"...Isn't that treason against the master?"

Dongbangsak, who had been quietly listening to Gilgamesh's words, questioned.

The order from the deity to Longinus to deal with Sung JiHan.

If you interpret it literally, it meant that Longinus should handle it alone.


"Then, are the players of the Cardinal level going to rush in to capture Sung JiHan?"


"Longinus wouldn't want that either."

Gilgamesh told the conflicted Dongbangsak that the person involved wouldn't want it.

"If Longinus doesn't want it. That means..."

"What he said is correct. I don't want your help. I will kill Sung JiHan alone."

In response to Dongbangsak's question, Longinus appeared behind Gilgamesh.

"Longinus. Do you really want that?"

"Of course. Did you think I wanted your help? Just to subdue one measly human?"

"Sung JiHan is not just any measly human."

"If he's not just any measly human, then I would be even happier."

Longinus smiled behind Gilgamesh.

"Because he will be the one to end me."

"...Longinus. Haven't you let go of your regrets yet?"

"Are you talking about regrets about death? Of course. I... always want to die."

Dongbangsak closed his mouth at Longinus' answer.

Dongbangsak became a deity's disciple in order to live forever.

On the other hand, Longinus always wanted to give up eternal life.

Their perspectives on life were completely opposite.

"I understand that Longinus wants to die. But... no matter how you think about it, this is inefficient. Even if Sung JiHan is strong, it would be difficult to defeat him if each of us, the Cardinal-level disciples of the deity, stands against him."

Even if Sung JiHan is strong.

If each and every one of the Cardinal-level disciples of the deity stands against him, it would be difficult to overcome him.

Instead of sending Longinus alone, who hasn't fully recovered his strength, it would be the right direction to handle it like this.

"That's right. But, never intervene."


Gilgamesh laughed with a tired expression.

"It's simple. It's because he woke me up."


"If he woke me up, there might be a possibility of waking up the third disciple."

"Are you talking about the third one who has never awakened until now?"

"Yes. So, he should be given a chance too."

Gilgamesh looked behind him.

Where the throne of the Divine King of the Brain was placed, at the center of the sanctuary.

There, the figure of the deity, who had always been sitting there, was gone.

"When the master is absent, it is the rule of the disciples to prioritize following my orders... He must remember that, right?"

"I remember."

"So. Leave this matter to Longinus alone."

Dongbangsak nodded silently, and Gilgamesh looked at Pithia.

"What about you?"

"I never had any intention of intervening in the first place~ I'll just watch later."


"Well then, since we're talking about it, let's go and deal with it right away."

Longinus didn't say anything.

Gilgamesh raised his hand to stop the action.

"No. You should also recover properly before going. You should be able to handle the Divine Spear."

"I can still use it."

"With your current condition? It would only be a mimicry. There is no deadline for the orders given by the master. Go when you are fully prepared."

"...I understand. I will recover and go."

Because Gilgamesh's words had priority among the five servants.

Longinus nodded reluctantly with an uneasy expression and disappeared again.

"Gilgamesh... It seems like he's helping Sung JiHan. But judging from his conversation with Longinus, he doesn't seem completely friendly..."

It was Dong Bangsak who felt doubt towards the gods.

Bound to him through eternal life.

He tried to faithfully fulfill his master's orders without resisting.

If Dong Bangsak had joined Longinus.

Sung JiHan would have already been a dead man.

However, Gilgamesh prevented Dong Bangsak from intervening.

And he ordered Longinus, who was not in perfect physical condition, to recover and go.

"Longinus in his current state is similar in power to Sung JiHan. If he had intended to help Sung JiHan, he would have sent him immediately... What is his intention?"

Pithia watched Gilgamesh with suspicion.

* * *

"A special code input."

A new function that emerged after the upgrade of the soul.

Sung JiHan was conducting research on this while trapped in the training room.


Sung JiHan also knew what it was.

Like the annihilation code used by Longinus or the sealing code used by Dong Bangsak.

The effect that amplifies when special characters are added to martial arts, how many times had he seen it?


"...I don't know how to input the code itself."

The function was open, but the system window that didn't teach the method of code input.

"Code manifestation."

Sung JiHan tried to say it out loud.


He even tried writing the annihilation code he saw before on the sword with his finger.

[...What's wrong?]

"It failed."

There was no visible effect.

"Even if I watch the saved replay, it doesn't show how to use it..."

Neither Longinus nor Dong Bangsak.

When they used their abilities, the characters came to mind on their own.

But he didn't scribble anything.

While using the abilities of the two, Sung JiHan continued his research.

"It seems like there's no immediate answer."

He decided to leave the training room for now.

"Uncle, did you finish training? You came out quickly."

Yoon Sae-ah, who was no longer surprised by Sung JiHan's sudden disappearance and reappearance.

"How many days has it been?"

"5 days."

"Then it's been 100 days inside."

"100 days? The training room seems to be more effective than before."

"I upgraded it a bit."

"I see..."

Yoon Sae-ah nodded and asked Sung JiHan.

"But Uncle, you reached level 300? You're not playing regular games anymore. The viewers keep asking what you're doing."

"Yeah, I already achieved it in the league competition."

"Of course... I should answer people like that. So you won't play games until the promotion match this month?"



This month's schedule was relaxed, with only the Space League matches and the promotion match scheduled for the last week.

