Flash! Flash!

Light flashed on the throne.

"Wow... This is amazing, isn't it? It's the most refreshing massage I've ever had."

Yoon Se-jin, sitting in the chair, had a relaxed expression.

"It's an EX-level skill. That's what it is."

"Is this a joke? What's so EX about a massage chair?"

"That's right."

"Besides the refreshing feeling, are there any additional effects?"

When Yoon Se-jin said that in disbelief.


His body began to be engulfed in a bright white light.

Especially, the area where Yoon Se-jin's two eyes were shone the brightest.


Feeling the coolness coming from his eyes, Yoon Se-jin blinked.

The area around his eyes, which had been stabbed and crushed by a knife, was now filled in an instant.



The lost eyes regained their function.

His vision was completely restored.

"Oh, Dad... My eyes? Can you see?!"

"Yeah. Se-ah, you can."


Se-ah, with a surprised face, ran towards Yoon Se-jin.

But the throne flashed with light, blocking her approach.

"Why is it like this?"

"Maybe because only one person can sit at a time."


Se-ah, who was trying to hug her father with joy, scratched her cheek.

Yoon Se-jin, who had been silently watching her, said a word.

"Se-ah, you've gained muscle."

"...The first thing you say to your daughter after regaining your eyesight is quite touching."

"You're still the most beautiful in the world."

"Ugh... Don't say that. It's cringy. Just say I have a lot of muscles."

Se-ah, who grabbed her own arm as Yoon Se-jin spoke, looked towards Sung JiHan.

"Uncle, how did you do this? Supporters said they couldn't even cure Dad's eyes."

"This massage chair has a function that optimizes the body. Since it's an EX grade, I wondered if it could also restore the eyes to their optimal state."

"Wow. So it wasn't a joke, it was really EX?"

"Do you think I would joke about something like this? Brother-in-law. Are there any system messages?"

At Sung JiHan's question, Yoon Se-jin looked into the air.

"It says that sitting on the officially recognized throne of the BattleNet has increased the level limit by 30. It also says that the body has been restored to its optimal state."

"There's no message about the increase in the limit of the Void stat?"

"No, there isn't."

"I see."

The increase in the limit of the Void stat only applies if you have Void abilities, right?

Sung JiHan nodded and said to Yoon Se-jin.

"Brother-in-law, the media is saying that you regained your eyesight after consuming a recovery item."

"Yeah... We can't let the existence of this chair be known."

"And Se-ah, you'll sit next."

"Huh? Me? I'm weak. Let Dad sit again."

"No duplicates. And there's something I want to test."

And so, Yoon Sejin stood up from his seat.

Next, Yoon Saea took her turn and sat in the new seat.

Flash! Flash!

Light burst forth from her body.

"Wow... This is really amazing, isn't it?"

Yoon Saea's expression, which had previously claimed she didn't need a massage, instantly relaxed.

The relax function of the new seat even restored the tiredness in her eyes.


"Oh... I got a message too! The level limit is now 30, and the uncle said the limit for the Void stat has increased... It's expanded, right?"

"Really? You still don't have the Void stat?"

"No... I don't even have the stat, but the limit has increased."

Although her class is Void Analyst, Yoon Saea still hasn't obtained the Void stat.

But somehow, because it's related to the Void, it seemed like a message that didn't appear to Yoon Sejin.

"How much did it increase?"

"It increased by 10. It's bound to the Will of the Void starting from 110."

"I have 5. The effect of the new seat seems better for you."

"Really? Is it because I'm a Void Analyst? But when will I obtain the important Void abilities..."

Just an increase in limits.

But there are no important Void abilities.

While Yoon Saea was sighing with a comfortable expression on the new seat.

[Sung JiHan, the "Witch of the Void," is greatly surprised to see you sitting in the new seat.]

[She says that even if it's impossible for such a fantasy to happen, she hesitates for a moment.]

After Yoon Saea chose the Void Analyst class, a message came from the Witch of the Void, who had been quiet until now.


"Oh... Mom sent a message!"

"Really? What does your sister say?"

"Um... for now."

Yoon Saea glanced at Yoon Sejin and said.

"Well, Dad told you to leave."

"...Okay. I got it."

With his eyes restored, he smiled at Yoon Saea and left the room.

"What about me?"

"Dad said you have to stay."

"Really? Does he have something to say to me?"

"Well... Dad asked me if you invested a lot in Void abilities."

"Ah, tell him it's 55."

"Mom thinks you won't live long. She keeps nagging me to stop you."

"It's okay. I'll live until 70, right?"

The Void stat has been a great help to Sung JiHan so far.

Not only the effects of the ability itself, but also the various additional effects gained from the Void.

The Void Shop and Training Ground have become indispensable elements.

Even though he doesn't know when he'll face a god, he can't give up the Void now.

"I will continue with the Void."

When Sung JiHan firmly expressed his refusal, messages flooded Yoon Saea's system window.

[The Witch of the Void laments that her younger sister never listens.]

[She asks why she's acting like she doesn't want to live long now.]

[She complains that even if it's a fantasy, there's no need for it to be this real.]

When Sung JiHan was living a carefree life, the story of Lepatouri that Sung JiA used to sigh about appeared in the system window.

Yoon Saea scratched her cheek.

"I don't think I need to tell him about this."

