"I was truly amazed just now!"

After the guild selection ceremony this year.

President Jeff, at the dinner table with Sung JiHan, patted him on the back while spitting out his drink.

"To sign autographs like that to the audience in the Hall of Glory...! I've met countless players, but I've never seen anyone control their power so precisely!"

President Jeff, who attended the Player Awards Ceremony this year to present awards without fail.

He had met more top players from around the world than anyone else.

But there was not a single person who showed the same level of power as Sung JiHan.

"To cause damage to all the audience members in the hall, other players could do it too, but..."

In the case of top-level mages in the world.

If they were to use high-level magic, it would be possible to turn the entire hall into a sea of fire.

But the fact that everyone left a precise signature on people's left arms was a different story.

It meant that the control of power had reached a level far beyond that of the existing top players.

"It's nothing special."

"Haha. You're even humble. Director Davis, what did you think just now?"

"It was amazing. Sung JiHan is truly something!"

Director Davis, the coach of the Earth's representative team who attended the dinner today, raised his thumb.

Thanks to Sung JiHan, they were able to turn around a game that they almost lost in the opening match against the Elves.

He was naturally friendly towards Sung JiHan.

And also.

"Um, Sung JiHan... Did you know that the next Space League match is scheduled for a week from now?"

"It's already a week away."

He was also in a position where he had to say something regretful to Sung JiHan today.

"I have a favor to ask regarding that match..."

"If it's a favor?"

"Well... Sung JiHan, you're currently ranked 11th in the world rankings. Are you aware of that?"

The world player rankings.

The selection criteria for these rankings mainly relied on levels.

In addition, various other factors were included to calculate the final comprehensive score.

Sung JiHan's strength was now recognized by people all over the world as the strongest in humanity.

But until now, his level was not high enough to be ranked according to his skills in the world player rankings.

"But he's already 11th... I didn't check the world rankings, so I didn't know. It's higher than I expected. You're not even level 250 yet."

"Although level is the most important evaluation criterion, Sung JiHan's achievements so far are so remarkable. Everyone thinks that 11th place is a relatively low ranking."

As he said that, Davis hesitated slightly.

"But... as a coach, this 11th place is really important."

"Because of the ban card?"

"Yes. It seems that the opposing race will most likely use the ban card that applies to three out of the top 10 players."

In the previous match, the Elves didn't use it because they had malicious intentions.

Originally, in terms of versatility, the ban card for the top 1-10 players was the most useful.

When the opposing race pulls out this card.

Whether Sung JiHan gets caught or not was extremely important from the perspective of the national team coach.

"Well... so can you please stay in 11th place until next week? I hope you can take a break from playing the game for just a week!"

When he was the coach at American First, Davis never bowed his head to the players.

But because the importance of the Space League was much greater than the national competition.

He bowed his head to Sung JiHan and earnestly pleaded.

"This game... was it Urk?"

When Sung JiHan met him during the Diamond Promotion Match, ?? disappeared and Urk's rankings were revealed.

Currently, they were in 20th place, last place in the rankings.

But they weren't weaklings.


"Before being executed by the elves, Urk's core player was quite strong."

Urk's warrior, at that time, single-handedly pressured and led the match to victory against the strongest human warrior, Sword King.

After humanity suffered two consecutive losses, they struggled with the exponentially increasing dungeons, confirming their place at the bottom.

Urk seemed to be climbing to the middle ranks with one win and one loss.

But they faced consecutive losses against the World Tree Elves, and Urk's warrior was executed, causing them to plummet to the lower ranks alongside humanity.

"Even Urk, who competed in the relegation zone, is not an opponent to be taken lightly."

Sung JiHan made that judgment and nodded in agreement with the coach's request.

"Understood. I'll try to delay leveling up as much as possible."

"Thank you...!"

"But I can't stop Sung JiHan, the hidden boss, from earning experience points."

