A space filled with mysterious patterns drawn on the floor, in the darkness.

On top of it, a third eye.

Pitia, who had activated Shinan, was standing there.

[The species 'human' has chosen the hidden bonus option, 'Chaser of Stars'.]


She laughed as she saw her foresight coming true.

"The future where the Longinus Spear is embedded will be postponed."

Although Pitia couldn't directly observe Sung JiHan's future,

there were various indirect ways to see it.

Instead of directly seeing the subject, she could foresee it through the surroundings.

So now she could glimpse the future of her opponent within the prophecy.

"I've completed Longinus' request, and I've also reduced my debt to Sung JiHan. I've killed two birds with one stone."

When Longinus, who had been used as a spear by the God of War when he invaded the Brain God's throne, was sealed again to recover his strength,

just before being sealed.

-Pitia. Can you see my future? I can't... I don't want to live like this anymore. When will I disappear from this spear?

He asked when he would die.

-If you take out my blood, I can prophesy.

-Take it.

Pitia prophesied Longinus' future in exchange for his blood.

-Your spear, it's in most of the futures I've seen. And there's a Longinus Spear next to it.

-Longinus... that guy. He must have died in the end.

-But when the Longinus Spear wasn't there, your spear was also gone.

-Does that mean... I died?

-I don't know that far. I can only tell you what I can observe.

-It's good enough that such a future was observed.

In most of the futures Pitia observed,

Longinus' spear was still placed on the spear, just like now.

And next to it was the Longinus Spear that Sung JiHan currently possessed.

A spear at the same level as the one Sung JiHan had developed now.

Pitia could infer from that.

"In most of the futures, the owner... removed Sung JiHan before the spear became bigger."

The God of War was a cautious person.

Although he moved his own star, the spear, and established himself as the terror of the universe by mercilessly hunting down the Thrones,

he received almost no regulation from the Battle Net.

This was possible because he carefully examined the problematic elements and completely excluded them.

"I don't know what the owner wants to gain through Sung JiHan... but if he feels even a slight threat, he will immediately dispose of him."

And Pitia instinctively realized that Sung JiHan was about to be disposed of.

In fact, Sung JiHan's life itself was not a very important issue to her.

"If he dies, there will be no one to awaken Gilgamesh."

Pitia had a purpose in awakening Gilgamesh to confirm the identity of the God of War.

So, in order for Sung JiHan not to be disposed of by the God of War, what should she do?

"Make him an entity that cannot be touched immediately by making him a target of Battle Net's centralized management."

A target of Battle Net's centralized management.

The most representative case among them was the 'Throne Candidate'.

Once the player becomes the Pope, Battle.net releases them into a world of survival of the fittest.

However, Sung JiHan, as a candidate for the Pope, had at least minimal safety measures in place.

"If Sung JiHan becomes the Pope quickly, it won't be easy for the Battle.net to dispose of him, as he is a target of the cult."

Pitia used all of his knowledge to find the possibility of him becoming a candidate for the Pope.

He was able to successfully finish his work at the moment when the cult leader sat on the divine throne and absorbed energy.

"Hehehe. Shall we go find the minions of the brain god now?"

"Now? What have you been doing until now?"

"Ugh... Dongbangsak? What is it? Why are you here?"

As Pitia sang a tune, Dongbangsak slowly revealed himself in the darkness.

"The master wants you to capture the minions of the brain god."

"Because of the minions, you're sending Dongbangsak too? Isn't it that urgent?"

"I thought the same..."


Dongbangsak stroked his beard and his eyes gleamed sharply.

"The master couldn't absorb the enemy's lightning."

"Lightning? So you're sending me to capture them?"

"It seems so."

"Why can't he absorb it? Isn't he as great as you think?"

In response to Pitia's question, Dongbangsak stopped stroking his beard and opened his palm.


Although it didn't completely match Sung JiHan's power, a red current, a combination of mental power and lightning, surged intensely from Dongbangsak's hand.

"...As expected, Dongbangsak. You understood right away."

"No, it's not exactly the same. It doesn't mix with the power of emptiness. The core of the lightning seems to be emptiness. This is just superficial."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. However, compared to me, who shouldn't directly handle emptiness, the master doesn't have such restrictions. But even so, he can't absorb it..."

"The owner, who used to acquire the abilities as they were, is quite peculiar."

"Yes... very peculiar."

Pitia thought of the essence of the Pope, neatly displayed in rows, and tilted his head.

Why is it that Sung JiHan's power, of all things, cannot be absorbed?

"But by any chance, did you do something to Sung JiHan?"

"What are you suddenly talking about?"

"The humans suddenly chose hidden bonuses. The one who chases the stars... Sung JiHan chose the fastest path to become a candidate for the Pope."

"I'm not sure."


Dongbangsak raised the corner of his mouth.

"Be grateful that the master was sitting on the divine throne. If not, he would have noticed your suspicious behavior right away. Well... from my perspective, I'm glad to see your suspicious behavior."

"Glad? You, the first loyal servant of the master?"

Dongbangsak's gaze sharpened.

"To show respect to the master, I only call him the god of emptiness. If he was not a god, but merely a replica of power... would there be any reason to pledge loyalty?"

"Hmm. Judging by the way you speak to me, you seem to have some doubts."

"...I'm not completely convinced yet. I need to watch a little longer."

As he said that, Dongbangsak recalled the secret technique he had passed on to Sung JiHan.

Whether it was because of the battle with the brain god or the divine throne, the god of emptiness seemed to have not seen Sung JiHan's secret technique.

But even if he saw the secret technique, if he couldn't acquire it, the doubts would become even more substantial.

