Sung JiHan recalled his last deal with the Brain God.

After receiving the EX-class skill summoning of the Divine Throne and surpassing the enemy's stronghold.

He received it with a smirk, but then realized that emptiness was contained in the essence of the enemy's stronghold and started to rage, asking what would happen if he gave something like this.

[The Brain God gets angry, asking if you're going to leave the enemy's stronghold like this. He criticizes it as a violation of the contract.]

Although he criticized Sung JiHan for a while.

In the end, he didn't withdraw his support for the Divine Throne because he was disappointed in himself.

"Just a moment. I received a message from the Divine Throne, so I'll talk to them."

"No, to the Divine Throne..."

"They're asking for some help."

"Yes. Please go and come back~"

Sung JiHan shook hands with Sophia, who came as a guest, and went into his room.

During that short time.

[The Divine Throne 'Brain God' is afraid that the wandering god of destruction has come in earnest.]

[The Divine Throne 'Brain God' asks why there is no response and scolds you.]

By the time Sung JiHan opened the door to his room, he came out in the town mode.

'Brain God. It seems urgent.'

Sung JiHan looked at the real-time system message that lowered his posture and slowly opened his mouth.

"Enemy stronghold operation... Is what I said last time all there is? To use emptiness?"

[The Divine Throne 'Brain God' complains that even though he gave up eternal life and used emptiness, it didn't have enough power.]

[If you have a secret technique, don't hide it and tell me.]

"What secret technique? As the Brain God, shouldn't you be better at controlling electricity than humans?"

The Brain God, who had been silent for a moment, seemed uncomfortable with Sung JiHan's words.

But after a few minutes, another system message came up.

[The Divine Throne 'Brain God' is trying to summon a clone.]

[Will you accept?]



Then, electricity flashed in front of Sung JiHan's eyes, and a small lion with red currents appeared.

[Owner of the enemy stronghold. Pass on the secret technique quickly! The wandering god and his followers are breaking the barrier outside the Divine Throne!]

"No, there really is no such secret technique. I already told you everything last time."

[That can't be true! I even tried to use the enemy stronghold by giving up my lifespan, but it failed!]

"How much emptiness did you mix?"

[1, 2 percent...]

"Mix more. Give up a little more lifespan."

[If I mix more, I'll die!]

The lion roared in anger at these words.

Seeing this, Sung JiHan's eyes narrowed.

Is the power of emptiness that fatal to gods?

'Well, that explains why he went crazy last time.'

But that's their problem.

Sung JiHan shrugged his shoulders.

"The only way I know to strengthen the enemy stronghold is by mixing emptiness. Any other secret techniques? I'm curious too."

[Ugh... Is that really true?]

"Yes. I also want you to become stronger and hinder the footsteps of the gods."

[You too?]

"Yes. It's because our relationship isn't that great."

At Sung JiHan's words, the lion's eyes flashed.

[Not a good relationship with the gods... Then, do you have any willingness to help me?]

"If you're asking me to go fight, I'll pass. I'm not at the level to challenge him yet."

[I don't expect that either. However,]


As the size of the enemy diminished,

A blue current emerged around his body.

[By sharing some of my abilities and senses, can you assist in operating the enemy's lightning?]

"Sensory sharing?"

[Yes. There won't be any harm to you. You just need to continue generating lightning.]

"Are you asking me to be a generator?"

[Generator... No matter how much you grow, how can you improve the entire brain and body? Instead, yes. Think of it as a switch.]

The red lion pushed its head towards the switch in the Sung JiHan's room.

"It's like this. You just need to be a switch that can turn on the red light among many switches."

"Ah, I can do that. But, um..."


"The Space League match is in a few days."

"Is that important right now?"

"Well, I can't do it for long."

"If you don't participate in one match, it won't be a big problem, right?"

"Humanity will be in trouble without me."


Crackle. Crackle.

The red lion emitted electricity in various directions and clenched its teeth.

Although he looked like he was going to be killed by the deity, he was furious at the deity's talk about space, but what was regrettable was on this side.

"...I understand. Go play the match at that time. If you operate the lightning to strengthen the shield, it will last longer."

"Okay. But, um..."

"...What? Another 'but'?"

"What's the price?"


"Yeah. You said you would give it earlier, right?"

"That was when I taught you the secret...!"

"No. Then you weren't going to give it? You entrusted the task to a person? By the way, I'm prepaid now."

Zi-jik. Zi-ji-jik. Zi-ji-ji-jik...!

As Sung JiHan spoke, the deity's body turned white and began to emit electricity in all directions.

Although his appearance was cute as a small lion,

But because he was originally a deity's avatar, he showed quite a powerful force.

"Don't cause a commotion in my room."


Sung JiHan drew a circle with his finger.

The deity's current could not exceed a certain distance and was trapped inside.

"...If we share senses, your lightning-related abilities will increase."

"Deity? That's not particularly useful. Don't you have any EX-grade items?"

"There aren't any! Do you think such things come out easily?"

"Hmm... Then the merit is too small."

When Sung JiHan crossed his arms and looked down, the angry deity flinched and lowered his voice.

"...I understand. If I survive, I will give you a bigger reward. And, did you say prepaid? Your stats... are you a deity? Add 50 to this."


"Yes. If you share senses with me, this ability will grow even faster."

Stat: Deity.

This ability was a rare stat, and if other players had it, it would be a useful ability.

But for Sung JiHan, who was overwhelmed by emptiness and void, it was now a stat of a cold rice dish that he didn't pay much attention to.

But still, increasing the stat by 50 at once is a different story.

"This is like being a lightning god."

