"Zhang... Brother Zhang, if you feel angry, it's beating or scolding. We both suffer. We have indeed made a mistake in this matter. We should not help others and bully them at will. " Zhou Zhipeng timidly looked at Zhang Chu, and showed his attitude. After all, it's a big deal today. If you get beaten, you can turn the page. For these two "powerless and powerless" little people, it's undoubtedly the best result.

"Did I let you talk?" Zhang Chu eyebrows a pick: "I ask what, you answer what, I don't want to listen to any nonsense!"

Two people body one tremble, dare not again rashly open mouth, hurriedly lowered the head down.

Qin Siyu did not stop Zhang Chu's "domineering".

After all, among the people Qin Siyu knew, Zhang Chu was the most upright of the three outlooks. Naturally, he would not easily embarrass others.

Zhang Chu looked Zhou Zhipeng up and down and asked coldly, "do you want to open a clothing store?"

Zhou Zhipeng, who had been psychologically prepared to bear the punishment, couldn't help but wonder why Zhang Chu suddenly asked such trivial questions.

However, Zhou Zhipeng has seen Zhang Chu's authority and determination, and he dare not question it.

What Zhang Chu asks, Zhou Zhipeng answers. Don't make yourself unhappy.

"Yes... Yes."

"Now there are so many industries making money, why choose the clothing industry? Don't you know that the clothing industry is the most competitive? "

In the face of Zhang Chu's question, Zhou Zhipeng swallowed his saliva and cautiously replied: "I have no ability. The threshold of the clothing industry is low, so I want to have a try. In fact... To put it bluntly, I just want to make more money, which has nothing to do with the specific industry. "

"Are you short of money?" Zhang Chu asked again.

Zhou Zhipeng was embarrassed: "my family opened a pig farm a few years ago. As a result, the market was not good. Coupled with the outbreak of swine fever, I lost my underpants and owed a lot of debt. I just want to help my family pay back the debt as soon as possible."

"Oh." Zhang Chu suddenly realized and nodded his head.

Then he turned to look at higuataro: "what's the situation in your family? When Alan egged you on just now, I found you hesitated. "

Xiguataro's back was chilly. Unexpectedly, Zhang Chu's eyes were so fierce. He could see his hesitation clearly.

Xiguataro didn't dare to hide anything: "my mother ran away with others. My father worked on the construction site in the early years. As a result, he was hit by steel bars and his lower body was permanently paralyzed. Moreover, the contractor ran away and couldn't find anyone to lose money. My brother is in high school, Dongzhou No.1 middle school, grade two, Chinese business class A

"Chinese business class?" Zhang chuleng was surprised: "as far as I know, Chinese business class seems to be an experimental class?"

"Yes, it's an experimental class." Higuataro was proud at first, and then lonely. After all, the experimental class cost too much.

Zhang Chu secretly praised.

Dongzhou No.1 middle school is the No.1 key high school in Dongzhou city. The students in the ordinary class are all good students in Dongzhou city.

The students who can enter the Chinese business class are the elites of qingyishui elite.

Let's put it this way, the result of the last one in the Chinese business class is better than that of the first one in the ordinary class.

Once they graduate, they will be 985 and 211 students, and their future is limitless.

However, Zhang Chu has also heard about the cost of the Chinese business class. Although the basic cost is not high, plus the state reimbursement, everyone can afford to read it.

But... It's not that way.

All kinds of learning materials, all kinds of cram schools, all kinds of super curriculum... Piecemeal together, there are tens of thousands a year.

Of course, it's OK not to spend the money, but if you don't spend it, it doesn't mean other people don't spend it.

The final result is that they are squeezed out of the Chinese business class and replaced by the elite of the ordinary class.

It's not that the poor have no way to live, nor that there is a serious class division.

After all, everyone has to fight for the upper reaches. Rich people are not stupid. They can't waste their own resources in vain.

This is a muddle headed account. I can't figure it out.

"How much do you make a month?" Zhang chuchong asked.

On the face of Kwai taro, I felt an embarrassment: "I have worked in electronics factory since I was sixteen years old. Now I have mixed up with a group leader, four thousand yuan a month, plus I am still on the fast track, and I have hundreds of dollars to reward every month. It's almost enough to support my brother. "

"What about yourself? Look, you're old enough to get married. "

Higuataro scratched the back of his head: "as long as my brother can be good and promising, I don't care. It doesn't matter if I get married a few years later. Besides, when my brother comes out, I'll be able to follow him. "

This kind of thought is undoubtedly stupid, how many people because of holding this kind of thought, and ruined the happiness of life.

But this idea is undoubtedly simple and moving.

Zhang Chu was deeply moved.

Four young people, with very different natures.

Compared with Zhou Zhipeng and xiguataro's sense of responsibility and simplicity, Alan and Zhou Wei are just the opposite typical.

Alan's purpose of murder is to become the so-called "man on man", to go to luxury shops for vanity and selfish desire.

Zhou Wei is to buy a car!

Ha ha, what a ridiculous reason, it's not worth dying.

Zhang Chu nodded and turned to look at Qin Siyu: "what do you think these two people can do?"

Qin Siyu had known Zhang Chu's idea for a long time, so without much hesitation, he blurted out: "to tell the truth... They can't do anything."

They had no higher education, and most of their life experiences were accumulated from working. The so-called "ability" is of no use at all.

Even those big bosses who don't have any educational background have been struggling in the society for many years, accumulating a lot of experience and ability that ordinary people can't touch. There is no reason for discrimination. Objectively speaking, these two people are good for nothing except working.


In addition to working, Qin Siyu saw some bright points.

"These two people have a decent view of right and wrong, and they have courage and courage. And what happened today reminds me... "Qin Siyu looks at Zhang Chu and says," what should I do if you leave here in the future? "

Zhang Chu already understood what Qin Siyu meant, and immediately said to them in a deep voice, "I'll give you two a job in my own name. It depends on you."

"From today on, your task is to temper yourself, carry out combat training, and improve your force. Now it's a probationary period. The salary will be very low during the probationary period. When you become qualified bodyguards and can protect Siyu's safety, you can be professional and your salary will rise. "

"To be a bodyguard?" They were a little dazed. They never thought that they would develop in this direction in their life.

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