And so, the Witch of the Void, who had been criticizing Sung JiHan for a while,

"The Witch of Void asks if you really want Void abilities."

Yoon Sae-ah got to the point.

The message seemed to imply that if she wanted it, she would give it to her.

Yoon Sae-ah asked Sung JiHan with shining eyes.

"Uncle, do you really like Void abilities?"


"Because Mom said she would give them to me."

"Don't get them."

"Why? I want to become stronger too!"

"You have to live a long time."


"Me? I'm fine. There are other ways."

Yoon Sae-ah narrowed her eyes.

It felt like a vague answer without any apparent methods.

At that moment.

"If the Witch of Void promises not to raise her Void ability by more than 10, she can temporarily grant Void."

"10? Is there a problem with going over that?"

"The Witch of Void emphasizes that there should be a difference of 100 or more between the limit of Void and the current stat."

"Ah, I see..."

This time, sitting in the new seat, the limit increased by +10.

So it's okay to have 10.

"Uncle, Mom said there should be a difference of 100 between the limit and the current stat."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I... will do it?"

Yoon Sae-ah seemed to have already made up her mind.

In this state, persuasion was completely ineffective.

'...I hope she doesn't go crazy.'

As if Sung JiHan had no choice, he nodded his head.

Yoon Sae-ah immediately opened her mouth towards the message window.

"I promise, Mom."

"The Witch of Void temporarily grants Void to the player 'Yoon Sae-ah'."


A purple aura rose from Yoon Sae-ah's body and was absorbed.

Void abilities were created in her status window.

"The Witch of Void once again urges not to raise Void abilities by more than 10 until the limit increases."

And finally, emphasizing not to go over 10 one more time, the Witch of Void ended the message.

"Mom is gone..."

The joy of obtaining Void stats was short-lived.

As Sung Ji-ah became quiet again, Yoon Sae-ah watched the system window with regret.


"The New Seat will be returned."

"Resummoning is possible after one month."

The New Seat, which had seated three players, became useless and disappeared into light.

'The New Seat... It was quite useful.'

The New Seat that instantly restored Yoon Sae-jin's eyes and increased the limit of Void abilities.

Although it was still puzzling why it received an EX grade.

But it was still quite useful.

"But Nuna's words... are different from the story of the Seat of the Dead Star."

The Seat of the Dead Star advised Sung Ji-ah not to exceed 100 in Void stats.

But Sung Ji-ah emphasized that there should be a difference of 100 between the limit and Void abilities.

Between the two Seats.

It seems that the words of Sung Ji-ah, whose Seat name is 'Witch of Void', are more accurate from the beginning.


"If I follow Nuna's words, even if the emptiness limit increases every time... I can't raise the emptiness stat for more than 10 months."

A god seat that is summoned once a month.

Even if I adjust the cycle to increase the limit.

If I follow Sung JiHan's words, I had to leave the emptiness stat alone for more than 10 months.

"I don't have the luxury to do that."

Sung JiHan decided not to listen to her words, just like when Nuna was alive.

Of course.

"SeA, never raise it above 10."

Yoon SeA was an exception.

"Got it. What about Uncle? Are you going to make a difference of 100 too?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Ah, really...! Earlier, Mom was complaining that Uncle still doesn't listen."

"Really? It's strange that it's like that with Nuna."

Sung JiHan smirked.

"Ugh. Seriously..."

Yoon SeA glanced at him and suddenly clapped lightly.

"Oh. Uncle! Do you want me to brag about something to Uncle?"

"What bragging?"

"I reached level 213."

Yoon SeA was enjoying the effects of perpetual growth.

Even after climbing up to the Diamond League, her growth rate was dazzling.

"But... what level are you, Uncle?"


Sung JiHan looked at his status window in response to Yoon SeA's question.


"Ah~ Too bad. I thought I could surpass you this time! Why is your level so high even though you didn't play the game?"

"I received level-up rewards from the promotion match and national team matches."

Sung JiHan answered like that.

While looking at the current situation where there was only a 2-level difference between him and Yoon SeA, he was secretly surprised.

"The growth rate of perpetual growth... It's really unbelievable."

Originally, there was a considerable level difference.

While Sung JiHan stopped leveling up for a while to catch Shizuru and prepare for the match against the elves.

Yoon SeA had caught up to him in no time.

Of course, unlike the narrowed level difference, the difference in abilities was like heaven and earth.

"I guess I should log into Battle.net after a long time."

"Uncle, are you finally going to start?"

"Well, I can't just let you surpass me like this."

Sung JiHan decided to start Battle.net again, which he couldn't log into because of his training.

"Moreover, if I level up there, I can raise the emptiness even more."

With that in mind, Sung JiHan, who became a Diamond and entered the game for the first time.

[You are a player in the top 0.001% according to the evaluation criteria.]

[Assigned to Space-4 area in the Diamond League.]

"Space 4?"

Instead of Gangnam 1 area.

He was reassigned to the Space 4 area.

A change that occurred when Battle.net entered the main game.

"Earthlings could only go up to Space 12... but they can go up to God Diamond 4."

While Sung JiHan was looking at the Space area, he recalled memories from his previous life.

[The player is assigned to the special dungeon map, 'Boss Selection Battle.']

[Would you like to participate in the 'Boss Selection Battle'?]

A message appeared saying that he was assigned to a special map.

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