Sung JiHan released his crossed arms and smiled satisfactorily.

"Great. To stop the deity, you're helping me specially."

"Thank you, thank you. Then, catch me right now."

The lion, which had turned completely white, transformed back into green.

Sung JiHan nodded and reached out his hand to it.

Then, a system message appeared.

[The Holy See 'Brain God' and sponsor Sung JiHan will begin sensory sharing.]

[The Holy See 'Brain God' grants a brain stat of 50 as compensation.]

[Summoned to the control space of the Brain God. Will you accept?]

"So this is what it means to be summoned? But how do I return from here?"

[Hmm... You're quite meticulous. Let's add an option.]

In response to Sung JiHan's question, the lion, who had been hesitating, answered.

[When you shout 'logout', you will be reverse-summoned to the control space of the Brain God.]

[Will you accept the summon?]

Having prepared the option to return at any time, Sung JiHan nodded.

"I accept."


Then, Sung JiHan's body flickered with a bright white light and disappeared.

* * *


"Is this the control space of the Brain God?"

Summoned Sung JiHan looked around.

The space was surrounded by blinding white currents in all directions.

Among these currents, only a small portion showed a red light.


And from one of those currents, a lion's head suddenly popped out.

[As expected, the brainwaves cannot invade you.]

"I also have some spatial control abilities."

[But to strengthen the lightning, you need to open up the space a bit.]


In front of the lion's face, two thin red currents rose.

They were a pale red, not completely red.

Here, there was more of a sense of emptiness than the power of fire.

[Enhance this.]

"Just these two?"

[Hehe. Try it first and then tell me.]

Sung JiHan approached the two currents in the ethereal space and opened a path for them.



Two pale red lightning strands appeared in front of his hand.

"So I just have to infuse my lightning into these?"

Sung JiHan blew his own lightning into them as a demonstration.

Crackle. Crackle.

The pale red lightning momentarily darkened, and a strong current flashed and disappeared into the distance.

[As expected, yours is of higher purity...]

"Where did it go?"

[The lightning you enhanced is primarily used to reinforce barriers. Places with mixed lightning have stronger defense than others.]

"Hmm... Can I see that scene too?"

[You don't have the luxury to do so right now. When your lightning strengthens your defense a bit more, then I'll show you.]


With that last remark, the lion disappeared.

"It seems like he's reluctant to show me the screen."

Sung JiHan wanted to see what abilities the Brain God and his followers used when they invaded.

It seemed that the Brain God also sensed Sung JiHan's curiosity.

That was his attitude, whether he would fulfill Sung JiHan's request or not.

"Now that I have the stats, should I try doing some work?"

Brain stat 50.

Although it's an ability that I don't plan on investing in.

But still, my rare stat has increased by 50, so using the power of the brain has become easier.


Sung JiHan continued to strengthen the faint lightning in his hand.

Becoming redder, then fainter.

Becoming redder, then fainter, repeating for several hours.

[Brain stat has increased by 1.]

[Brain stat has increased by 2.]

Continuously dealing with immense currents, Sung JiHan's brain stat kept rising.

The color of the lightning became darker, then returned to its original faintness.

Sung JiHan furrowed his brow.

"This is not rewarding at all. I'm just... a battery?"

When the brain god summoned Sung JiHan here, he said it was a switch.

But from Sung JiHan's perspective as a supplier of lightning, it was just as he initially thought.

He was acting as a generator, a battery.

"It's a shame to just passively stay like this."

The clash between the wandering god and the brain god.

The outcome of this battle had already been spoiled by Sung JiHan's Heavenly Thunder Judgment.

The brain god would eventually be captured by the wandering god, have his powers taken away, and meet his demise.

Sung JiHan didn't expect the brain god to defeat him.


"Since I can log out anyway, I'll take whatever I can get here."

If he continued to act as a battery and the brain god was defeated, logging out would be a concession on his part.

Sung JiHan held two strands of lightning in his left hand and grasped the currents flowing from all directions with his remaining right hand.


"What... are you doing?"

In response to Sung JiHan's sudden actions, the lion-headed figure quickly revealed itself.

"Ah. I ran out of electricity. I'll replenish it."

"Well... you did supply a lot of lightning."

"Yeah. Hey, you called me a switch. But I'm just a generator, aren't I? How long do I have to keep supplying lightning?"

"Hmm... put a little more effort into it. The barrier that was being pushed back is being restored thanks to you."

"Is that so? If you want the barrier to be restored, put more energy into it. Or should I just log out and take a break?"

"...Wait a moment. I'll go out and make some arrangements. In the meantime, absorb that electricity."

Instead of stopping Sung JiHan's actions, the brain god struggled with his energy supply request and disappeared again.

[Brain stat has increased by 5.]

And Sung JiHan continued to absorb the white currents, growing his stats.

It was clear that his brain stat grew more rapidly than when he held onto the lightning strands.

"Even though it's a rare stat, it's nice to be able to increase my stats for free."

As the brain god was struggling due to the lightning, Sung JiHan decided to prioritize the growth of his brain stat over the conversion of lightning.

While doing so, when his brain stat reached around 70.

"Now it's not rising as easily."

The rapid rise had come to an end.

Sung JiHan saw this and decided to move on to the next step.

"Hey, brain god. Are you done with your arrangements? Ah, I ran out of energy... I'm so weak~ Should I go home?"

Sung JiHan called out to the brain god with a more excited voice than ever.

To the brain god, whose control space was being disturbed.

A system message suddenly appeared.

"What are you doing here?"

It was a message from Pithia, the servant of the god.

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