The pencil made of wood can actually get into the concrete, which is not what ordinary people can do. In this hotel, only one person can do it, the monk.

The young man stood with his hands down, his sharp eyes fixed on the second floor.

Zhang Chu slowly came down from the upstairs and looked at the young man. Just now, Zhang Chu noticed the young man, because he had the air of a practitioner, but his accomplishments were not high, and he did not reach the level of building a foundation. However, he was successful in practicing Qi.

Zhang Chu's strength was sealed before, but he didn't meet any practitioners. As soon as his strength was unsealed, one appeared. The world doesn't look simple at all. And it looks like this guy's coming for himself.

Duan Kun didn't notice the pencil flying past. He just saw that the young man in front of him wanted to grab his neck, but in the middle of his action, he drew back and yelled. He was really a newborn calf. He didn't fear tigers. He dared to do it by himself. If he didn't hurt you, would he be able to get along in Dongzhou city.

"Boy, you want to die!" Duan Kun immediately raised his baseball bat, and his brothers also picked up the guys. Today, they were very depressed by Zhang Chu's abuse. They didn't find a few people to fight. They were really unbalanced.

"Stop it." Zhang Chuhe stops Duan Kun.

Duan Kun immediately put down his baseball bat and ran to Zhang Chu: "Mr. Zhang, I don't need you here. You can sit on the side and watch the play. I can deal with this boy." He also hopes to let Zhang Chu forgive himself with this matter.

"You are not his opponent." Zhang Chu light said a sentence, Duan Kun with others, only one kind of result, is by others finished abuse.

Now that Zhang Chu has opened his mouth, Duan Kun doesn't refute anything. Put the matter away and murmur in a low voice. Is this boy so powerful?

The young man looked up and down at Zhang Chu. He was even younger than himself. It seemed that he had just stepped into the ranks of practitioners. The reason why he judged this was that Zhang Chu's time to guide the aura of heaven and earth was too short, and it was the same with the young man when he first started.

Young people can't see through Zhang Chu's accomplishments. In young people's eyes, Zhang Chu is an ordinary person.

He turned out to be a rookie who had just mastered the art of drawing Qi into the body. The young man didn't pay attention to his secret skill. The reason why he almost didn't avoid it was because Zhang Chu was unprepared. As for the matter of inserting a pencil into concrete, he could easily do it himself.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Zhang Chu is superb, but he is worthless in front of young people.

Youth disdained smile, look around, hello Zhang Chu: "follow me." Without waiting for Zhang Chu to answer, he turned and left.

Zhang Chu narrowed his eyes. In fact, he was curious about the first friar he met besides his fairy sister. He wanted to know something about the cultivation world from the youth, but Zhang Chu was very upset by the arrogance of the other side.

However, Zhang Chu followed him. It was not good for them to fight here. He also went out.

Seeing Zhang Chu's honest following, the young man nodded with satisfaction. He seemed to be familiar with Dongzhou city and took Zhang Chu to a remote place.

When he came to a quiet place, Zhang Chu saw that the man was still walking in front of him, so he said, "well, there is no one here."

The young man stopped, his face full of discontent. He should have said this himself: "who is your master?"

"You have no right to know." Zhang Chu turned his eyes. Could this guy know the name of fairy sister.

The young man's mouth twitched and his fist clenched. He couldn't help but want to start: "what school do you belong to?"

"School?" Zhang Chu had been practicing with the immortal elder sister all the time. He didn't know what sect he was. The immortal elder sister didn't say, and he didn't ask at that time: "I don't have a sect."

"Oh, it's a casual practice." Youth disdain of hum: "do you know the rules?"

"What rules?" You cultivate your, I cultivate mine, both wells do not violate the river, Zhang Chu does not know what rules he still has to abide by.

"When you come to Dongzhou, you have to abide by the rules. You have to report to me and practice in the places we set." The young man broke his fingers and counted them one by one. Then he asked Zhang Chu for the cover of his skill.

Zhang Chu is a man who yearns for freedom, but he doesn't want to have so many restrictions: "if I say no."

"No?" The young man laughed: "if you dare to say no, you will be punished." The young man took a deep breath: "however, I can show you the end of unruly for free." By the time he said this, the young man had already urged the cultivation method, and the real Qi in his body was running, and his clothes were all beaten and hunted.

In the twinkling of an eye, the young man came to Zhang Chu: "today, let me teach you how to walk in a metropolis with your tail in your hand!"

Young people resent Zhang Chu very much. At the critical moment, they didn't have the support of heaven and earth's aura, which led to their failure. This makes young people very angry, which is also the reason why they come to find Zhang Chu.

The youth's true Qi is released and used in his hands. With a stroke, there are traces on the asphalt road: "see, this is the real strength. Your trick of sneaking on people is nothing." A novice monk is no threat to young people.

"Kneel down and kowtow to me three times. I may choose to forgive you." The young man looked at Zhang Chu with a proud expression.

Zhang Chu laughed, where did this guy come from the courage to say to himself: "give me an apology, take back what I just said, otherwise, I will let you climb out of here."

Looking at Zhang Chu's smile, it seemed that he didn't take this matter as one thing at all. The young man's face turned red, as if he had been insulted: "you want to die!" Since Zhang Chu is shameless, he doesn't need to worry about it. Hand into grasp, straight toward Zhang Chu's shoulder to grasp, mixed with their own true Qi, this grasp has the power to open the stone.

If you grab a person's arm, you can imagine the result.

Zhang Chu didn't dodge or even reach out to block.

The young man thought that Zhang Chu had never seen his own method, and he was so scared that he didn't react. Thinking about it, he was a novice monk, and he was still a casual monk, and he didn't have such high insight.

But soon, the smile on the young man's face became rigid, and his hand stopped strangely at the place less than 10 cm away from Zhang Chu's shoulder. No matter how hard the young man tried, he could not move forward one point.

What's going on? Since he had been successful in practicing Qi, he had never encountered such a situation. He looked at Zhang Chuna's slightly sarcastic eyes, and the young man's heart thumped.

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