"For now, I will send a letter to all the Diamond players worldwide, asking them not to raid Sung JiHan for a week. And, can you temporarily accept players ranked 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th in the TOP10 into our guild?"


When Sung JiHan agreed to the request, Coach Davis's expression brightened.

"It must have been a difficult decision. Thank you for accepting the request...!"

"For a player competing for the top to voluntarily stop leveling up for the sake of humanity... As expected, Sung JiHan is a role model for BattleNet players. At the association level, we will award a special prize after the match ends."

As if he had been waiting, Chairman Jeff brought up the reward story.

"Oh, right. Then how about taking a good rest for a week? There are many things to see in the United States. After enjoying sightseeing, you can receive another special prize at the Hall of Fame after the Space League."

Sung JiHan smirked.

Tourist attractions in the United States.

He had already been to all the places worth visiting in his previous life.

There was no need to waste a week of time.

"No, thank you. I need to train for the match. Please send the reward to Korea from now on."

"Oh, right... in Korea..."

"Yes. It's too much of a waste of time up in the sky. If it's difficult for you to come, you don't have to."

A player who tells the BattleNet Federation Chairman to come if he wants to give him a reward.

If it were the original hot-tempered Chairman Jeff, he could have easily lost his temper.

But he smiled without changing his expression.

"No, of course I have to go. It's an opportunity to give a reward to Sung JiHan!"

After seeing the scene of Sung JiHan signing autographs for everyone at the Hall of Fame,

Chairman Jeff didn't even consider giving him a title.

"Then should I arrange for the private jet again? When should we go..."

"After eating, let's go. What about right after?"

At Sung JiHan's words, Chairman Jeff nodded and took out his phone.

"Ugh... Owner. Are you returning today? Can't I... take a day off? It hasn't been long since we crossed the Pacific..."

Ha Yeon, who was having a meal together, was surprised and made a request.

"I'll go tomorrow."

The schedule was postponed by one day.

From the perspective of an ordinary person like Ha Yeon, the schedule was already tough.

"Yes, that's right. Then I'll arrange for the private jet to operate tomorrow."

That's how Chairman Jeff personally stepped in to coordinate the schedule.

The group led by Sung JiHan, who had finished their dinner, stayed for a day at the luxury hotel provided by the federation.

"It's been a while since I've been here."

For Sung JiHan, New York was like a second hometown.

The room provided by the federation was the same place where he had stayed during his time as a member of American First.

As he looked around the splendid room, he briefly reminisced.

Knock. Knock.

Suddenly, a knocking sound came from outside the room.

"I'll come in, Mr. Sung JiHan."

It wasn't a question of whether she could come in or not, but a woman's voice that definitively stated she would come in.


At the same time, the room door became transparent, and a woman walked in with a steady pace.

Sung JiHan turned his head in that direction and noticed her presence with his two eyes.

"You... You're the person who avoided the autograph earlier."

The shadow area that completely dominated the Hall of Glory.

Although he had given autographs to everyone through this, there was one person.

The woman sitting in the front row had disappeared when she was about to sign.

"I thought you were an unusual existence, and you came to find me today."

After hearing Sung JiHan's words, the woman smiled happily.

"Hmm. That's right. As expected, you have a good sense. You're a useful person... someone who can become the enemy of the Void."

"...Enemy of the Void?"

To mention the Void.

Sung JiHan looked at the woman with deep-set eyes.

"Are you also a servant of the Void?"

"Yes. I am the fourth servant of the Void... the prophet, Nostradamus."

* * *


"Yes. I have been active under various names throughout human history, but my last incarnation was Nostradamus. If the name is too long, you can call me Pithia."

The woman smiled mischievously and wandered around Sung JiHan's room as if it were her own.

"This room is nice~ Can I lie down on this bed?"

While saying that, Pithia jumped onto the bed before receiving permission.

"Wow, it's so soft!"

Sung JiHan chuckled as he watched her, feeling slightly relieved.

