"Sir, you wouldn’t stare at every woman you see!" Wang Yuyan walked forward a little, putting some distance between herself and Duan Yu, with a hint of anger in her tone.

Duan Yu then came out of Wang Yuyan’s surprise and said to her,"I’m sorry, it’s just that the stone statue that Fairy Sister and I saw in a cave are so similar, that’s why I’ve been staring at Fairy Sister. Please forgive me for my impoliteness."

Wang Yuyan glanced at Duan Yu, then smiled and said,"Don’t worry, I usually don’t bother with pigs!"

A smile is enough to conquer the city.

" When Wang Yuyan showed that smile, Duan Yu suddenly felt that his soul was about to be hooked away.

He actually made the fairy sister laugh.

As for what Wang Yuyan said, Duan Yu didn't hear it clearly!

But at this time, Duan Yu was really beaten into a pig's head by Zhong Wanchou.

Duan Yu himself is still quite good-looking.

It is estimated that his good appearance angered Zhong Wanchou.

Zhong Wanchou specifically hit people in the face when he beat them.

Poor Duan Yu directly became the target of Zhong Wanchou's venting, and a generation of handsome young man was also disfigured.

Wang Yuyan pointed to a stream in the distance and said,"Young master, you should go and wash up, otherwise you will be too embarrassed to see people."

After hearing what Wang Yuyan said, Duan Yu showed a trace of embarrassment, but he still went to wash up obediently.

Standing in front of the water, looking at his face that was beaten into a pig's head by Zhong Wanchou, with blue and purple spots, Duan Yu rubbed his face desperately, trying to make his face return to normal.

He was beaten like this, and his original handsomeness was gone.

How sad would the Fairy Sister be if she saw it!

He must work hard to recover, but it's a pity that Zhong Wanchou hit him hard, and that face can't be recovered in a short time.

Wang Yuyan stood not far away, looking at Duan Yu, and then said:"The young master said that a sculpture similar to me was found in a stone cave.

I have heard the elders in my family talk about such a place.

It is a wealth left to the younger generations by a peerless strong man in our family.

It's a pity that our family is now in decline and we can't find that place.

The young master is lucky to be able to find it.

"After hearing what Wang Yuyan said, Duan Yu raised his head and said to Wang Yuyan:"I know, Fairy Sister, I know.


When Duan Yu finished speaking, Wang Yuyan immediately turned her head to him. Duan Yu was immediately excited and said,"Sister Fairy, I have been to that place, but I did not see any wealth. As for the cave, when I came out, it had been destroyed." When

Wang Yuyan heard this, she immediately showed a trace of disappointment and said,"That's a pity. There are two martial arts secrets left by the elders for future generations. Now that they have disappeared, I am afraid that the secrets have also been lost."When

Duan Yu heard this, he immediately said happily,"Sister Fairy is talking about the North Sea Divine Art and the Lingbo Microstep. Duan Yu is not talented, but he barely remembers the things in it. Since it was left by the elders of Sister Fairy's family, it should be returned to Sister Fairy. I immediately told Sister Fairy the secret."

Wang Yuyan was stunned when she heard this. She didn't expect Duan Yu to be so straightforward to give her Lingbo Weibu and Beiming Shengong. Those were rare peerless martial arts in the whole world.

However, Duan Yu did not deceive Wang Yuyan at all. As expected, he began to recite the formulas and mental methods of Beiming Shengong and Lingbo Weibu in front of Wang Yuyan without any reservation. Although Wang Yuyan was surprised, she also silently memorized these two martial arts. You know, even in Mantuo Villa, there are no such martial arts!

Not long after, Duan Yu stopped and said to Wang Yuyan:"Although Duan Yu is not interested in martial arts, he has an extraordinary memory since he was a child. If the fairy sister can't remember, Duan Yu can write it down and give it to the fairy sister."Wang

Yuyan took a look, then smiled and said:"That's not necessary. If the young master can remember it, Yuyan can naturally remember it in a short time!" Duan Yu was also surprised, looking at Wang Yuyan and said:"Could it be that the fairy sister also has the ability to remember everything she sees?"

Wang Yuyan shrugged and said,"I can't say that I have a photographic memory, but I can remember what I want to remember in an instant, but I forget what I don't want to remember in a blink of an eye."

Wang Yuyan's words were tantamount to admitting that she had memorized Beiming Divine Art and Lingbo Weibu, which made Duan Yu admire Wang Yuyan even more. Duan Yu noticed the green flute inserted in Wang Yuyan's waist and said with a bit of surprise:"Does the fairy sister also like music? I also have a lot of research in this area! We can discuss it carefully."

Wang Yuyan took out the Jiuyi Fenglai Xiao from her waist, held it in her hand and said:"There is no need to discuss it, I still have to save Sister Zhong Ling! Mr. Duan should go back to where you came from!"

Wang Yuyan's words immediately pulled Duan Yu back, and he hurriedly said:"Oh no, oh no, I didn't get the antidote for the lightning marten, there is no way to save Sister Zhong Ling. No, I have to go back to Wanjie Valley."

And Wang Yuyan's gentle words came from behind:"The antidote is in my hands, and the task of saving Sister Zhong Ling is left to me. This matter has nothing to do with Master Duan! So, Master Duan should just go home obediently."

Duan Yu immediately shook his head and said,"Sister Fairy, that group of people is very fierce. How can I let Sister Fairy take the risk alone! I want to go with Sister Fairy!"

When Duan Yu finished speaking, the Nine Instruments Phoenix Flute in Wang Yuyan's hand had already pointed in front of Duan Yu's throat, and Wang Yuyan's cold words rang out:"You don't even have the ability to protect yourself.

Do you want to hold you back by going with me? It is rumored that the Duan family of Dali has a Six-Pulse Divine Sword.

If the young master can perform it, Yuyan will never say a word!

" Duan Yu swallowed his saliva and shook his head when he heard this.

Although he had heard of the name of the Six-Pulse Divine Sword, he didn't know how to use it, or it could be said that no one in the entire Duan family of Dali knew how to use the Six-Pulse Divine Sword.

"So, Mr. Duan should go back and learn the Six Meridians Divine Sword!"Wang Yuyan turned around and walked forward! This time, she got Lingbo Weibu and Beiming Shengong from Duan Yu. Next time, she will find a way to get the Six Meridians Divine Sword! After that, she will decide Duan Yu's life or death.

Duan Yu looked at the graceful figure and slapped himself in his heart. He didn't learn martial arts well and couldn't protect the fairy sister. He should go back now and learn martial arts well.

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