"I have something to take care of. I'll contact you then."

Yaoguang said hastily and left quickly.

Zhao He saw that he really seemed to have something to do, so he didn't stop him.

The current fluctuating light...

Especially Yaoguang, who has shown strong command ability, has already surpassed him as the master of the war palace.

Several meetings were held on how to arrange him.

Some people think that he should be allowed to continue refining weapons and become a master of weapon refining as soon as possible.

Some people think that relying on his talents to go to the front line to coordinate operations is much better than being a master of weapon refining.

The two sides were in a stalemate.

But no matter what kind of arrangement it is, the treatment that Yaoguang can finally enjoy...

He can definitely be on the same level as Zhao Siliang and Xu Qixing.

As soon as he got in the car, he said directly to Lei Yun who took over the driving task: "Go back and drive more steadily. I'll close my eyes and rest my mind for a while."


Lei Yun responded, and the vehicle quickly started, and under the protection of two other vehicles carrying Qin Yi and others, it drove away from the Hall of Heroes.

"It's neither Qi refining nor elixir refining..."

Yaoguang's face was a little complicated.

It was a waste of his previous free time to read so many books and techniques related to alchemy and Qi refining.


He can also understand this new branch.

Because, in recent times, the amount of thought he has really spent on this seems to be...

It’s really on top of alchemy and qi refining.

"The formation."

Yaoguang said in his heart.

The direction pointed by the sixth branch was clearly the [Formation].

Take care of what you have come...

"Although it is not the [Alchemy] method that I want most and the [Qi Refining] method that I can't wait for, but... if used well, the effect will not be much worse."

He thought of Zi Qiangwei's evaluation of his refining spiritual weapon.

The reason why his spiritual weapons were limited to three and a half generations was, on the one hand, because his cultivation at that time was not enough, and on the other hand...

It's because he has too little understanding of the battle method.

Now, by upgrading the formation, it might be possible to refine fourth-generation or even fifth-generation spiritual weapons that have not yet appeared in the world today.

"Originally, I planned to fill up [Weapon Refining] and [Shinto] first and click on the 'Talent'."

Yaoguang felt a little sorry.

The sudden blow from the sky patrol battleship of the Infinite Star Palace disrupted all his calculations.

Originally, if he could complete the order of 3,600 flying swords from the Golden Temple, he would not only be able to upgrade [Weapon Refining] to a realm above that of a Grandmaster, but even [Shinto] could be upgraded to the Dharma Level.

However, the sanctions and suppression of the Wuji Star Palace made the elders of the Golden Temple, who were already in an unstable internal situation, worry that they would be harmed by Yuchi, so they chose to protect themselves wisely.

So much so that his [Item Refining] has only reached 81% of the master's progress.

The remaining [Shinto] has been pushed up to 52% of the Yuanshen realm.

After all, he had only completed half of the order from the Golden Temple.

And it was hard for him to say anything about the Golden Temple's breach of contract.

Just like if you open a store to sell goods, but end up getting into a fight with another group of people, the customers will naturally leave in a hurry to avoid getting into trouble.

In this world, even if you want to do business honestly, if you do not have enough strength to protect the benefits, others will rob you.


Fluttering light glanced at the other branches on the ancient tree.

Weapon refining, Shinto, and martial arts all need to be improved.

Plus the formation...

This time, the gap is too big.

Especially as his cultivation level increases and his weight in the Jiuding Sect becomes more and more important, the labor cost of relying on [Businessmen] to gain experience continues to increase. If he wants to fill up a profession...

The amount of spiritual stones consumed doubled several times.

"Actually, if you think carefully about the situation Jiuding Sect is facing at this moment, formation mage is the most suitable profession."

Yaoguang thought slightly.

From Star Lord to Star God, the resources that need to be invested are massive.

Unless I am willing to accumulate in this realm for more than ten years, or even decades, there is no way I can quickly become a Star God if I don’t have enough resources.

And the Dharma...

Support professions.

Not only will it bring him directly into the top circle's sight, but he will also have no ability to protect himself.

Just one golden elixir from Jiuding Sect may not be able to protect him.

On the other hand, the formation mage is the sub-class that can best enhance a sect's foundation, besides the alchemist.

Not to mention the defensive formations, attack formations, and amplifications, there is also a crucial formation - the Spirit Gathering Formation.

Where did the spiritual stones in today’s world come from?

It is formed by absorbing and condensing the spirit gathering array.

Spiritual power, like dark energy, is everywhere, filling every corner of the world.

Especially at the spiritual power node, the spiritual energy is more intense.

An array master has developed a spirit gathering array, which can absorb spiritual energy from the void and spiritual power nodes, and condense spiritual stones for people to practice and consume daily.

The Ministry of Energy, which all major sects have, recruits monks who have developed spiritual consciousness, and use their spiritual consciousness to drive formations and condense spiritual stones.

The efficiency of a sect in condensing spiritual stones depends on various aspects.

For example, the number of spiritual power nodes, the stability of the spiritual power nodes, the number of monks who have trained spiritual consciousness, the level of the formation master, etc.

But all problems can be summarized into one problem - the formation laid out by the formation master.

If the array master is strong enough and optimizes the array's absorption efficiency, he can completely absorb spiritual energy from the void and get rid of the spiritual power node.

Similarly, if the formation master is powerful enough and optimizes the operation of the formation, the work efficiency of a hundred monks is worth that of a thousand people.

