* * *

Robert Edward Gates.

He was the second son of the Gates family, the "owners" of American First.

"I didn't expect American First to make such blatant contact."

The Battle.net guild had the characteristic of being able to separate the owner and operator, like a corporation.

In the case of a typical guild, the guild master also acts as the owner of the guild.

However, in large guilds like American First, there were cases where the guild master and the owner did not match.

To do that, the owner's significant decision was necessary.

-In order to become the number one guild in the world, the guild master position must be given to the best player.

-The Gates family will show the best faith for the best results.

This was the philosophy of the Gates family, who dominated the American First guild.

The method of implementing that philosophy was simple yet effective.

They recruited outstanding players with astronomical amounts of money.

Among them, they entrusted the guild master position to the most talented player.

And after two years, they would reevaluate their abilities and decide whether to maintain or change the guild master.

"In the end, Balran, who possessed exceptional abilities, continued to be the guild master."

So, during the last era of humanity when only ten countries remained, Balran was portrayed as the owner and guild master of American First.

But even at that time, the practical owner of the guild was still the Gates family.

"And Robert is the chief responsible for the scout team that only contacts the best players."

In his sponsorship message, he portrayed himself as just an ordinary scout, but in reality, he was a powerful figure within the guild.

Especially when it came to spending money, there seemed to be no limit.

"Thank you for your sponsorship, Mr. Gates. Although I usually don't open my messages, since you have sponsored such a large amount of GP, it seems appropriate to open it. However, may I broadcast the contents of the message?"

As soon as Sung JiHan finished speaking about broadcasting the recruitment offer, another sponsorship arrived.



[R.E.Gates has sponsored 1,000,000 GP.]

"Of course. I would actually like it to be made public."

[Received a sponsorship of 1,000,000 GP.]

[Cleared the general achievement, 'Solid Support (2).']

[Obtained 5,000 achievement points as a reward.]

The number of sponsorships had changed.

Panicked comments from viewers poured in.

-Wait. The numbers seem longer. It looks like there's an extra 0.

-1 billion ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ

-Wow, this is a trillion-dollar clash.

-??? Are they trying to buy my message box with money?

-It was too much money to scold...

-Holy shit! Did American First Guild have so much fucking money?

-Of course. The Gates family is in the number one guild in the United States.

-Yeah, the Gates family has the world's 1st, 2nd, and 5th richest people. It's the real deal.

An overwhelming scale.

Sung JiHan, who had received numerous sponsorships of this magnitude in his previous life, responded calmly.

"Alright, everyone. Shall we take a look at American First's offer together?"

Sung JiHan raised the familiar gesture and opened the system window, switching the status of his message box to public.

Immediately, countless messages from various countries poured in.

Amidst the flood of messages, Sung JiHan found and opened the message sent by Robert.

A guild contract proposal translated kindly into Korean.

The contract fee mentioned in the proposal was indeed on a different scale.

"The contract fee alone is 300 million dollars."

300 million dollars. 300 billion won.

If I proceed with the guild contract and naturalize in the United States, I will be paid in a lump sum.

Considering the amount offered to a newly promoted Silver player, it was an absurdly large sum.

And that's not all.

Various conveniences and a salary befitting such a tremendous contract fee.

Sung JiHan recited all these conditions meticulously.

The reactions were as expected.

-I can't stand this...ㅠㅠ

-With this money, I could leave Korea and go to the USㅎㄷㄷ

-Sigh... So this is why he's going to the US...

Korean viewers gave up.

-300 million dollars? AF spends a lot of money?

-That's Gates' money. And Sung's condition is to naturalize in the US.

-Oh! Naturalization? That's welcome!

-Teaming up with Baron Williams... Fantastic!

American viewers cheered.

While excessive pay was acknowledged, there was a consensus that the best player must be brought in no matter what.

"These are really good contract conditions. However, it's difficult for me to give an answer right away, so I will contact you later."

With those words, Sung JiHan closed the message box he had left open.

-Ha... If it were me, I would immediately accept the call.

-Taking a little break before going in, huhㅋㅋ

A bold recruitment proposal from American First, which started with Robert Gates' sponsorship.

Viewers could indirectly sense the status Sung JiHan currently held.

And then.


Sung JiHan, who livened up the atmosphere with applause, opened his mouth.

"Now, shall we go back to the original topic?"

-What were you originally going to say?

-Oh, Yoon Se-ah's gift?

-I had a brain freeze after hearing the contract feeㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I had a brain freeze since I received 1.3 billion won in sponsorshipㅋㅋ

The original topic that everyone had forgotten because of Robert Gates, Yoon Se-ah's gift.

Sung JiHan woke Yoon Se-ah, who was lost in thought, by looking at the message box.



"...Huh? Huh?"

"I think it's time to show the gift now."

Because it was time to show it.

After the message box was revealed, the number of simultaneous viewers had skyrocketed.

It was a staggering 50,000!

When Sung JiHan broke the Twin Sword Record, the number of viewers was roughly 100,000, so it may not have reached that level, but it was still an astonishingly large number.

"...Got it."


Yoon Se-ah took a deep breath and opened her status window.

* * *

[Gift - Eternal Waiting (Grade F - Participation in the game for upgrade 50 times)]

-Upgrades the basic BattleNet system by one level.

-Participation in the BattleNet game is required for the upgrade.

-Grade F effect: Increases the number of game participations by 1 per day.

-Natural growth rate of stats increased by 100 percent.

