[South Korea, advances to the finals!]

[Sung JiHan, the sword king who obtained the Mage class, becomes the hero who leads South Korea to the finals.]

[With their weaknesses eliminated, the Korean national team is now facing their final opponent, the United States.]

-Wow, I never thought I would see our country make it to the finals in my lifetime...

-Exactly. Even with Sung JiHan's skills, it would be difficult to win against the top four teams.

-Except for the loss against the UK, we won all the other matches lol.

-If we win against the US with a score of 3:0, does that mean the UK will become the second best in the world?

-How can we beat the US with a score of 3:0? Stop being so optimistic.

The Korean national team has reached the finals with a series of 3:0 victories, except for the match against the UK.

However, their opponent in the finals, the United States, was a completely different level.

-From the start, the interface and language of BattleNet are in English because of the US lol.

-We won even without Sung JiHan participating in the match against India, but against the US...

-Didn't we bring Sofia, our hope from the US supporters?

-No, she couldn't participate because her level was too low. If she had joined the US supporters, she would have made it to the top three.

-Top three... So the US has at least three supporters like Sofia, huh.

The US defeated China with a score of 3:1 in the quarterfinals.

Objectively, they were far superior to Korea in terms of strength.

The only things Korea had going for them were the warrior class, represented by the sword king, and the archer class, which became stronger with the addition of Yoon Se-ah.

However, even these two classes were not enough to defeat the US.

While the warrior and archer classes could be considered equal, the mage and support classes were clearly at a disadvantage.

Although BattleNet experts were unsure if Korea would put up a fight, everyone predicted that the US would ultimately win.

However, there was one variable in the finals.

-If Sung JiHan doesn't get banned...

-We can win.

Undoubtedly, it was Sung JiHan.

In the guild mission that had just taken place, Sung JiHan had shown a significant difference in skill compared to the current top-ranked players.

Once he entered the game, he was a cheat code that could blow it up.

-If we win one game in the first two matches and Sung JiHan's ban is lifted only twice in the remaining three matches, we will win the championship.

-Oh, but he got banned too easily this time. The only game Sung JiHan played was in the match against India, three games in total.

-That was all to accumulate stacks for the finals.

-For real, he will avoid bans like a ghost and become the MVP of the finals lol.

Sung JiHan had only participated in one match until the quarterfinals.

So, Korean fans were actually hopeful, thinking that it was a calculated move.

Of course, US fans felt the opposite.

-Sung... It seems like he has no luck in this tournament. Let's just wish him bad luck until tomorrow.

-Right. He can't have bad luck tomorrow. He still has a battle with the World Tree Elf.

-If we win the first two games and only get banned once, the US will win.

-Even without Sung JiHan, Korea is a strong team, but they still can't beat us.

They hoped that Sung JiHan's bad luck would only last until the finals tomorrow.

"Wow, the US... They're really strong."

BattleNet Center's power analysis room.

Yoon Se-ah sighed as she watched the semifinal match between the US and China.

The game that gathered attention to the point where it was evaluated as a preview of the finals.

Both the United States and China brought out all the cards they had hidden and deployed their strategies and tactics to create a spectacular game.

However, despite the score being 3:1.

The difference in power shown here was much greater than this score.

"The US lost the second game because they were a bit careless."

"Yeah. Magician Baerun made a crucial mistake. If it wasn't for him, the US would have overwhelmed China with a score of 3:0."

"Why did Baerun have to do that when he had two status windows... When will he break free from Falcon?"

"He'll be like that for the rest of his life."

Sung JiHan glanced at the replay next to him and stated firmly.

Being the trump card in important matches was Baerun's specialty.

"It won't work. Uncle has to come out in the finals this time."

"I'll let it end as soon as the ban is lifted. I wonder how the luck will be in the finals."

"It's about time it's lifted! We'll win one game. Catch the two games!"

"Yeah, let's hope so."

Sung JiHan nodded and looked into the air.

His appearance was like looking at a system message.

Yoon SeJin, who was watching the performance of the US players in the power analysis room, asked Sung JiHan a question.

"Brother-in-law, what are you looking at? Did another quest pop up?"

"Oh, I was just browsing the Battle.net market."

"The market? What are you looking for, Uncle?"

"I found out that this species uploaded their training videos on the market."

Sung JiHan recalled the events of a few days ago.

* * *

Class: Crossbreed.

After changing to this class and experiencing the effect through the Man-Gwi Bong-Shin, Sung JiHan had been thinking about how to make better use of it.

At that time.

-Experience of the crossbreed... Master, how about searching the Battle.net market?

Ariel, who had been silent in Sung JiHan's arms for a long time, told him a way.

-They sell that kind of thing on the market?

-If you search for video search, you'll find all sorts of things. Well, most of them are useless data... But if you're curious about how the crossbreeds use their power, it can be a somewhat indirect experience.

And so, Sung JiHan searched the 'video search' on the Battle.net market.

As Ariel said, there were all sorts of videos that came up with that keyword.

"Ah, so that's why Uncle has been staring into space lately. Crossbreed training videos... Are they helpful?"

"Well, 95 percent of the videos roaming around the market are trash. More than half of them are crossbreed mating scenes."

"Mating scenes?"

"Yeah. I don't know why these crossbreeds are spreading their reproductive scenes on the market. And there are so many of them... "

Sung JiHan recalled the video searches he had discarded and furrowed his brow.

