It was indeed just as Akainu thought!

Lin Yun used the Dugu Nine Sword against the warship of the Red Dog…

Nine sword qi was released.

The power of every sword qi…

can cut a naval warship in half.

Thinking of Lin Yun’s purpose, whether it is a red dog or a mole…

My heart was terrified.

No way!

Lin Yun must not be allowed to destroy the warship.


Red dogs are powerful though.


At this time, resistance also pales in comparison.

In fact, it is exactly what it is….

The red dog only resisted the six sword qi, and the remaining three, one was carried down by the price of serious injury by the mole, and the other two…

Without any avoidance, they slashed directly at their warships.

And then….

In the column of water rising into the sky, the warship of the red dog was divided into three.


The warship began to sink rapidly towards the sea.

However, as a naval admiral, he has been guarding the New World for many years, and the experience of fighting at sea in the Red Dog …

It’s incredibly rich.

At this time, the red dog didn’t think about it, and a move of the dog red lotus came out.


The target of the red dog’s attack was not Lin Yun, but his naval warship.

After such a strong attack, the naval warship, which had been sinking rapidly, shattered in an instant, turning into wooden planks of seven or eight square meters…

Floating on the surface of the sea.

And so it goes!

Not only did the huge whirlpool caused by the sinking of the warship disappear, but it also gave Akainu himself and the entire navy a foothold.


For the decisiveness and resourcefulness of the red dog, Lin Yun had to praise the red dog.

An admiral is worthy of being a admiral.

Both the mind and the ability to react are really powerful.

And yet….

Lin Yun knew that with the character of the red dog, at this time, he would not let him go at all, and he was bound to kill himself.

But Lin Yun, who will not be able to kill the red dog for a while…

I don’t want to spend time here with a red dog whose vitality is as tenacious as Xiaoqiang.

He also has to kill Yu no Shiru and complete the mission.

Hard loss!

Before this, Lin Yun had already thought of a way.

At this time, Lin Yun said that he had to give the red dog with a tendon of character to talk about the priorities of things and the big principles in life.


With Chi Dog’s current anger, would he still listen to Lin Yun reason with him?

Apparently .


Not really!

So say….

The red dog, who had already been furious to the extreme, directly struck.

Canine red lotus!

On the red dog’s lava-turned arm, a canine-shaped attack instantly bombarded Lin Yun.

Without thinking, Lin Yun directly used the Dugu Jiu Sword to release a powerful sword qi and smash the red lotus of the red dog in the air.

Seeing that the attack did not work, the red dog’s already livid face became even more ugly.

It was not for nothing that the yellow ape was injured by Lin Yun.

Chi Inu had a new understanding of Lin Yun’s strength.


No matter what, the red dog will kill Lin Yun.

Therefore, the next attack of the red dog followed.

Big Spitfire!

Canine red lotus!

Even the meteor volcano was used by the red dog.

And yet….

Still useless.

Although Lin Yun couldn’t kill the red dog, it was still very easy to resist the attack of the red dog.

“Sakaski can’t kill that guy with all his might? Oh, my God! This guy is a little outrageously strong, right? On the board, the entire navy was full of horror and moaned weakly in their hearts.

As for the face of the red dog….

It’s even more ugly.

However, Lin Yun wanted this effect.

Watching the ugly face of the red dog gradually turn heavy, Lin Yun knew that the time had come to explain the big reason to the red dog.


While the red dog didn’t have time to strike….

Lin Yun spoke directly: “Red dog, I know you want to kill me, but before you kill me, you have more important things to do…”

“It is Marin Fandor, the headquarters of the Navy that guards the navy, and it will soon be the day of Ace’s public execution, at that time, all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely find ways to rescue Ace.”


“Maybe the red-haired pirates will come over too.”

“In the face of such a luxurious lineup, your navy plus the Seven Wuhai, it is difficult to block it with all your strength!” The corner of Lin Yun’s mouth set off a very good-looking arc.

To this!

The red dog, who wanted to strike again, was silent all of a sudden.

But immediately after, Chi Inu’s face had a killing intent on his face.

“Lin Yun, don’t say anything, I will kill you today!”

“Kill me?”

“If you could, you would have done it, but in fact…”

“You don’t do it!”

Lin Yun smiled and continued: “Besides, now on the sea, before the battle began, you were at an absolute disadvantage, not to mention now, just give you a few months, you can’t kill me.” ”

Speaking of this, Lin Yun’s words changed, and he continued: “But by that time, Ace, who is the bloodline of One Piece King Roger, must have been rescued by Whitebeard long ago. ”

“After all, the situation of your navy, you know better than me, what kind of character the green pheasant and yellow ape are, and whether they will work as hard as you when the time comes, you know it even better.”


“Ace was brought up by Karp, do you think this guy will make a move? And your navy king Qiwu Hai, they were originally born pirates, and they will desperately help your navy when the time comes? Do you believe such things yourself? ”

“In the end, in the huge navy, only you have the will to kill Ace with the Warring States, it’s really sad to think about it!”

“But with the power of the Warring States alone…”

“Do you think he can block the whitebeard or the redhead?” Lin Yun’s tone was cold and disdainful.

“So say…”

“I can spend time with you here, but you…”

“There is a reason to have to leave.” Lin Yun had a hint of teasing at the corner of his mouth.

And yet….

Lin Yun’s words made the red dog look suffocated.

Followed by!

It’s even more ugly.

At this time….

The red dog became more and more silent.

Not only the red dogs, but even the moles are silent.

Of course, Akainu knew what the situation was in the navy now, so when he heard about the execution of Ace, he directly gave up the guard of the New World.

Not far away, thousands of miles to rush back.

It is to have a murderous heart for Ace.

For Roger’s only bloodline, a man with overlord-colored domineering, Chi Inu said that he would not let go of anything.


Compared to Lin Yun, it was obviously more important to kill Ace.

For a moment, Chi Dog’s will to kill Lin Yun began to waver.

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