming his gun at Jason’s head. He too felt nervous after seeing two of his colleagues were dead. The agent who was driving was the most nervous since he could only glance through the back mirror while maintaining focus on the road.

“If you kill any more of us, your punishment won’t be light Jason Park. You should consider your future action, think about your parents, they wouldn’t want to see you like this,” said Howard trying to play the blame game.

“Say one more word about my parents, I’m gonna put a hole in your head,” said Jason.

Howard gulped down as he couldn’t shake off the nervousness. His hand, on the other hand, was sending an S.O.S message to his superior. He did it in his own pocket, a skill he had learned in case something like this happened.

Then the phone of the agent on the passenger seat rang. The inside of the car turned to silence as every eye was on the agent who had his phone ringing.

“Pick it up,” said Howard to his subordinate.

The agent didn’t leave his aim out of Jason as his other free hand picked up the call. After listening to it a bit, he then turned on the speaker mode. Then a voice came.

“Jason Park, this isn’t the time for meaningless killing. Our country is being invaded and you’re supposed to help the country like the rest of the Awakened. Stop your action and your punishment will be light,” said the one calling.

“You don’t even bother introducing yourself and you think I’ll follow your words? Don’t be so arrogant,” said Jason.

“This is the Director of CSIS, Sheldon Fowler speaking. Again I’m reminding you, stand down,” said Sheldon.

Howard didn’t think that even the director got involved with this. He thought that at least his boss would take control of the situation but it seemed the big boss had come to the rescue.

“Unfortunately, I won’t stand down. Your men really don’t know ethics and so I thought about giving a lesson about it,” said Jason.

Howard couldn’t believe it. This Jason was a madman, he didn’t even back down even when the director politely asking him to back down.

“Let me remind you Mr.Park, you have stolen government property and we thought about being lenient with you by waving off the punishment if you join in the fight of stopping the invasion, but if you go any further we won’t hesitate to take you down,” said Sheldon with confidence.

“Wow, that’s just wow, I’m speechless,” said Jason all of a sudden.

“You guys thought about coercing me into fighting the monster while branding me like a criminal?” Jason guessed it right.

“I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I’m disappointed with you lots. Even the Americans know how to attract the Awakened into their circle but you lots? Man, this is hilarious. I guess even that orange tan POTUS has a brighter mind than you people,” said Jason while dishing out some critics at the governing body.

Jason let out a dry laugh all by his own ignoring the current situation. The people who were in the SUV were dumbfounded by his unstable actions. Howard was reaching the limit of his anxiety and he was an inch close from peeing himself, having his life in the hand of a maniac didn’t seem promising.

“Haha, enough of this charade. Here are your options, I will help you guys out but the condition is I want every single person who raided my house to have both of their arms chop up, and the second option, if you refuse and implicate my family, I have no choice to kill every single one of you, including you Mr.Director,” said Jason.

Howard felt a little bit of his pee came out. This maniac man proclamation was too violent, rather than calling it options it was following his every whim.

“Is that a threat?” said Sheldon over the phone.

“You are really an idiot if you can’t discern a threat or not,” said Jason. His blatant mocking enraged and made people nervous about it.

Sheldon who was sitting at his office desk slammed his fist on the desk out of anger. He had been holding to his position as the director for quite a long time and never did anyone threatened him in such a way. In his eyes, Jason was just a lamb who only knew a bit of power unlike him who held a different kind of power, a power that justified himself as the law.

“Mark my words Jason Park I…” Sheldon's words cut off as another phone started ringing.

This time it was the driver’s phone.

“What is that?” shouted Sheldon over the speaker.

The driver tried to neglect the phone call but a glance at the screen told him something else. He picked it up and heard the caller. He then passed the phone to the agent at the passenger seat.

The agent was bewildered.

“Put it on speaker,” said the driver.

The agent followed suit and the moment the speaker was on, a husky voice permeated in the air.

“We will accept your demands Mr.Park and we’ll be sure to give you more rewarding benefits,” said the new caller.

“Who is that? Who is speaking?” Sheldon asked bewildered by the new voice.

“Oh, Sheldon, high and mighty in that seat of yours. You’re more fouler than your own name,” said this new caller as he started to mocking the director of CSIS.

“Who are you? Mocking me will be your biggest mistake,” said Sheldon.

Jason who was hearing this was baffled by the sudden argument over the loudspeaker.

“It’s me Neil, Neil Stinson,” said Neil.

“Neil? But how did…” again Sheldon was cut off by this new person called Neil.

“Mr.Park, how is it? I’ve accepted your proposal,” said Neil.

“and you are?” Jason asked.

“Lieutenant-colonel Neil Stinson, commanding officer of the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service,” he introduced himself as the big boss of the intelligence agency under the military.

“Neil! This is not under your jurisdiction, you are not…” Neil cut him off.

“Stop there for a second Sheldon. You’re embarrassing us in front of a civilian, both you and I know that the artifact is under the protection of the Canadian Armed Forces and since the artifact has been given to its rightful owner I don’t see Mr.Park here under any violation of the law,” said Neil.

Sheldon Fowler couldn’t stand this man, who was known to be a thorn in his eyes. At first, he thought about gaining credit over gaining a capable Awakened for the country but now this man cut that path off.

“He killed two of our agents, he should be put…” again as if it was a routine, Neil cut him off.

“An act of self-defense, you guys did raid his house without a warrant. So if you are asking me, the one who is at fault is here you Director Sheldon Fouler,” said Neil. Like putting an icing on the cake he even deliberately messed up Sheldon’s last name.

“You can’t get away with this Neil, you can’t…”

Then the black SUV suddenly stopped. The agent who was holding on to the phone accidentally hung up on Director Sheldon. Jason glanced at the front and saw another black vehicle blocking the SUV. Then the door suddenly opened.

Jason traced his eyes to the person donned in a service military uniform. The soldier gave a salute.

“Greetings Mr.Park, sir. Our CO, Lieutenant-colonel Neil Stinson invites to see you, sir,” said the soldier.

“But what about my request?” Jason asked.

“Don’t worry Mr.Park, we will gather these vermins at the base and you will see it first hand,” said Neil over the phone.

Jason smirked seeing how the situation suddenly changed. He never thought there was such hostility even between government agencies.

Jason followed the soldier and ride inside a bigger SUV befitting for something that belongs to the military.

Meanwhile, Howard was shaking in his boots as to his left and right were soldiers and right now, his destination was none other than the headquarters of CFNIS.

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