The day before the Space Arena Master League finals.

["Lue Investment representative Octain" sends a message, sponsoring 100,000,000,000GP.]

[Choosing the finalist... This was the proper investment we made. Thank you for your success. Blue Chip.]

Lue Investment's Octain sent an additional message to Sung JiHan along with a large sponsorship.

[And with 1 trillion, the price of profit is not enough, so please provide information about the opponent in the finals...]

"The opponent in the finals? It says So Tae-yang."

The opponent in the finals, So Tae-yang.

Although Sung JiHan thought that the name was grandiose for a character, he was given this name by some influential figure.

"So Tae-yang... It is the summon of the Sun King."

"The Sun King?"

"Yes... He is a high-ranking seat aiming for the vacant position of the Red Administrator. He is not at the stage of aiming for racial evolution, but he sent a summon to the Master League unusually..."

"He must be quite powerful."

"Quite... Watch the match."


In front of Sung JiHan, a screen appeared.

There, he saw a familiar landscape of the arena.

And on one side, a high elf with half of his hair green.

On the other side, a small white glowing object floating in the air.

-So Tae-yang... Why would a being like you be in the Master League...

Even with the high elf's question, the glowing object had no answer.


And then, a white light flashed from there.

The entire arena was engulfed in light, and soon everything was buried and disappeared.

[Winner, So Tae-yang.]

A system message announcing the end of the game in the world that was flashed by light.

The other matches shown by Octain also had the same result.

"Overwhelming power... In this Master League tournament, both you and So Tae-yang dominated the matches. However, So Tae-yang was more powerful with the power revealed during the match..."

"Indeed. He even flew to the arena."

"Yes... That's why Lue Investment decided to invest autonomously in this match. And most of them bet on So Tae-yang, except for me."

"Oh? So you bet on me?"

"No... I didn't bet on this match. Normally, I should have invested in the Grand Seat's side, but my intuition sent a warning."

Although he didn't invest in the Grand Seat according to his intuition.

But that doesn't mean he would bet on himself.

Sung JiHan smirked.

"Alright. Thanks for the information."

"Well... Good luck."


After Octain's message disappeared, Sung JiHan muttered softly.

"Sponsorship and information, quite gentlemanly."

"Well, he's not usually that kind octopus... It seems like Octain wants to maintain a connection with you."


"Oh well. When I invested in him, he was kind, but later he was ruthless."

Well, there's no way a investment company like that would send unconditional favors.

Sung JiHan thought that he should maintain an appropriate line and recalled the battle scene Octain showed him earlier.

"So Tae-yang..."

It was too small to be called a sun, but the power emitted from it was befitting of the title of the sun.

Before reaching the finals, he only met the sub-characters of the seats, but an unexpected strong opponent appeared at the very end.

"Like when I faced Longinus, if I mobilize my full power, I can block him..."

Wearing a welcoming smile and activating the characteristics of the Holy See amplifies the power significantly.

With this level of power, it should be possible to deal with that as well.


"Anyway, it's not like a real battle, let's give it a try."

The battles in the Space Arena did not carry the same burden as when the Holy See descended during the Longinus incident.

Sung JiHan decided to experience the light of the mini-sun.

Using the welcoming smile or activating the characteristics of the Holy See both had limitations on their power.

"I need to experience a fatal injury to gain clues about the Radiant Crescent."

He only knew the name Radiant Crescent, but he had no idea how to use it, the third fatal move.

He tried to test it by inflicting self-harm in the training ground, but there was no effect at all.

He needed to experience a fatal injury from someone else to truly understand.

With that in mind, Sung JiHan decided on how to fight against the mini-sun.

"Speaking of which, the message telling me to use the Bingcheon Sword...."

The fourth fatal move, Bingcheon Sword.

This martial art, which had the function of exploration, had ambiguous utility in actual combat.

That's why Sung JiHan had hardly used it recently, but PTIA, who had lost contact, personally sent a message urging him to use it.

"Could it be related to the mini-sun?"

Sung JiHan speculated while preparing for the final match.

The first thing he checked was his odds for the final match.

"It's 10 times... it jumped."

As Sung JiHan showed his strong presence, the odds, which had been rapidly decreasing, started to rise sharply.

Since it was revealed that the opponent in the final match, So TaeYang, was the summon of the Sun King.

While Earthlings often placed their trust in Sung JiHan and made bets, the alien races quickly obtained information and placed safe bets on So TaeYang's side.

"I need to make some profit this time."

Sung JiHan put all the GP he had earned into the bet.

* * *

On the day of the final match.

The atmosphere in the chat window of Sung JiHan's channel was drastically different.

"Sung JiHan... I've been indebted to you so far. Thanks to you, I made a lot of GP, but I can't bet on the final match."

"How can you win against the summon of the Great Holy See... You've done well to come this far."

"For a lower-level race, you've worked hard ^-^"

"But why did the Sun King come all the way to the Master's final match and muddy the waters?"

"That's why I said it's too much without Sang Do."

"Foreigners are all betting on the other side."

"It seems like there's not enough trust in Sung JiHan."

"I've been lurking in the foreign chat room, and I heard the sound of the summon of the Great Holy See. What is the Great Holy See?"

"I don't know lol. Maybe they're stronger Holy Sees."

"If that's the case, Sung JiHan, who defeated the Holy See, won't be able to easily overwhelm them, right?"

Earthlings, who had little information about the Great Holy See, were confident that Sung JiHan would win again this time.