In addition, no matter how violent the spiritual power node is, as long as the formation is excellent enough, enough spiritual energy can be drawn from it to gather spiritual stones.

From this point, we can see the importance of the formation master.

The Jiuding Sect is not good at formations, and there are no formation masters who can take action, so they can only work hard on the staff.

But even though the total working population of the Jiuding Sect Energy Palace is close to 100 million, the total output value of Jiuding Sect's annual spiritual stones is still only about 50 million, and the per capita production of spiritual stones is less than 1 spiritual stone.

These 50 million spiritual stones are used to support golden elixirs, which can be said to be in the tens of millions. The daily consumption and practice of many great monks is a huge expense, coupled with the construction of infrastructure...

Even the most important department, the Zhan Zhan Palace, can only receive tens of millions of spiritual stones in a year.

There was a serious lack of spiritual stones, so much so that the Jiuding Sect set its sights on the spiritual power nodes of the East China Sea Islands and Shiwanda Mountain.

There are 14 spiritual power nodes in the East China Sea Islands, and there are as many as 22 spiritual power nodes in Shiwandashan.

Recovering these two territories would be equivalent to a huge increase in revenue for the Jiuding Sect, and the output of spiritual stones could probably rise to 80 million.


Yaoguang thought in his heart.

The one with the most spiritual power nodes in the world today is the Golden Temple.

Up to 311.

But with 311 spiritual power nodes, their spiritual stone output is only about 200 million.

On the other hand, the Taiyin Sect only has 71 spiritual power nodes, but its production of spiritual stones is not inferior to that of the Golden Temple.

Of course, in terms of spiritual stone production, Wuji Star Palace has the highest output.

The entire Wuji Star Palace occupies 246 spiritual power nodes, and the production of spiritual stones reaches a rare 800 million in the world, accounting for 27.11% of the total amount of Cangwu spiritual stones!

It is precisely because of such an astonishing production capacity of spirit stones, and the fact that they have expanded their business to all over the world and can continue to earn from other sects and even snatch spirit stones that they can support the double-digit sky survey of Wuji Star Palace. Only the fleet can establish their supreme reputation as the largest sect in the world.

"The formations in this world are extremely developed. Through formations, we can not only control the celestial phenomena so that the development of a city will be smooth and not suffer any disasters, but it can also improve the practice environment of an area. Some formations can also significantly help in practice. , although it is not comparable to elixirs, but... the range of action of the formation is large..."

High-level formations are often regarded as important weapons of the country.

"It can be done."

Yaoguang thought: "I want to know... is the spirit stone condensed by the spirit gathering array... considered a benefit? In other words, when I help the Jiuding Sect to set up the spirit gathering arrays everywhere and then ensure that I take part of the benefits, can I Improve [Merchant] experience?”

If only...

The speed at which he earns spiritual stones is undoubtedly equivalent to going from doing business to printing money, which is a step up.

By that time, even if there are no more flying sword orders to earn spiritual stones, he can still fill up all [Weapon Refining], [Shinto], and [Martial Arts] at an extremely fast speed.

After thinking about this, his eyes fell on the [Weapon Refining] profession again.

The 81% progress allowed him to not only refine a top-grade flying sword, but also a third-generation half-grade flying sword.

That is, when the Yuanshen realm has the advantage, the power of the fourth generation flying sword will be exerted.

"The Sky Patrol Battleship is powerful and has a big target. Once it invades the territory of another sect, Jin Dan will also take action. On the contrary, it is a battle between small groups of monks. Jin Dan has no way to attack... because it is not worth it."

The golden elixir killed a team of great monks, and the amount of spiritual stones consumed by the golden elixir reached one million levels.

Based on Ling Ling's total calculation, I'm afraid it would have to involve the income of tens of millions of spiritual stones to be barely cost-effective.

Not to mention that frequent attacks will affect the state of the golden elixir.

Under such circumstances, in the past hundred years, there has been no incident of Jindan taking action against a large group of monks.

Therefore, if the Jiuding Sect's sword cultivating team can also be equipped with third-generation half-flying swords and move around in team mode, the deterrent power of the Jiuding Sect will definitely be able to rise to several levels.

"First use the treasure weapon to obtain a certain amount of revenue from the Jiuding Sect and improve the formation. When a better spirit gathering array can be arranged and optimized, we will extensively improve the sect's 43 spiritual power node's spirit gathering array... …”

Yaoguang made a decision.

The information obtained through "high-dimensional cognition" has always been extremely comprehensive.

If everything goes well, once all the spirit gathering arrays of the Jiuding Sect are optimized, not to mention directly making the output of spirit stones comparable to that of the six major immortal sects, but...

The efficiency of the formation has caught up with the Taiyin Sect, and it is not a problem to double the output of each spiritual power node.

After setting the goal, the vehicle also arrived at Zixiao Courtyard.

However, just after Yaoguang got out of the car, Qin Yi came forward with some surprise, with a hint of complexity in his eyes: "The patrol battleship of Wuji Star Palace... is probably going to be withdrawn from the East China Sea."


Yaoguang frowned: "What happened?"

"Just now, there was a 7-level spirit gathering array outside the Wuji Star Palace sect. The Sun Moon Peak spiritual power node with an annual output of up to 10 million spiritual stones was blocked by a great magic cultivator from the Quicksand Sect when the array was closed. A devastating blow..."

Qin Yi took a deep breath: "Sun Moon Peak collapsed, all the super-large energy facilities built on the peak were destroyed, and more than 100,000 monks who had practiced spiritual consciousness died."

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