2nd match, Valley of the Warriors.

In this game where only 1,000 players from the Warrior class participate, it was the map that Orcs preferred the most.

= Looks like we got the map the enemy wanted.

= It's a shame. We easily won the first match.

= Still, the human warriors are quite strong. We have Sung JiHan and the Sword King, don't we?

The commentator expressed regret about the select cards of the enemy.

With the core players of humanity, Sung JiHan and the Sword King, it should be fine, he said.

The public's reaction was not significantly different.

- Seriously, our warriors are strong too.

- Well, there are only two Koreans... What if they get banned?

- One of them should survive. Sung JiHan is ranked 11th.

- Coach Davis requested a temporary rank hold for this match, right?

- They did a great job taking down the Elves, haha.

The public had faith in the Korean warrior duo.


[Among the top 10 players of 'Orc', 3 of them are banned.]

[Players ranked 6th, 8th, and 10th are banned. They cannot participate in the 2nd match.]

[Among the top 10 players of 'Humanity', 3 of them are banned.]

[Players ranked 2nd, 7th, and 10th are banned. They cannot participate in the 2nd match.]

As the ban cards were revealed, the initial optimistic outlook began to waver.

= Ah... The 2nd place...

= The Sword King is banned. It's two consecutive bans!

= The ban in the first match was useless, but this time it's quite critical.

= Still, it's fortunate that Sung JiHan survived. If he had been ranked higher, we would have had to fight without both Sung JiHan and the Sword King!

"Oh no, another ban..."

Yoon Se-jin furrowed her brows.

The first match didn't matter because it was a mage map, but this time, participation was important.

Unfortunately, the enemy's ban card hit him in this game.

"I'm sorry, brother-in-law."

"It's just luck with the ban card. Don't worry about it. I'll take care of my brother-in-law's share."

Sung JiHan replied to Yoon Se-jin and thought to himself.

'In my previous life, it was my brother-in-law who participated, and ranking up to 2nd place caused this side effect.'

When he was in Japan in his previous life, the Sword King was satisfied with just being 3rd place.

But this time, after returning to Korea and joining the waiting guild, he achieved 2nd place with the powerful growth effect.

It was good to have grown, but this time he was consecutively banned, which he had avoided in the previous life.

Sung JiHan made up his mind to take on the Sword King's share and thought about the opponent.

'The chieftain who crushed my brother-in-law with a punch... There isn't much information about him.'

Orc Chieftain, Urk.

He and humanity had only faced each other once.

In Sung JiHan's memory, there wasn't much information about the chieftain.

But even though they had only played one game, there was one scene that was vividly imprinted in Sung JiHan's mind.

'Still, I remember him smashing my brother-in-law's head with his fist.'

The Sword King's white sword was shattered by the chieftain's fist.

Yoon Se-jin, who had been pushed back continuously, eventually had his head explode without being able to overcome the chieftain's power.

Humanity despaired at this result, but Sung JiHan, who had watched it at the time, secretly felt relieved.

To him, the Sword King was nothing more than a human who was like a temporary reinforcement.

'Although I am much stronger than my brother-in-law back then...'

His weapon had been upgraded, and his martial arts had transformed into the Supreme Martial Art, making him stronger.

Still, the enemy was not an easy opponent.

'I'll have to use the Life-Ending Technique.'

Sung JiHan thought this way as he prepared for the match.

* * *

Valley of the Warriors.

On both sides, there are towering cliffs, and below them lies a flat plain. This map provides a fair environment for both teams. It is a straightforward map that instructs the warriors to focus on fighting each other without worrying about anything else.

"Oh, I can't believe I'm participating in the Space League!"

"I had a feeling!"

As 1,000 warriors were chosen and even those who were not included in the national team roster were summoned, they looked around with excitement.

"Those who have just been summoned, stop looking around and come here. We need to form our formation!"

"Hurry up and gather so we can receive the formation bonus!"

The existing national team warriors urged them to get their act together and gathered to form a formation.

"For now, let's focus on defense."

"After assessing the enemy's strength, we will switch to an offensive formation!"

They gave instructions diligently, and the warriors moved busily.

However, Sung JiHan said, "I will move alone."

"Ah, yes! Understood!"

Without interfering with such movements, he stood alone at the front, facing the direction of Urk.

"They have gathered in groups of 100 in a circular formation. It's the pattern Urk always uses."

Whether it was during his time as the tribal chief or not, Urk's warriors always formed their formation by gathering in a circle.

Does the circular formation give a big bonus to the Urk tribe?

While Sung JiHan was observing that sight for a moment.

Thump. Thump.


The tribal chief of Urk, who had used the select and ban cards a while ago, stepped forward and looked at Sung JiHan with a strange expression.

"You... Weren't you a player who appeared in the first match? Your face was covered..."

Sung JiHan's first match that ended as he flew away.

At that time, the firepower difference between the two sides was so one-sided.

The focus of the battle tube mainly showed the Urk camp being bombarded.

While flying, Sung JiHan briefly appeared.

It seemed like the tribal chief had witnessed that fleeting moment.


"How can a magician be in this match..."

"I am the person you were looking for."

