[Is that a Celestial Cube?]


From Sung JiHan's left arm, the shadow queen, who looked exactly like Ariel, appeared.

She still had broken chains all over her body.

She watched the pure white cube with surprised eyes.

"Long time no see."

"It's been a while. Have you ever used this too?"

"Yes. I obtained it during a special mission and used it to expand the limits of our race. Of course, our Shadow Elves were destroyed before reaching their limits..."

As she spoke with a bitter expression, the shadow queen asked Sung JiHan.

"Why did you just leave that item alone? Are your kind not interested in expanding the limits of humanity?"

"We have no limits."


"I was going to use it, but it seems there are no set limits."

"No limits... for humanity?"

The shadow queen blinked her eyes as if she couldn't believe it.

Humanity, a race that had the worst conditions to survive in the Battle Net and was evaluated as the lowest rank.

She thought that their growth limit would at most reach the lower ranks.

Sung JiHan's story was too surprising for her.

"I can't believe it."

"That's why I couldn't use the item like this. Well, now I can use it though."

Sung JiHan opened the Holy Seat Store and unlocked the 'Dominance' and 'Autonomy' traits.


[The Holy Seat trait 'Dominance' has been unlocked.]

[The Holy Seat trait 'Autonomy' has been unlocked.]

[The 'Holy Seat' mode has been added to the system.]

With 20,000 fame points disappearing, Dominance and Autonomy, which could not coexist until the Great Holy Seat, were both unlocked.

At the same time.

[Quest completed.]

[You can now turn the Holy Seat trait ON/OFF.]

[When the Holy Seat trait is ON, the effects of both traits will be partially exerted. In the ON state, the level requirement to reach the Holy Seat will decrease at regular intervals. The current level goal to become the Holy Seat is 777.]

[The Celestial Cube will be destroyed.]


The Celestial Cube, which turned to gold in an instant.

The intense aura of the enemy that Sung JiHan couldn't absorb last time surged strongly.

The cube turned red in an instant and was destroyed.

"The Celestial Cube...! What did you do?"

"I used it somewhere else."

Sung JiHan replied like that and opened the Holy Seat window.

[Sung JiHan - Nameless Holy Seat]

-NO.4212 Candidate for the Holy Seat from the 'Human' race.

-Originally not qualified as a candidate, but was able to temporarily unlock the Holy Seat mode due to the hidden power of the Celestial Cube.

[Holy Seat trait - OFF]

[Dominance LV.1]

-Obtain additional bonuses based on the comprehensive evaluation score of the 'Human' race and the growth of the player supported as the Holy Seat.

-The bonus value is divided according to the number of rulers on the current planet.

-There are 4 rulers on the current planet.

-Among the rulers, the one with the highest fame within the human race.

-The effect of the Dominance trait is applied most significantly to the player.

-The effect of the ruler increases all stats by 150 percent.

-You can sponsor the Seat to 500 players.

-The reputation of the Seat also grows proportionally to the growth of the players and sponsors within the planet.

"150 percent?"

As Sung JiHan looked around the Seat window, his eyes widened at the tremendous additional bonus value.

My abilities increase by 150 percent. Is this why they call it a ruler?


[The Seat trait is in OFF state. All stats increase by an additional 1.5 percent, and you can sponsor the Seat to 5 players.]

Sung JiHan couldn't enjoy this bonus because he wasn't a Seat.

"But even in the OFF state, I still get a 1 percent effect."

150 percent changes to 1.5 percent, and 500 sponsorships change to 5 in the OFF state trait effect.

Here, the ability to sponsor the Seat to 5 players stood out more than the increased stats by 1.5 percent.

Should Sung JiHan sponsor the Seat to human players? He pondered for a moment.

"There's also a human category."

Under the explanation of the ruler trait.

He could press the [Human] category, which was the target of the ruler.

[NO.4212 - Human]

Current ability - Lowest

Performance on the Battle.net - High

Growth potential - Highest

Overall evaluation score - E

"There's a high and highest category, but the overall evaluation is E..."

