Qin Zhong looks at Zhang Chu with a smile. What Zhang Chu's just words say is shocking, but it's not to bow to the reality: "if you want to understand, where do you come from without this hotel?" As long as you keep your business, you can keep your life.

Zhang Chu laughed: "I just remind you not to come back to the hotel in the future." When talking, Zhang Chu clenched his fist: "when I see you again, I will speak to you with my fist."

Qin Zhong is not afraid, holding his head high, a clear conscience: "if I am not afraid of my brother's career lost in your hands, I will not come." Qin Zhong said that he just left the hotel last night: "it's not because of this family, you give me a golden mountain, I will not come."

"Oh." Zhang Chu is very insipid to answer a voice, to Qin Zhong's words, Zhang Chu is a don't believe: "that your news but enough clever." Shen Lang poached the people in the hotel. Apart from Shen Lang and the people in Yafei Hotel, even Wang Hui and Qin Sitong don't know now. How did Qin Zhong get the news?

Qin Zhong's face changed, saying that it was because he cared about his brother's career.

"This kind of disgusting words, you say once is enough." Zhang Chu said to Qin Zhong mercilessly: "it's Shen Lang who told you."

"What are you talking about?" Qin Zhong seems to have been trampled on the cat's tail, the whole person jumped up: "I am a good heart, but you as donkey liver lung." Qin Zhong mercilessly patted the table: "you take care of yourself." Qin Chongyi, as if he didn't care about the things here, walked away.

Qin Siyu is very angry with Qin Zhong. If Qin Zhong is not his uncle, she really wants to give Qin Zhong two earaches.

"What I don't understand is Shen Lang's purpose." Zhang Chu fumbles for his chin and makes Qin Zhong feel sick. Qin Siyu doesn't work at all. Qin Zhong and Qin Siyu are related, but Qin Zhong doesn't work in the hotel and has no influence on the staff.

Zhang chuyin said that Shen Lang is the most terrible enemy. Shen Lang doesn't play cards according to the routine, so you can't guess his purpose and can never keep up with him.

Just as Zhang Chu was thinking, Chen Jie called. The girl's words were very simple: "I saw chef song of Yafei hotel having dinner with Shen lang."

At this time, Shen Lang had heard Qin Zhong's report, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Now it was almost two hours since Yuan Zhihong said it was so good that Shen Lang didn't have to do it by himself to hold Zhang Chu back.

The Secretary knocked on the door and came in: "Mr. Shen, just now a man surnamed song came to see Mr. Shen. Now he is sitting in the hall on the first floor."

"Oh." Shen Lang laughed and said in secret that the chef song really came over: "ask Xiao Hu to throw this guy out to me."

"Good." The Secretary didn't ask about the contradiction between Shen Lang and chef song, but faithfully carried out Shen Lang's orders.

In the hall on the first floor, chef song, wearing a suit, is looking at the decoration of shenlang office building curiously. He secretly says that he will work in this office building in the future, how to arrange the office and where to put the tables.

The Secretary-General who came down to receive her just now is very good. She has a protruding figure. When she has money, she has to find a job. After work, she can do other things to relax.

Chef song is imagining the future. When he sees the elevator door open, he tightens his tie and stands up. He thinks Shen Lang is coming down to pick him up. However, when he sees the people coming out of the elevator, he is stunned. There are several big security guards coming out.

The security guards glanced at the hall as if they were looking for someone else.

Chef song shakes his head, sits down and breathes out. He has nothing to do with himself. He is thinking about how to open his mouth later to let Shen Lang see his perfect self, how to take over the burden of Shen Lang gracefully, and what to say to let Shen Lang give himself more important duties.

Just thinking about it, a question came from the side: "your surname is song?"

Chef song frowned. Since he worked as a chef in Yafei Hotel, no one has ever called him that. He looked up and saw the security guards standing in front of him. He was stunned. It seemed that the security guards were looking for themselves: "I'm song." Then he asked, "what can I do for you?"

Chef song came here to take up his new post. Even if it wasn't Shen Lang himself, it should be Shen Lang's secretary. How did the security guard come out? Suddenly, chef song had a bad feeling in his heart.

"That's him." The security guards nodded and looked at each other. With tacit understanding, they started together, grabbed chef song's arm, pulled chef song and went outside.

Chef song passively stood up and wanted to stop himself. However, these people's strength was not small. He was embarrassed by these people: "you, what do you do? I'm a guest of President Shen! "

"Mr. Shen's guest?" The security guard looked up and down at chef song, and then he laughed: "look at your hanging sample, and don't pee."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Mr. Shen. I want to see Mr. Shen!" he cried

"Mr. Shen is very busy. I don't have time to see you." The security guard said a word directly, and then dragged chef song to the door. He turned to his companion and asked, "brother, Mr. Shen said let's throw this guy out. What posture should we use?"

"The dog gnaws at the mud. This posture is grounded." The people nearby are laughing.

After listening to the conversation between the two security guards, chef song, who was struggling fiercely, suddenly became dull. What?! Is it the waves that have me thrown out?

Chef song only felt his head buzzing and could not hear a sound. He fell to the ground and felt deep pain all over his body. Only then did he wake up from his dullness.

The two security guards spit at chef song and clap their hands in.

Chef song's face turned red and he struggled to get up from the ground. At this moment, he understood a lot of things and thumped the ground: "lying trough!" Crazy ran to the door of shenlang company: "shenlang, you dare to use me, you are not human, I day..."

Before the abuse was finished, several security guards rushed out of the door and pressed chef song to the ground like a hungry tiger. One of them covered his mouth, and the others punched him in the stomach. After kicking, chef song sat on the ground like mud.

A security guard squats down, raises chef song's head, and looks at him like a slap in the face: "let your mouth stink. I'll listen to another curse. I'll break your mouth!"

There are also people who come here with a posture of beating the water dog in pain, beating chef song with random fists: "boy, your courage is very fat."

"I don't think you are tired of living. You dare to make trouble in our company."

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