"What...! You're the hidden boss?"

As Sung JiHan nodded, the tribal chief of Urk clenched his fist.


Then, the tribal chief's skin began to shine gray.

A tattoo that had not been visible on his body until now began to emerge.

"Good...! I will repay the shame I experienced here, in the dungeon!"

"Shame? Did you lose to him?"

"I didn't lose. I was ambushed!"

Isn't that the same thing?

If you lose to a clone, it must be more embarrassing than you think.

While Sung JiHan was thinking that, the tribal chief raised his hand towards the sky.

"Oh, great ancestors. Grant me power!"


Then, a bright light burst from the sky and descended upon him.

The tribal chief's green skin quickly turned gray.

His body swelled like a balloon and quickly transformed into muscles.

The tribal chief's body grew about twice as large as before.

"Hidden boss... I will defeat you!"


The chieftain stomped his feet on the ground.

His body quickly closed the distance and reached Sung JiHan.

"Incredible speed. He definitely wasn't this strong just a moment ago."

As soon as he asked for power from his ancestors, the chieftain instantly became supercharged.

The gray light continued to shine down from the sky, infusing him with power.

Is that the source of his strength?

"Where are you looking!"


The massive fist aimed for Sung JiHan's head.


The fist, which seemed like it could easily crush his head, suddenly slowed down.

Suppressed strike due to the control of the spiritual space.

The chieftain opened his eyes wide.


"You're still distracted."


The shadow sword appeared in Sung JiHan's left hand.

He lightly struck with a simple thrust, guided by the Immortal's Path.

The power of the Honwon Divine Technique, combined with the original name.

The power surpassed imagination.


A massive hole appeared in the chieftain's chest.


"What, what is this!"

Behind the chieftain.

From a distance, the sword energy extended towards Urk, who was weaving the circle.

=Sword energy...

=It extends to the end of the map!

=Urk's circle completely collapses!

=More than 30 people died from a single sword strike!

The Immortal's Path extended to the edge of the map, breaking the center of the circle and overwhelming dozens of Urks.

However, the chieftain, who was hit by this attack head-on, was...



He was back to being whole, filling the massive hole in his chest.

"The Hidden Boss didn't have an attack like this."

"That guy only had a part of me."

"He didn't become stronger as the Hidden Boss. Instead, he shrank to come out... You, you were a monstrous being. However..."


Urk's fist moved faster than before.

"Good! That's the taste of being trampled!"

The chieftain's punch came flying towards Sung JiHan's head, splitting the air.

The suppression of the spiritual space was less effective than before.

"My chest was pierced, and I became stronger."

Still, there was a range that could be dealt with.

Sung JiHan countered with Eclipse, directly cutting through the chieftain's fist.


With the sound of metal breaking, the chieftain's fist crumbled.

However, the gray smoke bloomed from the split arm and maintained its formidable form.

"If it doesn't work in one try."


The eclipse drew multiple arcs.

As the gray smoke gathered, bloodlines quickly appeared on the body of the chieftain.

"If I do it multiple times."

Each strike was a deadly blow, relentlessly delivered.

The chieftain's sturdy body was enveloped in smoke, and he began to shrink.

"This, such a blow... so easily...!"

He gritted his teeth and looked at his own body.

Although the ancestral energy descending from the sky was rapidly regenerating his body.

But more importantly, the opponent's sword was faster.

With the distance so close.

While the opponent struck him ten times, his fist never reached its full extension.

"So, when will you trample on me?"


Sung JiHan sneered and swung his sword.


The chieftain's head flew backward.

A fierce battle unfolded at close range.

The winner was determined in the blink of an eye.


"How could the chieftain...!"

As the chieftain's head rolled on the ground.

The Uruk warriors were astonished.


"Get up."

Sung JiHan pointed his sword at his head.


The gray light descending from the sky grew darker.

The chieftain's body began to regenerate in an instant.

"...How did you know? That I would survive."

When the regenerated chieftain asked with a stern expression.

Sung JiHan raised his sword towards the sky.

"You can tell just by looking. The sky, where you spread your arms and chant about the ancestors, is the source of your power."

The flow of energy visible through the soul.

The chieftain standing on the ground was a secondary existence.

And the sky emitting gray energy was the real deal.

"...You knew that in this short moment? Aren't you just a hidden boss for nothing?"

"I just see everything transparently."

"I see... I acknowledge your eyes. But what will you do?"

The chieftain extended his arms towards the sky again.

"I can continue to receive support from the ancestors like this. The more I'm torn, the stronger I become, and someday I will narrow the gap with you. As long as the sky doesn't disappear, in the end, I will be the one to win..."


As the gray light descended on him again.

The chieftain revealed it and laughed.

"Now. Tear me apart again. Hidden boss. Make me stronger! So that I can receive the power of the ancestors again!"

With the ability to grow stronger as he dies, thanks to the energy from the sky.

Sung JiHan, who had been watching the chieftain asking to be killed openly, raised his gaze.

"No. Playing with you is too boring. I'm just going to erase that sky."


"Pitia. I will fulfill the promise."

With those words, an intense coldness emanated from Sung JiHan's body.

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