"The process of clearing a demoted planet... a war of extermination against a race."

The war of extermination was something Sung JiHan experienced before his regression.

At that time, the darkness engulfed the flesh on its own, causing the disappearance of all humanity.

Sung JiHan was the only one who survived and was able to regress through the vote of certain beings.

With a vote of 3 in favor and 1 against, he was given the opportunity to challenge again with a difference of 2 votes.

"But is this something the player did?"

Humanity was clearly devoured by the darkness.

The target of this war of extermination, the 'Crimson Blood Demons', ended up being invaded by the Void and the Sun factions for some reason.

"Hmm. A war of extermination. It's rare for the player to be responsible for the final fate of a demoted race."

Did you see the Artmudo system message?

Hundreds of dwarves crossed their arms and looked up in unison.

"A war of extermination?"

"No, if you get demoted, you get exterminated..."

"What? Isn't that a crazy penalty?"

"But this extermination... is it something the player does?"

The viewers who were watching the Sung JiHan channel.

After hearing his conversation with Artmudo, they were astonished.

There were various stories about what happens when you get demoted in the BattleNet league.

Through this mission today, they were given a clear answer.

"But the Crimson Blood Demons seem to be in the Silver League... If you get demoted from the Silver League, shouldn't you go to Bronze? Why are they being exterminated?"

"Bronze is a league for beginners to gather. Once you reach Silver, you can't fall back to the beginner's league."

"Hmm... those elves don't seem like beginners at all."

"Well, they have a huge background, so that's why."

The dwarves who were talking to Sung JiHan all pointed their fingers up at the sky.

"I should choose the Sun. What about you?"

"Are you planning to participate in the war of extermination?"

"Of course. Isn't it a special mission?"

The dwarves all revealed their intentions and laughed.

"If there's any loot worth taking, we should collect it. It's the end of a race that made it to the Silver League. There must be something good."

Artmudo seemed to have no burden in exterminating other races.

"These dwarves are cruel."

"Even though they're different races, isn't it a bit strange to participate in a war of extermination?"

"For real... At this point, BattleNet is not just a game anymore."

"Why are those guys talking about morality like a textbook? LOL Since it's not a game, we should gain loot and become stronger like Artmudo."

"That's right. What if we prioritize the well-being of other planets and Earth ends up like that?"

Among the viewers, there was also a sense of resentment towards Artmudo, who enjoyed the war of extermination.

But the realism that there was no room to consider such things was dominant.

And Sung JiHan, too, made up his mind while observing Artmudo's attitude.

"In the end, BattleNet was originally that kind of game."

From the beginning, fighting against other races to rank.

Wasn't the game on BattleNet about the destruction of lower-ranked players?

In a situation where even the same race fights each other, is there a need to care about the extinction of other races on different planets?

Artmudo's attitude of seizing loot was the most desirable attitude for the sake of his own race.

"As for me..."

While Sung JiHan was contemplating which side to choose.

[If you choose the Void faction, an epic quest will appear.]

Another system message appeared.

An epic quest that is not available in the Solar faction.

That's why the choice is obvious.

"I should go to the Void."

[Alright. Will I earn a lot of GP in the Void?]

In response to Sung JiHan's choice, the dwarves waved their hands.

Soon, light descended from the sky and took everyone up into the sky.

Sung JiHan, who glanced at the ascended Artmu, chose the Void faction.


The earth turned purple, and the surroundings quickly darkened.

And in the darkened world, a system message appeared.

[By choosing the Void faction, an epic quest will appear.]

[Epic Quest]

-Find the origin of the Crimson Demons and bring an end to them.

Reward - Void stat capacity +30

-Acquire the title 'Void Executor'

Sung JiHan's eyes lit up as he looked at the rewards of the epic quest.

"This is a reward that I absolutely need."

The Void stat, which was not much inferior to the abilities of the Star's Spirit, had a fatal penalty that prevented long life as the stat approached 100.

The way to alleviate this penalty was to increase the capacity of the Void stat.

"I could increase the limit by 5 with the summoning skill of the Divine Throne that I can use once a month... but with 30, it gives me an extra 6 months."

The EX-grade skill Sung JiHan obtained from the Brain God, Divine Throne Summoning.

The Divine Throne, which transcended the limits of its species, also had the effect of increasing the capacity of the Void stat.

The reward of the epic quest had the effect of pulling forward 6 months of this.

As Sung JiHan had to obtain it as the Holy Land.

"Plus, I have to consider Pithia's prophecy."

He recalled Pithia's prophecy about the Witch of the Void.

[You fought against monsters and saved her, but almost got sucked in by the power of the Void due to using too much of it. The Witch of the Void was freed but sacrificed herself for you.]

The prophecy did not apply to Sung JiHan himself, but it was the last thing Sung JiAh told him, saying it applied to those around him.

In that prophecy, it was said that Sung JiHan almost got sucked into the Void.

Increasing the capacity of the Void stat was necessary to prevent such a thing from happening.

"The problem is finding the origin of the Crimson Demons...."

All the epic quests he had received so far had not been easy, but none were as daunting as this one.

Finding the origin of the Crimson Demons.

Where could he find that?

While Sung JiHan was contemplating what to do, someone exclaimed.

"Oh! Who is this! It's not a head!"


In the world dyed in purple.

