There have always been some suspicions.

It's hard to call her a Shadow Elf just because she turned into a Shadow Sword. Ariel seemed to know a lot about the Queen's intentions and internal affairs.

Sung JiHan asked directly.

"Are you the Shadow Queen?"


"But how can you be sure that the Queen will detach her finger?"

[To a Shadow Elf, a finger is really nothing special. It can regenerate quickly. If someone like me, a loyal follower of the Queen, speaks, she will listen quickly.]

"Are fingers really worthless to Shadow Elves?"

Sung JiHan asked while looking at Artmu, and he answered.

[Shadow Elves are a race derived from Elves, so they have excellent regenerative abilities. But even for the Queen, there would be some bleeding involved in obtaining the essence of the shadow energy through a finger. It's not just about the shell. It must contain the essence of the shadow energy.]

"So that's how it is?"

[...The Queen has shown great interest in you and Eclipse. She can invest as much as she wants. And I really am not the Queen!]


Sung JiHan suspiciously looked at his left hand, but since he denied being the Queen so vehemently, he decided to let it go for now.

"Well, let's keep an eye on you a little longer, Queen."

[Ha... It's unfair. I wish I were the Queen too! Why would the Queen be trapped in a sword like this!]

"Yeah. Why are you like this, Your Majesty?"

[Because I'm not!]

Ariel jumped up.

Sung JiHan smirked and said to Artmu.

"Let's try to save the Queen's finger from this side."

[Really? If that condition is met, I can strengthen the sword.]


[Then the negotiation is complete.]

Flash. Flash.

Light burst out of Artmu's body, and his size rapidly decreased.

In front of Sung JiHan, a small white trumpet the size of a palm appeared.

"When you obtain the ore, blow this trumpet. I'll invite you to my forge."

"Okay. And your light energy. It was unique. Is there no way to obtain it?"

[...Huh! You're quite greedy. The excess in my forge is the light energy you mentioned. Just bring the ore. I don't care if you take some.]

"Hmm. Not now..."

[Then let's see when that time comes.]

Clank. Clank.

With those words, Artmu's entire body disintegrated, and he disappeared from the mid-boss room in an instant.

"He left quickly."

The unique light energy Sung JiHan had encountered for the first time.

It was worth analyzing, but as soon as the negotiation was completed, the other party left without looking back.

Perhaps he was anxious that he would lose the light energy if he stayed any longer.

"I should get the ore and leave."

While Sung JiHan was thinking that,


"Is this where the diamonds are?"

"I thought the difficulty would be harder! I was disappointed!"

The door to the mid-boss room opened, and the alien race guests started coming again.

First, I have to finish the game in first place.

"Let's go, Your Majesty."

"Ha. Call me as you please."

Sung JiHan stood in place, blocking the way with Eclipse.


Then, the intruders were split in an instant.

-As expected, one hit...

-Artmu was the only one who held on.

-And the guests seem weaker somehow?

-Seriously, only the ones who can handle the Red Brain came.

In fact, powerful races had invaded during the middle of the game.

Since Sung JiHan had been one-shotting them, only the weaklings were invading towards the end of the game.

And let's take care of these enemies in one blow.

- Wow, the customers aren't coming anymore...

- Artmu and Score are starting to get closer. The gap has narrowed by 2,000 points.

- Earlier, the scores didn't count when Artmu's dwarves were defeated.

- Is that combined robot the main body? That's a shame.

Sung JiHan's mid-boss room is now completely deserted.

"It's fortunate that today is the last day."

If Sung JiHan hadn't attracted aggro with diamonds in the early and middle stages, he would have allowed a comeback towards the end.

[Special Dungeon, 'Boss Selection Battle' is ending.]

[Player 'Sung JiHan' takes first place in the Boss Selection Battle.]

With a gap of 15,000 points, Sung JiHan was able to finish the game on the last day.

* * *

[For one month, player 'Sung JiHan' randomly appears as the hidden boss in the Diamond League Dungeon map.]

[Player is in Hideout state.]

[Hidden boss's name is displayed as ??]

At that moment, a status window for the hidden boss appeared for Sung JiHan.

[Hidden Boss: Sung JiHan]

[Specialty: One-Hit Kill]

[Skills: Horizontal Sky Army, Dark Soul Wave, Enemy Annihilation]

[Attack Power: EX]

[Defense Power: A]

[Health Points: F]

[Difficulty: Highest]

[Boss Information: A supernova that entered Space 4 immediately after the tutorial ended. Possesses overwhelming attack power that can cut down all opponents in one strike. Although its health points are weak, it is not a big problem for him as he does not allow any attacks from the enemy.]

