Taiwan Novel Network→𝗍𝗐𝗄𝖺𝗇.𝖼𝗈𝗆

Zixiao courtyard.

"Palace Master Zhao, Elder Zhang, Master Wei, Master Lu."

Yaoguang took Yunlai to welcome the arrival of this group of people.

"Haha, Lord Yaoguang, this time we are specially here to congratulate you."

Zhao He's face was full of joy: "Since our sword cultivator completed the change last month and officially patrolled the waters of Whispering Island, we have encountered the Xuanming Sect sword cultivator team sixteen times. Sixteen encounters, each time, we have won a comprehensive victory. ...The worst is to escape intact! As long as our Yuanshen realm monks provide long-range support, the Xuanming Sect's people can't even think of escaping. In just one month, the number of sword cultivators lost by the Xuanming Sect is as high as four. Fifteen people.”

"Forty-five people!?"

Fluctlight was a little surprised.

The people sent to Posao Island at this time were all the most elite high-level sword cultivators.

That is, a sword cultivator at the ninth level of Qi Refining.

Those at the eighth level of Qi Refining patrol non-front-line battle zones, while those at the seventh level of Qi Refining can only garrison in place.

As for those below the seventh level of Qi refining, they will basically not enter the battle sequence.

I don’t know how many sword cultivators there are in Jiuding Sect’s ninth level of Qi Refining. However, as a small and medium-sized sect, Xuanming Sect’s limit is 1,800 people.

Loss of forty-five people a month...

Doesn't that mean that if this intensity continues, the most elite group of high-level sword cultivators in the Xuanming Sect can be defeated for generations in two years! ?

"What are our losses?"

Yunlai asked.

"There is only one sword cultivator who practices the Supreme Sensing Sword Technique. He was heartbroken during the confrontation with his spiritual thoughts and chose to change his profession. He should be working as a combat professor at the Sword Academy of a certain Taixue institution, or as the head of the Sword Academy."

Zhao He said and smiled: "The sect will never treat this elite sword cultivator badly after being injured and retired."

As he spoke, he looked at Yun Lai: "Speaking of results, the team led by Yun Qing was extremely outstanding. A month ago, the team he led was ambushed by six Xuanming Sect sword cultivators. There was no Yuanshen Realm monk on his side to support him. Under such circumstances, the great monk of the Yuanshen Realm, who resisted the confrontation, killed the six great sword cultivators of the Xuanming Sect and escaped unscathed. Each of the four of them received a mark of great merit! It is estimated that it will not take long for his professional title to be revoked! I’m going to be promoted to the Protector of the Zhan Zhan Palace.”

"Dharma protector!?"

Yunlai was surprised and happy.

Dharma protector benchmarks the first seat.

Often only foundation-building realm monks are qualified to serve.

However, the Guardian of Zhengzhan Hall is half a level lower than the Guardian of Jiuding Sect, and some high-level monks who have made great achievements can also take up the post.

Once they become great monks in the future, they can easily remove the prefix and be promoted to protectors of the Jiuding Sect. That kind of weight...

Enough to be on an equal footing with the Lord of Longxiang City, Zhang Jianlin, and Qin Yi.

"The performance of Donghai Islands has been noticed by the superiors, and now the superiors are already discussing to increase the order quantity for Zixiao Twelve."

Zhao He said this and paused: "However, some elders pointed out some shortcomings of Zixiao Twelve, which is the lack of explosiveness."

"break out……"

"Low-grade spiritual weapons are the most cost-effective choice for high-level sword cultivators. However, it can be foreseen that Xuanming Sect has suffered such a big loss this month, and the subsequent counterattack is bound to become fierce. Our Jiuding Sect sword cultivators The situation will also face more severe challenges. In this case, our Jiuding Sect sword cultivators must have the power to explode and fight back when encountering danger. "

Zhao He glanced at Yaoguang: "I specially brought the two masters Wei Yan and Lu Yuan here this time, just to see if you can improve Zixiao Twelve again to make it grow explosively... For cost-effective reasons, we can do without this capability, but we cannot live without it.”

"Mid-grade spiritual weapons, high-grade spiritual weapons..."

Yaoguang glanced at his newly added [Item Refining] progress in the past few months, and said: "It's not that improvements can't be made, but... can the fee given by the sect support middle-grade spiritual weapons, or even high-grade spiritual weapons? Procurement?”