Of course, objectively speaking, the odds had risen significantly, indicating that the opponent in the final match was a strong presence.

But because of the image Sung JiHan had shown to humanity, many people placed their trust in him and made bets.


"Is that So TaeYang?"


Summoned in the arena, Sung JiHan looked at the object that appeared on the other side.

A globe-sized, white light sphere.

Among the enemies he had faced in the arena so far, it was the smallest existence, but the power contained within it was unmatched.

"Indeed, it can be considered a summoning creature worthy of the Great Sage's summoning."

The summoning creature possessed a power that was different from the opponents that had been easily defeated so far.

Based on the previous match footage shown by Octain, it was necessary to launch an attack before the light flashed from that small sun.

Once the light started to shine, everything, including the arena, would be destroyed.



Sung JiHan crossed his arms without summoning any weapons.

A gesture that meant to go ahead and make the first move.


Sung JiHan's crossed arms caused the light to explode from the small sun, as if it were a burst of light.

-Is this the end...?

-Even the rebellion of the lowest-ranked species ended like this.

-But still, humanity... this species will quickly surpass the lowest rank. Sung JiHan is so strong.

-That's right. With that level of skill, he will soon become a Great Sage.

-Thanks to you, we made a lot of money. Sung JiHan!

As soon as the light exploded, a chat window from the extraterrestrial viewers appeared, congratulating Sung JiHan on his victory.

While other places were filled with their expectations and the light, the spot where Sung JiHan stood remained untouched by the white light.



A strong red flame surged through his entire body, resisting the light.

"The power of the small sun. The firepower is considerable... but it has low stats, so I can withstand it."

Low-grade stats.

This ability, which had overwhelming dominance over fire, also strongly resisted the light of the small sun.

He thought about using the Flash Countermeasure if he suffered a fatal blow from that attack.

But the light was weaker than expected.


-What? Why is he still alive?

-How can he resist the light of the small sun...

-No, even if it was sent to the Master League, it's an item summoned by the Sun King. It's not a light that players can block...

-No. What the hell is that?

-It's ten times more explosive!!

Meanwhile, Sung JiHan silently endured the light of the small sun.

The extraterrestrial viewers couldn't understand the current situation at all.

Even if the "small sun" was not a clone of the Great Sage and was just a summoning creature with a lower level of power.

In the end, the one who created it was still the Great Sage.

Although Sung JiHan showed an amazing performance in this arena, he easily blocked this attack as well.

-No... It will only last for a moment...!

-Yes. In the end, he will die! He has to die! The Sun King was a definite winner!

-How can you block the Sun King's light with fire? Does that make sense?

-That's why he will be engulfed in light soon hehehehehe

The extraterrestrial viewers continued to express their hopes that Sung JiHan would not be able to endure, but...


The side where the light stopped was the small sun.

"Is it already over?"

Sung JiHan said disappointedly as he looked around.

The arena was completely destroyed except for him.

Although the light no longer spewed out from the small sun, the world was still locked in pure white light.

"Sung JiHan doesn't seem to have much remaining power. It's about to be destroyed."

At the beginning of the match, Sung JiHan had tremendous power.

But after emitting a single beam of light, the white luminescent body lost its strength.

"They called it the summoning creature of the Great Seat, but it's nothing special, is it? Looks like it's going to end like this."

"If it gets any stronger, it would have gone up to the Grand Master League, not just the Master League."

"But then why is Sung JiHan here? LOL"

"Well, he's still at the Master level LOL"

"Ah...;; These aliens are really something. If I had known that they would lose their power so easily, why did I bet on Sung JiHan as if he was going to lose? I bet on that for no reason!"

"It's funny how humans bet against Sung JiHan. Seems like they lack faith. Tsk tsk."

"For real, please, if you're human, bet on Sung JiHan LOL"

"From 'if you're Korean' to 'if you're human,' the scale has gotten bigger LOL"

While the people who bet against Sung JiHan on the other side were making a fuss in the alien chat.

"Now I can use it."


Sung JiHan took out Eclipse from his left arm.

Honwonshingong (混元神功)

Myeolsingyeol (滅神訣)

Bingcheongeomu (氷天劍雨)


Eclipse froze in an instant.

It flew above Sung JiHan's head and started freezing the air.

Although the light emitted by the small sun still had heat, it interfered with the formation of ice.


Eventually, the sky froze, and a huge sword flew towards the small sun.

Compared to the small luminescent body, the overwhelming size of the ice sword pouring down.



Most of the ice swords melted before reaching the luminescent body.

Only a very small portion remained and barely touched the top of the small sun.

Thud. Thud...

The ice sword continued to strike the upper surface.

The tip of the sword aimed for the center of the upper surface of the luminescent body and kept colliding.

And then.


A faint red light appeared on the upper surface of the white small sun.

"Is that the target of the sword?"

Although they were all inside the white luminescent body.

As the sword revealed their appearance, the faint red light showed a different presence from the small sun.

Sung JiHan approached it.

And as he reached out towards the light, letters appeared there.

"This is the possession of the Sun King."

"Only he can own it."

"This is..."

Although Sung JiHan had seen this phrase somewhere before.

When Sung JiHan paused for a moment after seeing it.

"The one who seeks shall destroy the three races."

As the last sentence came to mind, the entire white luminescent body turned a murky color.

And soon.


A massive explosion occurred here, covering the entire map.

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