"Kill Gilgamesh?"


Sung JiHan furrowed his brow.


The fifth servant of the gods, the seat name 'King of the Beginning'.

If judged solely by appearances, he was friendly towards Sung JiHan.

Not only did he warn about Longinus, but he also taught the methods of manipulating the Divine Power - even Enkidu.

Of course, Sung JiHan couldn't know his true intentions, but he couldn't be hostile towards him just because the owner of the Arena said so.

Sung JiHan slowly opened his mouth.

"...As long as Gilgamesh is alive, even if I clear the BattleNet, the invitation will be sent flying, right?"



The face of the owner of the cosmic-shaped Arena changed once again.

This time, the face that appeared was...

[Inviting humans to the BattleNet.]

It was the invitation that humanity had received from the BattleNet in 2010.

"Humans are pitifully weak. Sending them an invitation to the BattleNet means the extinction of their species. That's why we are cautious. The invitation will only be sent after surpassing the line we have set for the human species."

"And Gilgamesh crossed that line? But he is an ancient person. If you were going to send an invitation, you should have done it sooner, shouldn't you?"

"He hasn't been detected until now. He has been hiding, avoiding the eyes of the Void. But now that it has been revealed that he is alive and confirmed as a traitor, the invitations will continue to be sent."

"If you want to catch a traitor like that, you Void beings should just go to where Gilgamesh is. Why invade Earth?"

"To where Gilgamesh is..."

The face of the owner of the Arena changed to where Gilgamesh was.

When Sung JiHan saw the desolate planet where numerous weapons of the seats were floating in the void...

He realized that the owner of the Arena was aware of the Void.

"We cannot intervene there. There is an unknown agreement between the owner of the Void, 'Wandering God', and the one above us."

"So that's why Earth?"

"Yes. The foundation of Gilgamesh is ultimately the human race on Earth. If they go extinct, he will lose his foundation and his power."

"...How do you know all this?"


In response to Sung JiHan's question, chains made of purple emerged from behind the owner of the Arena.

Compared to the chains of the Divine Power, there was no sense of vitality.

But there was a much stronger power of the Void.

"The 'Void Shackles'. It is the ability I taught Gilgamesh. Unlike the original, it is tailored to him. Although it has undergone a special transformation. Because of this connection, I know to some extent about him."

"So you're on the side of the Void."

"That's right. It's quite a high position. Because I manage the Arena."

The owner of the Arena introduced himself as a high-ranking member of the Void.

Sung JiHan thought of his older sister, Sung JiAh, at his words.

"Then, do you happen to know how the Witch of the Void can return to her original state?"

"The Witch of the Void?"

When the story about Gilgamesh suddenly brought up the Witch of the Void, the owner of the Arena, who had been silent for a moment, changed his face again.

It was the appearance of the petrified Sung JiAh.

"The witch of Earth... A witch with quite a talent. With this level, she will be quite useful even in the Void."


As the owner of the Arena reached out his hand, a purple key was generated in the air.

"If you take care of Gilgamesh for me, I will give you the key with my authority."

"A key?"

"Yes. If you unlock the witch's lock, she will return to her original state."

"Sung JiHan unexpectedly found a clue to release his sister."

Sung JiHan silently stared at the key.

For the liberation of humanity, and for his sister's return.

The reward for dealing with Gilgamesh was substantial.


"The problem is whether we can trust those words."

The words of the beings that emerged from the Space League had to be filtered and listened to at least once.

Especially the owner of the arena with a space background, who looked suspicious just by appearance.

He couldn't fully trust those words.

Sung JiHan initially showed a reserved attitude.

"I am just a player climbing up from Diamond to Master League. It's still difficult for me to confront him."

"Hehe. Of course, I'm not saying you should die right now. With your abilities, you probably can't kill me."

Thud. Thud.

The owner of the arena shook his head and stepped back.

"But if you want to liberate humanity from the BattleNet, and if you want to restore the Witch of Void to her original state... remember this."

"I will keep that in mind."

"Don't believe it recklessly. It's a good attitude."


The owner of the arena's body gradually became engulfed in darkness.

"And I will close my eyes... but be cautious in revealing the abilities of the Red Administrator in the future. If you catch the attention of the Great Throne, you will face quite a disaster."

"Thank you for the advice."

"You're welcome. I hope you live long and continue to remain as a 'variable'."

With those words, the owner of the arena disappeared.

"The promotion match has ended."

"Player Sung JiHan has been promoted to the Master League."

"You have logged out."

* * *

"The First Master, Sung JiHan."

"The result of his training is fire? Sung JiHan's abilities were different from before."

"Why isn't the translation working? Viewers of BattleTube are flooding with complaints."

When Sung JiHan climbed up to the Master League alone, all the news covered his promotion.

An incredible spotlight, as if pouring onto one player.

Considering the proportion of Sung JiHan's presence among the BattleNet forces of humanity, it was by no means excessive.

-Why can't I see the screen again?

-Every time some transcendent beings appear, the broadcast stops.

-Is Sung JiHan stopping it?

-No way, right? His opponents are blocking the video.

-Even the translation of the flame's conversation wasn't working.

-Yeah, I was used to hearing the automatic translation all the time, so it was strange when alien language came out, lol.

"This promotion match was quite intense."

Even Yoon Sae-ah, who read the news thoroughly and looked at the replies, nodded.

"What's wrong?"

"All that's coming out is Uncle wiping out the small fries. At the very end, the video hardly showed up. And the translation of what that flame was saying wasn't working either."

