When Sung JiHan turned on the broadcast, viewers flooded in like a wave.

It was natural for the number of viewers watching the live broadcast to increase, considering the significant increase in subscribers due to yesterday's incident.

"Ah... already 50,000..."

Yi Ha-yeon blinked her eyes.

It hadn't even been two minutes since she turned on the broadcast.

People were pouring in like crazy.

And no wonder.

"[Subscriber count: 1 million achieved, status window revealed, starting soon!]"

The broadcast preview title that had been displayed before the live broadcast completely captured people's attention.



-Status window! Status window! Status window!!!

-Wow, 1 million people gathered so quickly lol

-Yesterday's incident had a big impact.

-Yeah, Silver wiped out Diamond. It even made headlines in overseas news.

People who were curious about Sung JiHan's status window finally cheered and eagerly waited for this day to come.

What kind of ability does he have to show such crazy performance?

Can a limited ability Silver defeat a Diamond who was using 100% of his power?

Finally, today, this mystery would be solved.

"Hello, everyone."

Sung JiHan slightly bowed his head with his usual relaxed face and greeted.

Yi Ha-yeon, sitting across the table, smiled and waved her hand in a friendly manner while looking at the camera.

"Hello, everyone~ I'm Yi Ha-yeon~ Today, I'm involved in video shooting, editing, and interviews, playing three roles in one."

-Why does Guild Master do all those miscellaneous tasks?

-Spend some money please TT TT

-Where did the huge rental fee go?

"Haah... everyone. As you may know if you saw the incident yesterday, the editor I hired betrayed me..."


-It was the woman Guild Master was infatuated with, right?

-Then I guess I have to work lol

-How can you hire such a person and sit here shamelessly? Do you know how dangerous it was for JiHan because of you?

When the passionate fans tried to blame Yi Ha-yeon, Sung JiHan intervened with a word.

"It's okay. Who would have known that it was Ito Shizuru? We shouldn't blame the Guild Master here."

-Yeah lol

-How did you know even though you were in disguise?

-That's right, it's Japan's fault.

-But how did you know in advance, JiHan-nim?

-Well, I turned on the broadcast in advance.

Before entering the cafe, Sung JiHan had already started the live broadcast through point sharing, as if he had a premonition.

When people wondered how he knew about the incident involving Ju Eun-ji, the answer came quickly.

"She had cast a spell before."

"Oh, really? Owner. When did Ito Shizuru cast a spell..."

"Last time, when we were filming training at my house."

"Ah! That's why she suggested filming training videos to me... I thought she was just... proud of herself for treating guild work as her own."

-So she cast a spell back then.

-It was a planned scheme... There was such a plan behind the sudden release of the training video.

"At that time, she pretended to be under a spell..."

Having successfully deceived luck, Sung JiHan said that when he received a contact from her before she did, he sensed that something was wrong and started the point sharing broadcast.

-In the end, was it because of a text message that the broadcast was turned on? lol

- Usually, I'm the one who contacts first lololololol

- In a state of fascination, Ito Shizuru is like a goddess herself, but what is a "sunmunja"? I even called her until my phone caught fire lololol

- But it's a good thing you found out. If you keep a woman like that in the guild for no reason, it could have been a disaster.

Sung JiHan explained about what happened yesterday.

Suddenly, a sponsorship message appeared in his chat window.

[R.E.Gates has sponsored 100,000GP.]

[Player Sung. Thank you. I almost got caught by Barron.]

"Barron? Why Barron...?"

[R.E.Gates has sponsored 100,000GP.]

[Last time when Barron went to Korea, it seems Ito Shizuru fascinated him. So, he asked for Joo Eunji's contact information. But it seems he realized it late after watching yesterday's broadcast.]

Sung JiHan couldn't believe it.

Barron only stayed in the guild for a very short time, so when did this happen?

At that time.

[Barron has sponsored 10,000GP.]

[Robert, you holy $%^&... Why did you bring up my story?]

[Barron has sponsored 10,000GP.]

"When did I fall in love! I've never done such a thing!"

[Barron has sponsored 10,000GP.]

"You %^&. Just shut up already. And this channel is receiving sponsorship messages starting from 10,000!"

Barron continuously sponsored the minimum amount of 10,000 GP, pushing Gates' sponsorship messages aside.

It seemed like being deceived by Joo Eunji was a significant dark history for him, as he was quite excited.

"Owner. It seems like..."

"Hmm. Well, let's believe that it's not true. We..."

-Hahaha, Barron is accelerating suddenly.

-The two Americans are showering sponsorships^^

-But do you have any plans to lower the sponsorship amount of 10,000 GP? It's too expensive ㅠㅠ

-This channel has mostly been sponsored by foreigners so far lolololol

"Oh, rather than that, if I lower it further, too many messages might come up. It could be a disturbance during a fight. I'll just gratefully accept everyone's hearts."

After sending a suitable closing remark, Sung JiHan got to the main point.

"Then, shall we reveal today's topic, the status window?"

Sung JiHan displayed the status window and activated the "Status Window Reveal" box, which was small and located below the window.

"Uh... Owner, your status window is quite big?"

As soon as Sung JiHan revealed the status window, Lee Ha-yeon, who was amazed by the large translucent window that appeared, said.


She looked at the detailed information inside the status window and her eyes widened.

And the viewers had the same reaction.

