"It's been a while, but why does this guy seem even more pathetic?"

Sung JiHan, who had become calm and composed in reality, didn't even bother to respond.

Instead, he grabbed Baerun by the collar.


And threw him backwards.

"What, what are you doing...! You!"

Perhaps because he was ranked first in the world, Baerun didn't just obediently fall back. He used his force to stay suspended in the air.

He unleashed his anger on Sung JiHan, but...

"You used force? Well, that's convenient."

Sung JiHan, on the other hand, smiled and reached out his hand towards Baerun, who was floating in the air.

Then, the power of the soul was fully activated, and Sung JiHan's power quickly took control of the space.


Baerun, with his mouth sealed shut, fell straight to the ground.


He ended up rolling on the ground in a sorry state.


"Don't even make a sound."

With his mouth completely sealed, Baerun could only writhe on the ground, his eyes rolling in astonishment at being overwhelmed by a power similar to his own.

-Why are you messing with Sung JiHan, tsk tsk.

-Well, that's because he's been receiving such "education" since his Silver-Gold days.

-But in this scenario, isn't Baerun the one who's doing well in the future?

-That seems to be the case. Although having two gift slots is a bit of a scam.

-Ha, that's why humanity perished... How can humanity survive in a world where Baerun is number one?

-Haah... Just stay there like a corpse...

While Baerun was lying down, relieved by his own appearance, he was chatting.

"To fight among yourselves in a demotion match... You guys have some leisure, humans!"

"Now's the time! Charge!"

On the other side of humanity, in the Orc camp, five Orcs were gaining momentum.

Among the five, if two were to cause internal conflict, there was no need to even consider a 5:5 showdown. The advantage would clearly be on the Orcs' side.

That's probably why.

"Ji, JiHan! Please release Baerun. Now is the time to fight the Orcs!"

Sophiana, who was summoned along with Sung JiHan, pleaded.

"That's why I told you not to go to America and come to China instead. Please cooperate now for the sake of the remaining humanity, Sung JiHan."

Jin Yuhwa, ranked second in China and possessing the Gift of Eternal Waiting, also intervened to stop their fight for now.

-Is she Chinese? Who is that woman?

"If she was summoned here, she must be a top ranker. I don't even recognize her face."

"Yeah, Sung JiHan, Baerun, and Sophiana are still famous..."

"The remaining one seems to be a rookie."

"Oh, but that person looks familiar..."

The viewers showed interest in the appearance of a new face.

However, Jin Yuhwa was not a welcome face to Sung JiHan.

She was the one who hired an assassin to steal the Gift of Eternal Waiting from Yoon Saea.

"...I've already killed her, so there's no need to kill her again here."

Although a moment of anger arose, Sung JiHan quickly suppressed it.

"They're enough for me alone."


He summoned the Eclipse, a dark sword, in his left hand.

Honyeonsingong, Samjaemuguk, Hwangsocheongun.

When the sword swung horizontally.


The five Orcs were split into pieces without being able to resist even a single sword strike.

[Mo... Monster...]

"W-What, what power...! It's several times stronger!"

"No... We can't be demoted...!"

The Orcs, with their upper and lower bodies separated, tried to resist somehow, but...


When Sung JiHan's sword swung horizontally once again, their heads all fell at once.

Overwhelming difference in power.


"What, what is it... Why did your swordsmanship become so strong?"

Even during the Sung JiHan era, the basic form of the Samjae Muguk was highly regarded.

But the Samjae Muguk of Hina's time and now were so different in power that comparison was meaningless.

"That's how it turned out."

"No, when did you become rank 1? You couldn't even receive the national bonus... You're really amazing! Sung JiHan... Instead of receiving mistreatment in America, how about coming to China?"

As a Korean, Sung JiHan couldn't receive the national bonus and was ranked 7th.

But now, Sung JiHan had surpassed all those restrictions and was in a state where he had regained the rank 1 solely with his own power.

He succeeded in the relegation defense game only with the United States and China.

Now, there were only two countries left in the world.

Jin Yuhwa looked at Sung JiHan, who had fought with Balran, with shining eyes, determined to somehow bring him to China.

