Sung JiHan's efforts were focused on just one character.

The aftermath of that one character surpassed imagination.

The golden ceiling quickly lost its light.

And soon, it transformed into a black void.



What disappeared was not just the ceiling with the written character.

The golden chain that bound Longinus.

The walls and floor of this floor.

Like a contagious disappearance, they quickly transformed into a black void.

"This, this power... is it the power of annihilation possessed by the Spear of Divine Execution? How is this happening so soon...?"

Gilgamesh, with a surprised expression, looked at the disappearing space.

He stood in place, raising his twin swords in place of his unsupported feet.

He asked Sung JiHan with a trembling voice.

"You were trying to go up to the rooftop you mentioned, but it's not there?"

"Answer my question!"

"Why should I?"

Sung JiHan laughed at the frustrated Gilgamesh and looked up again.

Above the disappeared ceiling.

The sky, filled with stars, was floating just like the world he had seen before.

In the darkness resembling the universe, the weapons were floating in the sky, but he couldn't feel the power of the Seat of Sanctity like in the actual world.

It's probably because this is a virtual world, they didn't even implement the power of the Seat of Sanctity.

"Originally, this place was the top floor of this tower."


"What is the treasure of the beginning?"

The dungeon map was filled.

The victory condition of this map was to climb to the top of the tower and claim the treasure of the beginning first.

Since they had already reached the top floor.

Now, if they only claimed the treasure of the beginning, they would win the 5th match.

Sung JiHan's response to the question was...

[How did you use the power of the Spear of Divine Execution... If you answer this question, I will tell you.]

Longinus, who was silently looking at the ceiling in the state of a blood-red steel giant, responded.

"Do you know?"

[I do. If by any chance, the thing I know is not the 'treasure of the beginning,' I promise not to kill you when I descend to Earth.]

A promise, huh.

Sung JiHan smirked.

How can I believe these guys' words?

"I can use my power without permission like you. I did some research. Being stabbed by your Spear of Divine Execution last time was a big help."

He only mentioned the core, speaking superficially.

[That research has already borne fruit... in this short period of time?]


[I can't believe it...]

"Don't believe it then."

[...Fine. I can't believe it at all. Release me, Gilgamesh. I have to fight him and experience that attack.]

Then, instead of talking about the treasure of the beginning, Longinus stepped forward to fight Sung JiHan.

But Gilgamesh looked at him and shook his head.

"It's already too late."

[What? Why?]

"His power directly hit the entire tower. In this state, he can no longer maintain this virtual space."

As he said that, Gilgamesh pointed down with his finger.

There, the towering golden tower was visibly disappearing in an instant.

[No... with just one pattern on the ceiling?]

"That's the power of annihilation."



With a sigh from Longinus, the chains that bound him were released.

Even the body of the Steel Giant gradually became transparent and disappeared.

The chains that restrained him also helped him maintain his existence in this space.

When they disappeared, Longinus' presence was automatically expelled from here.

And then.

From the place where both the Golden Chain and Longinus disappeared.


A giant figure wrapped in white bandages appeared.

"The treasure of the beginning is there."


"Yes. If you become its owner, you will win. The Korean national team will win. However, if you cannot become the owner... the victory will go to the United States."

Sung JiHan looked down at the words.

"There are no survivors?"

"There are none."

Upon hearing those words, Gilgamesh reached out towards the giant figure.


Something reached out from within.

At first, I thought it was the Golden Chain that Gilgamesh used, but...

=Uh... what is this? There's a person tangled up... At the very end, only the face is properly revealed.

=This person... it's Michael! He turned into the Golden Chain and disappeared earlier...

=I was wondering why he wasn't defeated, but was he here?!

What came out of the figure was a human rope with only the head intact.

It was a human rope with a twisted body.

-Oh, I thought the game ended with a Korean victory, but what is that?

-It looks like it's just a rope with a neck attached.

-If you look closely at the rope, it feels like something is wriggling... If you zoom in, you can see something else...

-Oh, don't look at that kind of thing in detail -_-

-The expression looks like a face on drugs. Why is he so ecstatic?

It wasn't just Michael who came out as a human rope.



Not only Americans.

Korean national team players also came out as ropes with only their heads remaining, with blank faces.

"All the national team members survived like this. Ironically, due to the two Korean players logging out, we are at a numerical disadvantage."

"Are these ropes also survivors?"

"Of course. They will be delighted with vitality more than ever while they are alive."


Gilgamesh raised his hand.

"Hey. If you take that, the game will be over. But, don't you find it suspicious even if you look at it?"

"Yeah, it looks too one-dimensional for a trap. It doesn't look appealing to touch."

"Well, if you answer my question from earlier, I'll let you have it after processing it."

"What, the power of annihilation?"


"The story I told Longinus earlier is all there is."

At Sung JiHan's empty words, Gilgamesh raised the corner of his mouth.

"Indeed, you don't listen obediently... I guess I have to use force."

"The virtual space can no longer be maintained?"

"Yes, without Longinus as a host, the existing tower could no longer be maintained..."


Gilgamesh pointed his finger at Sung JiHan.

"But, isn't there a new host here?"

"...Don't tell me, you're talking about me?"

"Yes. My power, like Longinus', surpasses the world tree itself."

He said while looking at Sung JiHan's figure emerging from the bandages.

"This is just the beginning."