After all, the daily equipment of the great monks who have not entered the battle sequence is only high-grade spiritual weapons.

"The above meaning is to hit him with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches."

Zhao He said in a deep voice: "What's more... we have received news that after the dissolution of the Northern Alliance, the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect seems unwilling to confront the powerful Wuji Star Palace anymore. It is currently actively releasing friendly signals. Once the situation in the north has eased, A patrol fleet in Wuji Star Palace will be idle, and at that time, they will most likely look for the next carve-up target to consolidate their position as the largest sect in Cangwu."

As soon as these words came out, even Wei Yan and Lu Yuan, who were following him, looked stern.

The Wuji Star Palace, which defeated the Liusha Sect with overwhelming force sixteen years ago, showed its despairing power in front of all the forces in Cangwu.

Jiuding Sect...

From the bottom of their hearts, no one believed that they had the strength to fight against Wuji Star Palace.

"It is inevitable that Xuan Ming Sect will seek support from Wuji Star Palace at that time. We have to flex our muscles again. On the one hand, we will defeat Xuan Ming Sect as soon as possible, and on the other hand, we will make Wuji Star Palace realize that helping Xuan Ming Sect cannot stand up to the wall. The mud is not a good deal for our Jiuding Sect. "

Zhao He said.

Yun Lai, Wei Yan, Lu Yuan and others listened and nodded.

Compared with other medium-sized and even large-scale sects, Jiuding Sect has many advantages that large-scale sects do not have.

Golden elixir!

Jiuding Sect has a golden elixir!

Under such circumstances, if Wuji Star Palace really had to choose prey among some medium and large sects for a feast, Jiuding Sect would definitely be ranked last.

However, after thinking of this, Wei Yan's expression became a little sad: "Now, we can only pray that the other party will not take us as prey first. We are the swordsmen and the flesh of the fish... I don't know when our Jiuding Sect can truly restore the top ten immortal sects of the past. The brilliance is comparable to the power of the Wuji Star Palace."


Zhang Jianlin said solemnly: "Under the leadership of the sect master, our Jiuding Sect is doing our best to unite all the forces we can. There will be a day."

However, not to mention Lu Yuan, Yun Lai, Wei Yan, and even Zhao He did not answer this sentence.

Three hundred years ago, the Wuji Star Palace was already one of the top ten Immortal Sects in the Cangwu World. During the Moon Demon Empire War, they hid in the rear and obtained a large number of spiritual stones, magical powers, and secret techniques by providing shelter to the fleeing families. , technical talents, rising rapidly.

Sixteen years ago, the war that destroyed the core member of the Northern Alliance, the Quicksand Cult, shocked the entire Northern Alliance and forced it to disintegrate.

To this day, even the leader of the Northern Alliance, the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, is unwilling to confront Wuji Star Palace any longer...

Even if the Jiuding Sect could return to its glory in the Qi Sect era three hundred years ago, it would never be able to compete with the Wuji Star Palace that is now at its peak.

"We need time."

After a while, Zhao He said this: "Therefore, we should maintain the stability of the surrounding area as soon as possible, expel the Xuanming Sect, and take back the East China Sea Islands... There are fourteen spiritual power nodes in the East China Sea Island Group. If they can all be recovered, the sect will The total output of spiritual stones can be increased by at least 30%! At that time, there will be no need to turn one spiritual stone into two flowers and think about energy conservation issues. "

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao He turned his eyes to Yaoguang: "How about it, do you have the confidence to improve Zixiao Twelve?"

"The Zixiao Twelve has been rapidly produced recently, and I did have inspiration to improve it, but..."

Yaoguang glanced at Zhao He: "Once a sect and a sect start a life-and-death fight, the great monks are the core. In other words, only the foundation-building sword cultivators equipped with treasures can truly change the direction of the battle. No matter how much we spend, They use spiritual stones to purchase mid-grade and high-grade spiritual weapons, but this kind of flying sword is not very useful in the core battlefield. Only small sects that cannot refine treasure weapons and do not have enough spiritual stones to purchase will choose it. We buy medium and high-grade spiritual weapons to equip our great monks, so I think our real research should be on the treasures.”

As soon as these words came out, Yun Lai, Wei Yan, and Lu Yuan, the master weapon refiners, all looked at Yao Guang in a strange way.


Who doesn't know that treasure is the core.


You must also have that strength.

"Can you refine treasure weapons?"

Zhao He asked.


Yaoguang said.

