It's not surprising that Yuan Zhihong was so nervous. In fact, everyone on the scene was sweating, and Zhang Chu was no exception.

It's like being poor all my life and suddenly getting tens of millions of dollars. Now, with white eyes staring at the red bill, except for excitement, the rest is just scared, as if the whole world has begun to covet itself.

What's more, the value of these pills to Dongzhou's practice world can no longer be measured by simple "money".

Chen Teng and Zhao Tang also began to persuade Zhang Chu to take pills.

The reason why these pills are colorful is that they are of different grades.

As we all know, there are four grades and twelve grades of pills. Let alone different grades of pills, even if they are different in appearance, their colors are also very different.

As long as you take these pills, Zhang Chu's realm will definitely change qualitatively.

Not to mention those illusory realms, even if Zhang Chu's strength is promoted to the middle stage of foundation building, his combat effectiveness will go up to a higher level, which will play a decisive role in this battle.

But Zhang Chu had no such plan.

Seeing Zhang Chu's hesitation, Yuan Zhihong was a little worried: "headmaster, in order to avoid a long night's dream, I suggest taking pills immediately!"

Chen Teng nodded again and again: "yes, so many pills mean that the drug power contained in them is beyond imagination. If you want to digest these drugs, you can't do it in a short time, so you must cherish time and digest the drug power as much as possible. As long as your strength to a higher level, you can forcibly pull up the strength of taixuanmen

This time, Zhao Tang rarely agreed with Chen Teng and Yuan Zhihong's proposal.

"Chen Teng and Lao yuan are right in saying that the world of practice is not like the world. Quality is always more reliable than quantity. One person can set heaven."

Zhang Chu still did not waver, slowly raised his head and glanced at the crowd: "I can't protect you all by myself."

"What do you mean? Our goal is to promise this war. " Chen Teng has a blank face.

But Zhang Chu shook his head firmly: "no! My goal has never been this, but to let more practitioners survive. "

With this remark, everyone was silent.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Zhang Chushen took a breath and said, "if everyone dies, what's the point of winning this battle of cultivation?"

"No matter how high my realm is, no matter how strong my strength is, once I fight, it means that I will be surrounded by groups, while other brothers will fall into a bitter battle, and it is inevitable that I will lose blood at that time! Since the strength of these pills is fixed and the effect is the same, it's better to enhance the strength of the whole clan than to enhance my personal strength. "

Even Zhao Tang, who had always been selfish, was quite surprised to hear Zhang Chu's argument.

"Headmaster, do you mean to give these pills to the disciples? Do you know the value of these pills? You can also know that you may not see so many pills in your life. It will be an irreparable loss for your path of practice. "

Zhao Tang's eyes are complicated. This kind of opportunity should be grasped by any practitioner.

No matter how selfless the sect is, it will concentrate so many pills on the gifted disciples to improve the level of gifted disciples as much as possible.

Looking at Zhang Chu's unswerving eyes, Zhao Tang's admiration for Zhang Chu went up a step.

Zhao Tang, who is known as a villain with lust for profit, never cared. But Zhao Tang never thought that one day, he would worship a person so wholeheartedly, even if he had no interest, even if he took the initiative to pay, he would not hesitate to do so! With such a leader, why worry about the future?

Zhang Chu gave all the pills to Chen Teng and said in a deep voice, "count the pills as fast as possible."

"Yes, master!"

Chen Teng took the pill and felt the responsibility on his shoulder was unprecedented, but his heart was warm.

After all, so many pills, all of a sudden to himself, means Zhang Chu's absolute trust in himself, Chen Teng naturally will not live up to the trust.

Soon Chen Teng classified the pills and finished sorting them out.

"Headmaster, the count of pills is finished. A total of 1000 pills."

"There are 500 top grade pills in yellow class, 300 bottom grade pills in Xuan class, 100 middle grade pills in Xuan class, and another 100 pills. With my strength, I can't identify the grade."

Zhang Chu took the pill from Chen Teng and observed it carefully.

The color is mellow, white as snow, and the fragrance is refreshing.

Zhang Chu immediately returned the pill to Chen Teng, and wrote lightly: "the top grade pill of Xuan level."

The whole body trembled with excitement, not to mention the top grade pills of Xuan level. Even the lower grade pills of Xuan level were the top pills that ordinary practitioners could meet but could not ask for. Even the top grade pills of the yellow class are of great value among the secular sects. With the status and strength of the practitioners at the scene, they can reach the highest grade pills, which are just the middle grade pills of the yellow class.

At this time placed in front of the pill, the lowest grade, are yellow grade, how can people not excited.

Zhang Chu pondered for a moment and announced: "Xuanwu hall under Lao yuan's command is the foundation of taixuanmen. There are a large number of people. Each of them distributes a yellow top grade pill."

Several disciples of Xuanwu Hall who had been on the scene all the time knelt down on one knee one after another. Their eyes were very hot: "thank you, leader!"

Zhang Chu personally lifted up some of his disciples and wrote a Sutra: "you don't have to kneel down in the future. All the disciples of taixuanmen are my brothers and sisters. We don't need such red tape."

People's eyes were hot again.

Zhang Chu held yuan Zhihong in a serious tone: "Lao yuan, you are the God of the sea of taixuanmen and the backbone of Xuanwu hall. Your safety is the most important thing. Therefore, I personally got a yellow grade top grade pill and a Xuan grade bottom grade pill. These two pills are enough to help you break through the realm and reach the peak period of Qi training. Then... "

Regardless of Yuan Zhihong's trembling hands, Zhang Chu took out five Xuan level Chinese elixirs and five Xuan level top elixirs and thrust them into yuan Zhihong's hands: "these elixirs, if you take them all, should be enough to help you break through the neck and reach the initial stage of foundation construction."

Yuan Zhihong's eyes were already moist: "headmaster, these pills are just outrageous to me. I can't even exert one tenth of their power. If you take it, it can definitely be directly promoted to the mid-term state of building foundation. "

"Do I care about pills? I care about you. " Zhang Chu has no wave in his eyes and says lightly.

However, Yuan Zhihong almost burst into tears on the spot.

Other people present were also moved, because at this moment, they felt like they were living as individuals again.

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