* * *


"Sung JiHan! Come over here too!"

"Let's do this together!"

The members of the Korean and American representative teams flew towards Sung JiHan like ropes.

The commentators couldn't help but be amazed at the sight.

"Oh... What is this..."

"The players in the front are trying to attack Sung JiHan!"

"I never expected the final match to unfold like this..."

The last match, which was expected to be intense,

turned out to be strange, with the players all getting destroyed in the end.

"It feels like the remaining ghosts are chasing after us..."

"Oh, Yoonju unnie is over there too ㅠㅠ"

"Can't we just give Korea the victory and end the game? It hurts to see my idols change like this."

"After this game ends, we'll come back, right...?"

"Isn't Sung JiHan activating his camaraderie for no reason and not responding properly?"

As the world-class players were being defeated,

a considerable number of viewers turned off their TVs, saying they couldn't bear to watch.

Some people were worried that if Sung JiHan couldn't handle them firmly, what would happen.


"It's noisy."


Sung JiHan swiftly beheaded them with a single stroke.

He mercilessly cut off the heads of the members of the Korean representative team who were his allies.

"Even if you have the face of a comrade, you don't hesitate in your sword movements. It's a good posture."

He turned to Gilgamesh, who was admiring Sung JiHan's sword from behind.

"You're the same, aren't you?"


Honyeonsingong (Mixed-Origin Divine Skill)

Cheonroeyongyeom (Heavenly Thunder Dragon Flame)

Yongroe (Dragon Thunder)

Sung JiHan aimed the phoenix flag in his hand at Gilgamesh and unleashed the dragon thunder.


But Yoon Sejin, who was supporting him from below, raised his twin swords and blocked the dragon thunder.

He looked at Sung JiHan and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Heh. Weren't you my brother-in-law?"

"It's okay, I used to want to kill you after Shizuru."

While saying that, Sung JiHan attacked mercilessly.

Clang! Clang!

Yoon Sejin's twin swords moved agilely and managed to block several of Sung JiHan's attacks.



The difference between the two was already clear.

Sung JiHan's spear cut off Yoon Sejin's right arm.

And then, he pierced his heart and head with the spear.

And as fire erupted from the spear.


Yoon Sejin's body burned and disappeared in an instant.

"What about camaraderie... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

"No mercy, huh?"

"Yoon Sejin was lacking in education during his time as the Japanese Sword King ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

"I was annoyed by him talking like a bug while possessing Gilgamesh, but Sung JiHan just went along with it."

The viewers who had been worried about what would happen if Sung JiHan hesitated cheered at his merciless blow.

And Sung JiHan, who had dealt with Yoon Sejin behind him,

"Let's... do this... together...!"

He focused his firepower on the sphere that was replaying,

striking the neck to prevent it from regenerating.

Honor's Divine Skill, Mixed Origin Divine Skill

Heavenly Thunder Dragon Flame

Heavenly Dragon Thunder Fire

The phoenix arrow soaring towards the sky.

It soon created a massive rift, pouring out intense flames from within.

In the first and second matches, the Dragon's Breath swept away the US national team along with the terrain.

That intense firepower, from just a single entity.

Focus on the sphere of the bandage.


The sphere of the bandage quickly disappeared into the flames.

- Is it over?

- It's tingling, the last match is real -_-

When people expected the bandage sphere that was hit directly by the Dragon's Breath to disappear.

Swoosh. Swoosh.

The bandage, which was generated in the air, began to coil back into a spherical shape.

[That's intense firepower. But without that power, it won't end.]

Just when it seemed completely gone, the bandage revived once again.

Sung JiHan furrowed his brow.

Anyway, everything related to this world tree is an immortal.

"It feels like they keep asking for the annihilation code."

If they want to be hit so blatantly, it's mostly a trap.

And the annihilation code was already used earlier, so it was impossible to use it again.

Although it was in a buff state just a while ago, it didn't reach the point of being overwhelmed.

Now, most of the buff effects have disappeared.

The annihilation code shouldn't be used unless it's really certain.

"Come in...!"


Sung JiHan spread the Thunder Dragon on Baran's head, which was reaching out towards him again.

He looked around once again.

After the disappearance of the Babel Tower, the map had turned completely black.

Except for the night sky where the Seat's weapon was floating in the distance.

It was in a state that was not eroded by the power of the annihilation code.

Without feeling any energy, the Seat's weapon just seemed like a decoration.

"Oh, but...."

However, Sung JiHan felt something strange from the constellation of that weapon.

It seemed like the number had decreased compared to when he saw it earlier.

"Stop resisting and join us. This is also for your sake."

Gilgamesh conveyed his intentions through the faces of the national team players.

No matter how much he killed them, they just kept coming back.

Sung JiHan glanced at them for a moment.


He turned his head and flew up into the sky.

"Where are you going!"

"Stay with us!"

The heads of the players who followed Sung JiHan all at once.

Ignoring them, Sung JiHan didn't stop flying up into the sky.


"...24 weapons. I can feel the vitality from one of them."

Among the Seat's weapons that covered the sky.

He discovered a weapon that contained vitality.

It was a small-sized dagger.

Hidden by the presence of the other weapons, it wasn't visible from below.


As Sung JiHan reached out to it.

[I have obtained the treasure of the beginning.]

[The game will end.]

Suddenly, the game end message appeared abruptly.

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