=Huh, Huh Woo-taek... When he stomped the ground with his foot, his leg broke!

=No, after two matches, he's destroying the entire map again! How far are the limits of this player?

A 1:1 battle fought with legs.

However, as soon as Dong Bang-sak began to exert his full strength, the battlefield collapsed in an instant.


As Dong Bang-sak stomped his foot, the leg broke instantly.


The fragments of the leg flew towards Sung JiHan, enveloped in a powerful force.

Although each fragment contained a strong power.

"In the realm of the soul, control is possible."

This was something that Sung JiHan's spatial dominance could not surpass.

Fragments stopped simultaneously in mid-air.

But one of them didn't stop there and extended its sword backwards.


Then, suddenly, Dong Bang-sak's hand from behind blocked it.

"You have good reflexes."

"It's not easy to attack so easily. Cheonma."

"You are the only human who dares to say that Cheonma's rule is easy."

"Human... interesting."


Huh Woo-taek drew his original sword.

As the crimson sword energy surged, hundreds of blows were exchanged between them in an instant.

Whenever the sword clashed with the sword, or the spear clashed with the sword, intense crimson magic surged.

It consumed Sung JiHan's body and burned his flesh.

"...In this match, the difference in power is not great."

Perhaps because he was thinking of the player Huh Woo-taek, the target he had come to confront.

In the third match, Dong Bang-sak was not overwhelmingly powerful like when he drew the Taegeukma Sword.

In terms of power difference, he had a slight advantage.

Or maybe it was about the same.


"In every aspect, he is ahead."


For dozens of seconds.

In that short time, Sung JiHan's entire body was dyed crimson.

The dark-colored magic burned.

His arms, legs, and torso were cut and fell, only to regenerate again.

The basics of combat.

Attacking, defending, thrusting, blocking.

From these basics.

Dong Bang-sak overwhelmed Sung JiHan.

-?? Why is he so fast? Is it in slow motion?

-Yes, haha. How can a human be like that?

-Wow, Sung JiHan is clearly being pushed back... His whole body is already filled with black flames...

-Huh Woo-taek is crazy; he's so strong!

It was clear even to the viewers.

In their clash, Sung JiHan was clearly being pushed back.


Dong Bang-sak silently watched Sung JiHan, whose entire body was burning.

A crushing defeat in the basics.

As a warrior, he was pressed to the point of despair...

"Your gaze is still alive."

Indeed, Sung JiHan is a talent worthy of being his successor.

He put away his sword for a moment.

"This time, I matched your strength against you. But what is the result?"

"I am clearly being pushed back."

"Yes. If I am like this, how can I resist the Supreme God? Give up your soul and come with me."

At Dong Bang-sak's suggestion, Sung JiHan smiled.

"Well, I'm not sure. Even though I'm being pushed back now, if I have a soul... I think I can catch up to you soon, Elder."


"I have also learned the basics of combat well thanks to you."

Dong Bang-sak frowned.

Certainly, Sung JiHan's basics had noticeably improved since their first clash.

If at first his limbs were torn apart...

Now, it's just giving up one arm and one leg.

"If it weren't for that strange regenerative power, it would have ended a long time ago..."

"Thanks to that, I've improved by cutting you hundreds of times. Thank you once again."

"Sung JiHan... Truly an incredible ability."

"It's a very good ability."

Sung JiHan.

This "power of the stars" easily robbed him of all the efforts he had accumulated as an unmanned being.

Dong Bangsak had given up and put aside many things while living an eternal life.

His martial arts that he had accumulated.

Having the effort he had worked on his whole life unilaterally taken away was an unpleasant experience no matter how long he lived.

"Even if I continue to suppress you like this, it's just a situation where I'm raising you. I'll finish it in one shot."

"Oh. Are you using a strong martial art? That's good."

Sung JiHan hesitated at Dong Bangsak's words.

He looked at the fierce young man in front of him and let out a bitter laugh.

To like the situation where he said he would finish it in one shot.

It must be because of that soul.

"...It won't work."


Unlike usual, Dong Bangsak plucked several strands of his beard.

Then, the beard fluttered into the air on its own.

Behind him, it began to draw a strange pattern.

"I originally intended to use the Sword of Destruction..."


"Come to think of it, don't you have something more outstanding than me?"

As the magic that was emanating from Dong Bangsak's body disappeared as if it had been washed away.

Behind him, a giant pattern came to mind.

Inside it, instead of the violent magic of the Heavenly Horse, there was agility.

"An era where humans and demons coexist. A man who serves the Ghost and the God. He was given the task of opening the era of humans..."


Dong Bangsak, with his sunken eyes, stroked his beard.

"Well, he couldn't achieve it in the end. He just imitated it for a while, leaving behind lingering regrets."

Sung JiHan heard his words and could tell what he had imitated.

The second martial art of the Resolve of Annihilation, Man-Gwi Bongshin.

This martial art that shows overwhelming power against spiritual bodies.

If what he imitated was that...

"Gugung Nine Palaces."

Inside the pattern.

Light flashed in nine places.


The world near the nine lights distorted.

The power similar to the Taiji that Dong Bangsak showed for the first time in the second round.

A power that absorbs everything.

But in Sung JiHan's eyes, rather than the air being sucked in...

[Target condition, partial match.]

Suddenly, the floating characters caught his attention.

"This is..."

It was the same as the characters that appeared when Longinus used the Spear of Divine Salvation.

It came to mind when he recited Gugung.


"Palgwa Eight Trigrams."

Inside the pattern, the Palgwa was drawn from eight directions.

[Seal code.]

On top of that, the floating characters transformed.

When it was Longinus, it was a code of annihilation, but this time it changed to a seal code.

