[... Really, at this point, I have to admit it.]

Step. Step.

In front of Sung JiHan, a woman petrified in purple appeared.

She had a face that closely resembled Yoon Sae-ah.

It was a very familiar appearance to Sung JiHan.

[Your existence that changed the future, it's not a fantasy.]

"... Nuna."

Sung JiHan looked at her, who was able to move freely while petrified, with a surprised expression.

"My sister is really... alive."

Although he predicted it, even as the seat of Yoon Sae-ah, the Witch of Emptiness.

Her attire was the same as the one she wore during her time as a saint, when she used self-sacrifice in her final moments.

But her entire body was bound by five strands of chains.

In the middle of her chest.

"A lock..."

A black lock was intertwined with the chains, locked.

"It's filled with the energy of emptiness."

Even as a powerful Sung JiHan assigned to Space 4.

He didn't have the confidence to break it, as the lock emitted an intense energy.

While he was silently observing the chains and lock.


From the forehead of the petrified Sung Ji-ah, a white light flashed and began to gather in a circular shape.

And what was created was an eye of light.

Unlike her eyes made of stone, the third eye wriggled like an actual pupil.

"That is..."

[External gazes are blocked for now.]

"Are you talking about the Battle Tube?"

[Yes. Ordinary people turn into stone just by looking at me.]

"I'm fine, though."

[You're not an ordinary person, are you?]

As she said that, Sung Ji-ah pointed downwards with her finger.

[First, can you release her?]

"Hmm. Is there a need to spare her? She's the one who gave power to this girl, Sizuru."


In response to those words, Sung Ji-ah kicked the head of the succubus with her foot.

"Ah! You... you really hit me?!"

[Do you just want to die?]

"Ah, no... you can hit me more. Witch. Kick me as much as you want."

The succubus queen quickly brought her head closer and Sung Ji-ah pushed her head with her foot.

"Ouch... you really kicked me..."

[Sizuru and Yoon Se-jin are the ones at fault. We can't blame this woman who gave power. Besides, she is responsible for the Palace of Desire. If she disappears here, it will cause great chaos.]

"Hmm. Chaos, you say?"

[All the succubi and incubi will compete for the vacant throne. Earth is a planet weak to temptation. It will be the first to suffer. Although destruction is inevitable, we can't let Sae-a suffer before that...]


Sung JiHan drew his sword from the ground at those words.

Then, the body of the succubus queen, who was only left with her upper body, quickly regenerated.

"Uh, ugh... were you the witch's sister?"


"No wonder you became a different kind of monster. If you're like the witch, I see. Are you of the 'chosen' lineage...?"

The succubus queen, who was making a meaningful sound, winked at Sung JiHan.

"You're even more tempting. We match perfectly! Won't you come out of the Palace of Desire and live with me? If you conceive a child with me, an incredible being will be born..."


Sung Ji-ah struck the succubus queen even stronger than before.


When the petrified foot brushed against the Queen's waist, her body disappeared in an instant.

[What are you doing to my sister... Get lost.]

"Ma, witch. Why are you like this? I would be a good companion for your sister, wouldn't I?"

[If you don't leave right now, I'll kill you whether the succubus comes out or not.]

"Ah, I understand!"

Feeling Sung JiHan's fierce momentum, the Succubus Queen quickly turned her back.

But still.

"I see two more chains. What are you plotting?"

[I don't know.]

"Hmph... You're stubborn even when I'm worried about you."

After glancing at Sung JiHan's chains, she added a word and disappeared.

"Chains... Are they a bad thing?"

[They were created by using power.]

"Should I release them? It seems like it would be fine if I use all my power."

[No, you must never touch them. They are dangerous objects.]

Why would she be wearing something like that?

Sung JiHan thought that, but for now, she decided to respect her own wishes.

'Anyway, sister. You're stronger than I thought.'

The Succubus Queen's main body was a considerably powerful existence.

Sung JiHan was able to easily subdue her because she had the power of the Divine Power, but if she didn't have it, she would have been in trouble.

Seeing that she could easily subdue her with just a kick, Sung JiHan couldn't even guess how strong Sung JiAh had become.

Sung JiHan briefly looked at where the disappeared Succubus Queen was and asked her.

"But what is the chosen lineage?"

[...It's complicated to explain right now. To put it simply, it's an existence that can contain emptiness. Like me.]

"Emptiness? Why us?"

Sung JiHan asked with a puzzled face.

Sung JiHan's household was just an ordinary Korean family.

Why did she suddenly become the chosen one?

Was there some secret hidden in her bloodline?

[I don't know either. My parents were ordinary people too.]


[But more importantly, JiHan. You can't stay here for long, so let me get straight to the point.]

Flash. Flash.

The third eye shone even brighter and stared at Sung JiHan.

[Void stat. Don't raise it anymore.]


[I will save you and SeA from destruction. But if your void ability is too strong, you won't be able to enter the refuge.]


With those words, a blue hologram appeared in front of Sung JiAh.

The refuge, made up of round spheres, looked small enough for only one or two people to enter at a glance.

"Through this, I will send you both to another planet. If it's a planet where a similar humanoid species lives... It should be suitable for settlement."

So, my brother was removed from the salvation list.

Sung JiHan let out a bitter smile and asked a question.

"Destruction, you say. Humanity is currently thriving in the BattleNet, aren't they?"

[Because you led the opening battle to victory, there was a temporary illusion. But the Apostles of the End are already convinced of humanity's destruction and are preparing for it.]

Sung JiAh looked towards the entrance of the mid-boss room.

[How were the races that attacked a little while ago?]

"They were easy."

[...Don't compare them to you. When comparing extraterrestrial races and humanity as a whole.]

"If we compare them as races... Most of them are much stronger than humanity."

