"I can't believe you're letting me go... What do you want in return?"

[First, is it okay if we go inside and talk?]

Sung JiHan nodded.


Immediately, the owner of the arena appeared before them.

Wearing a neat suit and a black fedora.

Just like before, their face still had the shape of the universe.

Even as a stronger Sung JiHan, he couldn't measure the limits of his opponent.

"I can't compare to Longinus."

Even compared to the fallen seat, Longinus, whom he had just defeated.

The owner of the arena boasted a strength that was on a different level.

At this level, they must be at the level of a Great Arch Seat.

As Sung JiHan thought while looking at the opponent in front of him.

The owner of the arena opened their mouth.

"I saw your battle with the fallen seat. I was impressed by how you used the Void Processing Chamber of the World Tree Union effectively."

"Did you watch us fight?"

"Yes. I was able to observe it because you used the Void Processing Chamber."


With those words, a white mask came to mind.

The owner of the arena tapped the mask that covered half of their face.

"The Void Processing Chamber is an invention of the World Tree Union to avoid death. It has been quite effective in observing the World Tree Union from the Void."

"Is the Void Processing Chamber that powerful?"

"Yes. We have our own ways of dealing with it, but the World Tree Union is constantly improving the Void Processing Chamber. Especially the recently created one was giving us a hard time as it couldn't be leaked to the outside... But you managed to obtain it."

Sung JiHan took out the mask from his inventory at those words.

"So, this is the item we're trading."

"That's right. And..."


The owner of the arena turned their gaze to the window.

"If you hand over the 'Code Medium,' I will release the Witch of the Void. She will return to her original human form, untouched by the Void."

"Code Medium?"


"In the system, it was called the Spear of Bloodline. You call it something different."

"The Spear of Bloodline, huh. I guess Gilgamesh named it that way..."


The white star in the universe, which served as the owner of the arena's two eyes, quickly turned purple.

And from within, the Void emerged menacingly.

Although it was just a change in eye color, the owner of the arena exuded overwhelming power.

[The owner of the arena... When I heard rumors that he had power comparable to a Great Arch Seat, I thought it was an exaggeration. But the rumors were true.]

The Shadow Queen, who evaluated the power possessed by the owner of the arena as Great Arch Seat level.

"The stronger they are, the stronger they become as they climb the Battle Net."

Sung JiHan thought that and opened his mouth.

"Enough with the show of strength. Why did you give this medium to Gilgamesh in the first place?"

"I can't go into detail about that... But since you are the current owner of the medium, you can't be completely unrelated. I'll give you as much information as possible."


As the face of the owner of the arena changed, they displayed a screen.

What appeared there was the planet Earth.

"Planet Earth is a place full of potential for life to flourish. In cases like this, the World Tree Union often plants world trees. Earth was one such case."

"I've heard this story from a High Elf before. The director of the world tree elf experiment facility dispatched to Earth had an accident where he fused with the world tree of Earth."

The High Elves, who had not been able to enter, were furious.

After he died, the branch manager I met at the loan counter once told me about what happened at that time.

An investigation team from the Union, infuriated by the accident involving the world tree, was dispatched to Earth but disappeared, leaving only a message of a major error.

"Ah... Do you consider that an accident over there?"

Upon hearing Sung JiHan's story, the owner of the arena listened to the story told by the branch manager and said,

"We understood it as a deliberate act by the Union, 100%."

"The Union intended it?"

"Yes. When an uncontrollable being appeared from their own hands as a result of the experiment, they requested our help."

The screen flipped.

Inside, a giant being with trees and bodies grotesquely merged was revealed.

"This is the existence. We called them the Wood Gods."

"Wood Gods..."

"Yes. They were beings that should have been subject to the constraints of the Void. Yet, they somehow knew the internal policies of the Void and were skillfully avoiding our regulations. We couldn't directly intervene. So, we decided to indirectly intervene through an agent."

"An agent... Was it Gilgamesh, by any chance?"


Sung JiHan grumbled.

The image of the Wood Gods disappeared from the screen, and instead, Gilgamesh's face was revealed.

"He received the blessing of the Void and the World Tree Union, and waged a long war against the Wood Gods. The code medium you have, the item I gave him... It was the only means to completely annihilate the immortal Wood Gods. And when the job was done, of course, it was supposed to be returned to me."

"But you didn't return it."

"Yes. Gilgamesh broke not only his promise to me but also his promise with the World Tree Union. And then, the Divine appeared..."

Whoosh. Whoosh.

Sung JiHan turned the spear of his bloodline.

A code medium that allowed him to write a destruction code and send it from a distance.

'It would be a waste to return it.'

Writing the code up close, one drop at a time, and

Throwing it from a distance were like heaven and earth in terms of efficiency.

If his sister wasn't the one caught up in the deal, he would never have given it away.


'If the other party is my sister, there's no choice.'

The first thing he had to protect more than the two items was his family.

"Fine. Let's make a deal."

"You've made a good decision."

"But in return, you have to return my sister first."

"I have to... return her first?"

