"Go, go." Manager song urges Qin Sitong.

Ji Hong also said beside him: "brother Kun is a big man. Zhang Chu will never bolt out when he goes in. Let's go while they don't pay attention."

"No, I'll be here." Qin Sitong shook her head. To be honest, Zhang Chu has surprised himself a lot today. Qin Sitong didn't believe Zhang Chu's body has recovered, but seeing Zhang Chu's crisp posture, Qin Sitong said in secret that his strength has recovered. It's a complete transformation!

See Zhang Chu upstairs, Qin Sitong want to pull Zhang Chu, but did not pull.

Tao Shuyuan pulls Qin Sitong: "Hey, you wait for Zhang Chu. It's like looking for death. Let's go quickly. It's a big deal. After we get away, we'll find a way to save Zhang Chu. "

Qin Sitong just plain said: "he is my husband." There is a saying that husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately in the face of disaster. But Qin Sitong can't do this.

Tao Shuyuan didn't dare to delay. Seeing that Qin Sitong insisted on staying, she snorted: "let's go!"

Song Jingli saw that Qin Sitong was so affectionate and righteous, and he liked it even more. He had a sense of achievement only when he conquered such a principled girl: "just follow me! What's good about that boy Zhang Chu, and it's worth your treating him like this? "

Qin Sitong just a faint smile.

Three people see Qin Sitong eat weight iron heart, also don't speak, turn to leave.

"Ah, stop those people!" Black madman has been paying attention to the movement in the bar, see Ji Hong they want to go, immediately stop, oneself want a big small piece to clean up!

"Ah, brother, I have nothing to do with Zhang Chu." Ji Hong is busy defending.

"We don't know about Zhang Chu."

"Yes, I have a grudge against Zhang Chu."

The black madman didn't let them go because of these excuses: "even if you know Zhang Chu's name, you can't be familiar with it. When Zhang Chu is taught, it's your turn. " "I'll take good care of you then," he said with a grim smile

Ji Hong and others immediately turned pale.

The black madman came to Qin Sitong with swinging steps: "you wait and see, that boy of Zhang Chu won't be beating soon."

Qin Sitong saw that the black madman didn't say anything, but the knuckles of his mobile phone were a little white, thinking that if something happened to Zhang Chu, who could help Zhang Chu.

Duan Kun sits on the office chair, holding a cigarette, but he doesn't give it to Zhang Chu. He smokes on his own and doesn't ask Zhang Chu to sit down.

Zhang Chu was not polite at all. He pulled a sofa and sat opposite brother Kun.

Two people played the game of big eyes staring at small eyes, but not a minute, Duan Kun can't stand, Zhang Chu's eyes are too sharp, let him dare not look directly at.

From Zhang Chu's eyes, Duan Kun read only four words: "the edge is clear!"

"Young man, you are good, you are good!" Duan Kun nodded, his eyes showed a bit of approval, and then his face became cold: "but the most unwise thing is that you offended me." What he said was very arrogant, but his hand holding the cigarette was shaking unconsciously.

Zhang Chu went upstairs to find out from Duan Kun what was behind the hotel incident. He didn't come here to listen to Duan Kun's sermon. His whole body was full of genuine Qi, and his solid wood desk in front of him was suddenly scattered all over the floor under the impact of violent genuine Qi.

Although the residual Qi is not much, it is also very painful to blow on Duan Kun.

Brother Duan Kun was startled, and the cigarette fell on his hand. The tingling feeling made brother Kun regain consciousness. His eyes were full of shock: "are you a master at home?" Brother Kun just wanted to solve Zhang Chu with the crossbow and arrow hidden behind his back. Seeing Zhang Chu's method, he immediately put it away and thought carefully. Fortunately, he didn't do it himself, otherwise he would die miserably.

Although Duan Kun was shocked, he was not afraid.

Zhang Chu smiles and doesn't answer Duan Kun's words: "I just want to tell you that I'm the one you can't provoke. If you want to deal with me, you'd better weigh it over." He bullied forward: "who told me about the hotel?"

No one has dared to speak to himself like this for many years. He subconsciously stood up, the blood vessels in his temple suddenly jumped, and his fists clenched and cackled. But in a few seconds, Duan Kun let out his breath. He slowly sat back, and between his eyes turning, he had an idea in his heart: "I don't know."

Zhang Chu didn't speak. He just stared at Duan Kun for a while.

Duan Kun's cold sweat fell off his forehead. He felt as if he had been targeted by a wild animal. Zhang Chu could kill himself at any time and swallowed his saliva: "brother, I really don't know about this. My boss knows about that man." When he said this, he tentatively asked Zhang Chu: "brother, do you want me to call my boss?"

If it's ordinary people, Duan Kun's big ears have long been greeting him. The reason why he's so polite to Zhang Chu is that he smells something frightening from Zhang Chu. It's murderous.

"You push one by one, when is the first time." Zhang Chu yawned: "don't you just want to call someone?" He lay on his back on the sofa: "shout, even if you call me today, I will let you speak."

"No, No." Duan Kun is really a man who can bend and stretch. He has a humble face. He says with his heart that he can stabilize you first. When his boss comes, he will make you look good.

Don't look at how happy you are now. I'll give you a list later.

Duan Kun closed the door of the office and went out to make a phone call. He was so humble that he nodded and bowed. He looked like a little brother: "brother fu..."

"Duan, how are you going?" There came a cold question. Without waiting for Duan Kun to speak, brother Fu asked him not to speak more when he met the big man later: "it's enough for you to leave an impression in front of the big man."

Duan Kun nodded his head constantly, but he didn't dare to speak in a loud voice. In his heart, he was very disdainful. He secretly said that you were just a little luckier than yourself, and that you were the housekeeper of others. What's the matter? When you climb over you, you'll see your face.

"Brother Fu, don't worry. I'm not a fool in society these years. I know all the basic things." Brother Kun laughs. He is not a three-year-old. Can he use brother Fu to tell him what to do? Duan Kun says that he will get 30% bonus from brother Fu in his bar.

Fugo over there was satisfied and said, "in half an hour, you will arrive at Kaiyuan villa."

Duan Kun is an individual. He has already heard that brother Fu wants to hang up from the phone. He said: "brother Fu, something happened here. I want to ask you to help me."

"To be direct, what's the matter? My time is precious." Fogo's words are plain.

Just now, when talking about dividends, brother Fu didn't say that his time was precious. This is a typical case of just wanting to get money and not doing things. Unfortunately, brother Kun couldn't help it. Otherwise, he didn't need to use brother Fu. Duan Kun simply and concisely said the matter over and over: "someone came to my bar to make trouble. I can't deal with him. I want to ask brother Fu to help me."

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