"Master Lu."

Yaoguang said: "This is our first time meeting."

"During this period, various places are in need of work. At the same time, we need to increase efforts to maintain stability in various places. There are so many busy things that I failed to visit Speaker Yaoguang as soon as possible. This is my fault."

Lu Tianhe, the Martial Saint, has a very upright attitude.

"It doesn't matter. You have done a good job in preventing any riots in all the major provinces of Dayu Kingdom."

Yaoguang said.

As he spoke, he had already led everyone to the conference room.

But when he was about to enter the conference room, Lei Yun came over and said, "The head of the family is here."

Yaoguang paused and said to Lu Tianhe and others: "You go in first."

At that moment, he turned around and came to the entrance of the villa again.

He doesn't have to do this.

No one will feel wrong.

Still, he did it.

Corporal courtesy.

Soon, Su Chiming got out of the car, escorted by Su Hua, who had become a master.

Also getting off the bus with him was Lin Xia, who had been transferred to Su Yaoyu after handing over the Buzhou Group to Su Yaoyu and continued to handle all matters with him.

Seeing the fluctuating light again, the woman who served as the Secretary General of the Secretary's Office was obviously in a trance.

Even though they hadn't seen each other for only a few months, seeing the fluctuating light again...

There was already a feeling in her heart that was like a world away.

After all, the last time they met, he borrowed the group's venue to hold a meeting with representatives of the nine major families, but this time...

He suddenly became the controller of the Kingdom of Dayu! ?

Especially the international situation and news...

He seems to have walked out of the Kingdom of Dayu, even out of Central Continent, and reached out to the Red Star Empire in the center of the world! ?

"Flucculant, what's going on?"

Su Chiming asked immediately when he saw Yao Guang: "The people led by Kong Fang seem to be working with the Snow Dragon Federation to encircle and suppress the Red Star forces. With the royal capital as the center, they are spreading in all directions to occupy the entire Red Star Empire?"


Yaoguang responded: "You have to be prepared, we may have to change places."

A sense of disbelief suddenly appeared in Su Chiming's eyes: "You don't want to tell me... after jumping from the Tiannan capital to the capital of Dayu, the next step is for you to jump directly to the Scarlet Star capital, right?"

"It's not impossible if you're prepared."

Yaoguang smiled and replied.


As soon as these words came out, Su Chiming felt as if his brain had been hit by a hammer. There was a roar, and for a while, he could no longer hear any sounds from the outside world.

After a while, he opened his eyes wide and looked at Fluctlight, who was smiling and didn't seem to be joking, and then...

His throat squirmed, and his voice suddenly became stuttering: "What...what does it mean to be ready...isn't it...not impossible?"

"That's what you understand."

Yaoguang said: "I have an agreement with Xue Long. Not to mention other things, as long as you are ready, you can receive Red Star at any time."

Even though Su Chiming was mentally prepared, he still opened his mouth unconsciously after Yaoguang stated this fact in an extremely straightforward manner.

What did he want to say.

But in the end, I couldn't say a word.

When he met Yaoguang for the first time and confirmed that he was indeed a 19-year-old young master, he had already predicted that Yaoguang would lead the Su family to soar into the sky in the future, but he never expected that this would happen. Soaring into the sky, it can reach such an extent!

Just replace the Liao family and become the controller of Dayu, but the result...

He flew straight into the sky at high speed and never returned. Now, he is leading the Su family to replace Red Star and become the world's overlord! ?

World overlord!

Half a year ago, he was an old rich man who was about to retire in the capital of Tiannan. Now he is faced with the problem of stepping onto the world stage and considering world domination...

I wouldn't dare to think so in my wildest dreams.

This level jumps too fast.

Can't keep up.

Totally unable to keep up.

"Okay, let's talk about it inside."

Yaoguang said, leading Su Chiming, who was confused and unable to recover for a long time, into the conference room.

As soon as he entered the conference room, everyone stood up and looked at him.


Seeing this, Yaoguang pressed his hands on the representatives of the nine great families.

Immediately, representatives of the nine major families sat down one after another.

The assistants behind them also quickly took out their notebooks to record the contents of the meeting.

Yaoguang glanced at Lei Yun.

Soon she turned on the projector, and the map of the entire equipment breeding world appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The four continents of southeast, northwest and southeast, as well as the Central Continent where they are located.

The largest land among the five continents is Xizhou, which occupies more than one-third of the world's land.

The most prosperous economy is the North and South continents, to be precise, Beizhou.

This is Red Star Base Camp.

Under the management of this world hegemon, it has been the political and economic center of the world for hundreds of years.

The remaining two continents in the Middle East...

Central Continent is a little better, with two countries in the top ten economic rankings: Yu State and Baita. As for East Continent, it is called a third world country.

Although the area is not small, it is occupied by dozens of countries.

The larger of these countries are about the same size as the Kingdom of Yu, while the smaller ones only have a few million people.

Its internal development is also very poor and backward.