"From now on, be cautious in your actions, and let's start looking for the minions of the brain god."

"Got it~ So we just need to find the red lion? Made of red lightning."



Light shone on the floor pattern.

"They've run far. Are they a brain warrior or something?"

"Did you find them already?"

"Sort of. Let's go."


The figures of Pitya and Dongbangsak disappeared, engulfed in a bright white light.

* * *

[Sung JiHan already had a plan? Revealed right before the speech, the hidden option 'Chaser of Stars.']

[Chaser of Stars, unanimously passed.]

[Efficiency of Chaser of Stars? 10 times the national bonus for Bronze players. Shows an outstanding effect that is twice as much as the 2nd place ranking.]

[The effect does not apply to Sung JiHan, who is already in 1st place. Some experts express concerns.]

"I'm here."

To Sung JiHan, who had finished his schedule in New York and returned to Sword Palace.

Yoon Sae-ah, who was watching the news, suddenly leaned in.

"Uncle, what will my future be like?"

"...What are you talking about?"

"No, how did you perfectly match the hidden bonus option? Your premonitions are so chilling."

"You'll live well. You're the owner of Sword Palace."

"Well, that's obvious. Who will be my future husband?"

"Such trivial things don't appear in premonitions."

"Ugh. You call that trivial? That's too much."

"Isn't it less trivial than the future of humanity?"

Sung JiHan's premonitions had made a decisive contribution to maintaining humanity's ranking.

Yoon Sae-ah pouted her lips and changed the subject.

"But Uncle, the buff effect is too good. What will you do if someone quickly takes away the 1st place? Especially players like me who play two games a day, we'll be caught up quickly."

"Haah. I hope someone catches up. Our Sae-ah. Did you survive the first match against the dragons?"

"...No. I was swept away by their breath."

"Not just you, all the rankers were completely overwhelmed by the dragons. Now that I'm 1st place, I'll be the target of bans, and other players need to grow quickly to do their part. So please, don't worry, Uncle, and grow up well."

"Ugh... Alright."

Humanity had been sucking up to Sung JiHan's honey until now.

But now that he had reached 1st place, he could no longer take advantage like before.

Other races, who had tasted Sung JiHan's power, would surely ban him from 1st place.

"But Uncle, for the races we haven't met yet, can't you use the Uncle card? They don't know you. They probably won't ban you from the first match, right?"

"For now, that's true."

"For now? Oh... do you have another premonition?"

"I'm not sure."

Sung JiHan chuckled and waved his hand at Yoon Sae-ah.

"I'm going to level up for now."

He immediately logged into BattleNet.

For a week, Sung JiHan played games with the players of Space 4 on BattleNet every day.

-Is the survival map really that big? LOL Why is it so huge?

- It will take an eternity for an ordinary player to get there.

- But even the players in Space 4 can't beat Sung JiHan, they just get crushed easily.

Only a select few players were able to enter the Space 4 area.

Even in regular games, there was no way to defeat Sung JiHan, who couldn't be suppressed even after practicing together.

[Hidden boss... The rumor that the 'real' one is much stronger, I thought it was false!]

[Why is he in Space 4 anyway?!]

Even in the survival map.

[He... He's coming.]

[Quick, gather together and stop him!]

[Huh? Are you guys scared of that little guy?]

[Disappointing. Those who claim to become the Holy See... Oh...!]

Even in the invade map.

[The opposing team. Why are their kill counts rising so quickly? It doesn't make sense to defend against the same enemies.]

[At this rate, it's not defending, it's going in and increasing the kill count...]

[...I think 'that guy' is here.]

[That guy? Ah... the hidden boss?]

[I've already encountered that guy three times... I hope he goes up to Space 3 soon.]

Even in the defense map.

Sung JiHan easily dominates the opponent no matter which map it is.

The other players were also formidable in their own worlds.

But they were easily suppressed by Sung JiHan, unable to even draw out their own skills.

- Since JiHan-nim became a 'star' and started playing games frequently, it's been so good, hehe.

- You should firmly maintain your rank 1 position. That's how you become the Holy See, lol.

- But if Sung JiHan becomes the Holy See, will humanity be ruled by Sung JiHan?

- Right now, he's already giving out a lot of points. It would be nice if he could dominate until the end of Battle.net...

- Seriously, the daily point acquisition rate is different. Sung JiHan plays games all the time.

- It seems like there's a buff for those who chase after stars. The leveling speed of other players is no joke.

Humanity, who had risen to second place in the Space League, fell to fourth place after 10 days. But they were still satisfied because the daily point acquisition rate had increased.

If the daily acquisition rate used to be in the lower ranks, now they had climbed up to the middle and lower ranks.

- The first match against the remaining 16 races won't be easy to strategize since they don't know about JiHan-nim's existence, right?

- Yeah, it's advantageous for us that there's no information exchange between the same league.

- Yeah, at first I was like ??, but it turned out to be a good thing, lol.

Before the match, the Space League's policy was not to disclose the race names.

Humanity, with the overwhelming player Sung JiHan, took full advantage of this.

They hoped that this would continue in the future.

However, when April 15th arrived...

[For the next two weeks, the league competition 'Planet Conquest' will take place.]

[In this competition, guilds can participate.]

[The opponents in the competition will be matched between races that have not encountered each other in the league.]

The league competition, in which all races of the Space League participate, was once again held.

The four races that had been ?? until now were suddenly opened.

And among them, the one that caught the most attention was...

-No way...

-World Tree Elves. They exist again?

The World Tree Elves, the third race to be opened in the league.

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