Sati, Ike's faithful maid, is a bit of an outlier.

She's a natural, so to speak, and sometimes behaves in a lopsided manner.

For example, one day when she was out shopping in the city, she behaved like this.

Sati heads to a butcher shop in the marketplace to give her favorite master, Ike, a home-cooked meal.

However, the owner of the butcher shop is an immigrant from a foreign country, and he doesn't speak the language of this country.

The butcher's main customers are foreigners.

Normally I would have changed shops, but Satie was undeterred and decided to buy the meat with a gesture.

The meat here is famous all over the world for its deliciousness.

First, I wanted to make beef tongue stew, so I stuck out my tongue to the owner.

The owner understood, and gave me some of his fine beef tongue.

I was able to serve Ike a delicious tongue stew that night.

The next week, Satie went out to buy chicken breasts to make sautéed chicken.

Satie pointed to her breasts, even flushing a little.

However, it was difficult for the shopkeeper to understand her intentions. She couldn't help herself, so she bared her breast and pointed to it, imitating the bird's cries.

The proprietor smirked at Satie's chest and gave her the chicken breast.

That night, Ike ate the delicious sautéed chicken.

Also the following week, Sati went to the market to make fried chicken for Ike.

The owner was grinning from the start.

Sati lightly rolls up her skirt to get the chicken thighs to give away.

To show the thighs out of the skirt - but not to lift the hem to greet them.

Sati greeted him with a 'nice to meet you' and ordered the bird thighs in a fluent foreign language.


The shopkeeper is taken aback.

Sati asked Ike to do her a favor and borrow the ring of the "exotic translation".

Satie receives a chicken thigh from the owner and brings it back to the mansion, where she serves the juicy, hot fried chicken to her beloved Ike.

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