Zhao He was not surprised.

He didn't have much hope when he asked.

Therefore, he just said: "Purchasing mid-grade or high-grade spiritual weapons is indeed not very cost-effective, but sometimes, it cannot be judged entirely from the cost-effectiveness. The life of a high-level sword cultivator is more important than a high-grade spiritual weapon!"

"Sword cultivation is more important than spiritual weapons..."

Yaoguang thought for a while and said, "I'll give it a try and get back to you within three months."

"Okay, don't be stressed, you still have to preside over the production of the Zixiao Type 12 Flying Sword."

Zhao He smiled and said: "Wei Yan, Lu Yuan and their team will assist you."

Yaoguang glanced at the two of them.

The two of them smiled and said, "I'll take care of you next, Lord Yaoguang."

"It is an honor for us at Zixiao Academy that these two masters are willing to help."

Yaoguang also responded with a smile.

The reason why he said three months is because if you include the power of these two weapon masters and the team behind them, in three months, Zixiao Twelve's production order of three thousand flying swords can be completed.

There are probably only ten or eight talents like the Weapon Refining Master in the entire Jiuxiao Domain.

This time, Zixiao Academy directly caught half of them.

Of course, the premise is that he can keep it.

At night, Yaoguang returned to his residence.

Zong Yan and Kong Xuan were busy, moving in batches of weapon refining materials.

Zong Yan became the housekeeper, and Kong Xuan served as assistant and driver.

As for Ji Pingtian, as the president of Jishihui, he was unwilling to be completely dependent on Yaoguang after all, and planned to try his luck in the outside world.

Fluctlight did not insist on this.

"Holy Lord, the materials you requested have arrived."

Kong Xuan said.


Yaoguang responded and asked, "Is everything okay?"

Zong Yan on the side hesitated for a moment and said: "Xie Yushu sent an invitation and wanted to invite you to the sect's entrance banquet in a month's time. During the Jiuding Sect's disciple assessment half a month ago, two people from the Xie family entered the Jiuding Sect. One is Deacon Xie Yier, and the other is official disciple Xie Yushi.”

"Master Xie Yu? Official disciple?"

Fluctlight was a little surprised.

"This is the genius that the Xie family has been hiding to inherit the family. It is said that he is only twenty-four and is already at the fifth level of Qi refining. He has been here for more than a year and has even stepped into the sixth level of Qi refining. His talent is better than that of Red Star. Jiang Xuntian is even higher, and during this assessment, her qualification score was 81 points. In ancient terms, this is the qualification for a high-grade spiritual root, so she was specially recruited as a formal disciple."

Zong Yan said.

Yaoguang listened and nodded.

He was not surprised that the Xie family had more talented disciples hiding in the dark.

"Put the invitation aside for now. I'll come over when I have time."

Yaoguang said.


Zong Yan responded.

At that moment, Yaoguang went upstairs and came to his own practice room.

He gradually felt his own state...

"Martial Arts... Ninth Level."

In his mind, divine thoughts flowed.

"Divine Arts, also Ninth Level."

But he was not in a hurry to break through to the Star Lord and Yuanshen realms.

He could not solve the bug that merchants could not borrow money, but he could find a bug in this strength.

Once he breaks through, it can be foreseen that if he focuses on refining equipment to earn spirit stones, the "human cost" he needs to pay will definitely increase a lot.

The original income of breaking through the "Star Lord" realm and upgrading to the "Star God" realm was hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, but it might increase to millions or tens of millions.

In the current relatively stable situation...

No hurry.

He turned his attention to the [Refining] branch.

This branch has now surpassed [Martial Arts] and [Divine Arts] and has become the thickest one.

Yaoguang estimated the progress...

It is about 93%

With this progress, it is not a problem to improve Zixiao Twelve into a top-grade spiritual weapon, let alone improve it to a performance comparable to that of a treasure weapon.

"The reason why I can make money safely now is thanks to the safe environment and business environment provided by Jiuding Sect. If I went to other major sects... With my origin from a small world nearby, I would be directly labeled as a spy of the Moon Demon Empire, and then forced to refine weapons day and night..."

After thinking for a while, Yaoguang made an allocation: "First, take the order for improving the top-grade spiritual weapon, and then, improve [Refining] to a new field, with the ability to refine treasures that represent the highest level in the world, and then concentrate on improving the [Martial Arts] realm."

In any case, you must have enough strength to ensure your own safety.

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