Humans, who were not subject to species limits.

And with Sung JiHan's help on Battle.net, they were doing very well, so the evaluations in the two categories were good.

But the current ability was eating away at both the high and highest categories.

By pressing the lowest category, he pressed both the high and highest categories and made the overall evaluation E.

"Let's look at it positively. If I increase my current ability, I'll receive more bonuses here."

Sung JiHan thought hard and focused on the excessive part of the explanation of the ruler trait.

"The current ruler of this planet is 4 people..."

There were 3 ruler Seats among the 4 people, excluding Sung JiHan.

"Except for Gilgamesh, it's hard to identify the candidates. Could the Cult of the Shadows be included? But I guessed that the Shadow Queen was a solitary LV.10..."

Sung JiHan recalled the Seats of human origin that he knew.

Longinus, Dongbangsak, Pithia.

They were all followers of the gods and had the traits of a ruler, but it was difficult to see.

"Could the third species that hasn't been revealed yet be a ruler?"

Pithia told him that the identity of the third species was King Ashoka of India.

Compared to the other three, he was also a "king," so he would be suitable as a ruler.

"And even if the god is not a ruler... there must be a king-like existence as a ruler. Am I more famous than them?"

According to the explanation of the ruler trait, Sung JiHan had the highest reputation among humans.

Although he was the most well-known in recent times, was he really higher than the great kings in history?

"Queen, aren't the chains hurting? Why are you leaving them alone?"

"I want to get rid of them too. But right now, I can't recover my strength, so it's counterproductive to get rid of them one by one... But hey, Yoon Sae-ah. Your potential is remarkable. Will you not sponsor me?"

"Oh, I'm already sponsored by my mom."

"...Your mom?"


Sung JiHan entered the room and saw Yoon Sae-ah chatting with the Shadow Queen, and he asked a question.

"Sae-ah, how famous am I?"

"What are you suddenly talking about? Is there anyone on Earth who doesn't know you, Uncle?"

"Is that so?"

"No, it's obvious that my uncle appears as the protagonist on Channel 0 every time! He's more famous than most gods, you know?"

Since entering the Space League, the league matches on Channel 0 have been watched by all of humanity.

And it was Sung JiHan who always received attention there and determined the outcome of the matches.

Even people on the other side of the Earth knew about Sung JiHan, even if they didn't know about Korea.

In the current situation, it was natural that Sung JiHan had the highest reputation among the rulers.

"Fame is important for the ruler's seat. It would be easiest to become the king of humanity, but if that's not your inclination, expose yourself more."

"Uncle, are you already a ruler?"

"I think I'll become one soon, judging by the fact that you're asking about my characteristics."

"I'm only around level 300. I have a long way to go."

"...Level 300? A candidate for the ruler's seat at level 300?"


"How did you become a candidate at that level... And if you're at level 300, you don't really need to know your characteristics right now, do you?"

"Just curious."

The Shadow Queen looked at Sung JiHan with a bewildered expression, then turned her gaze to Yoon Sae-ah.

"Hey, do you know of any players among humanity who have potential but don't have a ruler's seat?"

"Oh. Are you sponsoring the ruler's seat? I can show you some players I know well."

"Thank you."

The Shadow Queen, in an attempt to make a comeback, wanted to sponsor humanity's players.

Her evaluation criteria were based on physiognomy.

"I don't like the impression of this player."

"R-really? Then what about this person?"

"Oh, this face is that of a betrayer."

"Um, excuse me. This person is our friend..."

"Hm, well. My eyes are accurate, but there is a 1% exception. That person must be the exception."

"...No, it's possible that you're wrong, Your Majesty."

While the Shadow Queen was making comments while looking at the players shown by Yoon Sae-ah with the eyes of a ruler.

"Let's see the next characteristic."

Sung JiHan examined the characteristic of "Dominance."

* * *

[Dominance LV.1]

- All stats increase by 250%.

- The growth rate of abilities, including gifts and skills, increases by 1000%.

- When reaching SSS grade in gifts, a new gift slot is created.