[Victory in the relegation deciding match.]

[NO.4212 Humanity remains in the Bronze League.]

Before she could say anything else, a message appeared saying that the game was over.

"Oh my, it's already over... It's a shame, but thanks to you, humanity survived. I'll give you a good offer as soon as I go back!"

After checking the system message, Jin Yuhwa waved her hand and disappeared.


And the remaining four players were all teleported back to their original positions.

"You, you bastard... To challenge my rank 1 in front of my hunting dogs...! Behemoth's item, quickly. Ugh!"

When he was teleported back, Balran, whose anger was unleashed, tried to attack again.

But Sung JiHan blocked his mouth just like before and pinned him to a corner.


"I believed in you!"

"To achieve rank 1... Jihan is truly the best in terms of skill!"

"I didn't get relegated... I, I'm alive. I'm alive! Sob sob..."

And so, without even bothering to help the guild master who was pinned in a corner.

The members of American First rushed towards Sung JiHan.

They were greatly impressed by Sung JiHan's performance in the relegation match.

Some cheered, while others were in awe, causing a commotion among the elite members of American First.

But the viewers felt a sense of emptiness as they watched this.

- Is it over like this?

- Preventing the extinction of humanity... Isn't it too simple?

- It's solved as long as we have Sung JiHan, lol.

- But if you listen to the people in this scenario, it seems like Sung JiHan was already there...

- Yeah, that's right. But Sung JiHan wasn't as strong as he is now. He wasn't even ranked first.

- They said it was the highest difficulty, but Sung JiHan didn't even play the game for 10 minutes.

- He didn't come out much, and everyone was at a level where they were easily overwhelmed by Sung JiHan's basic martial art, Samjae Muguk.

- On the contrary, the regular games they played to level up were even more difficult.

- "It can't end like this."

- When Sung JiHan was thinking that way.

[Only 24 hours left until the extinction of humanity.]

[Find the cause of the extinction and overcome it.]

A system message suddenly appeared.

- Of course, it won't end like this, lol.

- It's the highest difficulty, there's no way it would end like that.

- But they prevented the demotion match, so what could be the cause of humanity's extinction in 24 hours?

- Yeah...

The viewers who saw Sung JiHan's message together wondered as they looked at the time limit.

They would somehow survive in the Bronze League.

Among the final 10 countries, even the superpowers like the United States and China would survive.

Finding a scenario where humanity would be extinct in 24 hours was not easy.


- Hm... Even if we survive in the Bronze League, if it's still the end...

- Could it be because there's an excessive creation of dungeon portals?

- Right. I heard that even if we survive, it will still be the end.

Compared to humanity, the extraterrestrial viewers who had superior information processing abilities speculated based on what they knew while looking at the 24-hour limit.

"Excessive creation of dungeon portals. Is that what causes the extinction?"

In their previous lives, humanity didn't know about the removal of dungeon portals.

Every time their rankings dropped, they could only helplessly watch as the portals flooded in.

In the end, except for the final 10 countries, all nations were engulfed by dungeon portals and perished.

The survivors scattered in all directions towards the 10 countries that managed to maintain their rankings.

"But here, since eight countries failed in defense and ended up in even worse shape, it might have crossed the threshold."

There are no clues in the current situation.

Sung JiHan decided to start by getting rid of the dungeon portals as they appeared.

However, there was one problem here.

"To get rid of the portals, we need someone with exploration abilities."

We couldn't get rid of them before because we didn't know that.

Sung JiHan spoke to Sophia, who had been staring at him intently since earlier.


"Yes, sir?"

"Where is my brother?"

"Chris? He must be doing commentary..."

"At the NBC broadcasting station in New York?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Let's go together."

With that, Sung JiHan released the hold on Barren.

"Barren, warp us to the NBC broadcasting station."

"What? No, how dare a hunting dog give orders to its master..."


"I must be crazy..."

Barren, who was still on the ground, was getting angry even in his fallen state.



Right next to his head, Sung JiHan's foot stomped down.

And the ground collapsed as it was.

"There won't be a second time. If you don't want to die, use the warp right away."

"Y-You're going to kill me? M-Me?"


