Lin Yun’s words!


It once again caused the female emperor to fall into personal fantasy.

Lin Yun’s ship.

Bonnie was gobbling up alone.

This used to be very delicious food, Bonnie tasted like chewing wax.

Sadie and Domino look at Boni.

Look at Hancock again.

With their eyes…

Naturally, it can be seen that Bonnie is sulking alone.


On the edge of the island before the Amazon’s daughter island, Lin Yun’s sailboat stopped.

“You all listen!”

“Daughters Island has the absolute norm of a centuries-old “ban on men”. ”

“Once a man enters this place, the end is to be destroyed.”


“No man other than the husband of a concubine is allowed to enter it!”


“In order for you to witness the wedding between the concubine and Lin Yun.”


“You can only be on this island, wait a moment!”

The female emperor with a strong personality shouted at the Whitebeard Pirates and the Shanks Pirates.


As soon as these words came out, all the pirates were silent at first.

And then……

Instant uproar!

“Old man Lin Yun is getting married?”

“Daddy is getting married?”

“Boss Lin Yun is getting married?”


Whitebeard, Shanks, Blackbeard and the others were stunned at first, and in a blink of an eye, their faces were full of joy.

“Goo la …”

“Congratulations to Daddy for marrying the world’s first beauty!”

“Daddy, let me be your witness!”

Whitebeard laughed loudly, his face full of eagerness.


However, in this regard, Lin Yun nodded and agreed.

“Since there are rules on this island, then you guys just wait here!”

“When Hancock and I come out, get ready for the wedding!”

“As for the wedding location…”

“Whitebeard, you decorate your Moby Dick.”

“Then drive to the outside of Daughters Island and wait for us!”

“After all!”

“You are a witness!”

“We’re hosting a wedding on your pirate ship.”

Lin Yun showed a very good-looking smile on his face.

And then……

Look at Hancock.


“Do you think it’s okay?”

“Lin Yun!”

“Everything is at your disposal, what you say, as it is!”

When facing Lin Yun, the female emperor who had just become strong suddenly returned to her previous idiotic appearance.

That’s it……

In the sour smell of someone in love with someone.

Whitebeard and the others docked their respective pirate ships and landed.

Start collecting bright bouquets of flowers on the island, decorated with pirate ships.

On the other hand, Lin Yun…

Driving his sailboat, Hancock and Bonnie and others drove towards the Amazon daughter’s island in front of him.


Right on the edge of the daughter’s island.

However, at this time…

In the jungle on the shore of Daughter’s Island, there are three female warriors on patrol.

One has slightly upturned blonde hair and an arrow barrel tied to his thigh.

One person is very tall, and ordinary people can only reach her lap, and she wears a round-brimmed hat with the symbol of the Nine Snakes.

Another person…

She is a very strong woman.

If Lin Yun was here, one person would be able to recognize the identities of these three people.

It is precisely the Daughter Island Protector Warrior.

Margaret, Avlandra and Dolby.

No surprises!

The three people who were detecting the movement nearby instantly found the sailboat carrying Lin Yun and the others.

“A ship is coming!”

“Lord Snake Hime is not on the island.”


“You go and inform your mother-in-law!”

Margaret’s pretty face changed slightly, and then suggested.

“Why did I go?”

“I want to fight!”

Avrandra was slightly reluctant.

“Because you have long legs.”

“Run fast!”

Stoby added.

Avrandra: “…”

Glaring at Stoby and the two, Avlandra’s figure took advantage of the cover of the jungle…

Run out.


Not long after Avrandra left, Lin Yun and his group went ashore.

It was at this time.

Margaret and Dolby looked at each other and saw the figure of the female emperor.


“It’s Lord Snake Ji who is back!”

“Hurry up and greet Lord Snake Ji!”

Margaret and Dolby were stunned at first, and then the figure quickly ran out.

“Participate in Snake Hime-sama!”

Running to the female emperor, Margaret and Stoby respectfully half knelt on the ground.

Put it in the past…

The female emperor will not look at such a small role.

But now…


She is going to marry Lin Yun.


Looking down at the two, Hancock gave the order directly.

“You two!”

“Hurry up and inform your mother-in-law, just say that the concubine is going to get married!”

“Let her…”

“Hurry up and prepare the dress for the concubine and Lin Yun!”

While speaking, the female emperor covered her cheeks slightly shyly.

And then……

It’s again falling into your own world.


These two words startled Margaret and Dolby.





However, the female emperor who came back to her senses, her voice instantly became cold.

The plummeting temperature made Margaret and Dolby tremble.

Didn’t even think about it…

When you stand up, you will run towards the center of the daughter’s island.

It was at this time!

An old voice came.

“Snake Ji!”

“Why did you sneak out?”

“Why are you only coming back now?”

“Did you agree to the call of the world government?”

Several questions were thrown in a row!

And it’s such a powerful voice.

Don’t think!

The female emperor has long known who is coming.


“The matter of concubines…”

“You don’t have to!”

Hancock’s tone instantly became strong again.

Indeed, as Hancock said!

Following the source of the voice, Lin Yun saw a very short old lady.

White wavy hair, a flower inserted in the left hairline, and a pet snake curled into a cane.

It is none other than the former king of the Daughter Island, the current military master, Guroliosa.

People are called Mother-in-law or Mother-in-law!

However, when Lin Yun looked at Grandma Zhao…


Mother-in-law also noticed Lin Yun.


Mother-in-law screamed.

“Snake Ji!”

“What’s going on with you?”

“How do you bring a man to our daughter’s island?”

“Don’t you know the rules of our daughter’s island?”

Mother-in-law’s face sank, and she looked at the female emperor with a reproachful face.

After all!

In the heart of Mother-in-law, she treated the female emperor as if she were her own daughter.

However, now seeing the female emperor and Lin Yun walking together, Grandma Yu was very angry.


However, the female emperor had not said anything, and the group of Daughter Island Protector soldiers behind Mother-in-law were all stunned.

Followed by……

He set his curious gaze on Lin Yun.

After all!

This is the first time they have seen the man in the ‘legend’!


The next few words of the female emperor instantly made everyone, including Mother-in-law.

Stay like a wooden chicken!

All petrified!


“It’s all said, you don’t have to worry about the concubine’s body!”

“Lin Yun!”

“But the concubine…”


PS: The fourth change, and one more, finished before ten o’clock in the evening! Ask for the first order, ask for self-order, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for reward! Thank you, guys!

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