What's with her?

"Servant of the Void. Stop lying down and tell me what you came here for."

"I can't talk while lying down? I woke up because of you and couldn't sleep."

"...Can you explain it a bit more clearly?"

"Ah, was the context not clear enough? I freed the Witch of Emptiness, and in her place, I became the Witch of Emptiness who oversees the end through prophecy. That's why I woke up."

"...What? The Witch of Emptiness. Are you related to my sister?"

When Sung JiHan looked at her with a surprised expression at the mention of the Witch of Emptiness.

"The Witch of Emptiness was my sister? Hmmm..."

Pithia sat cross-legged on the bed and pointed her finger at Sung JiHan.

"Alright... Let's start the prophecy!"

As she did, her eyes continued to sparkle.

It was as if a camera flash was continuously going off.

How long did she stare at Sung JiHan like that?

Pitia pounded the bed with her fist.

"Ah... why isn't it working? Can't I use the Seat of Power?"

"The Seat of Power... Are you also a case like Longinus?"

"Yes. I can't come in my true form, so that's why. Ah, in situations like this, Sung JiHan was the only one... Is it because of the Void? Or are you, by any chance, a Avatar of the Gods?"

A prophet who questions the other person about the prophecy that doesn't work.

Sung JiHan frowned as he looked at her, who seemed like a fourth-dimensional being.

"Why are you asking me about something that the prophecy doesn't work on? More importantly, tell me more about the Witch of the Void."

"That? It's nothing special. If the Witch of the Void is your sister, it's a bad ending... Can you tell me?"

"...A bad ending?"

"Yes. You fought against monsters and saved her, but almost got sucked in due to the excessive use of the power of the Void. The Witch of the Void was finally liberated, but she sacrificed herself for you."

Pitia casually spoke her prophecy, and Sung JiHan frowned at the disappearance of the Witch of the Void.

"So! I was dragged to take charge of the end of the world instead! Why am I doing that for real?"

"That I got consumed by the Void..."

"It's hard to believe that I'm the seed of the Gods, right? You don't have to believe it. Not everything the prophecy says is true."


As she said that, she smiled meaningfully.

"But those who don't believe always end up following the prophecy."


Suddenly, the fourth seed of the Gods burst into the room, only to explode a bomb.

"Ah, will it become a prophecy if I do this?"

Twinkle. Twinkle.

Drawing a square with her finger, Pitia burst her gaze like a flash again.

"Ah. It's not working! Then like this!"

This time, Sung JiHan thought as he watched her draw a triangle.

"She seems like a crazy woman... but it's hard to dismiss what she said as nonsense."

The Gods, the Witch of the Void, the seeds of the Gods, etc.

She easily spoke of information that only those who wander in the world of the Gods would know.

It's a frustrating situation to just tell her to stop talking nonsense, as the information is lacking.

"But if I let her take control like this, I'll just be dragged around by that woman."

Is there any way to not be swayed by that my-face woman?

Sung JiHan thought for a moment and remembered that she introduced herself as the "fourth."

"The first and second martial arts of the Annihilation Pact were related to Longinus and Dongbangsak."

If that's the case, wouldn't the fourth martial art also be related to her?

"Although it was a martial art that I couldn't use due to my lack of ability... I can try to bring out my luck."

During the time of the mute Sung JiHan, the fourth martial art of the Annihilation Pact, which he couldn't use due to his lack of power.

But as a martial art name, he could infer the attribute to some extent.

The attribute of the fourth is water.

Sung JiHan asked her.

"If prophecy is your ability... why is your power associated with water?"

"Snap. Snap! ...What? Water?"

Now, Pitia, who was making snapping sounds with her mouth, responded.

"...Huh? No? I'm fire. It should be a great catastrophe..."

As Sung JiHan spoke, he released his fingers and his pupils trembled.


From her eyes, a blue light seeped out, unlike before.

"Uh... but. Is this the right thing to say...?"

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