As Sung JiHan lifted his foot again, Barren tried to push him away with force.

But in terms of spatial control, Sung JiHan was far superior.

Instead of pushing his foot away...

"Kuh... Kuk!"

He ended up having trouble breathing, unable to properly catch his breath.

As Barren's face turned pale, Sophia, who was next to him, quickly stopped him.

"Ji-JiHan! He's going to suffocate like this!"


Then, Sung JiHan shook his foot once again.

And Barren's hold was released again.

"T-This can't be..."

With a soulless face, Barren stared blankly at Sung JiHan.

To be inferior in spatial control to him...

He, who had been ranked first in the world until recently, didn't want to believe this reality.


"Warp. Use it."


As Sung JiHan tried to bring his foot back to Barren's face.

Barren hurriedly answered.

"A-Alright! So, we just need to go to NBC with Sophia?!"

"That's right."

"Warp Gate!"

Barren immediately used the Warp Gate magic right there.

As the world's top magician, he used the magic without any difficulty.

With a pale face, he reluctantly went through the gate.

"I will never forget this incident."


Sung JiHan chuckled and entered the Warp Gate.

"Let's go, Sophia."

"Yes, sir!"

Together with Sophia, he moved to the NBC broadcasting station.

* * *

"...My gift 'Exploration' has the ability to get rid of dungeon portals?"


"How did you know that I have that ability?"

"Sophia told me."


"Ji, JiHan! When did I do that?"

"After drinking."

Sung JiHan roughly explained the situation and forcibly kidnapped Christoph, who was doing commentary at the broadcasting station.

There were 23 hours left.

It took longer than expected to find and persuade a skilled explorer and make their way to the dungeon.


-Wow. The moment the player's name of destruction left me, I'm moved!

-You're not doing commentary, Christoph??

-The commentator should be watching the promotion match right now, where else would he be watching? LOL

-Oh, right... I'm also working hard on the commentary! I'm still filling in the voice!

-No one will be watching channel 0 this time, it seems LOL

-Wow, but New York... why is it so devastated?

-The homeless people are no joke...

In the chat window, even Christoph, who should be doing commentary for the promotion match, revealed himself and enjoyed the world on the verge of destruction.

The current New York was a completely different version, a city devoid of vitality.

This sight became more vivid as Sung JiHan, Christoph, and Sophia headed towards the outskirts portal.

-They don't even clean up the corpses...

-Is this the situation in America?

-It really feels like the end of the century, this...

-Is this what happens when you fall into the abyss in BattleNet...

The viewers were amazed as they watched the world on the verge of destruction.

Sung JiHan looked at it with familiar eyes and entered the dungeon portal.


As soon as they entered, monsters welcomed Sung JiHan.



With a single sword strike, all the monsters inside the portal were swiftly defeated.

"Try using Exploration."

"Yes, yes..."

Christoph, who was taken aback by Sung JiHan's sword, quickly activated Exploration.

"Here, it's here!"

The dungeon core was quickly detected.

Destroy it and the dungeon portal disappeared.

"No... it really disappeared..."

"The dungeon portal disappeared so easily..."

While the siblings were amazed by this phenomenon.

"Let's go to the next one."

Sung JiHan took them and conquered another dungeon portal.

In this way, they eliminated as many portals as possible within a day, but...

[Until the extinction of humanity, 1 minute remains.]

There was no thought of delaying the extinction.

'Eliminating the dungeon portals wasn't the answer...'

This mission has failed.

Sung JiHan thought so as he continued to move.


Suddenly, a powerful energy began to emanate from the sky.

And at the moment when 1 minute changed to 0.

[Humanity is extinct.]

With that message, the whole world began to distort.

"What, what is this..."


Sung JiHan and the two who had been on a 24-hour journey together also distorted and disappeared.

Soon, even Sung JiHan's body began to crack.

He still managed to hold on in this distorted world.

'Now... what should I do?'

The vision quickly began to darken.

And in the pitch-black darkness, a message suddenly appeared.

[Humanity has perished.]

[The mission has failed.]

[Would you like to retry?]

[You have 2 remaining chances.]

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