In the heart of Gangnam, Seoul.

The normally bustling streets were eerily quiet.

And for good reason.

Bang! Bang!

With a loud explosion from the sky, a bright light flashed endlessly.

"Did everyone evacuate?"

"Many people on the streets have evacuated, but there are still quite a few people trapped inside buildings. By the way..."

The police looked up at the sky, their faces tense as they continued speaking.

"Is it true that Sung JiHan and the Throne are fighting up there?"

"Well... that's what the King of Swords said. So I assume he's still busy evacuating people."

"I never thought it would happen in real life, not just in the BattleNet."

"That's a strange thing to say. This is a world where dungeon portals appear."

After Sung JiHan left his house, a massive explosion occurred in the sky.

Yoon Se-jin and Yoon Se-ah were explaining the situation and seeking the government's cooperation to evacuate people.

And beyond that, the two women were personally evacuating people themselves.

"Oh, oh...! Sword flight! I'm riding this!"

"Hold onto the sword tightly and don't take a selfie. You'll drop it."

"Yes, yes!"

The police looked on with envy as ordinary citizens rode swords down from tall buildings.

Yoon Se-jin's sword flight.

They never expected to see it firsthand, not just in the BattleNet.

"I want to ride that too."

"Don't say pointless things and finish evacuating the citizens quickly. We don't know when something might fall from the sky."

"Understood! Uh, but..."

The police, who followed their superior's orders, pointed trembling fingers at the sky.

"Th-there! A massive object is falling!"

"What, what?"


A giant red rock.

It was descending rapidly towards the city center.

If that massive object were to collide with the ground, it was obvious that damage would occur.

At that moment.

"Just a moment. Please take care of these people."


Along with dozens of people on the sword, the Sword King landed on the ground.

"I will try to stop it."

"Yes... yes!"


Dozens of swords merged into two, returning to their original form as the Twin Swords.

Yoon Se-jin flew into the sky, holding them.

"Wow... I've ridden a sword in my lifetime."

"Not being able to evacuate turned out to be lucky."

"Oh, the video came out well!"

"Now is not the time to relax like this. Please evacuate quickly!"

As the police quickly evacuated the people who had descended from the swords.

"Why do I suddenly feel like this? I suddenly feel stronger."


Yoon Se-jin was flying towards the red rock at a faster speed than usual.

"Is it because I received support from my brother-in-law as the Throne? But just a while ago, I didn't feel much of a difference..."

As Sung JiHan became the Throne of the Sword King, his powers were limited, so the practical benefits to the Sword King were minimal.

So Yoon Se-jin accepted the Throne not expecting support from Sung JiHan, but rather as a reminder not to be captivated again.

"Being buffed by a supporter, I've become stronger. If I get an additional buff here..."

Yoon Se-jin's eyes sparkled.

If that happened, he felt like he could fight on equal footing with the Elven warriors who had overwhelmed him.

As he replayed the battle with the elves in his mind, he saw a red meteor in his eyes.

"For now, let's deal with that first...!"

A powerful sword energy surged from Yoon Sejin's twin swords.

It extended forcefully and directly hit the red meteor.



"It's tough...!"

Even though his strength had increased, the meteor only slightly slowed down its descent.

There was no sign of damage on the surface.

As Yoon Sejin clenched his teeth and tried to extend his sword again.



After the red lightning passed through the meteor, Sung JiHan revealed himself.

* * *

"Brother-in-law! How did the battle go...?"

"I did win. But that seat suddenly vomited out that rock."


"But brother-in-law, you've gotten stronger."

Sung JiHan glanced at the sword energy of Yoon Sejin.

It was noticeably different from when he last saw it.

"Brother-in-law, after you went out, you suddenly became more energetic. I can feel that you've become stronger. It feels like you're not even using all the power you have right now."

"I see. It seems like I amplified the power of the seat."

"Oh... Amplifying the power of the seat! Is that even possible?"

"Yes. However, the duration is not long. This kind of effect will only last for a short time until I become an official seat."

"Well, if it's brother-in-law, you'll become a seat soon. It's an honor to become the first supporting player."


Yoon Sejin swung his sword again.

But the meteor still showed no signs of damage.

"I'll help too."

As Sung JiHan raised his phoenix spear from the side, a sparkling red current appeared.

The spear, filled with lightning, flew straight towards the meteor.

And then.


Unlike Yoon Sejin's previous attempt, the spear pierced deep into the meteor.


The current enveloped it, causing the falling red meteor to stop.

"As expected of brother-in-law. You blocked it!"

Yoon Sejin felt relieved as he looked at the meteor standing still in the sky.



To his surprise, a bloody smoke flowed out from within.

"This is...!"

"It's the blood of Longinus."

Although it was confirmed as dead in the system, it was still resisting until the end.

Sung JiHan furrowed his brows and tried to stop the spread of the blood.


[Execution Ground Damaged]

[Installation in Current Position]

As blue flames blossomed within the blood, letters appeared.


The speed at which the blood spread in all directions became incredibly fast.

The blood tried to extend in the shape of a cross.


"Uh... Hmm... This doesn't look good. It feels like my power is draining away."

Yoon Sejin, who had confidently unleashed the sword energy, staggered.

And from his forehead, sweat flowed down in streams.

At first, the transparent sweat quickly turned into blood and flew towards the red smoke drawing a cross.