"Yes. If you take the item and disappear, I won't have any way to deal with it."

"I am the 'Owner of the Arena.' I can swear that there won't be any such thing at stake."

"Fine. I don't need that kind of oath. Just return my sister first."


The owner of the arena kept silent for a moment at Sung JiHan's words.

The Shadow Queen whispered softly to Sung JiHan.

[Isn't it a bit disrespectful to ignore the fact that the Owner of the Arena is even making an oath? The Owner of the Arena is a strong individual who ranks within the top 20 even in the Void.]

"What if the top 20 strong individual takes the item and runs away?"


"It would be even easier to scam someone who is strong."

Although Sung JiHan had not been in the Battle.net for a long time.

What I felt while having it was that 'there is no one to trust in this world'.

"...Alright. Then return it to me immediately."

And seeing Sung JiHan's firm attitude, the owner of the arena graciously accepted his proposal.

"The 'Master of the Abyss'."


On the floor of the training ground, the emergence of the Void's movements.

The energy contained within it was tremendous, comparable to what flowed when he wore the mask.

And slowly opening within the movements, a red portal.

The owner of the arena faced it and slowly reached out his hand.

"As a superior, I demand. Hand over the Witch of the Void to me."

Is the owner of the arena definitely superior to the Master of the Abyss?

Sung JiHan thought so as he waited for Sung JiAh, who was his older sister, to come out of the red portal.



From within, an unexpected answer flowed out.

* * *

"...What did you just say?"

[I said no.]

"Are you refusing the command of a superior?"

For the first time, informal language flowed from the owner of the arena, who was always formal.

And what was scarier than informal language was the force he emitted.

The space inside the Void's training ground distorted.

It distorted due to the Void emitted by the owner of the arena.

[Because you angered him by ignoring the oath, that guy must have instigated this. The owner of the arena... a terrifying power. He is capable of running the arena without any problems.]

"Hey, am I right? In the Battle.net, it's always prepaid."

[Damn it. I can't deny it for this case...]

While Sung JiHan was having a conversation with the Shadow Queen like that.

[That's right. I refuse.]


The Void's training ground crumbled at those words.

The owner of the arena emitted a sinister force and...


Turned his head towards Sung JiHan.

A crescent moon in the shape of one or two eyes and a mouth.

The current crescent moon was twisted and bent in a strange way.

"Just a moment. Will you wait? I will personally break the Abyss and bring it out."

Suppressing his anger and showing respect to Sung JiHan, he was the owner of the arena.

[If you intrude, I will devour the Witch of the Void.]

"This bastard!"

When the owner of the Abyss spoke from the portal, he expressed his anger.

"I will subdue the Haegaksang and come back. Just wait a moment..."


While saying that, the owner of the arena swiftly entered the portal.

The red portal repeated the process of growing and shrinking.

Whish! Whish!

From within, the energy of the Void wafted out.

[I thought I would be able to suppress him in one shot... Seems like he has some skills.]

"Then I might fail."

Sung JiHan looked towards the portal, spinning the code medium in his hand.

Instead of waiting endlessly, he decided to test it out by opening a window.

"Is this where I write the code?"

He muttered to himself.

Just like he had seen in Longinus's data, Sung JiHan wrote the code for annihilation on the window.


Even though he had written the code that would annihilate everything, the window of the bloodline remained intact.


"The energy of annihilation seems to be gathering at the tip of the window... It will explode in 10 seconds."

A bloodline window without a tip.

The power of annihilation seemed to replace the tip.

For 10 seconds, the energy of annihilation surged, and once it hit the target, it would annihilate its existence.


Sung JiHan summoned Enkidu as a target and threw the bloodline window from a distance.


As soon as the window was embedded, Enkidu disappeared like dust.

And the window that annihilated the opponent flashed once and returned to Sung JiHan's hand.

"This seems useful."

The possibilities of utilizing the annihilation code seemed endless.

Sung JiHan looked at the shaking portal.

Although it would be the best outcome if everything went well and his sister returned.

But after using this window, his greed had grown a bit.

"Still, my sister is more important."

Sung JiHan put the bloodline window into his inventory.

The more he used it, the more his greed seemed to grow.

And as he stared at the portal, waiting.


From within the portal, the owner of the arena revealed himself again.

"...Sigh. When did the Void's temperament become like this?"

The owner of the arena sighed as soon as he appeared.

"Why couldn't you catch her?"

"Even if I tear her apart 999 times, she keeps coming back. She even threatened to kill the witch."

"...Why is he so fixated on my sister?"

"I don't know. Even though I offered him a promotion, he remains indifferent... However, he did make a proposal."

"What is it?"

"If you defeat him, he will hand over the Witch of the Void."


Sung JiHan blinked at the unexpected words.

"Why did he specifically choose me?"

"I want to know as well."

The owner of the arena seemed eager to sharpen his fangs.

But then he said,

"You. Can I sponsor you?"

"...You want to sponsor me?"

"Yes. I must completely eliminate the owner of the Abyss who dared to interfere with the Haegaksang."

He proposed sponsorship to Sung JiHan.

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