[Elimination Reward: 5 Stat Diamonds]

"It only has three skills. I guess those are the ones used in the dungeon."

Most opponents are blown away with the Horizontal Sky Army.

For stronger opponents, he uses Enemy Annihilation, and sometimes uses Dark Soul Wave to pull in and observe unusual species.

The hidden boss Sung JiHan only had three skills.

"Of course, the attack power is EX... but the health points are F. That's too much."

Perhaps it's because there are many extraterrestrial species that can regenerate even if their limbs are cut off.

For Sung JiHan, who is of human origin, the evaluation of his health points was extremely low.

The fact that he was given an A in defense power was probably because of the skill Dark Soul Wave, which can also be used for defense.

"But the elimination reward is good, so the enemies won't aim for him."

Sung JiHan, who had harassed enemies with Stat Diamonds.

Reflecting that, the reward given when defeating the hidden boss Sung JiHan was at an enormous level.

Even if his fighting spirit waned due to the EX attack power...

When he sees the Stat Diamonds, his will to conquer will ignite again.

"Now this guy will earn me experience points and GP."

Because of the Hideout, the face of the hidden boss is covered with a black shadow.

Sung JiHan looked at his satisfying avatar, which would bring rewards for the next month.

At that moment.

"The scores of the Special Dungeon have been updated."

"You can further enhance the hidden boss."

The score Sung JiHan obtained this time was record-breaking.

An option to further enhance the boss appeared.

[Enhance Hidden Boss Abilities]

[Increase Hidden Boss Appearance Frequency]

Two options were revealed simply.

"Of course, the lower one."

Sung JiHan immediately chose to increase the appearance frequency.

A hidden boss with EX attack power.

It would be better to appear more frequently in the dungeon and defeat more challengers.

Rather than becoming stronger here and potentially breaking the players' will to challenge.

More importantly, it's better to earn experience points and GP for the main body, Sung JiHan.

"The hidden boss 'Sung JiHan' will be enhanced..."

"In more battle nets of various species, the hidden boss 'Sung JiHan' will appear more frequently."

As Sung JiHan had intended, the hidden boss was strengthened.

But that wasn't the end of the rewards.

[A special reward from the Hell Dungeon will be given. You can choose one of the following items.]

[Rare stat 'Upward' (possessed)]

[Hell Dungeon's rock]

[High-level demon's armor]

"A special reward... doesn't seem to be anything useful."

If Sung JiHan hadn't received a request related to the rock from Artmu, he would have had no choice but to choose the high-level demon's armor.

Of course, the armor didn't seem to have a bad performance with its SS grade, but as Sung JiHan, who didn't wear armor in the first place, it wasn't a particularly attractive choice.

When he was about to choose the rock from the Hell Dungeon as requested...

[The administrator of the Hell Dungeon, 'Succubus Queen,' shows a strong interest in the player.]

[Using her authority, she adds the 'Palace of Pleasure Invitation' to the rewards of the Hell Dungeon.]

Among the special reward items, the Palace of Pleasure Invitation was added at the bottom.

Unlike the other reward items, it shone in golden letters.

"I don't need this."

However, Sung JiHan didn't even look at it and immediately chose the rock from the Hell Dungeon.

[Obtained the rock from the Hell Dungeon.]

Rather than the Palace of Pleasure, weapon upgrades came first.

[Cleared an epic quest.]

[Obtained 10,000,000 achievement points.]

[Obtained a treasure chest from the Hell Dungeon.]

Not only the special rewards, but also the rewards for the epic quest were given this time.

"A truly rewarding year."

After accepting the achievement points, Sung JiHan opened the treasure chest from the Hell Dungeon.

And then...

[Received the 'Palace of Pleasure Invitation.']


The reward that he didn't even look at a moment ago came out of the treasure chest.

Was this also a prank by the Succubus Queen?

"A Palace of Pleasure Invitation... It seems like I have bad luck to get something like this."

Should he just tear it up?

When Sung JiHan seriously thought about it...

-Palace of Pleasure Invitation? Owner, that's a very expensive item.


-Yes. The Palace of Pleasure... a place where all the pleasures of the universe are concentrated. It's a place that even the grandmasters of the universe can't go to, so it's a sought-after place. If you put it up for auction, it will sell for a high price.


