=Wow... This is a map I've never seen before. Director, did you intentionally not ban Sung JiHan in order to select this map?

=The map is classified as a dungeon. All classes can participate, and the number of participants is 50. Looking at the map conditions, it doesn't seem like the United States team has any advantage over Sung JiHan.

=But, I have a feeling... that's why you made this choice, right? I sincerely hope so.

Map: "Tusung."

This map, classified as a dungeon, was unknown not only to regular viewers but also to Battle.net experts.


"What is that map?"

"Did they intentionally not ban Sung JiHan because of that?"

The players of the national team looked at the newly emerged map name, "Tusung," and had doubts about it.

"...Could it be, the Star of the Gods, Tusung?"

Sung JiHan looked at the names of the 5 game maps with astonishment.

He had speculated that Gilgamesh would be somehow related, but he never thought that Tusung would be set as a game map.

"I'm sorry, Sung JiHan. Even in the power analysis room, we hastily searched for information about Tusung, but there was no data."

"It's okay. It's probably a hidden card for the United States, so I didn't expect there to be such a thing."

"Well, I don't know what their intentions are, but my uncle will step up and win in the end."

Yoon SaeA said that calmly and entered the Battle.net connector.

"Are you going? Brother-in-law."

And Yoon SaeJin, seeing his daughter like that, gave a bright smile towards Sung JiHan.

A golden light that sparkled as much as when Gilgamesh descended in the past.

Sung JiHan smirked at the sight.

"Heh, am I going? Is there even an option not to go?"

"The Pope... said that if you find it daunting, you don't have to participate."

"There might be something there."

"Well... as someone who receives sponsorship, I can't dare to interpret his intentions. I can't even read them."

Yoon SaeJin showed a polite attitude towards the Pope, "King of the Beginning."

It seemed that if he entered the 5 games, he shouldn't let his guard down even against him.

"Tusung... The name of the map is daunting, but if I don't go, it's a guaranteed defeat."

If that happens, he won't be able to win the championship and will end up surrendering to Gilgamesh's will.

Sung JiHan, who was in a state of not even confronting him, didn't want that.

"Let's go."

"Yeah, I'll assist my brother-in-law with all my might."

"Sure, I feel reassured."

Sung JiHan smirked at Yoon SaeJin, who emphasized "assist."

He entered the Battle.net connector.


"...So you ended up going."

In Yoon SaeJin's eyes, who saw Sung JiHan entering.

The golden light flashed and shone.

* * *

[Entering the dungeon map, "Tusung."]

[Climb up to the top of the golden tower that connects the sky and the ground.]

[The side that captures the treasure of the beginning first wins.]


50 Korean players summoned to Tusung.

They looked around.

"Is this... inside a building? Look at the walls. They're all made of gold."

"Just by looking at the messages... are we supposed to climb the tower to the top?"

"I don't know why the map is called Tusung. Can't we just call it the Golden Tower?"

It was too spacious to call it a tower.

The walls, ceiling, and floor inside were all sparkling with gold.

Since the players summoned here were national representatives, they could only marvel at the gold to that extent.

-Wow... Look at that shining gold.

-Isn't the building itself a treasure trove?

-If we scrape it all off, we'll be rich, right?

- Bringing gold from the game is useless, isn't it? ㅋㅋㅋ It might be useful if it can be converted into GP.

- If it wasn't for the Champions 5 games, even the national team players would have scraped the bottom once.

The viewers were excited while watching the spectacle inside the Golden Tower.

Inside the tower, there was an unmatched splendor.

Sung JiHan silently watched this spectacle.

"To the top of the tower......"


He lightly extended his fist towards the wall.


Then, the wall pierced through as it was.

"U-Uncle? What are you doing?"

"Why are you going up the stairs? You can just fly outside."

"Oh. Is that so?"

"Yeah. I'll go and see."

Sung JiHan moved his steps towards the enlarged crack.


From the pierced wall, golden chains sprang out and filled it in an instant.

Feeling the will to stop fooling around and go up the stairs obediently.

Sung JiHan raised the corner of his mouth.



Fire erupted from his hand, and the golden chains came into contact with it.

A powerful firepower imbued with the power of the stat.

It originally had enough power to burn down the entire wall of the tower.

Twist. Twist...

As if the blood vessels were pulsating, the chains moved.

Rather than disappearing, the golden wall restored its original form.

"Huh? The wall..."

"Uh, it seems like it's not just an ordinary solid wall."

The chains that even Sung JiHan's mighty power couldn't stop.

Korean players looked at that sight and turned their gaze inside the tower.

No matter how powerful Sung JiHan was, it seemed impossible for him to climb to the top of the tower alone with his transcendent power.

It seemed like they should go up the stairs obediently.

"The destruction code, if I write 'destruction' here, the wall will break."

Destruction code, destruction.

After obtaining the stat, the completed character had the ability to completely delete the target from the world.

In the Void Training Grounds, the place where he first wrote the destruction code was still stained black.


"If I write 'destruction', I will be defenseless for a while."

To write the destruction code, it was necessary to pour out all the soul and void energy, including the stat.

Writing it here and now seemed to carry a certain risk.

"Let's go up the stairs for now."


Deciding to use the destruction code only when the situation was really bad.

Sung JiHan led the group and climbed the stairs.


"I-It's a steel giant...!?"

"Prepare for battle!"

In the huge second floor.

Dozens of steel giants were looking down at the Korean national team from top to bottom.


The transformed Enkidu, which Gilgamesh had taught him.