A black skull revealed its face.

* * *

"To think you're already participating in the race for the extinction of the species... Truly, Sung JiHan, you're amazing, aren't you?"

Click. Click.

The black skull, clacking its teeth, sneered.

Sung JiHan furrowed his brow as he watched the skull circling around him.

The seat of the dead star, Kallein.

Sung JiHan, who was also a sponsor of the seat, didn't expect him to be here.

"So you're participating too... And as a secondary character?"

"I'm not a secondary character! I'm the main character! This time, I've been dispatched as one of the invasion commanders of the Void faction, as a representative of the seat."

"Oh, really? Then you must have information about the Crimson Blood Demons."

At Sung JiHan's words, the black skull nodded.

"Of course I do!"


Purple light spread from his eyes, revealing a large screen displaying four arms with blue skin.

A species with two heads appeared on the screen.

"The Crimson Blood Demons... They're not a particularly powerful species. At best, they're considered low to mid-tier. That's why they were demoted from the Silver League."

"Is that enough to be demoted?"

"Some of them can hold their own, but most of them get demoted. They have to be at least mid-tier or higher to survive in the Silver League. Unless we have someone like our head, Iregula."

-Humans are the lowest rank, what can we do? Seriously, lol.

-But why is that skull acting so friendly towards Sung JiHan?

-Yeah, why does he call him "head"?

-There were times when the broadcast was cut off during the Battle Tube... Is that when they met?

Viewers who didn't know much about Kallein wondered why he was acting so friendly.

But they still paid attention to the words he uttered.

After being assigned to the Special Invade Map, the Race Annihilation Battle.

Advanced information about the state of the world on BattleNet was flowing in.

"So, if they get demoted, players go in to annihilate the species?"

"No~ Originally, we just summon the Apostles of the End and ultimately incinerate them in the Void. Oh. But our head... By any chance, are you watching the Battle Tube?"


Click. Click.

As the black skull clacked its teeth, it gave a creepy smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen~ If you can't maintain your rank, I'll execute you right away~ Ah! But if our head really enters my head, would you go easy on me?"

"Stop talking nonsense."

"Woof woof! Bark bark!"


At those words, Kallein, who had transformed from a human head to a dog head, began to bark.

Sung JiHan was momentarily speechless at the sight.


-He's really insane, that guy. Lol.

-Why is he so crazy today? Ugh.

-Yeah, one guy tells us to die and the other tells us to become heads. Lol.

-Humanity is doomed with guys like him...

The dog head, which had elicited a fervent response from the viewers, grumbled.


Soon, Sung JiHan returned to his original skeletal form and opened his mouth as if nothing had happened.

"Anyway, let's get back to the main point! There is a separate reason why players participated in this extermination battle against the Crimson Blood Demons."

"What is it?"

"The Crimson Blood Demons have the ability to possess other races."

Flash. Flash.

A shimmering light flashed in the eye sockets of the skull.

"Right. Sometimes the Crimson Blood Demons' blue eyes flash like this. It means they are possessing someone. But it's completely random. It doesn't work on even the lowest-ranking races, while sometimes even the Dragonkin fall victim to possession."


"One of the higher-ups in the BattleNet wanted to gather more data on this possession. That's why they included players in this extermination battle."

"So you're saying players can be possessed?"

"That's right! Actually, there's no need for players to participate in exterminating just one low-ranking race."

Sung JiHan nodded.

The process of the extinction of humanity and other races in the previous life seemed a bit different, but there was a hidden reason behind it.

"I'm a bit worried that our heads might be possessed... But still, I will participate."

"Of course."

"Alright then. As the leader, I'll assign you to an easy route! Among the attack routes, there is a civilian residential area. The people there are not players, so they haven't awakened their possession abilities. We can easily wipe them out!"

Kalein, recommending an easy route to Sung JiHan with his authority as the leader.

However, Sung JiHan flatly refused his suggestion.

"No. Send me to the place with the strongest resistance."

"Why? Is it because they are civilians?"


Kalein's laughter turned bitter at Sung JiHan's refusal.

"Well, if that's the case, it's a bit disappointing... To survive in this BattleNet, you have to become infinitely cruel. If you harbor such weak feelings, you will be taken advantage of at any time."

"Aren't you the one who wants to take advantage of me the most?"

"Hehe. That's right. I'm telling you this so that no one else can take our heads."

Sung JiHan chuckled at Kalein's words.

"If I were to be swayed by such things, I wouldn't have participated in the extermination battle in the first place."


"To find the origin of the Crimson Blood Demons."

"The origin..."

Thud. Thud.

When the origin was mentioned, Kalein's eyes became intense.

"The origin of the Crimson Blood Demons... That's an interesting thing to talk about. The origin... It might be related to what you mentioned, the special possession of the Crimson Blood Demons."

"So, will you send me to the place with the strongest resistance?"



A purple light emanated from the eyes of the black skull.

Soon, a massive portal was formed.

"If you feel like you're going to be possessed, just give me a call. I'll rush over no matter what!"

"That won't be necessary."

Sung JiHan flatly rejected Kalein's offer and stepped into the portal.


"Intruder... Die...!"

"Everyone, seize him!"

As soon as he entered the world beyond the portal.

Hundreds of blue eyes turned towards him, flashing with light.

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