About Zhang Chu and his own things, let Qin Sitong some indecisive, he is the and Zhang Chu continue, or should be quick to cut off the mess to leave?

Before Zhang Chu's body did not recover, Qin Sitong did not have this idea, since Zhang Chu is to become like this, then he will take care of Zhang Chu for a lifetime.

And Qin Sitong also knows that his research so hard is to let Zhang Chu's body recover. Qin Sitong doesn't want to abandon Zhang Chu, but as a woman, she has to think about her future.

"What's the matter?" Chen Xiao asked.

Qin Sitong simply said today's things, most of which are about Zhang Chu. Qin Sitong studied so hard before, just to cure Zhang Chu. Now this wish has suddenly come true, and Qin Sitong really doesn't know how to choose.

"Darling, I can't see that Zhang Chu is so powerful." Chen Xiao opens her mouth wide. Previously, Chen Xiao has always been worthless for Qin Sitong. Qin Sitong's figure and appearance are first-class. To marry Zhang Chu is just like flowers on cow dung.

"Zhang Chu has changed a lot. It's so big that I feel like Zhang Chu has changed a person." Qin Sitong asked Chen Xiao, "Chen Xiao, do you think I should leave at this time?"

"How do you feel about Zhang Chu? I mean, how do you feel about Zhang Chu now?" Chen Xiao asked.

"How do you feel?" Qin Sitong shook his head, Zhang Chu body recovery less than a day, rather than between the two men and women feelings: "I'm just curious." Zhang Chu's skill is very good. His movements are crisp and precise. This skill can't be developed in a moment, but it takes many years of practical experience.

Zhang Chu has been pretending to be very weak in the past two years. He looks like a weak chicken, which makes people ignore instinctively. Now he suddenly becomes very powerful, which naturally makes Qin Sitong strange.

Now Qin Sitong did not go home, there is another reason: "I am a little afraid to see Zhang Chu."

"Exciting." Chen Xiao pats her thigh. After listening to Qin Sitong, she seems to have forgotten her purpose of coming here: "how much do you know about Zhang Chu?"

At that time, Qin Sitong was critically ill. After listening to the magician's words, she immediately married Zhang Chu. Qin only knew that Zhang Chu was a local. Her parents had a few friends since childhood. As for other things, Qin Sitong didn't know.

Chen Xiao looked at Qin Sitong quite speechless: "Sitong, your wife is not qualified. Look at me, I dug out my husband's bed after he peed several times when he was a child. What's more, you are a young man with modern education. How can you listen to the words of the warlock? "

"Si Tong, don't you think Zhang Chu is a fugitive?" Chen Xiao's eyes brightened: "in order to avoid legal sanctions, he disguised himself as waste. Now he may have destroyed important evidence before he began to show his strength."

Chen Xiaoyue is more energetic. His eyes are full of stars. He thinks his speculation is right, so he does not work as a policeman, but as a small clerk. He is really a bit of a stooge.

"No, it can't be." Qin Sitong was stunned for a moment and looked at Chen Xiao in surprise: "do you think Conan saw too much? I always feel that everyone is suspected of committing a crime. " That's what he said, but Qin Sitong's heart was a little bumpy. Although Chen Xiao said something strange, it could be explained logically.

Zhang Chu's skill is fantastic. He defeated dozens of gangsters, such as the black madman, with one person tonight. He doesn't look like a nobody.

Chen Xiao said it's just a simple investigation: "it won't be a big deal." She said that she knew a policewoman in the police station: "if you nod, I will say hello to her, and I will definitely drop the bottom of Zhang Chu's investigation."

Qin Sitong pondered for a few seconds, his face full of hesitation: "this is not very good?"

Seeing Qin Sitong's difficult choice, Chen Xiao smiles: "Sitong, if you ask this, it shows that you have acquiesced in investigating Zhang Chu." Chen Xiao takes everything and reassures Qin Sitong that she will definitely investigate this matter clearly: "let's see the future performance of Zhang Chu and see if Zhang Chu can match our Qin Sitong."

"Nonsense." Qin Sitong spat lightly: "there is nothing between me and Zhang Chu."

"Nothing?" Chen Xiao looked at Qin Sitong: "when a woman is curious about a man, this is the prelude to the Japanese occupation." Chen Xiao said that at that time, she was just a little curious about her husband. She wanted to know who he was. Who knows, at the beginning, she couldn't extricate herself. Now she is in the grave of marriage.

"Si Tong, you first get married and then cultivate your feelings. It's better. It's the same during marriage and love." Chen Xiao said that those romantic means, when in love, have been used up, and now entangled by some trivial things of life, the rest is only angry.

"By the way, what are you here for this time?" Qin Sitong asked.

Chen Xiao sighed: "nothing, that bastard Liu Fei has no feelings for me." Chen Xiao said that when he stood naked in front of Liu Fei, Liu Fei didn't respond: "do you think Liu Fei doesn't love me? Is there someone outside?"

"You and Zhang Chu have been married for two years. Does Zhang Chu still have feelings for you?"

Qin Sitong's face turns red, and Zhang Chu and she are just a nominal fake couple. He didn't strip himself in front of Zhang Chu. Who knows if Zhang Chu has feelings for himself.

After Chen Xiao finished speaking, her anger has gone down a lot. Chen Xiao knows that Liu Fei recently talked about a project with a big company. She comes back very late every day and has a lot of pressure. After returning home, she basically falls asleep. Liu Fei may be too tired: "Si Tong, I'm in a better mood. I won't disturb you here. I'll ask my friends to help investigate Zhang Chu's affairs immediately."

Chen Xiao stretched out a hand: "within five days, I will be able to investigate."

Qin Sitong nodded and looked at the information, but she kept thinking about Chen Xiaogang's words in her mind. She couldn't read the information at all. She sighed and muttered to herself, "Zhang Chu, what kind of person are you?"

Zhang Chu doesn't know that Chen Xiao is ready to investigate himself. When he falls on the bed, it's daybreak. For Zhang Chu, there's nothing to prepare for treating Lin Su's disease. Just go to the scene.

Zhang Chu made a cup of tea and sat in the living room waiting for Ah Fu to come to pick him up. Before eight o'clock, there were two knocks on the door, and someone pushed the door directly in.

It's Qin Sitong and a young man in a white coat and gold glasses.

Qin Sitong didn't come back all night. She took a man home in the morning. What's the situation?

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