Lin Yun’s words made the Warring States stunned at first…

In the blink of an eye, he became angry.

“Lin Yun, don’t talk big.”

“You alone…”

“How to rescue Ace?”

“How to end this war?”

The anger on Sengoku’s face gradually disappeared, and he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Warring States, you really live up to the title of a wise naval general, and at this time, you still want to use the Agitation Method on me.”

Lin Yun smiled and continued, “To tell the truth, even if you don’t join forces with Whitebeard, one-on-one, who is my opponent in your navy?” ”

“There is a kind of…”

“Let’s fight!”

As he spoke, Lin Yun’s sharp gaze swept around.

Domineering words.

So that people who know Lin Yun’s strength.

In the heart….

There was no reason to tremble.

However, the Warring States know….

Among the highest combat strength of the navy, except for him and Qinghe, who have not yet fought with Lin Yun.

Whether it’s a red dog, a yellow ape or a kapu.

In Lin Yun’s hands, he suffered a little loss.

So say….

At this time, even if Akainu and others are not angry….

It will not stand up at all.

Although they don’t want to admit it in their hearts.


If they are one-on-one, they are really not Lin Yun’s opponents.

Fighting Lin Yun alone at this time will only follow Lin Yun’s wishes and affect the morale of the navy.

As the three admirals of the navy, this point can naturally be seen.

So say….

Even if the red dog endures very hard.

But for the sake of the big picture.

The red dog still did not shoot.


In the Navy, there are always some self-righteous guys.


Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, Dauberman and Ronz are typical representatives.

The ghost spider has a brutal personality, wears a helmet engraved with a double-headed dragon pattern, has a fierce expression, and has a cruel personality.

Even if you hurt your subordinates when performing a mission, you don’t care.

As for Lieutenant General Dauberman ….

Both ability and character are very strong, in the original work, even in the face of the truce proposed by the redhead, Daubman is the first lieutenant general who dares to stand up and angrily denounce the Four Emperors.

However, Lonzi, in the original work, dared to sneak up on the lieutenant general of Whitebeard.

So say….

For Lin Yun’s words, these three hot-tempered lieutenant generals…

Didn’t even think about it!

Directly stood out.

“Lin Yun, you are so crazy, where do you think this is?”

“If you want to save Ace, why? Just by these few words of yours? Who do you think you are? ”

“Today, not only Ace is going to die here, but even you are going to die here!”


Three vice admirals who do not know the height of the sky.

Facing Lin Yun……

It’s a slash and a face-shattering scolding.

“These three guys…”

“Are you looking for death?”

However, before others could say anything, Vice Admiral Mole was instantly taken aback.

The mole had not only seen Lin Yun, but also witnessed how Lin Yun beat the red dog.

To know….

At that time, Lin Yun wanted to kill their General Sakaski.

“This is true for admirals.”

“Ghost Spider, how many vice admirals are in the area, what are they?”

Thinking of this, the mole was already covered in cold sweat.

“Hey, hey, hey… You three hurry back, you’ll be dead!” ”

As a colleague, the mole had to open his mouth to alert the three pig teammates of the ghost spider.


The mole was angry, and the ghost spider three were even more angry.

“Mole, I admit that this guy may have some strength, but it won’t scare you like this, right? If our navy were all like you, it would really not be far from destruction! The ghost spider roared.

These words….

Although it is not explicitly stated, it has included all navies.

After all!

The ghost spider is such a character.

Even if he knew that the ghost spider’s personality was like this, the red dog’s face was very ugly.

“This idiot, if it weren’t for Lin Yun’s trickiness, would he be able to stand here well?” The red dog clenched his fists and couldn’t wait to directly give the ghost spider a big slap of fire.


The ghost spider who wants to kill the pirate even if it hurts the navy will be afraid of verbally slandering the entire navy?

Apparently .



Looking at the three lieutenant generals of the ghost spider who stood up, Lin Yun suddenly smiled.

The corners of the mouth are even more….

It sets off a very nice arc.

“Good, kind!”

Lin Yun moved his killing heart.

In this situation, either you die or I die.


It’s something very redundant.

In this war, only the position is different, it has nothing to do with right or wrong.

However, in order to complete the task of Lin Yun…

It’s time to shoot!


It seems to feel Lin Yun’s emotions.

The gentleman’s sword body trembled.

It even emitted a sword sound.

Seeing this scene, the mole’s face changed drastically, but he knew that Lin Yun was an eagle eye…


A big sword hao who is even more powerful than Hawkeye.

“It’s different, it’s different, you guys come back soon, you’re really going to die, this guy is a tough guy who beat up General Sakaski!”

For the sake of the lives of these three fools, the mole had to expose all these black histories in the cold gaze of the red dog.

However, at this time….

It’s late.

A sword clang!

The sword is unsheathed.

Dugu Jiu Sword….

Defeat the world’s martial arts and break all sword moves.

Between calcium carbide fires….

Whether it’s the ghost spider or Dauberman and Lunds….

It was shrouded in a huge sword qi!

“This is…”

When Lin Yun made a move, whether it was Hawkeye, who was known as the world’s number one sword hao…

Or the fifth captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Foil Bista.

The eyes suddenly lit up.

“Such a strong sword intent, what kind of sword art is this? So subtle? ”

“In this world, is there such a exquisite sword technique?” Hawkeye’s face was full of emotion.

“That’s definitely not a slash, is there still such a sword technique in the world? This kind of swordsmanship, even Hawkeye, may be the first time you have seen it! Noticing the emotion on Hawkeye’s face, Foil Bista looked horrified.

As for the ghost spider and others….

Hawkeye has seen their results.

“It is really their honor to die under such swordsmanship!”

“Don’t these guys see…”

“Even the paranoid Sakaski didn’t come forward?”

“There is strength…”

“There will be face!”


“Such a sword technique, no matter which sword master encounters it, he wants to try it, right?”

Hawkeye’s originally sharp eyes smiled abruptly, and then stepped forward.

Hawkeye, who is interested in Lin Yun’s swordsmanship….

I want to make a move on Lin Yun!

PS: The third change, continue to codeword, there are two more at night, the big guys who can support it, try to support it! Flowers and review tickets are free, thank you guys!

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