Zhang Chu knows the knack of shopping. The more you like it, the more casual you have to be. Otherwise, the seller will tell the price to heaven.

Slightly squinting at the price of the jade, Zhang Chu thought that it contained evil spirit, and the Dark Jade would not be too expensive. After all, people like the color of jadeite, and the jade is worth tens of thousands of yuan.

Lin Zhong asked Ah Fu to follow him. Zhang Chu had understood Lin Zhong's meaning for a long time, that is, let Ah Fu come to pay for it. Although he helped Lin Zhong cure his illness, he spent hundreds of thousands of yuan to buy a piece of jade. Zhang Chu felt a little embarrassed when he thought about it, and it was even a debt to Lin Zhong.

Spend tens of thousands of yuan, this Zhang Chu can also comfort, as his own medical expenses. But Zhang Chu didn't know. At his present level, as long as he gave a word, he would spend tens of millions of money. There were many people who asked Zhang Chu to see a doctor.

Aiming at the price of that piece of jade, Zhang Chu widened his eyes, five million?! Is there any mistake? It's so expensive! Zhang Chu thought that this jade was only about 50000 yuan, but it was 100 times higher.

Ah Fu noticed Zhang Chu's strange eyes. Following Zhang Chu's eyes, Ah Fu also saw the jade, which was different from other original stones polished very smooth, revealing some jade bodies. However, this stone seemed to be picked out of the mud, and it was dark all over. Ah Fu really couldn't see what was good about this original stone.

Ah Fu pointed to the stone and asked Zhang Chu tentatively, "Mr. Zhang, do you like this stone?"

Zhang chunao scratched his head and nodded in embarrassment: "yes." Zhang Chu is not a flexible person. Since he can't buy the jade himself, it's nothing to ask Lin Zhong to buy it for him. In the future, Lin Zhong has something to do with it.

Looking at the price of the jade, Ah Fu breathes out five million yuan, which is within Ah Fu's psychological endurance. Seeing Zhang Chu's embarrassed appearance, Ah Fu smiles bitterly and secretly says that Zhang Chu is really a strange man.

Just now, Lin chongdu has transferred five or six billion yuan worth of industry to Zhang Chu, but Zhang Chu refused very simply, but now he is embarrassed because of five million yuan.

Ah Fu really can't see through Zhang Chu. Does Zhang Chu love money or not?

"Boss, that's it." Ah Fu pointed to the jade and asked Zhang Chu, "Mr. Zhang, do you want to cut the jade here?" There are people in this shop who are specialized in cutting jade. They have professional tools and rich experience, which can avoid causing damage to the jade body.

"No Zhang Chu hurriedly waved his hand and opened the jade. Other people didn't trust him. Naturally, he had to do it himself: "just wrap it up." When talking, Zhang Chu rubbed his hands and couldn't wait to take this jade. With this jade in his hand, Zhang Chu was confident that he could gather all the aura of a hundred Li radius.

"Wrap it up." Ah Fu was not so polite to the boss.

The boss in a black T-shirt saw that Zhang Chu had picked the stone and waved his hand with a bitter smile: "sorry, sir, this jade has been reserved by the guests." Just now too busy, this stone boss did not have time to put away: "I'm really sorry." The boss said a few good words: "I have a similar stone here. Would you like to have a look?"

When talking, the boss took out several pieces of the same dark stone from inside. However, he said in advance: "whether this stone can produce good jade, I can't guarantee."

Zhang Chu looked at the stones and found that they were ordinary stones. There was no jade body with aura in them. For this stone, the boss even wanted 500000. Zhang Chu really wanted to slap the boss 50 times.

"How's it going? Mr. Zhang Ah Fu couldn't see why, but in his eyes, the stone was as black as the one just now. As long as Zhang Chu nods, Ah Fu will buy it.

"Not so much." Zhang Chu smile: "boss, you can't accommodation, I can give you more money."

The boss said that the credibility of business first, has been ordered out of the things is ordered out: "you give me more money, I will not sell."

I, the boss really has principles. Zhang Chu can't help it. He can't take away the jade forcefully. Who will he become.

According to Zhang Chu's character, he can only make profit temptation, but not coercion.

Just then, a young man crowded in beside him and said to the boss directly, "boss, wrap that jade for me." When he spoke, the young man already took out his bank card: "credit card, five million!" The young people's voice is a little higher, and their aggressive eyes pass by the people around them, which means that they are showing off their strong financial ability.

When his eyes turned to Zhang Chu, the young man was stunned. His arrogant and arrogant expression suddenly froze on his face. His throat glided and he swallowed his saliva. His voice was quite gentle: "Why are you here?"

The young man was either someone else or Fang Ze who came to see Zhang Chu last night.

Last night, Fang Ze was beaten by Zhang Chu. Although Zhang Chu cured Fang Ze's internal injury, Fang Ze was worried about his future. There is Zhang Chu, a pervert here. How should he practice in the future.

In less than ten minutes of cultivation, Zhang Chu absorbed the aura of more than ten miles. The aura he had painstakingly guided was not enough for Zhang Chu to seal his teeth.

If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you don't practice at night, you will fall behind.

After listening to Fang Ze's report, they said they would come and have a look. God knows when they will come.

Those old guys are 70 or 80 years old, and they have no other interests except cultivation. When they were young, they were frivolous, and they were all dissolute.

But now these people are old. As the saying goes, the hard part is soft, and the soft part is hard. Only by cultivating and pursuing the highest level of martial arts can these people have a sense of existence.

Let those old people come to the city, unless they find out the heresy.

Today, Fang Ze has used his resources to investigate Zhang Chu. Everyone's evaluation of Zhang Chu is unanimous. He says that Zhang Chu is a waste and he is the son-in-law of the Qin family. He is really a representative of soft food.

Fang Ze looks at these people gnashing their teeth, as if he wants to be Zhang Chu's son-in-law. There is nothing unusual about Zhang Chu, except that he is a little weak. Fang Ze will stay in Dongzhou city for a while, so he will find some jade to practice.

"This gentleman is here to buy the original stone, and he has his eye on the one you like."

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