The annual GDP of some countries is only a few billion red star coins.

It's not as much as the annual profits of an unscrupulous group.

"When the situation in Red Star stabilizes, the Su family will take over Red Star."

As soon as Yaoguang opened his mouth, he bluntly answered everyone's most anticipated question.

As soon as these words came out, even though many people had received relevant news from all aspects, they still couldn't help but gasp.

Some people's eyes are even filled with disbelief.

"Being in charge of Red Star..."

Li Cunyu's heart trembled: "Xuelong will agree..."

"This is what we negotiated before taking action."

Yaoguang said calmly.

Jiang Sheng, Lu Tianhe, Li Cunyu, Xu Dengfeng and others looked at each other and couldn't help but think of Jiang Bairen, Jiang Banzi, Lei Lei and other Hunyuan Martial Saints who seemed to have disappeared during the Snow Dragon Empire operation.

Then think of the methods Yaoguang used to defeat the Liao family...

These people were all beheaded by Fluttering Light! ?

He is responsible for beheading the senior management of Scarlet Star, and the Snow Dragon Federation is responsible for ensuring the elimination of the Scarlet Star Jiang family and the control of the Scarlet Star Empire?



How is this possible! ?

Lu Tianhe suddenly thought of something, stood up, bowed cautiously and asked: "Excuse me, Speaker Yaoguang, have you...understood the mysteries of heaven and earth and stepped into the realm of heaven and man?"

Yaoguang glanced at the Lu family martial saint.

The response was pretty quick.

Although he has not yet formed the body of a celestial being, even if he and a celestial being like Sherborne were to fight head-on, he would definitely win in the end.


"You can understand it that way."

Fluctlight responded.

At this moment, all the masters and martial saints in the field became open-minded.


The fluctuating light has become a heavenly being!

The explanation makes sense.

This makes sense.

It is said that something happened to the heavenly beings in the Snow Dragon Federation. Maybe Yaoguang is the only heavenly being in the world today.

Enjoying this kind of treatment in front of the only heavenly being in the world...

It's so normal.

It can even be said that the Snow Dragon Federation is very aware of current affairs.

However, after understanding this, the eyes of everyone looking at Yaoguang became magical.


How come you became a celestial being so quickly?

Although he showed amazing combat power in the recent actions against the Liao family, in their perception, he was only at the level of a Divine Martial Saint.

How long has it been since then, heavenly being! ?

"I know the purpose of your trip..."

Yaoguang said: "But... if you want to benefit your respective families, you should show your abilities..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Tianhe immediately made a cautious statement: "From now on, everyone in the Lu family is willing to obey the orders of the Speaker."

On the other side, Jiang Sheng also reacted.

In fact, his reaction was faster and more thorough than that of the Lu family: "The Jiang family is willing to serve Speaker Yaoguang as the leader and become a subsidiary family of Speaker Yaoguang."

This decision to almost completely sell the family to Yaoguang made Lu Tianhe slightly startled.

But then he saw Yaoguang's young face and instantly realized something.


Twenty-year-old heavenly being!

Beings like this, even if they are placed in the Qi Sect, are important beings to cultivate. In the future, they are even expected to compete for the title of true disciple!

Whether he chooses to go to the Qi Sect in the future or stays in this world because of the blocked path, it can be foreseen that the entire world will be under his rule in the next few decades.

Although he is gaining momentum now, there are not many people around him available. If these families do not express their attitude now, in ten or twenty years, when the descendants of the Su family have grown up under his training, how can they still What's going on with their big families! ?

On the other hand, if they can seize this opportunity...

Although the Su family will be the mainstay, their future achievements will reach a level comparable to the twelve major Red Star nobles such as the Shangguan family, and will surpass the royal families of many countries.

After understanding this, Lu Tianhe immediately changed his mind: "The Lu family is also willing to serve Speaker Yaoguang as the leader and obey Speaker Yaoguang's orders."

The Jiang family and the Lu family both expressed their stance, and the remaining families were not slow to respond. They all spoke up to express their intention to surrender.

Suddenly, the well-divided meeting turned directly into a scene of allegiance.

This scene fell into the eyes of Su Chiming, who finally regained consciousness, and the corner of his mouth twitched...

I can’t keep up, I can’t keep up at all.

At this moment, he wanted to post a post and ask online.

What it feels like to be carried away by your grandson.

What kind of experience is it like to wake up and become the head of the world's number one family?

Yaoguang didn't know what Su Chiming was thinking about at the moment.

Although he was a little surprised that these aristocratic families were so self-conscious, now was indeed the time to employ people. Before the people of the Su family had grown up, he still had to use some external forces to maintain his rule over Dayu and Red Star.

Therefore, he did not reject the allegiance of these families.

With the complete surrender of these aristocratic families, and under the leadership of the Su family, the Kingdom of Dayu will undergo earth-shaking changes. After some discussion, everyone decided to change the name of the country.

Following Yaoguang's suggestion, the new country's name was Xia Yu.

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