He wanted to know how the crossbreeds used their power, but most of what came up had no nutritional value.

Were there so many perverts in the universe?

"The 1GP videos were definitely that kind."

"R-Really? Then... what about the remaining 5 percent?"

"They were somewhat useful."

The crossbreed's training videos.

It was like a pearl in the mud to Sung JiHan.

Although most of the videos spread in the market were superficial and lacked depth in training methods.

"The fact that different species use power itself was a fresh stimulus."

Unable to participate in the game due to the ban, Sung JiHan continued to wait.

While rummaging through the market, he used the Crossbreed Class.

"Training videos. Will they be helpful even to me?"

"Well, for me, it was helpful because of the class effect, but it won't be helpful at all for ordinary people. The feeling of moving wings or detaching their own tails and running away... These things won't give any inspiration to regular players."

"Oh, that kind of thing..."

"If you're curious, I can show you one."

"Yeah, let's see one."

"Brother-in-law, can I see it too?"

Sung JiHan nodded and took out the Crossbreed Training Video from his inventory and handed it to them.

"How do you play it?"

"If you say 'play' while holding it, it will come out like virtual reality."

"Oh... just like the BattleNet news."

The two women held the object that looked like a magician's orb and shouted "play".

"...How do I fly further? What's this about moving my back? These guys..."

"It seems like there's no use for experiences like creating fire from the mouth for the Crossbreed... "

They soon played the video and couldn't understand it at all, so they handed it back to Sung JiHan.

They were both players who had almost reached the peak in the Warrior and Archer classes.

But even they seemed to have nothing to gain from the video.

"Without the Crossbreed, this is useless after all. Well, it's like watching a Crossbreed documentary in VR."

For ordinary players, buying a video item was like throwing money into thin air.

But for Sung JiHan, who had the Crossbreed, it had a very rich effect.

"I've already gained 5 Soul Power just by watching the video this time."

Considering that he played the video from the bench after being banned, it was a significant increase in stats.

Sung JiHan decided to play the Crossbreed video whenever he had time and was searching the BattleNet market.

At that moment.

"Brother-in-law, can we talk outside for a moment?"

Yoon Se-jin, who was in the power analysis room, gestured to Sung JiHan for comfort.

A gesture to go to the rooftop.

Sung JiHan closed the BattleNet market window and nodded.


* * *

BattleNet Center rooftop.

"The weather is nice."

Yoon Se-jin spoke up and looked up at the sky.

"The golden color is getting darker."

Yoon Se-jin's golden aura, which had been getting darker little by little as the tournament progressed.

That light was shining most intensely at this moment.

"The Holy See told me to ask if it was helpful to you."

"It was thanks to my brother-in-law's help that I made it to the finals. Please let him know that it was very helpful."

"I see. That's good to hear. Then..."


Light burst forth from Yoon Sejin's eyes.

A golden shield formed, isolating the two of them and the outside space.

"Since you helped, can I ask you one question?"

"Are you Gilgamesh?"


"What do you want to know?"

"What is the quest reward?"

Is asking about the quest reward worth coming all this way?

Sung JiHan smirked and replied.

"I didn't know you were interested in such trivial matters."

"I've never heard of a quest being given for winning a competition within the same race."

"Really? I give them."

"So, what is the quest reward? No, it doesn't matter what I receive. However..."

Gilgamesh, who had descended upon Yoon Sejin's body, brought up the main point.

"If by any chance, becoming a candidate for the Seat of the Holy One is the reward... I recommend not clearing it right away."

"Why? Didn't you tell me to remain as a variable?"

I don't know how he knew, but Gilgamesh seemed to have caught on to the quest reward.

Instead of denying it half-heartedly, Sung JiHan replied.

"I want you to remain as a variable."

"Until you become a candidate for the Seat of the Holy One, the Divine Being will continue to target you, even if it means suffering losses."

Remembering what he had said to him before, Yoon Sejin questioned him.

"If I become a candidate for the Seat of the Holy One, then I will be the 'variable' as you wish, right?"

"That's right... but there is an order to things. Before you become a candidate for the Seat of the Holy One, you must survive under Longinus's control. You must defeat him. Only then can you become a true variable. You can awaken the 'Third'."

As Gilgamesh said this, he gave Sung JiHan an intense gaze.

"To overcome the Divine Being, this is the only way. For the sake of humanity, you, and we, must follow the planned order. Child, engrave my advice in your heart. Follow my words."

When Gilgamesh referred to Sung JiHan as 'child',

Unconsciously, Sung JiHan nodded his head, almost succumbing to his will.

As a 'human', it seemed only natural to listen to what Gilgamesh said.

But his soul writhed as if rebelling.

The experiences he had had so far, the experiences of this different race, came to mind.

"For the sake of humanity... the cause is grand."

Sung JiHan could rebel against the absolute 'command of the king' given by a human.

"But if it doesn't convince me, I can't follow those words."

And upon seeing this, Gilgamesh widened his eyes in surprise.

"Oh... you resist my words completely. Good. That's how you can become a 'variable'."

He laughed as if he was pleased.

But still.

"I still have to stop this deviation... I won't allow you to win this time."

He said until the end, in a commanding tone.

And the next day.

=Finally, the first match ban, select begins...!

=Uh... from the United States, we will not ban player Sung JiHan...!

From the first match of the finals, a change occurred.

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