The steel giant, who was told that the spear of divine flesh would target first, even at a glance, emitted a strong momentum.

Sung JiHan tried summoning Enkidu as a mere substitute for a shield, but it seemed like it could serve as a summon to annihilate the opponent if used aggressively.

And then...


When the group of steel giants raised their hands together,

"Oh, they're coming...!"

"Start with protective magic!"

The representative team, while tense, tried to resist.


A golden light shimmered above the hands of the steel giants, revealing a gigantic fruit.


"What is that?"

And then...

"It is the king's offering."

As the voice echoed from the steel giants.

Thump. Thump...

They piled up the golden fruits on their hands in front of the Korean representative team like a mountain.


"Pay homage to the king and consume the fruits. Only he can ascend."

The fruits piled up in front of the representative team.

They were diverse in variety, but they all had one common feature.

They were all golden in color.

Apples, strawberries, grapes, all shining in golden.

Rather than being appetizing, each one seemed like a treasure.

- Why is everything here made of gold? LOL

- No, the giants are made of steel though.

- Can you even eat that? Isn't it a piece of golden artwork?

- But the apples do look delicious, to be honest.

- Seriously, it's kind of suspicious, but my mouth is watering...

At first, they seemed like treasures.

But as they kept looking, even viewers who could only indirectly see the fruits through the screen started salivating.

And the players who actually had them in front of them felt this desire even more.

"Isn't it too much like a trap to eat this and ascend?"

"Well... I mean... I still want to try even if it's a poisonous apple."

"It's killing me with its fragrance..."

"I, I will eat it and experiment! Just please cast a cure spell on me!"

When a warrior couldn't resist the temptation of the fruits and raised his hand.

"No. You shouldn't eat it first."


Yoon Se-jin smiled and stepped forward.

He approached the pile of fruits.


He kneeled down and even bowed.

"I pay homage to the King of the Beginning! I, humbly accept your grace!"

Yoon Se-jin showed the utmost respect in front of the fruits.

"Oh, Dad... When did you become a subject?"

"Well, isn't he the Holy See that wholeheartedly supports the top rankers these days?"

While people were amazed by this,

Yoon Se-jin, with trembling hands filled with emotion, picked up a golden apple and immediately put it in his mouth.


As he chewed the fruit, the scent of the fruit instantly intensified.

"Wow, the smell is amazing..."

"Oh, Dad! Are you okay?! What if something happens when you eat it so recklessly?"

"It's okay, Se-ah. On the contrary, my stamina increased by 1!"

Even with Se-ah's worried exclamation,

Yoon Se-jin proudly raised his thumb, boasting that his basic stat, stamina, had increased.


"The stat... increased?"

"Because of eating fruit?"

"It doesn't seem like anything special about the King of Swords..."

The players' expressions changed.

From the moment they saw the golden fruit, they wanted to eat it, but they resisted.

When the King of Swords said that his stats had increased, their patience disappeared.

"I, I will try it too!"

"Me too! Yeah, we have to identify the poison!"

The warriors in the front row rushed forward first.

Crunch, crunch!

"Wow, it really increased!"

"Sta, stamina... increased so easily?"

"Wow... it tastes amazing... I want to eat only this for the rest of my life."

When the players who ate the fruit shouted that their stats had actually increased,

"I, I want to...!"

"I couldn't resist since earlier. To increase my abilities too...!"

"Well, if we want to increase, we have to eat!"

The players in the back also ran towards the fruit.

- Wait, these crazy people. It's obviously a trap, why are they running like that -_-

- No matter how much they increase their stats, I can't understand why national-level athletes lose their minds like that.

- Is there something in that fruit that makes people go crazy...?

- What is the King of Swords doing? He's even bowing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- Hey, it's not just the United States. There are people there who bow to the King of Swords and go crazy too ㅋㅋㅋ

- Do Americans have a culture of bowing?

- It seems stiff, but it seems like they have some manners.

As viewers, they couldn't understand the madness of the players.

Those who didn't join the players running towards the fruit were really a minority.

Sung JiHan didn't join the players rushing towards the fruit either.


He floated a fruit and brought it to his hand.

"This, it feels similar to the fruit I saw at the World Union's loan office."

The flesh of the World Tree that replenished the vitality.

Although it was more degraded than what Enkidu dropped,

He could still feel the exceptional power of life.


"Indeed, the vitality itself is excellent in the fruit of the World Tree."

While Sung JiHan was chewing on the golden apple and evaluating the fruit like that,

"N, nephew... Are you okay? That... should you eat it...?"

"Se-ah, don't you want to eat it?"

"My mom strongly advised me not to eat it... and she's cursing my dad a lot. After calling me a woman, she's now calling me a fake."

Now they don't even talk about seeing the apparition.

Sung JiHan felt guilty for no reason while listening to his sister's story about her second outburst, thinking that he should have stopped her.

He should have stopped it when the sponsorship of the Seat of Sanctity, the 'King of the Beginning,' came in.

"Ji, JiHan. Our Seat of Sanctity also received an urgent contact! They asked if you would just give up the game after seeing you...!"

"Your Seat of Sanctity too?"

"Yes... Here is the Seat of Sanctity 'King of the Beginning' created by the King of Swords... the pillar that connects heaven and earth, Etemenanki."


Did she think I would know if she said it like that?

When Sung JiHan frowned at Pithia's statement,

"Ah... here! It's called the Tower of Babel...!"

Through Sophia, Pithia revealed the name of the tower.

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