Upon hearing this, Ariem quickly provided him with information.

"As expected, Your Majesty. You know a lot."

-...Will you keep your mouth shut from now on?

"Okay, okay. I won't call you Your Majesty from now on."

He'll treat her as a queen later.

Thinking that, Sung JiHan searched for the market price of the Palace of Pleasure Invitation on the auction house.

And the price that came up was...

"...100 billion GP?"

It far exceeded his expectations.

"Why is it so expensive?"

[100 billion GP is still quite cheap. Did some of the grandmasters addicted to the Palace of Pleasure go bankrupt?]

"Is this considered cheap?"

[Yes. If you had torn it up, it would have been a big problem, right?]

Sung JiHan nodded.

This item was worth 100 billion GP.

Indeed, the universe is vast.

Sung JiHan registered the item at this price.

"Wow, it sold immediately."

In an instant, a huge amount of 100 billion GP came in, after deducting the commission.

"Now I don't have to worry about money for real."

Even before, I had already reached a certain level of wealth, but now that I have gained an additional 100 billion GP, I don't really need to worry about it.

"In the Artmu Blacksmith, if there's anything I want to buy, I should use this money," Sung JiHan thought to himself and asked Ariel.

"When can we obtain the Queen's Finger?"

"For now, log out. That way, I can contact the Queen," Ariel replied.

The Queen contacting the Queen herself?

Sung JiHan wanted to say that, but he held back.

"I gave you 100 billion GP, so please bear with it for a few more days."

Since he had almost caused a disaster by tearing up the invitation, he decided to call the Queen later.

And so, Sung JiHan completed the Special Dungeon map.

"For the next month, a hidden boss will appear in the dungeon map."

From that moment on, the world welcomed the hidden boss, Sung JiHan.


"Oh... our party has been wiped out again..."

"What the... why are the NPCs so strong?"

"Oh, please don't let Sung JiHan appear! Why does the hidden boss appear so frequently?"

Sung JiHan, who caused an increase in appearance frequency.

Since Sung JiHan entered the Special Dungeon map.

They had experienced a smallpox outbreak.

Sung JiHan, who kept appearing despite being a hidden boss.

Every time he swung his sword, the players who were conquering the dungeon were all wiped out.

"Uncle... I just died to you."

Meanwhile, Yoon Sae-ah, who logged out of the BattleNet, glared at Sung JiHan.

"Why are you so strong, really?"

"Yeah... did you go into the Veil of Emptiness?"

"You can't stay there forever. As soon as you come out, you get slashed."

"I'm sorry about that. But I think I gave you experience points and GP, Uncle. It should help you improve."

"That's not at all comforting."

While saying that, Yoon Sae-ah looked at the Daiya Riggers' bulletin board.

Everyone was in an uproar, saying that their levels had dropped because of the hidden boss, Sung JiHan.

"But the rewards are so good that there are people who want to defeat him. They're making strategies."

"The stat diamonds are really good. Hm. But... can I even catch you?"

"Oh. Right. If it's Uncle, you should be able to win, right? Even though it's the main body. Let's party!"

If I can get the diamond reward here, it would be perfect.

Sung JiHan immediately tried to form a party with Yoon Sae-ah and start the game, but...

"If you form a team with player 'Sung JiHan', you cannot encounter the hidden boss 'Sung JiHan'."

Unfortunately, the BattleNet system prevented it.

"What a shame. I wanted to fight with you."

Sung JiHan disbanded the party after seeing that message.

"Since we're already in a party, why not play the game together?"

"Ariel wants to go to the blacksmith when she gets the Queen's Finger."

"I see, Uncle. If you have a good bow, please buy it for me. Hehe."

"Sure. Let me look around and buy it for you."

Since he had earned 100 billion GP, he could buy Yoon Sae-ah a good bow.

When Sung JiHan kindly replied like that.

Ding dong. Ding dong.

A ringing sound came from the wall pad.

"Owner! Please look at your face! There's not just one or two guild tasks to handle!"

Ding dong. Ding dong. Ding dong.

Guild Master Lee Ha-yeon kept ringing the bell while hitting it.

Her face was filled with exhaustion.

"Hmm... I've delegated all the tasks. What else is there to handle?"

"Uncle... Ha-yeon unni said she's going crazy because of the workload lately. She was about to explode."

"Is that so?"

It wouldn't be good if Ha-yeon quit her job.

Sung JiHan quickly got up from the sofa.

"I understand. Let's go down to the guild."

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