* * *

Name: Sung JiHan

Level: 46

Affiliation: Silver League - Gangnam 1 Area

Strength: 61

Force: 61

Sword Energy: 23

Class - Third-rate Warrior +3

Gift - Shadow of the Moon (Grade SS)

Title - King of Kings - Bronze

The ruler of the Bronze League

Achievement Points - 150,300

"When did you become level 46...? And Strength? What kind of stat is that? And Force, wasn't that Barron's unique stat?"

Upon seeing Sung JiHan's status window, Lee Ha-yeon lost her composure and seemed genuinely excited.

Questions poured out like a rapid fire.

"What's this stat?"

"Strength and Sword Mastery, Force..."

"Isn't Force a trademark of Barron?"

"You can only obtain stats like that with two status windows?"

"Wow, but Strength... it's taking up three lines like Force?"

"Is that also unique? Hahaha"

It was known in society that the number of lines a stat occupies in the status window indicates its rarity.

General stats like Stamina or Strength were one line in size.

Rare stats obtained in the Dia League were two lines in size.

But Strength and Force were taking up three lines in the status window.

"Yes. Strength is also a unique stat. Force, well, it's similar to Barron's... but there's no rule that says only one person can use it, right?"

[Barron has sponsored 10,000GP.]

"This can't be true!! How do you have my Force?! This is manipulation!!!"

Before Sung JiHan finished speaking, Barron was already denying reality even more than before.

"Look at Barron getting angry hahaha"

"Barron throwing 10 million won just to argue, poor guy T.T"

"It's exciting. Force feels like Barron's exclusive martial art..."

[Barron has sponsored 10,000GP.]

"What the hell did you do, Sung JiHan!!!! How do you have my Force?!!!!"

"Thank you for the sponsorship, Barron."

Sung JiHan responded to Barron's sponsorship message, which was filled with exclamation marks, with a refreshing smile.

"Let me tell you this. Barron, I hope you handle Force well. It's an ability with infinite potential, but you're only using it for magic reinforcement."


As Sung JiHan reached out his hand, an apple floating in the distance floated towards him.


As Sung JiHan clenched his fist, the apple peel was neatly carved out of thin air.

The carved peel turned into dust and disappeared into the air.

The apple was neatly divided into eight pieces, lined up evenly in the air.

Sung JiHan picked one up and ate it deliciously.

"When you handle Force well, life becomes so much easier."


-Using Force to carve an apple, hahaha

-So Sung JiHan's ability was Force, like Yeom Dong-ryeok, wow

-I've never seen Barron use it like that before?

-Yeah, I thought it was just an ability to enhance magic. He has a shield too.

The way Sung JiHan demonstrated the use of Force.

People didn't really grasp how difficult it was, they just found it fascinating.

But Barron, who was skilled in handling Force, knew just how difficult this fine control was.

Seeing this, he was shocked and remained silent.

"Our Barron... he's not saying anything..."

-Hey... are you okay?

-Guys, let's not be like that. It's pitiful T.T

-Even if he's pitiful, he's ranked 2nd in the world rankings hahaha. He just donated 50 million won today.

-Oh, right. Who worries about whom? Hey, are you crying? Ebebebebe I'm crying~~~~

-Crazy kids hahaha

The viewers were actually making fun of him.

On the other hand.

"Owner, can I eat too?"

"Of course. Let's eat together."

Sung JiHan leisurely ate the floating apple slices with Lee HaYeon and continued the interview.

"Two unique stats. And the sword's... judging by the number, it seems like a rare stat?"

"Yes. That's a rare stat."

While others struggle to obtain even one rare stat with diamonds, this person already has two unique stats and one rare stat since Silver.

-Last time, Ari asked for a Shadow stat if she won the bet, what was that about? lol

-There must be a reason why he doesn't choose the Sword stat!!!

-Isn't having two unique stats a bit too much?

-He already surpassed Silver and got diamonds, lol.

"How did you obtain these unique stats?"

"I can't give you the details, but I saw the gift that disappeared."

"Oh... Wasn't the Shadow of the Moon the original gift?"

"Yes. The previous one gave me unique stats and disappeared. I obtained the Moon's Shadow by breaking the barrier in Bronze."

Instead of explaining in detail about the process of obtaining the unique stats, Sung JiHan shifted the focus to the gift that had already disappeared, the "Wanderer's Eye."

"What about the third-rate warrior class... What does the +3 mean?"

"+3 represents other classes."

"Oh... So it's an all-class...? How did you obtain another class?"

"That was also thanks to my first gift."


There were four class slots that could only be obtained through the achievement store.

"Oh my. You have two titles? How can you have two titles?"

"That was also thanks to my first gift."



He also attributed the titles to the gift that had already disappeared.

-Oh shit, this is not right!

-How did the title slots, class slots, and unique stats all come from a gift?

-Sung JiHan, reveal the truth!

While the viewers were mocking Sung JiHan for blaming everything on the disappeared gift, the fans of The First began to fight against the regular viewers, shielding him with extreme shields.

Just before chaos broke out in the chat.

Still, Sung JiHan didn't care at all.

"I can't reveal the story about the achievement store."

And if you look at it closely, it's not entirely wrong to say that he survived until the end and regressed because of the Wanderer's Eye.

"I believe that your curiosity about my status window has been resolved."

"Owner... Honestly, I'm just more curious now..."

"The remaining questions, I leave them to your deductive abilities. Today's broadcast ends here."

With that, Sung JiHan ended the broadcast at this point.

His status window was soon shared on battle.net communities worldwide, becoming the hottest topic of discussion.

And watching these heated reactions, Baerun...


Smashed his glass.

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