"Siyu, can you lend me a few hundred yuan?" Zhang Chu wiped the sweat on his head and said something out of breath.

Looking earnestly at a beautiful girl sitting on the office chair, this girl is twenty-three or four years old, with beautiful features, curly eyebrows, dark and clear eyes, belonging to the kind of beauty that can't be forgotten at first sight. From her cold and arrogant eyes, we can see that this is a very proud girl.

Wearing a black professional suit and a thin pink face, Qin Siyu is not charming. On the contrary, it shows the young people's vitality. Her long black straight hair has been tied up, which makes Qin Siyu look energetic and more attractive.

Qin Siyu put the papers on the table. Looking at his brother-in-law Zhang Chu, Zhang Chu is not tall, and it's good to be 1.75 meters tall. He's thin and weak, and his facial features are quite right, but his face is pale without any blood color, which always gives people the feeling of dying. Qin Siyu snorted, but the words from his sexy little mouth are not very pleasant: "Zhang Chu, do you want to order your face?"

"Today is your sister's birthday. I want to buy her a birthday present." Zhang Chu explained, he also stressed: "I'll double the money to you in a few days."

Qin Siyu laughed: "double for me?" She looked up and down at Zhang Chu, and her eyes were full of disdain: "I'm afraid you can't pay me back all your life because of the rubbish you can't carry

Zhang Chu was said by Qin Siyu's face a little red: "Siyu, I'm your brother-in-law."

"What? Would you like me to be polite to you? " Qin Siyu patted the table: "you, a son-in-law who has come to my house, still want to show off in front of me? If you are really capable, I can not call you brother-in-law too much. But you are more than embroidered pillows. Are you qualified for me to call you brother-in-law? "

"You've been in our family for nearly two years. You can't do any work. You've been eating and drinking from our family all the time. I wonder what you can't do and what you can't eat. How did your sister take a fancy to you at the beginning!" The more Qin Siyu thought about it, the more angry he was. Through the landing window, he saw many people looking this way.

Qin Siyu sighed, he is also stupid, with such a waste set what gas. Impatiently waved to Zhang Chu: "go, go, I'm bored when I see you!" Then she put her attention on the document in front of her and muttered: "I can't afford to play romance. What can I do! What I despise most is that you are incapable of eating soft food! "

Zhang Chu clenched his fist slightly and looked at Qin Siyu. Without saying a word, he turned slowly.

Watching Zhang Chu leave, Qin Siyu spat softly: "what is it! It's disgusting to see Zhang Chu's lingering appearance. Sister, this flower can't be put on Zhang Chu's pile of cow dung. "

Qin Siyu's sister, Qin Sitong, is a famous beauty in the neighborhood. Most of the people who pursue Qin Sitong are from the upper class. Originally, even if she was a burden, she could not fall on Zhang Chu.

But two years ago, Qin Sitong suddenly suffered from a strange disease. After seeing traditional Chinese and Western medicine for many times, it didn't work. Finally, a fortune teller came to say that Qin Sitong was not a disease, but a middle evil. He needed to find a person with strong eight characters to rush to joy and transfer the evil to the other person.

The Qin family didn't believe the fortune teller's words, but Qin Sitong was going to die, so Zhang Chu won the bid.

It's strange to say that since Zhang Chu became redundant, Qin Sitong immediately became energetic, and Zhang Chu was as weak as a diseased seedling. In Qin's family's opinion, the evil spirit was transferred to Zhang Chu.

At the beginning, the Qin family had a good attitude towards Zhang Chu, but after a long time, they felt a little bored and wanted to let Zhang Chu disappear in the next second.

After walking out of Qin Siyu's office, Zhang Chu was about to stop for a breath.

The waiters in the hall of the hotel who passed by saw Zhang Chu talking in a low voice.

"This person who ah, can't be pursuing Qin Zong."

"You're new here. You don't even know him. He's Qin Sitong's husband."

"No? How can Qin Sitong take a fancy to him when this guy is so useless? "

Zhang Chu is very famous in this hotel. He is a famous waste. He came to the hotel earlier to help, but he couldn't even carry a small plate. He was sweating when he moved. He was so weak that he was only one step away from being able to take care of himself.

In addition, Zhang Chu is the door-to-door son-in-law, and he has no ability, so all the people in the hotel don't like Zhang Chu. When the welcoming lady sees Zhang Chu going out from the door, she doesn't even say a word and chats with her companions.

After taking a taxi, the driver shook his head slightly when he saw Zhang Chu's flighty steps and even struggling to close the door. With the appearance of a passer-by, he advised Zhang Chu: "young man, be moderate. Don't ruin your body. Eat more Liuwei Dihuang pills."

"Thank you." Zhang Chu smiles, gives the driver an address, leans back in his chair and closes his eyes. This driver is not the first one to recommend Liuwei Dihuang pills.

