With so many people, once you agree to Gong Yuqing's terms, you will be pushed to the top of the storm.

But at the thought that Qin Sitong's whereabouts are unknown, Zhang Chu can only harden his head and kiss Gong Yuqing's right face like a dragonfly.

The moment her lips touched her cheek, Gong Yuqing suddenly twisted her head without warning.

Originally should kiss in the face of the lips, even tightly printed on the red lips of Gong Yuqing.

Not to mention Zhang Chu's stupor, the whole scene was dead.

Qin Siyu, who witnessed the whole process, gritted his teeth: "shameless!"

Gong Yuqing gently licked her lips, eyes incomparable play flavor: "ha ha, this is my first kiss."

Zhang Chu didn't understand what Gong Yuqing wanted to do, and his face was muddled.

Gong Yuqing may have lost, but she wants to go, and no one can stop her.

Through the crowd, back to the old car, the engine started, and drove away slowly under the gaze of the crowd.

Baron, who already knew what had happened, carefully asked: "master, your plan, which you have worked hard for three years, was destroyed by Zhang Chu. You are willing to leave."

Gong Yuqing, as always, holds her chin and leans lazily on the back of her chair. Looking at Dongzhou City, which has been in business for three years, she has no attitude that a loser should have.

On the contrary, Gong Yuqing nibbled his lower lip, tearing a touch of excitement out of the corner of his mouth: "it's just a Dongzhou city. As long as I want, I can handle Xizhou City, Nanzhou city and beizhou city at any time. Didn't I say that besides Dongzhou, I run two other cities at the same time? "

Running two other cities at the same time

Baron was shocked, and only Gong Yuqing had the ability.

But the problem lies in this, as strong as Gong Yuqing, even lost to Zhang Chu.

"Hall leader, while Zhang Chu is now fledgling, why don't you..." Baron stretched out his hand and scratched his neck.

It's a good choice to nip the threat in the bud.

Gong Yuqing raised her lips and said with a smile, "without my orders, don't move Zhang Chu's hair. Such a funny man may never meet another one."

Baron's eyes are extremely complex. He wants to ask, but he doesn't dare to ask. He can only surmise that Gong Yuqing doesn't really like Zhang Chu, does he?

Gong Yuqing picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"From today on, I want to know everything about Zhang Chu."

Qin Sitong's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I know. As long as it's for Zhang chuhao, I'm willing to do anything."

"Ha ha, don't worry. From today on, no one in Dongzhou will be able to threaten Zhang Chu. Until... When he reached the peak of the cultivation of taixuanjing. " Hang up the phone, Gong Yuqing mouth slightly up, showing a sense of relief.

At this moment, Baron realized that Gong Yuqing's goal had never been Dongzhou City, but Zhang Chu's taixuanjing.

Yu Guang glanced at Ba long who had been peeping at him. Gong Yuqing said to himself, "what I said to Zhang Chu, you also heard. There are nine heavens in the sky. There are Hunyuan realms in the nine heavens. The world of practice is deeper than the sea and higher than the sky. Even if he holds the power of the world, it is not worth mentioning to the practice world. If you want to step on the whole world of practice, there is only one way to cultivate the taixuan Sutra to its peak. "

"In the past hundred years, even if there is no one genius in ten thousand, it can't break through the fifth level of taixuanjing. My elder martial sister and I are also trapped in the third floor. So like my elder martial sister, I bet on Zhang Chu and look forward to the day when he will break through the taixuanjing. "

A smooth old car, a burst of brake.

Balong walked out of the cab, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Gong Yuqing desperately. His whole body had been soaked with sweat, and his face was even pale as paper.

"Lord, I'm still useful to you. Don't kill me." Baron's scared to death.

This kind of secret, Gong Yuqing actually took the initiative to say, clearly is to kill baron.

Some words can't be heard even if killed! Baron regretted that he didn't close his ears just now. He heard what he shouldn't listen to.

Looking at the arrogant Coyote crawling on the ground like a dog, Gong Yuqing gave a cool smile: "you and Zhang Chubi, it seems very boring. What's the popular saying? Men are not bad, women do not love... "

Baron wiped the sweat on his forehead, and was silent. He didn't dare to answer rashly. He couldn't ask blindly after he was killed. Who knows what terrible secret he would ask.

Zhang Chu, on the other side, thought that he could beat Gong Yuqing and finally get out of danger, but the result was quite the opposite.

Gong Yuqing is defeated!

Not only Dongzhou City survived, but also yuan Zhihong and others survived.

As if they were dreaming, they managed to recover from the shock. Zhang Chu's eyes had changed dramatically.

"Zhang Chu! Thank you very much The pork guy went down on one knee with a puff. Regardless of his confused face, he said in a low voice: "I thank you for your help for brother Hong and even the whole Dongzhou city. Without you, Dongzhou city will become the plaything of Gong Yuqing. "

In the past, the enemy, who was at a crossfire, knelt on the ground without hesitation to thank Zhang Chu.

Other people not only have no accident, but are driven by the pork guy, Hula kneels down: "Zhang Chu! The past gratitude and resentment should be written off! "

Lin Tao didn't die in vain.

What Lin Tao said seemed to reverberate in Zhang Chu's ears, especially when he saw the members of these organizations kneeling on the ground.

The housewife like members of the organization have hot eyes and tears of gratitude: "we may be members of the organization, or we may have nothing to do with the so-called noble families such as tianluomen, but the affairs of the practice world have nothing to do with the common people. Half of us are children born and raised in Dongzhou city. This is not only the sphere of influence of the organization, but also our home. "

The housewife wiped her tears and said in a trembling voice, "my husband and children don't even know that I'm a practitioner. They think I'm a good wife and mother. If Dongzhou city falls into the hands of Gong Yuqing today, from now on, I can only watch my husband and children suffer... Thank you, you are the benefactor of our family. "


Another dull sound.

The successful man knelt down: "everyone present has a dual identity, and I am no exception. In addition to the members of the organization, I am still a husband. If you don't lend a helping hand today, maybe we will leave our hometown. "

Zhang Chu sighed, reached out to help the successful people and housewives up, and then looked at the other kneeling members of the organization: "all up, I can understand your difficulties and involuntariness. The struggle in the practice world should not have been brought into the world. What kind of noble, decent, heretical, as long as the threat to ordinary people, are all bastards

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