"I couldn't hear that guy's words at first either."

The language of the flame that could only be heard after absorbing the power of the deity.

Sung JiHan eventually managed to hear it, but did the viewers continue to hear the words of the deity without translation?

Sung JiHan quickly played his BattleTube video from start to finish.

From the scene where the remnants of the avatar revealed the original body, the completely deleted video.

And on the distant screen.

[This video has been deleted by the owner of the arena.]

Purple letters were secretly engraved.

Sung JiHan asked Yoon SeA, who was next to him.

"Do you see those letters?"

"Huh? What letters on the black screen?"

"They are concealed by the power of emptiness, take a closer look."

"Emptiness? Wait a minute. Inventory."

Yoon SeA took out a bow from her inventory.

She gathered her own power of emptiness.

Compared to before, the power felt much stronger.

"That guy has gotten quite strong."

While Sung JiHan was impressed by his nephew's growth, Yoon SeA exerted all her strength.


Only then did she see the letters and was surprised.

"It says it was deleted by the owner of the arena? Wow. These letters were hidden?"

"If you don't have the power of emptiness, you can't see the characters."

"It's fascinating... huh?"

Yoon SeA, who was curiously staring at the letters on the black screen, suddenly widened her eyes.

"Mom asked Uncle if he met the owner of the arena?"

"I saw it. He chose me as the arena rookie."

"Huh... 'The owner of the arena. He is an absolute being responsible for the cycle of emptiness. Did you not go against his will?' She asked."

The owner of the arena, was he really such an influential figure in the emptiness?

Sung JiHan thought about telling Sung JiA about her liberation, but it was too early.

"It's not the right time yet."

He decided not to mention it right now.

There was no point in telling Sung JiA since she would surely oppose it.


"It's more important to gather more information about Gilgamesh. It hasn't been confirmed yet whether he is an enemy or not, so I can't reveal hostility."

How can I believe the words of the owner of the arena, whom I just met for the first time?

In a situation where I don't know who is a friend and who is an enemy, I had to observe the situation for now.

So instead of talking about Gilgamesh, he brought up something else.

"Is there anything that goes against the will of the owner of the arena? Why did he just choose me as a space arena rookie?"

"A rookie? What's good about being a rookie... Ah, Mom said the participation fee for the arena is cheaper."

A discount on the arena participation fee.

Is that all?

"It's too insignificant to be called an epic quest reward."

The reward for this epic quest, which shortened the period of the candidate for the Holy See by 100 days and selected him as a rookie in the space arena.

There was no practical improvement, so Sung JiHan thought that the real reward was absorbing the avatar and raising his stats.

But still, he thought there would be some additional effects to the epic quest reward.

But if it ends with a discount on the arena participation fee.

Isn't that too disappointing?

"Mom said to check how much the space arena participation fee is."

Sung JiHan opened the system window at those words.

Then, there was a new category called Space Arena.

Entering the Space Arena category.

[Would you like to participate in the Space Arena?]

[I am a rookie in the Space Arena. I receive rookie benefits.]

[Space Arena Rookie Benefits.]

- Once every 100 days, a free arena pass exclusively for players will be given.

- Participation fee is always 30% off.

- Exempt from penalty for one loss, but will lose rookie status upon losing.

With the message asking if he wants to participate in the arena, Sung JiHan also thought about the rookie benefits.

There are no adjustments to abilities or growth.

Only rookie benefits related to participating in the arena.

"If it's exclusive to players, there's no way to sell it."

At first, Sung JiHan had doubts about whether these conditions were good.

"The participation fee... 100 billion GP?"

When he saw the participation fee, his eyes widened.

The participation fee is the same price as the entrance ticket to the Palace of Pleasure given by the Succubus Queen.

Even with a 30% discount, it's 700 billion GP to play one game.

Why is it so expensive?

"...What's good about participating in the arena?"

"They say rapid growth is possible. There are also cases where special abilities are given. But the probability of strong opponents appearing is high, so they advise you to be careful when participating."

Strong opponents.

Sung JiHan recalled the match he had just had.

Everyone seemed like small fries in their own worlds.

The enemies that were easily burned by Sung JiHan's flames.

"At least the remnants of the Divine Being were able to withstand them."

Of course, they ended up becoming abilities that tried to devour Sung JiHan instead.

Anyway, the opponents in the arena were just like ordinary game mobs to Sung JiHan.

"The opponents aren't a burden, but the participation fee is."

Sung JiHan, who once had a dominant fortune by robbing GP from the Brain God, no longer had as much GP left after sweeping the fire attribute items in the BattleNet Auction House to raise his Dragon Flame stat.

"I should go to the arena if I receive a free pass."

"How much is the participation fee?"

"100 billion GP."


"Yeah. It's 700 billion with the discount."

"Let's just go for free, Uncle."

With an absurd participation fee, Yoon Sae-ah came to a conclusion right away.

Sung JiHan nodded and closed the Space Arena window.

He looked at the newly added item below in the system window.

[BattleNet Community]

The feature that humanity was locked out of in the Bronze League, the community.

Seeing this feature partially unlocked after clearing the Space Arena 5th round, Sung JiHan asked Yoon Sae-ah.

"Do you have the community feature in your system?"

"What's that?"

"Open the system window."

"I don't have it."

Is it only him who has the community feature unlocked after clearing the arena?

"I should take a look."

Sung JiHan clicked on BattleNet Community.

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