-"Does a big bowl take longer to make? What does that mean? Did the South Koreans understand?"

-It's the sound of a growing gift. Hahaha.

-I've never heard of such a thing.

-Just the Grade F effect alone distorts the system. What kind of garbage is this?

-Garbage? Garbage? Garbage? Garbage? Garbage? Garbage? Garbage? Garbage?

Gift, Eternal Waiting.

Although the current grade was F, the viewers couldn't hide their surprise at the explanation of the "upgrade" they had never seen before.

"Even though I got this gift, should I still take the college entrance exam?"

"What is the college entrance exam? Is it a test? Oh, Korean brothers. There's no need to judge this person based on a test."

"Daehan Ilbo made a mistake."

"Granjel Gak came out."

The viewers' reactions followed the expected course for Sung JiHan.

"But, aren't you curious why Daehan Ilbo made such a mistake?"

"??? What's the reason?"

"Because it seemed like a special report, they just blindly accepted it?"

"Actually, there was trouble with those people during the previous gift ceremony."

Sung JiHan showed the viewers a video that the security guard had taken.

The attitude of the silver player who received a ridiculous argument and received a lesson in manners.

And here.

"Because of the bad relationship with them, the head of the BattleNet management came to find me."

He even received a horoscope from Daehan Ilbo and played a recorded voice urging Sung JiHan to sign a contract with a Daehan Ilbo-affiliated advertising agency and management company.

Sung JiHan detonated all the bombs he had on the broadcast.

"This is the reason why Se-ah's article was published, and the whole story of what I experienced."

"Is it the year 88?"

"Are you crazy? You've crossed the line."

"That head of the management is a f***ing b******, threatening with a commendation."

"It's so pathetic to threaten to make it into an article. Seriously, hahaha."

"What?! The head of the management is persecuting the players on the side of the company! Sung, come to the US quickly!"

"Hahahaha, no one can match the weather of the original country, hahahaha."

"This b******?"

The chat instantly turned into a chaotic scene of criticism against Daehan Ilbo and the head of the management.

Sung JiHan watched these reactions for a moment and spoke.

"Everyone, I originally wanted to create a guild in Korea. I had a personal experiment to try."

"A guild? With Silver?"

"Why create a guild when there are so many places that call it that? And besides, Korea is already an extreme red ocean, right?"

"Shh! He said he has an experiment to try."

"Yeah, it's in Korea, so what? Why are you complaining so much?"

-Stop chatting!

"But, when the head of the BattleNet Administration comes out like that... I can't even imagine how a player like me should engage in guild activities in Korea."

Contrary to his words, Sung JiHan shrugged his shoulders with a relaxed expression.

"Until September, I plan to continue my activities with Sae in Korea. But if big corporations and government agencies persecute me like that, there's nothing I can do. I have no choice but to go to a country that promises me the best treatment."

After his words, messages of support came in one after another, as if they were promises.

[B.E.Gates has sponsored 100,000GP.]

[Player Sung. If you establish a guild in the United States, our guild will actively support you. The U.S. government will also provide full support.]

[★☆Dakejjang☆★ has sponsored 100,000GP.]

[Sung Sang~ Wouldn't Japan be closer and better than the United States, your hometown? ♥ I'll have everything ready, just come! =͟͞͞ ( ꒪౪꒪)ฅ✧]

-Dakejjang's sponsorship amount has increased ㄷㄷ

-That means he's scared~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Suddenly there's a recruitment competition...

-Please don't go to Japan, just go to the United States ㅠㅠㅠ

Even with the mention of establishing a guild, the competition for recruitment from various countries was fierce.

For now, Sung JiHan's main goal was to be admitted to his own country once he established a guild in his home country.

American First or New Self-Defense Forces.

It was a competition that was happening because they were closely connected with governments of various countries.

"Thank you for your support. If I establish a guild in the United States or Japan, I won't be politically pressured."

Sung JiHan sneered at this.

"If the Korea Daily and the head of the administration don't promise an official apology and prevention of recurrence, I think it's something worth considering positively."

He demanded a public apology from both of them.

'I'll probably be here in Korea as much as possible...'

A contract fee of 300 million dollars.

And the best treatment in the industry.

Although the recruitment contract proposed by Robert Gates had tremendous conditions.

In fact, Sung JiHan didn't have much intention of leaving the country.

The nationality bonus that occurs after the tutorial ends.

The only country where he could receive that effect was Korea.

His desire to trample on the Sword Emperor as the representative of Korea also played a part.

'But if this kind of noise continues, it's really annoying.'

However, whether it was the Korea Daily or the head of the administration.

Those who belonged to the old era were simply unbearable to see them constantly pressuring him.

"But... I love the Republic of Korea where I was born and raised. I don't want to leave this place. In order to do that... I need your help desperately."

Even to prevent such incidents from happening again.

Sung JiHan subtly hinted to the public and asked for their support without explicitly revealing it.

-Oh, if they apologize, does that mean hyung will stay here?

-What are you guys doing? Start a petition quickly.

-Shouldn't we boycott the Korea Daily first??

-Just do both ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I searched for the head of the administration and he looks like a total jerk, will that guy apologize?

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ We have to make them apologize

Viewers who were already starting to take action.

Sung JiHan stole a glance and bowed deeply.

"Everyone. I am a person of the Republic of Korea... I want to be a person of the Republic of Korea. I hope this feeling doesn't change due to external pressure..."

And so, public opinion exploded.

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