Not just the naval side such as Sengoku and Akainu.

Whitebeard and Marko and others …

They all set their eyes on Lin Yun with awe.

“Lin Yun Elder has destroyed the Advance City.”

“Is it…”

“Does he still want to destroy the headquarters of the Navy?”

Marko and Joz looked at each other, both startled by the thought in their hearts.

This time!

Anyone can see that the Navy is already at a comprehensive disadvantage.

Even Dofernamco was full of emotion.


“Whitebeard has been restored to the peak of middle age by that girl’s ability to use it.”

“The strength of this old guy Lin Yun should be able to resist the two admirals.”

“Plus Hawkeye…”

“Plus Shanks.”

“This horror lineup, what are you kidding?”

Dofernamco was horrified and almost cried out in fright.

However, such a crazy thing, Bacchus Chote of the Great Wine, Katerina Deppon of the Wakatsuki Hunter and others were instantly excited.

Without any hesitation, they immediately shouted.

“Boss Lin Yun, lead us to destroy the Navy headquarters together!”

“Such a thing, just thinking about it, makes people feel excited!”

“Since we have already started a full-scale war with the Navy, let’s just make a big fuss!”

However, the cooperation of these key criminals made the smile on Lin Yun’s face become more and more intense.

Quietly looking at the face is difficult to see the ultimate Sengoku and the red dog.

Lin Yun spoke.


“You’re not trying to kill Ace!”

“Didn’t you let us see?”

“Hurry up!”

“Don’t you dare?”

“Wasn’t it awesome just now?”

Lin Yun’s flat tone made the red dog’s chest keep rising and falling.


After the clenched fist of the red dog magma, it will recover in an instant.

Followed by……

Magmaticize again!


On the face of the red dog, there was a fierce struggle.

Although Akainu pursues absolute justice, in order to kill the pirates, even at the expense of his subordinates.


The red dog will not hesitate to kill the deserters who are about to escape.

A real iron-blooded general.


If Ace is killed, it will cost the lives of 100,000 navies.

No matter how much the red dog pursues absolute justice.

At this time.

They didn’t dare to attack Ace.


With a roar, the red dog punched the steel frame beside him.

The scorching heat instantly makes the hard steel…

All melted.

And so…

It marks that the red dog bows its head and softens.

After all!

With the lives of 100,000 navies, the red dog did not dare to gamble.

“Lin Yun, today’s humiliation, my red dog has written it down.”

“In the coming day, it will be returned tenfold!”

The red dog gritted his teeth, stubbornly stubbornly and endured the insult.

This scene…

It made everyone frightened.

“The character is as strong as Sakaski, in front of this old fellow, he has to endure!”

The green pheasant and the yellow ape secretly looked at each other, both with moved expressions.

However, in response to this…

Lin Yun smiled.

“In this world, if it is useful to be ruthless.”


“You’ve already died by the hundreds!”

Lin Yun’s face was full of teasing.

Immediately ignoring the gloomy red dog, Lin Yun’s gaze had already been set on the Warring States.

“Marshal of the Warring States, can you release people now?”

“One person for 100,000 people.”

“Your navy…”

“Make a lot of money!”

Lin Yun’s face was still full of smiles.

“Lin Yun.”

“If you really let you take Ace, then our navy…”

“Even the entire world government has become a joke in the eyes of others.”

“Since we each have hostages in the hands of the other, let’s speak with strength!”

“If you don’t use swordsmanship, if you don’t use fists, you can still defeat me.”


“Without saying a word, I immediately released Ace.”

Sengoku roared.


Everyone was stunned at first, and in a blink of an eye, their faces were full of incredulity.

“Goo la …”

“Warring States, I didn’t expect that you would personally strike!”


“What I didn’t expect was that you would be so brazen.”

“Senior Lin doesn’t need anything, what to fight with you?”

“Have the ability, how many moves with me?”

The whitebeard saber crossed and looked at the world.

“This guy in the Warring States is really cunning!”

“You actually want to use such a method to deal with Lin Yun’s elders, are you forced to have nowhere to go?”

Dofernamco raised his eyebrows and looked at the Warring States with some contempt.

Those present…

Anyone can see that the Warring States are playing scoundrels.

As for Lin Yun’s little fan brothers, they even cursed.

“Sengoku, you are still a marshal of the navy! It’s so shameless. ”

“That is, who doesn’t know that you have eaten the animal line human fruit phantom beast species and have the form of a big Buddha.”

“If you want to fight, don’t engage in such a twisted thing.”

However, in response to this…

Lin Yun nodded surprisingly.


“I promise you.”


“If you lose.”

“You have to promise me a condition too.”

Lin Yun smiled, his tone was still very calm.

Everything is under his control.

Lin Yun had long expected the Warring Congress to say this.


Lin Yun’s words made the Warring States obviously stunned.

Even he didn’t expect that Lin Yun would agree so simply and decisively.

“What conditions?”

Sengoku asked subconsciously.

“If I lose, Ace is at your disposal.”

“If I win, I need to take a few navies here.”

Lin Yun explained with a smile.

“That won’t work!”

“If you take Kuzan and Sakaski, our navy will suffer huge losses.”

Without thinking about it, Sengoku shook his head directly.

“Don’t worry, I’m not as shameless as you!”


“As long as the navy below the vice admiral!”

Lin Yun’s faint gaze looked at the navy who were suffering from the torment of life and death talismans.


“I promise you!”

This time, Sengoku did not refuse again.

“In that case…”

“I hope you don’t regret it!”

The corner of Lin Yun’s mouth set off a very good-looking arc.

Although the Warring States has the phantom beast species, the human fruit, and the Great Buddha form.


Lin Yun has the King Kong not bad divine skill.

In Lin Yun’s opinion…

King Kong is not bad at the power of divine skills, but it is more powerful than the phantom beast race human fruit big Buddha form.

Sengoku wants to calculate him?

That’s naïve.


Warring States noticed the smile at the corner of Lin Yun’s mouth, and his heart was a giggle.

Sengoku suddenly had a bad premonition.


If Lin Yun didn’t use swordsmanship and fist techniques, if he lost, he would have died and he had nothing to say.

Come to think of it.

Sengoku jumped and jumped off the execution table

“Lin Yun!”

“A gentleman’s words, it is difficult to chase a horse.”

“This battle, whether you win or lose, please let these navies go.”

As he spoke, Sengoku bowed deeply towards Lin Yun

“I just want Ace!”

Lin Yun smiled and walked towards the Warring States.


When Lin Yun walked to Boni’s side, his lips moved slightly, and he whispered to Boni.

Looking at Boni’s surprised face.

Lin Yun smiled and continued to whisper, “Do you want to be a white-bearded mother?” If you want, just do as I say! ”


Boni’s face turned red and she glared at Lin Yun fiercely.


Bonnie still agreed to Lin Yun’s request just now.

After doing this without a trace, Lin Yun walked to the front of the Warring States.

This battle…

Lin Yun could have refused.


This is not only a contest between the Vajra Divine Skill and the Buddha’s form.


Lin Yun completed the last link of the task of collecting a white beard and being a godson.

It can even be said that it is…

The most critical link.

PS: The eighth change, ask for the first order, ask for self-order, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for reward! _

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