Yuhuang Mountain Manor.

Ji Pingtian, as well as Hong Chuan, the president of the Jishihui who had escaped before and was summoned by him again, and many martial saints including Kong Fang, Zong Yan, Ren Ziliu, etc., stood at the entrance of the manor, looking forward to it.

When they saw the car driving at the foot of the mountain and the convoy guarding the car, the martial saints and divine martial saints all became excited.

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“Here he comes!”

“Speaker Yaoguang is here!”

“He actually came back safely, broke into the Red Star Palace and escaped unscathed, such a feat is really incredible!”

These people who can be called overlords in the local area, at this moment, did not have the arrogance that big people should have, and their performance was not much better than some ordinary people.

Especially when the car stopped, Zong Yan was the first to step forward and open the door.

The remaining few people were a few steps slower, but when Yaoguang got off the car, they also surrounded him immediately.

"Speaker Yaoguang..."

Several people greeted him.

Yaoguang nodded at them: "Here we are."

Then he looked at Hongchuan and several martial saints who came with Hongchuan or were summoned by Ji Pingtian: "There are a few new friends."

"This is Zhou Changfeng, the martial saint of the God Realm of Hailang Kingdom, and Ye Longxing, the martial saint of the God Realm of Baihua Kingdom..."

Ji Pingtian introduced them quickly, and then said: "Hailangguo and Baihua Kingdom have been bullied by Chixing for many years, and have even taken the initiative to raise the banner of fighting against Chixing. After hearing about your deeds, President Yaoguang, they took the initiative to contact us immediately..."

Zhou Changfeng and Ye Longxing immediately stepped forward and said solemnly: "From now on, Hailang Kingdom will follow the orders of President Yaoguang."

"If we want to go to war with Chixing, Baihua Kingdom is willing to fight for President Yaoguang until the last man."

"You are too polite."

Yaoguang said.

These two people...

It is estimated that they are the other two gods that the countries in the Middle East can gather.

Perhaps there are one or two gods hidden, but even if they are included, there are six or seven gods, which is more than a little bit less than Red Star.

The number is less than 30% of Red Star, and each god has his own interests. No wonder it has never had any impact on Red Star's rule in the two continents.

"In the past few days, the thunderous counterattack given to Red Star by President Yaoguang has caused a huge response in the two Middle East continents. Everyone has seen the hope of fighting against Red Star's tyranny. As long as Mr. Yaoguang raises his arm, all the countries in the Middle East will unite and completely expel the invaders of the Red Star Empire."

Ji Pingtian and Hong Chuan said in a deep voice.

"The time is not ripe yet."

Yaoguang said calmly: "As the ancient overlord of the world, Chixing has ruled this land for hundreds of years. Its foundation and strength are far beyond imagination. It is not wise to openly fight against Chixing now."

He wanted to create a relatively safe environment to ensure his own safety, but he did not mean to fight Chixing to death now.

After all...

"Lord Yaoguang said prudently."

Kong Fang on the side said: "Under the true fire of the sun, no one can stop it."

These words also calmed down the hopeful people a little.

Ji Pingtian even said: "We know that it is not realistic to fight against Chixing, who controls the Great Sun True Fire, but we believe that under the leadership of President Yaoguang, it will not be long before we will be qualified to fight against Chixing head-on..."

"Now is enough."

Yaoguang said: "We can issue an ultimatum now to let Chixing recognize the independence and autonomy of various countries in the two Middle Eastern continents. The next step is to ask Chixing to withdraw its troops from various countries."

He glanced at Ji Pingtian: "My move this time undoubtedly proves to the top leaders of Chixing that we already have the ability to destroy each other. If so, we are naturally qualified for equal dialogue."

Mutual destruction!

This is the basis for all peace talks.

Ji Pingtian, Hongchuan and others nodded heavily.

I agree with this statement very much.

Be it the previous Jishihui or the Middle Eastern countries, they could not cause any damage to the ruling class of Chixing at all.

You can't hurt the other party, but the other party can easily overthrow your regime. What equality can there be between the two sides?

But now, as Yaoguang completed the assassination of the Red Star Emperor and left calmly under the obstruction of Lei Ting and others...

The situation has changed.

"Regarding the union of the two continents in the Middle East..."

Yaoguang paused and glanced at Ji Pingtian, Hongchuan and others: "I don't want the situation of Jishihui to happen again, so we must not follow the Jishihui's set. You go to sort out a charter. If the charter is suitable, promote it to the Middle Eastern countries. If the countries agree, they will choose to join and abide by the system. If they disagree, we will not force them."

"Not forced?"

Ji Pingtian was stunned: "In this case, many people will choose to be fence-sitters and waver..."

Hongchuan also nodded: "The tragedy of the collapse of Jishihui must not be repeated. Why not let the countries make a choice between Red Star and us, either Red Star or..."