"Brother-in-law, step back."

"...Rather than being unable to help, I shouldn't become a burden. I understand."

In response to those words, Yoon Se-jin quickly stepped back.

Even from the side he retreated from, blood continued to rise into the sky.

Sung JiHan frowned as he watched this.

"To even draw blood from an enhanced brother-in-law."

Except for Sung JiHan, Yoon Se-jin could be considered the strongest human being at present.

However, to the extent that he too was helpless, the blood that came out of the meteor boasted a powerful force.

If left as it is, it could quickly draw blood from the people on the ground.

"There's no other choice."

Sung JiHan took out his banishing sword again and amplified the emptiness.

Then, a giant swirling shadow sword appeared.

Hunwon Divine Technique

Dark Shadow Divine Art

Dark Soul Whirlpool


A massive whirlwind filled the sky.

The sky, which even sucked in the light, could no longer illuminate the earth.

As if one side of Gangnam's downtown had turned into night, it changed into complete darkness.

"What, what is this...! Why is the sky...?"

"That, isn't that the whirlwind Sung JiHan used? What's happening...?"

Even in the midst of this, some people looked up at the sky with curious eyes.

"No, do they have time to watch that? Evacuate quickly!"

The police and firefighters quickly evacuated those people.

Thanks to the Dark Soul Whirlpool absorbing all the blood, those who didn't have blood flowing like Yoon Se-jin were able to evacuate smoothly.


"That also needs to be eliminated with the annihilation code."

Sung JiHan headed towards the meteor himself to write the annihilation code.

While the Dark Soul Whirlpool continued to absorb blood, the rock continued to emit red smoke.

If he left it alone, he didn't know when it would draw a cross and suck people's blood again.

"I'm curious about what an execution ground is, but I can't display such a dangerous thing above the city."

Approaching the red rock like that, Sung JiHan quickly drew the annihilation code on top of it.

Although it was a meteor that continued to emit blood more fiercely as Sung JiHan approached, it wasn't like using the Spear of Longinus.



Sung JiHan was able to write the code smoothly on top of it.



Starting from the center where the characters were written, the rock turned into dust and disappeared in an instant.

Although it was inconvenient to have to approach completely to write the code, the annihilation code boasted absolute destructive power.

However, Sung JiHan's expression, who used such a strongest weapon, wasn't particularly bright.

"Now, I can't do it anymore... Is it possible only once? The consumption of power is enormous."

Before amplifying his power, he could barely write the annihilation code once.

Even though it had now been amplified by two stages, writing the code was limited to three times.

The meteor was annihilated, but if something like that were to pop out again...

He didn't have a suitable means to stop it now.


"Is it over? The blood isn't coming out anymore."

"Yes. Come again."

In response to the Shadow Queen, who was wielding the giant Dark Soul Whirlpool, Sung JiHan answered affirmatively.


The black whirlwind transformed back into its sword form and flew towards Sung JiHan.

[This aura... It's a highly advanced power.]

"Is that so?"

[Yes. Extracting the life force of the opponent and making it one's own is something many beings do. But I've never seen a power with such a good exchange rate.]

"How good is it?"

[If it's the same kind of life force, it seems like almost 100% can be utilized. If the previous seat had mercilessly exploited the same kind, they would have quickly become a higher-level seat.]

"Higher than the Monarch Level 4?"

[4? Even if absorbed generously, it's above 5. If it was extracted mercilessly, they would have aimed for 7.]

So that's the power of Longinus.

Even though he had many talents and skills, he was easily suppressed.

Thinking this, Sung JiHan carefully watched the broken meteor.

The destruction code had definitely been activated, but he couldn't be sure if something unexpected would still come out.

In that case, he should take off his mask and wait in the Seat Mode ON.

[Seat reaching level 770.]

A message appeared saying that the limit level had dropped by 1.

"I should turn OFF for now."

The limit level had decreased by 7 due to this battle.

However, there was still a high level of growth potential.

But constantly activating this Seat ability would mean sacrificing the future for the present.

He should save as much room as possible for level increase.

When Sung JiHan tried to turn OFF the ability.


Longinus appeared again, from above the sky.

Once again, a blue flame faintly rose.


The problem was the flame itself.

Sung JiHan made up his mind to get rid of it before the meteor appeared this time.


The blue flame spread widely.

[Execution ground...]

Once again, letters began to appear from within.

"Just disappear."

Sung JiHan added the last available destruction code on top of it.





[The destruction code is added to the preserved data.]

[Data will be deleted...]

[Data is permanently preserved. Deletion is restricted.]

[To achieve complete deletion, please unlock.]

Several lines of text appeared in front of Sung JiHan.

"Permanently preserved data... Is it more important than the destruction code?"

Although the text kindly informed that it could be erased if unlocked.

Sung JiHan couldn't think of any way to do it.

[Please unlock.]

The flame that had spread widely and disappeared due to the destruction code rose again.

On top of it, instead of restoring the execution ground, a message demanding unlocking appeared.

"...Should I give it a try?"

Since he didn't know the method, Sung JiHan reached out his hand, thinking of touching the blue flame.

He did this with no expectations, as if he was grabbing a straw.


But once he touched the flame, Sung JiHan's face strangely changed.

"...I remember."


In response to the Shadow Queen's question, Sung JiHan blinked his eyes several times and muttered.

"The name of the Third Annihilation Pledge."

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