Sung JiHan had plenty of time to train.

"Nothing special happened on Earth?"

"No, it's completely peaceful. We're still in first place. The dungeon portals haven't been appearing at all."

Thanks to the massive score in the league competition, humanity still held the top spot in the Space League.

Of course, compared to the other races, the daily point acquisition rate was still low.

However, experts predicted that they would be able to maintain the first place for quite a while, considering the gains from planet development.

"These days, people say the situation is better than during the tutorial. Even the bottom 10% countries don't have dungeons. Occasionally, when a dungeon does appear, they discover a way to conquer it and the Battle.net Federation takes care of it."

"All thanks to me."

"Yeah, at this rate, they might even build a statue of you, Uncle. It might have already been built somewhere..."

"I don't like that."

"There are even pseudo-religions that believe in you as a god. The most popular one is the Church of No God."

"No God?"

Sung JiHan let out a bitter laugh.

Why did they have to name it No God?

"If I were to become a deity... I might become a real mainstream religion?"

"Before that happens, I have to take care of them."

"Well, the people who gather because they like you... When you broadcast later, please say that I'm not a god. My influence is growing."


Except for the outbreak of pseudo-religions related to Sung JiHan, the situation on Earth was incredibly peaceful.

"Since nothing is happening, I can continue training and come out. "

After checking the schedule for May, Sung JiHan made a plan to stay in the training room for 300 days.

Somehow, he had to figure out the manifestation of the code within May.

When he made up his mind and was about to return to the training room...

-Gilgamesh has awakened.

A message came from Pithia.

-Already? I still haven't fully understood the concept of the Heavenly Divine Power.

-You made a god into a chain with Gilgamesh's power, right? That should be enough for him to wake up.

Brain God.

After removing the High Elf as a material for the chain, Gilgamesh was awakened.

Sung JiHan briefly thought of him, who gave generously and died, and then widened his eyes at Pithia's following message.

-And... the owner is planning to kill you. Longinus will be dispatched.


-Yes. After seeing you become a god and a deity, he seems to have activated his guard instincts.

-A being of the level of a god is afraid.

-That's right. That's why he's being cautious. Gods are quite petty.

Even as a follower of a god, Pithia gossiped about her owner.

Sung JiHan asked her in response.

"But if he wants to kill me, why doesn't he do it himself? Why send Longinus?"

- When Gilgamesh woke up, his master was gone. It seems like he gave an order before disappearing. I don't know why he commanded Longinus instead of me or Dongbangsak, but... he said to kill you with the Spear of Divine Execution.

- So, according to your speculation, Gilgamesh and the Unknown God are the same person?

- Well... I don't think so. Gilgamesh helped you, after all.

Pithia then proceeded to tell Sung JiHan about everything that had happened earlier.

- Gilgamesh wants to awaken the Third, in order to protect me?

- Yes. He wants to awaken the one who has never awakened before.

- The Third Hero... who is it?

- He... has never awakened before, so I've never actually seen him, only heard his name. Asoka. He is the Great King of the Maurya Dynasty in India.

Upon hearing this, Sung JiHan immediately searched for Asoka.

Asoka, who is highly regarded as a great ruler in India.

He was also famous for revitalizing Buddhism.

- I thought his abilities were all related to water. Since I have the attribute of fire, it makes sense that he would be fire. Do you know the name of his ability?

"Of course I know..."

In his previous life, Sung JiHan had used the Skill Window to acquire the Second Heroic Spirit, Man-Gwi Bongshin.

He had tried to acquire the Third, but before he could use it, humanity had perished.

So, he always remembered the Third with a sense of regret...

"Why... can't I remember?"

Sung JiHan blinked his eyes.

He was certain he remembered it until recently.

The Divine Realm was now in orbit.

Should he challenge the Third Heroic Spirit?

He had made up his mind.

But at this moment, when he was about to speak to Pithia...

He couldn't remember the name of the Third Heroic Spirit.

"...I don't know."

"Is that so? Maybe because he has never awakened. That's a shame."

"No, until recently, I was sure I remembered it, but strangely, that memory seems to have been erased."

"How is that possible? Does that make sense?"

"That's why I'm confused."

"Hmm... I'll try to find out in my own way. I'm curious about why Gilgamesh is so determined to awaken the Third."


"You are also preparing for Longinus' invasion. He is strong. I'll let you know when he moves."

Pithia had become an informant inside the organization.

She provided various information and then stopped sending messages.

"Longinus is also at the Archangel level. It will be difficult to defeat him at my current level."

Although Sung JiHan had subdued the Archangel-level High Elf, he knew that he hadn't won with his own abilities.

His brain had become a chain.

But a battle with Longinus, without such material, would not be easy.

And if he also used the Spear of Divine Execution, the gap would widen even further.

"To become stronger, I have to use all means necessary."

Sung JiHan pondered and then sent a message to Artmu.

"Artmu. Can I take the Dragon Heart now?"

"Oh, the Dragon Heart? Of course. Come to the forge! I'll open a portal for you!"

The Dragon Heart he received from the Dragon Lord.

After his class changed to Dragon Slayer, he was able to absorb fire mana more smoothly here.

But it was a waste to only use it for mana absorption.

"I should use it right away."

Thinking that, Sung JiHan entered the portal opened by Artmu.

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