The races that invaded the Demon Castle.

Even the weakest among them were intermediate or higher in terms of Ariel's standards.

Although Sung JiHan could kill them in one shot, each of them had their own strengths.

All of them far surpassed the basic specs of humanity.

[That's right. Humans are a species that should not be invited to the BattleNet. Their individual combat power is too low for that.]

"But why were we invited?"

[I'm not sure... But one thing is certain. Humans cannot surpass the Space League.]

Sung JiHan nodded.

The extinction of humanity.

Wasn't that a future she had already experienced in her previous life?


"Maybe if I'm not there. Since I belong to humanity, that won't happen."

[...I don't know when our little sister became so confident.]

"It's been a while."

[Sigh... Hey, seriously. Listen to me!]

Sung JiHan smirked and changed the subject.

"I'm fine. But how can we return to that original state?"

[Me? Since I've become the Witch of Void... I can't go back to the way things were.]

"Sister, do you know that you just avoided eye contact? It's a habit when you lie."

[...Since it's an impossible task anyway.]

"What's the method then? Breaking the chains? Or... getting rid of the owner of the Abyss?"

[You! Don't even dream about that. If you mess with him, you'll only bring about destruction for no reason!]


Sung JiHan repeatedly emphasized not to do it.

Her figure gradually became transparent.

[...Remember my advice. Until I save you, never... raise the Void. Don't even touch the Abyss.]

With that, Sung JiHan said what she had to say and disappeared.

As the purple barrier disappeared, the viewers' chat started to fill up.

-Oh, the screen is back!

-There's lag on BattleTube too.

-It's not lag, it seems like the screen is blocked.

-Sometimes this happens when you watch Sung JiHan's channel.

-What happened?

People who had been watching Sung JiHan's channel for a long time dismissed it as something that occasionally happened.

-...A powerful being intervened.

-It's to the point where the investigation team can't observe. What happened?

-And the Succubus Queen was easily subdued like that. What kind of player is this?

-I have 20 diamonds. It seems like we shouldn't attack here...

-We're retreating.

The extraterrestrial investigation team that had entered Sung JiHan's channel couldn't hide their surprise at this phenomenon.

-Oh, the extraterrestrial guests are leaving one by one.

-No, was it such a big deal that the screen wasn't visible?

-Seems like it, lol.

-Now I'm curious about what happened because they left like that.

The extraterrestrial investigation team left the chat room so abruptly that it left people puzzled.

And as they left, the frequency of the boss room's door opening also decreased.

-Oh, this means there won't be a big gap with the first place...

-What should we do ㅠㅠ

-Nah, if we wait a bit, more suckers will come in.

-It's a short break time, lol.

While the viewers were buzzing about the decrease in guests, thanks to the large number of them,

Sung JiHan recalled what had happened earlier.

"My sister is definitely alive."

Unlike when she was a saint, she was in a powerful statue-like form.

But she was alive somewhere.

"A refuge..."

Until recently, she had dismissed herself and Yoon Sae-ah as illusions.

But deep down, she had secretly been preparing a refuge.

Sung JiHan thought of her as an older sister, but she had negative intentions.

"Even if humanity perishes and only SeA survives, would it have any meaning?"

Listening to what Sung JiAh was saying, it seemed that she was limited to sending them to a refuge.

Even if the two of them went to a different planet, what would they do among different species?

"In the end, it seems like my sister won't listen to me this time either."

Sung JiHan erased the possibility of taking refuge from her mind and resolved to focus on battling on the Battle.net as she was doing now.


"The next goal is Abyss."

But I have to do what I'm told not to do.

He smirked.

* * *

Special Dungeon Game, the last day.

"The customers are scarce."

Hm. Hm.

Sung JiHan yawned as he turned the window.

After Sung JiAh came to visit.

For some reason, there were fewer space customers coming.

-But you still got first place, right?

-Yeah, the points were only 20,000 apart, so I think I can secure first place.

-Oh, and did you hear the news? We just won the Taiwan Tournament~

"We won the Taiwan Tournament? I was sorry I couldn't participate because of this map, but it turned out well."

National representative matches held two or three times a month.

Sung JiHan tried to participate as much as possible.

But it was impossible for him to leave his seat in the Special Dungeon map where he couldn't summon monsters.

-It's okay. We have SeJin, so what's the problem with the Taiwan Tournament?

But this time, it seemed that Taiwan, which was relatively weaker, was evaluated as such.

Coach No YoungJun came to the chat room himself and told them not to worry and just play the game.

-But when the crazy grandpa swept the first game, I thought we were going to lose hahaha

-Me too... He was really strong.

-But he only played one game and didn't play anymore.

-Yeah, I saw a Taiwanese article saying that he played one game and then retired. Grandpa hahaha

-It's fortunate for Korea, though.

But what happened in the Taiwan Tournament without Sung JiHan?

Korean viewers mentioned the "Taiwan Grandpa" in unison.

"Grandpa? Was there a powerful elderly player among the old players..."

Gifts were given randomly as a basic rule.

But the number of gifts given differed significantly depending on age.

Especially for the elderly over 60, it was at an almost nonexistent level.

In Sung JiHan's memory, there were hardly any outstanding elderly players.

Especially in Asia, there was not a single one...

"I should watch their gameplay later."

When Sung JiHan was interested in players who were not in his memory like that.


The boss room door that hadn't opened for a while began to open.

"A customer has arrived!"

"Why did you come after such a long time? Hehe"

The viewers were the first to welcome the invading attackers.

Everyone looked at the door, wondering which race would be wiped out in one shot.

"This place is now under the control of the Legion!"


"Why are they coming out here?"

Because of Sung JiHan, they became second place.

The Artmu Legion revealed themselves at the entrance.

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