"Chilseong Seven Stars."

And then, when he recited Chilseong.

The characters of the seal code disappeared.


At the moment when the manifestation appeared in that spot.



In the back of Dongbangsak's body.

As the space tore apart, a giant black hand appeared.

[That's it.]

"Master, you are..."


When the black hand clenched its fist.

Dongbangsak exploded along with the jin he manifested in the air.

'If he's the master, could he be a god...'

No matter how much of an extraordinary existence a god is.

Can they intervene in a match from the outside?

Sung JiHan quietly looked at the black hand.

It was as huge as dozens of people could fit inside.

The aura emanating from it was chillingly fiery.

'...Strangely enough, it seems like something I can deal with more than Dongbangsak.'

Dongbangsak, who had shown the pinnacle of martial arts.

Even he was blown away by that exploding black hand.

It seemed easier for Sung JiHan to handle.



The black hand that clenched its fist disappeared through the torn space.

The gap in space quickly closed.

And what remained.

Were broken legs and players being sucked into Dongbangsak's gukungpalkwado.

More than half of them were sucked in and fell to their deaths as their strength disappeared.

"Uh, ugh..."

"I'm alive..."

About half of them somehow managed to survive by holding onto the ground near their legs.

This was possible because Dongbangsak's gukungpalkwado had not exerted much force yet.

"...What a shame."

Sung JiHan savored such a battlefield.

He had learned so much through fighting Dongbangsak.

But because a god intervened, this learning opportunity came to an end.

'It seems like he won't appear in the next match...'


Sung JiHan looked at the Taiwanese players who were nursing their bodies near their legs.

'Let's finish the game.'


The collapsed legs.

Sung JiHan, who was standing in mid-air, used kyunggong.


"S-Sung JiHan is coming!"

"Stop him...!"

The Taiwanese players tried to resist somehow.

But they had already lost their strength from watching the 1:1 confrontation between the two monsters.

How can they stop a player of such extraordinary caliber?



When Sung JiHan stepped on Taiwanese territory.

The ground split, and fragments flew towards the players.

"So that's how it's used..."

It was a sight similar to the Cheonmagoongrimbo that Dongbangsak had used.

Except that instead of magic, it was infused with brainwaves.

"This, this is what Grandpa Heo TaeHak used, right?"

"Ugh... How do we stop this!"


The Taiwanese players disappeared one by one as they were pierced by the fragments.

Even the warriors who had firmly adopted a defensive stance were no exception.

[The third match is over.]

When Sung JiHan set foot on Taiwanese territory, the three matches ended.

* * *

[Korea wins 3:0 against Taiwan.]

[Two matches disappeared by the Taegeuk. The shortest time in the history of BattleNet games.]

[Heo TaeHak, who fell after the third match, revealed that he gained such power through the advent of the Holy See.]

Every time Sung JiHan faces an opponent, the Holy See intervenes. Following Vladimir, another Holy See intervention. Why is there so much focus on him?

Everyone expected Korea to win against Taiwan.

The game ended as predicted, 3:0.

But the content of the game was completely opposite to expectations.

- Well, the result is still 3:0, right?

- Wow, I really thought we were going to lose lol

- Sung JiHan's Holy See intervention again?

- Why can't Sung JiHan catch these Holy Sees and eat them?

- No, ask for help during the Space League lol

The interview with Heo Woo-taek, who claimed that the Holy See intervened, sparked speculation.

People speculated about this Holy See.

- Hey, but this one is really strong... The gap was huge.

- Watching the three games, it seems like a celestial horse. Are celestial horses always like that?

- It's strong, but using the Taegeuk symbol is cheating lol

- Seriously, you can't have the power of the True Horse.

- So that's why he's even doing the Holy See...

- The True Horse should let go of the King Lin now lol

- Yeah, that's a real celestial horse.

Perhaps because he called himself a celestial horse, Dongbangsak was already recognized as a "celestial horse."

His performance even took away the title from Wang Lin, who had been called a celestial horse.


Dongbangsak, who became a hot topic in society,

was kneeling in front of the deity.

"...My lord, I apologize."

"What are you apologizing for?"

"That... um..."

Dongbangsak was speechless in response to the deity's question.

In fact, he was brought here without even knowing English.

The deity remained silent for a moment, then looked down at Dongbangsak and spoke again.

"From now on, do not interfere with him."

"Only... me?"

"For now, yes."

"...I understand."

Dongbangsak bowed his head and accepted the command.

He still had no idea why the deity intervened.

But as a servant, he decided to obey his master's words.

"Step back and rest. There will soon be an invasion."

"An invasion...?"

"I have accurately located the Brain God. I will seize the Divine Throne."

"The Brain God... You mean the Divine Throne?"

"Yes. It is time to replace the throne."

The Brain God, known to be powerful even among the deities.

But the deity claimed that his Divine Throne was already his.

"I understand. I will prepare."

"Inform the other servants as well."


As Dongbangsak, who had kneeled, stepped back,

the deity tapped the spot where he had been sitting with his finger.



From the forehead area of the deity's face, which had been hidden in darkness,

a light eye was created.

It had a similar appearance to the Divine Eye of Pithia, which possessed the power of prophecy.

"The possibility of defeat has finally appeared."

Until now, there had been no future where Sung JiHan won.

Was it because he realized Dongbangsak's strength?

Or because he saw the Gugung Palgwe?

In his divine vision,

although it was a very slim chance, for the first time, he saw a future where Sung JiHan was defeated.

"Even the smallest variables... will be blocked."

The deity murmured softly and withdrew his divine vision.

Then, the light disappeared from his position,

and darkness covered him.

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