“I don’t want to rot my abilities just because I am a woman, and I also have… financial problems,” Arhin answered hesitantly.

“Do you know? That this special recruitment gives a living allowance.”

“I do.”

Arhin sighed softly.

She was worried that her actions would be taken as an immature noble lady’s prank, but she herself had no words to clear up the misunderstanding. No, she had no reason to do so even if she had.

This is because there is such a difference in status that she and he would never encounter again if this time went well.

“I already know how dangerous it is. The reason I applied while hiding my identity is that becoming a knight is my dream. If you are going to punish me for it, I will gladly accept it.”

“Well, the Knights have never asked about gender, and you have never said you are a man, so I have no intention of punishing you.”

“……thank you.”

“It’s a little disrespectful to lie about your name, but let’s just think of it as a stage name and move on.”

“Thank you!”

“It is true that your skill is very good, but do you know the difference between mercenaries and knights?”


Arhin answered hesitantly. However, judging from his cold expression, it seems that her answer was wrong.

“Mercenaries can never have honor and loyalty, Aaron. Are you ready to risk your honor and be loyal to the Marquis of Berth and the Emperor?”

‘Risk your honor and be loyal…….’

She took the knight test without much thought, but when she heard that, she felt the loyalty she never had suddenly emerge.

For some reason, I feel like I should kneel down right now.

Arhin gulped down.

“Yes! Now my body belongs to the Marquis!”


Instead of kneeling, Arhin placed her right hand on her left chest and pledged her allegiance as a knight. That too with a pretty serious expression.

Ruby was briefly speechless at Arhin’s words of dedication.

‘It seems the Marquis quite likes what I said.’

What she wanted to express accurately was that her body belonged to the Berth Knights, the Marquis, and the Emperor, but somehow the content was shortened.

But it doesn’t matter. As long as they have the same meaning.

“……now call me captain, not marquis. You may go back now.”

“Thank you.”

Arhin’s mouth twitched.

‘Does that mean I’m accepted?’

The corners of her lips slowly rose upwards. She hurriedly bowed her head and bowed deeply.

‘Yeah! I’m a real knight now!’

Arhin, who was heading towards the entrance with a light step, was hesitant. Then he stood still as if contemplating something and quietly looked back.

Things seemed to work out well, but she wasn’t happy. Because there was one problem left.

Arhin hesitated for a moment, then spoke, “Well, I don’t think I can tell you if it’s not now.”


“I’m so sorry for the rudeness of the other day, the shameless thing I did at the party.”


Ruby fell silent. He had a slightly flustered expression, which was rare. He didn’t expect that Arhin would bring up that topic first.

But Arhin isn’t good at reading people’s expressions. Especially in a tense situation like now.

“It was not your first time, was it? If so, I am really sorry.”

“No…… it was not.”

Arhin’s expression brightened considerably now.

“At that time, I was worried because your body was a little stiff like a stone……. I’m really glad that it was not your first time. Then I’ll take my leave now.”

Arhin walked out quickly with a more relaxed expression. Ruby, who was looking at her back without a word, buried himself deeply in the chair.

He covered his face with his palm and sighed softly.

“A stone…….”

A low voice echoed in the spacious hall. In an instant, a rather strong wind blew against the window, and the tree branches swayed to and fro.

The afternoon sun was dim outside the Knights building. The sun had already set.

Arhin was just happy. She moved his feet humming the most exciting song she could think of.

The paper in her hand fluttered in the wind. It was a guide sheet with the schedule until joining the Knights written on it.

‘Now I’m a knight, I can earn money, and my shameless behavior at the party is forgiven.’

It’s such a relief.

The moment she felt light as if her body would fly away in such a happy reality, something attacked her and hugged her from the back of her neck.

The familiar scent of roses lingered on the tip of her nose.


Arhin turned around and hugged Deborah, who was hanging around her neck.

She was worried because she couldn’t even say goodbye properly, but she never thought her friend would come to her like this.

It was obvious that the nag bomb of hers would fall, but she was so happy for now.

She smiled and rubbed her cheek against Deborah’s head. A warm atmosphere flowed between the two, like lovers who met after being separated for several years.

Soon, Deborah’s shrill voice came out.

“What the hell are you doing? Huh?! ……have you met Marquis Berth?”

“Yes, we met.”

“Then, did he notice that you are the girl at the party and that you are not a man?”

“Yes, he did. I am confident now!”

Arhin hugged Deborah tightly and smiled bashfully. Deborah must have known who her first kiss was. That’s why she rushed to meet her like this.

Arhin is just in a good mood.

She hugged her friend even tighter once more before finally letting her go. Deborah patted her dress which was a little wrinkled from Arhin’s tight hug.

Deborah expected something big to happen, but was it just her illusion?

If Arhin is jailed, she will release her on bail, and if she is in danger, she will assign a competent lawyer.

But nothing happened. She was very grateful but also found it interesting.

The two of them walked towards Arhin’s inn. Deborah’s carriage followed slowly.

After the sun had set, the luminous stones began to shine in the narrow streets.

“Arhin, how could you leave without telling me?”

“Because you would definitely stop me.”

“That’s true, but still…….”

Deborah sighed softly.

She remembered the contents of the letter Arhin sent; her marriage to the Count, the baron’s downfall, and her choice to become a knight. Arhin always exceeds her expectations.

The narrow alley became even narrower. Now the carriage could not even follow and stood at the entrance waiting.

“I’m glad the Marquis understands, otherwise you’d be now…… ugh, I hate to think about it.”

“I know. It’s a good thing he’s not someone like Count Amu.”

“You might have become a one-armed knight.”

“Marquis, no, the captain seems like a good person. I will try my best.”

A dim light slid over Arhin’s serious profile. Deborah watched her face silently.

I can’t stop her when she makes that expression.

Deborah pouted her mouth slightly.

If she becomes a knight, it means I won’t see her often in the future. It was Arhin’s choice, but why am I so sad?

For some reason, the feeling of losing her friend made her feel a little depressed.

Whether Arhin knew Deborah’s feelings or not, she hugged her shoulders and moved her legs in big steps.

“I’m hungry, so let’s take a bath and have dinner first. I’ll take your inn after that.”

Arhin winked mischievously at Deborah.

Soon, they arrived at Arhin’s inn; the sign is tilted to the left and the entrance is made of cracked wooden boards. Deborah was at a loss for words.

“Arhin, you don’t have any money?”


“Let’s move to my inn. I’ll pay for it.”

“No. I’m tired of unpacking again.”


In front of them is an inn that is by no means luxurious in appearance. Who would imagine that a noble lady would stay at an inn like this?

Arhin’s behavior is not always like that of any other young lady. Come to think of it, she’s been like that since she was a kid.

Even when Deborah’s family was still an ordinary merchant and not as rich as they are now, Arhin smiled kindly like this. She also ran around the neighborhood, shoulder to shoulder with Aaron, a blacksmith who is a commoner.

Maybe that’s why it’s possible. Being able to stay at an inn with a tilted sign while wearing a baggy shirt and pants just because she joined the Knights.


Deborah couldn’t hide her sigh.

An evening that was infinitely pleasant for Arhin and a little unsettling for Deborah was over.

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