"Hey, hey." The foreign monk laughed and said with deep meaning, "I can't explain the inner way as a layman."

When he saw that the foreign monk was silent, the man took out another pill, which turned out to be the top pill with the pattern of Dan.

The foreign monk's eyes suddenly brightened and grabbed the pill.

"In order to prevent the secularism sect from stepping into the secret place without authorization, in addition to the dangerous terrain, the secularism sect also raised a large number of watchdog. These watchdogs may be the local monks who failed in their promotion, or they may be the ghosts cultivated by the hermit sect to deal with the secular sect. "

"Fix the ghost?"

"It's the waste that is not accepted by the secular world of practice and despised by the hermit sect. These wastes, though unable to enter the hermit sect, lingered on the edge of the secret realm for a long time and were extremely powerful. And... There is an unwritten rule in the hermit sect. As long as these ghosts can kill the secular sect that comes to compete, they can compete instead and change their fate. As a result, those ghosts who linger on the edge of seclusion have always been the biggest enemies of secular sects. "

"In the second level, it's easy to understand. After all, the secret places are divided into three places, so the secret places chosen by the major competitors are very different. They are automatically divided into three competition areas, or three battlefields. The competitors in each competition area must be defeated. "

"In this way, there will be three division winners. Finally, the final champion will be selected from the winners of the three competition areas, that is, the third level will win the world. The last sect is entitled to choose one of the three secret places, to establish a sect, and to officially become one of the secret sects. "

Speaking of this, the foreign monk sighed and sighed: "in fact, this is also one of the means of mutual checks and balances and attacks of the yinshizong sect. Therefore, in the whole competition, there will be all kinds of conspiracies and calculations. The yinshizong sect relies on these competitors to fight secretly."

"How do you know so much about it?" The bar owner looks at the foreign monk curiously.

The monk shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. I used to be a monk..."

"What? Are you a ghost The bar owner and the man exclaimed in unison.

The foreign monk nodded and said, "I've been wandering in the secret world for ten years! At first, I killed all the participating sects in order to join the hermit sect. But after repeated failures, I changed my mind. After winning a place in the clan, I didn't choose to continue to participate in the competition, but directly withdrew from the competition. In this way, I can leave that damned place and return to the world. "

"Hey, hey, repair ghost is more looking forward to the promotion contest than these clans."

"How many people did you kill in order to get back?" said the bar owner

"I can't count." The foreign monk said with a smile: "after all, the secret world has completely got rid of the shackles of the world. Human life is like grass and mustard, and the strong is respected. As long as you set foot on that land, any monk will become a murderous devil. But after you leave, you'll soon be human again. "

Speaking of this, the foreign monk who used to be a ghost monk and walked countless corpses back to the world took out his wallet and pointed to the family photo on it: "this is my wife and children. Now I'm open to the promotion of the chicken feather hermit sect. The wife and children's hot Kang is the most real thing."

Looking at the man who turned away, the foreign monk was curious and asked the bar owner in a low voice: "what's the origin of this man? It's too generous. When he took out the pills just now, I thought he was a hermit. "

The barman shrugged: "he is Zhang Chu."

"What?" The foreign practitioners were shocked: "taixuanmen descendants?"

The corner of the bar owner's mouth rose and did not answer, but his eyes became more delicate.

As expected, this foreign monk's words can't be ignored or completely believed.

At least this boy is good at pretending to be a Duzi. As a monk, he knows the hermit and secular sects like the palm of his hand, but he pretends to be ignorant.

In fact, from the beginning, he knew what the word "taixuanmen" meant.

The foreign monk gave a strange smile, touched the two pills, and whispered: "no wonder, tut tut... It seems that the descendants of taixuanmen will be very interesting to participate in this competition, but I have no eyes."

On the way to the railway station after leaving K bar, Zhang Chu sighed.

The basic conclusion can be drawn from the words of that Xiugui.

The promotion contest is not so much a shortcut for secular sects to ascend to heaven as a means for secluded sects to suppress secular sects.

After all... This will be a fierce war, and without the comfort of all kinds of rules in the world, I'm afraid its intensity and cruelty will exceed anyone's imagination.

Maybe one clan will be promoted successfully, but most of them will pay the price of bleeding.

That's why every time the organization and tianluomen take part, their vitality will be greatly damaged, and it will take years of dormancy to recover slowly.

Unfortunately... Zhang Chu's situation is too passive.

If you don't take part in this cruel competition, I'm afraid it won't be long before the yinshizong sect will kill taixuanmen.

Facing Lu's sect alone, taixuan sect is almost completely destroyed. If we really face the hermit sect, we may not even have the chance to resist.


Knowing that it was a fire pit, I had to jump in.

Before he knew it, Zhang Chu had already arrived at the railway station, got on the short train and went to Anning county.

At about five o'clock in the evening, Zhang Chu finally arrived at his destination. Yuan Zhihong and Zhao Tang welcomed him personally.

Under their leadership, Zhang Chu came to the most remote railway of the railway station, where there was already a freight train waiting.

Every carriage carries brothers and sisters who died in the war.

Destination, Tianshan!

"Headmaster, I have to tell you something." Yuan Zhihong said softly.

"Did some disciples quit taixuanmen?"

Yuan Zhihong nodded: "a lot of disciples quit. Now all the members of taixuanmen add up to less than 40."

The clan of less than 40 people is really miserable.

However, the husband's words are hard to trace. Since he has promised to decide whether to stay or not after the war, Zhang Chu will not worry about anything.

"At the beginning, in order to fight against Lu's sect, many scattered people joined taixuan sect. They didn't have any ambition. They just wanted to live a good life. But even if they quit, they still made great contributions to taixuanmen, so they sent me an order... "

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