- Dominators gain an additional 100% of the ruler's fame obtained in the game.

- Dominators can migrate to planets of other races.

"So, in the beginning, being a Dominator is better."

At level 1, the bonus stat values of Dominance were much higher than those of Ruler's Authority.

While a ruler gained ruler's fame according to the growth of their race.

A Dominator had to rely solely on the ruler's fame obtained in the Battle.net game.

Considering the future, it was clear which characteristic was easier to grow.

[Ruler's Authority is in OFF state. All stats increase by an additional 2.5%, and the growth rate increases by 10%. Obtain 1% more ruler's fame.]

Sung JiHan looked at the drastically reduced bonus due to the OFF state of Ruler's Authority and thought.

"I can do both, but to grow, I need to focus on Ruler's Authority first."

The most important thing for Ruler's Authority to grow was ruler's fame.

To obtain that, it seemed necessary to level up Ruler's Authority through the growth of the ruler's fame.

Sung JiHan reopened the Ruler's Authority shop.

[Ruler's Authority Shop LV.1]

Upgrade Ruler's Authority Shop - 50000P

Sung JiHan's 'Ruling' Special Ability LV.2 - 100000P

Sung JiHan's 'Autonomy' Special Ability LV.2 - 100000P

Enhancement of Sung JiHan's Special Ability LV.1 - 10000

Expansion of Sponsorship Slot LV.1 - 1000P

Creation of Special Sponsorship Item - 500P

The fame requirements for the two abilities, which increased dramatically from 10,000 to 100,000 starting from level 2.

Just out of curiosity, I pressed it.

[To upgrade the Sung JiHan's special ability to LV.2, the Sung JiHan Store must be upgraded.]

Before upgrading the ability, I had to level up the store.

"The requirements are quite high."

So far, the amount of achievements I've collected that can be converted into fame is only about 13,000.

When will I collect that amount?

And then.

[To upgrade the Sung JiHan Store to LV.2, all sub-items must be upgraded.]

To upgrade the Sung JiHan Store, I had to check off the Sung JiHan's Special Ability Enhancement and the Sponsorship Slot Expansion one by one.

"Other Sung JiHans without a Sung JiHan Store have an automatic level-up system when fame is accumulated...."

Looking at how others level up their abilities, the cost of going from LV.1 to LV.2 is the same for both Sung JiHan and other Sung JiHans, which is 100,000.

"In the end, I have to spend more."

While others only need to spend 100,000, Sung JiHan also had to upgrade the store.

Of course, even so, there was a great merit in using both abilities.


Sung JiHan looked around the bulletin board like this and decided to turn on the Sung JiHan Mode, which had been turned off once.


[I am a candidate for the Sung JiHan.]

[Only 50% of the effects of the Sung JiHan's special ability are exerted.]

The bonus of the Sung JiHan was not fully exerted, but only half.

Still, with the two abilities combined, all the stats increased by 200%.

"This is quite something."

Sung JiHan felt the power running rampant in his body due to the sudden boost and smiled, but then a system message appeared before his eyes.

[An error has been detected in the BattleNet.]

[The Sung JiHan's reaching level has decreased to 776.]

As soon as he turned it on, his level to become a Sung JiHan decreased from 777 to 776.

5 minutes later.

[The Sung JiHan's reaching level has decreased to 775.]

He could see the message saying it had decreased to 775.

"If I leave it on for a while, it will quickly reach my level."

The Sung JiHan's reaching level decreased by 1 level every 5 minutes.

If he wanted to become a Sung JiHan quickly, he could just leave it on, but then the safety he could enjoy as a candidate for the Sung JiHan would quickly end.

Now that the God of War was targeting him.

Sung JiHan decided to focus on growing as much as possible while in the OFF state.

Sung JiHan turned off the abilities.

"I should start filling the sponsorship slots from the 5th one."

He decided to start filling the sponsorship slots given by the Ruling ability.

As he was contemplating who to sponsor,

-A face like this resembles that of a traitor.

He remembered the story the Shadow Queen had told him a while ago.

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