Zhang Chu was very clear about his body. The reason why his body became like this was not because he had done too many things, nor because he was overjoyed, but because of his fairy sister.

When Zhang Chu was young, his parents died. As an orphan, Zhang Chu had been bullied by many people before. When Zhang Chu was the most helpless in his life, a beautiful and refined girl like a fairy came to Zhang Chu and asked him if he would like to be an expert. From then on, Zhang Chu has been all over the world.

Zhang Chu agreed without thinking about it. Originally, Zhang Chu thought that he was learning martial arts with his fairy sister, but her teaching was very complicated, including astronomy, geography, medicine and so on.

But just two years ago, the fairy sister inexplicably sealed her accomplishments, leaving a sentence that the seal will be lifted in two years, and also asked Zhang Chu to come to the Qin family to be her son-in-law. Zhang Chu originally refused the matter, but after seeing Qin Sitong, Zhang Chu changed his mind.

Only you can be worthy of such a beautiful girl. No, only a beautiful woman like Qin Sitong can be worthy of you!

Zhang Chu's body is so weak because of the strength of the seal.

And today is the last day of the seal!

What Zhang Chu said to Qin Siyu just now is not a boast. As long as his strength is restored, it's easy for Zhang Chu to earn a few hundred yuan.

Instead of going home, he went directly to Qin Sitong's clinic. Today is Qin Sitong's birthday. Zhang Chu originally wanted to buy a rose as a gift, but now it seems impossible.

The business of Qin Sitong clinic is very good, not only because Qin Sitong's medical skills are good, but also because Qin Sitong is a famous beauty nearby. It's better to face beautiful girls than those bad fairy sisters.

Pushing the glass door of the clinic, Zhang Chu saw a fashionable middle-aged woman sitting in a chair. The woman's skin was white, but the tiny fishtail pattern at the corner of her eyes revealed her age. Her long hot hair with waves was scattered on her shoulders, making her feel like a lady, Those triangular eyes are full of shrewdness.

"Ma." Zhang Chu respectfully called, this woman is his mother-in-law, Wang Hui.

Wang Hui thought it was a patient who came in. She raised her eyes and saw Zhang Chu. The smile on her face immediately faded. Her eyes moved away from Zhang Chu and she lowered her head to play with her mobile phone.

In the treatment room, a girl in white overalls was busy. She was tall, with long hair and a shawl. In addition, she had a quiet temperament. Just looking at her back gave people infinite reverie.

Turning his head a little, the cloud like long hair fell down, and a beautiful face appeared in front of Zhang Chu, especially his eyes, which were like a spring water, seemed to speak.

When Qin Sitong was in school, she was a beautiful girl at the school flower level. Her pursuers could form a company. Even now that Qin Sitong is married, there are still many people who express their love to Qin Sitong.

Qin Siyu, a girl full of vigor and youth, can only use the word "bring disaster to the country and the people" to describe Qin Sitong and Zhang Chu.

And this beauty is Zhang Chu's wife.

"What are you doing here when you're not at home?" Wang Hui's words were understated, and her expression didn't show any anger, but what she said was stabbed in Zhang Chu's chest like a knife: "you can't help." She is not satisfied with Zhang Chu's son-in-law. Now that Qin Sitong is OK, Wang Hui naturally doesn't want to support Zhang Chu.

Zhang Chu said that today is Qin Sitong's birthday. He came to meet Qin Sitong for dinner.

Wang Hui saw Zhang Chu's serious appearance. She laughed and looked at Zhang Chu critically. She shook her head in disappointment: "you know today is Si Tong's birthday. There is not even a present." Wang Hui took out a box from the drawer with a gold necklace in it: "look at the gift from Jiang Cheng. Besides, they have reserved a place in Yafei restaurant. They will come to meet Si Tong later."

"Zhang Chu, I don't mean to belittle you when I say this, because in my eyes, you are a rubbish." Wang Hui is very satisfied with the young man Jiang Cheng. He is the general manager of a large company, while Zhang Chu is an embroidered pillow. These two people are just the difference between cloud and clay.

In fact, Wang Hui has advised Qin Sitong to divorce them more than once, but she doesn't know what's good about Zhang Chu. Qin Sitong doesn't agree. In the past two years, many young people have gone after Qin Sitong, but Qin Sitong doesn't like any of them. Wang Hui is very depressed, so she has to vent her resentment on Zhang Chu.

Wang Hui hopes that Zhang Chu can retreat and divorce Qin Sitong. Previously, when Wang Hui said these words, Zhang Chu would retort, but this time Zhang Chu didn't respond. Wang Hui immediately became angry. She slapped the table hard. This smelly boy dared to ignore himself!

As soon as she wanted to scold Zhang Chu, the phone in her pocket rang. When she saw the caller ID, Wang Hui's angry face disappeared, and the corners of her mouth almost reached her ears: "Xiaojiang, if you have time, I will go with Si Tong."

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