"It doesn't matter."

Yaoguang waved his hand.

He doesn't have so much time and energy to care about the countries in the Middle East with different thoughts.

What's more...

The world's class is inevitable.

When some people enjoy themselves, naturally others will take their place and work hard without complaint.

The same is true for countries in the Middle East.

I don’t want to take risks, but I also want to enjoy various benefits. How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Ji Pingtian and Hongchuan heard what Yaoguang said and gradually guessed this idea.

Only by contrast can they better maintain the unity of their alliance.

Thinking of this, the two of them stopped talking on this topic.

They have their own goals and beliefs, but they are not pure idealists.

The truly pure idealists have died long ago and cannot grow to their level.

"Speaker Yaoguang, it is inappropriate to use Jishihui for our newly established alliance. This alliance will definitely have you, Speaker Yaoguang, as its core in the future. Please give this alliance a name..."

Hongchuan said in a requesting tone.

"Why not do it in one step? Wouldn't it be more efficient to establish a unified country?"

Yaoguang said: "There are thirty-nine countries of some importance in the two continents in the Middle East. If they are all united, they will form a behemoth covering an area of ​​more than 40 million square kilometers and a population of 3.6 billion. At that time, it will be considered Really have the capital to fight against Red Star and Snow Dragon.”

As soon as these words came out, Hong Chuan, Ji Pingtian, and the two Divine Martial Saints Ye Longxing and Zhou Changfeng were stunned on the spot.

After a while, the few of them began to think a little.

"Build a unified country..."

Hongchuan asked tentatively: "If we follow the path of a unified country, what political system does Speaker Yaoguang intend to use? A federal parliamentary system, a constitutional monarchy, or a centralized system..."

He did not mention absolute monarchy.

Clearly, they are not ready for this system.

As for the fluctuating light…

He personally prefers centralization.

This system is extremely efficient in executing government orders.


Once this system was implemented, he was the first centralized monarch.

And it is impossible for him to give this power to others.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have that much time to deal with all kinds of trivial matters.

In this case, a constitutional monarchy is the best choice.

In a world that combines thousands of great forces, as long as it remains strong enough, there is no difference between a constitutional monarchy or a centralized system, including an autocratic monarchy.

"A constitutional monarch forms a cabinet, the monarch supervises the work of the government, and forms a parliament to legislate."

Yaoguang said and paused: "The general framework is based on the Kingdom of Yu, and the details will be further improved."

After speaking, he said directly: "This is my personal idea. If other countries in Central and Eastern Asia cannot accept it... Dayu has a population of 300 million. Just relying on the potential of Dayu alone, it may not be hopeless to develop into the third pole of the world. "

Yaoguang's words made everyone in the venue look at each other.

They thought about it one by one, quickly digesting the news and the possibilities behind it.

After a while, Hong Chuan said tentatively: "The road should be taken step by step, or should we start by forming an alliance?"

After all, once they join this newly formed empire, many high-ranking royal families and royal families will become families that look up to others. Not all countries may accept this condition.

"Ji Shi Hui can promote this matter, and you can also promote me as a member of Ji Shi Hui as a gimmick, but on my side, I will promote the reform of Dayu Kingdom."

Fluctlight doesn't mince words.

After hearing this, Hongchuan nodded solemnly: "I will contact the heads of state and inquire about their attitude."

Ji Pingtian quickly made a decision: "I will convince the White Tower Federation to merge with the Kingdom of Dayu."

He was born in the White Tower Federation, and he also represents the interests of this country in the World Aid Society.

This decisiveness shocked Hong Chuan, Ye Longxing, Zhou Changfeng and others.

At the same time, there was more or less a sense of tension: "We are going to run around and pull together the alliances of the two continents in the Middle East to fight against Red Star."

"Go ahead."

Yaoguang said, and added: "In addition, I need some things. These things... can also be considered as increasing their sunk costs, so as not to be like last time, when the pressure from Red Star came, all countries dispersed."

Hong Chuan immediately promised: "As long as we can get any materials that Speaker Yaoguang wants, we will do our best to get them."

Since the increase in experience brought by "money" is no longer significant, the amount required to break the [Martial Arts] level limit is astronomical. Yaoguang said bluntly: "Magical weapons, spiritual training materials, everything is fine."

After speaking, he said ambiguously: "The specific number will be determined by each country. It's time to reflect their attitude."


Hongchuan felt a little headache after hearing this.

What is attitude?

Such unclear requirements are often the most troublesome...

However, considering that if all countries can join the alliance led by Jishihui, it is basically equivalent to getting rid of the bullying of the Red Star Empire, and it is reasonable to show a little sincerity. At the moment, he nodded: "I understand, they really should take an attitude that satisfies you.”

After saying that, he added: "The same is true for Jishihui."

Yaoguang nodded and said nothing more.

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