"Why can't it be me?" Lv Ji walked to Zhang Chu in front of Zhang Chu three times, and stretched out his right index finger painted with red nail polish, and gently placed it on Zhang Chu's lower lip. Her eyes were like silk: "which law stipulates that you only Zhang Chulai Tianshan, and I am not allowed to Luke here?"

As she spoke, Lu Ji's fingers swam slowly along the curve of her lips, and finally came to her chin, which was very provocative.

Next to Ruan Zhu eyebrows slightly wrinkled, it is estimated that I have never seen such an open and active woman.

Zhang Chu has seen Lu Ji's extravagance. In order to avoid this girl playing too much, he grabs Lu Ji's hand.

Lu Ji even said: "brother Chu's big hands are so warm. They are so tender. They can't stop beating."

"It's not over?" Zhang Chu threw LV Ji's hand away and glanced at the off-road vehicles waiting around: "it's not ten or eight miles away from Tianshan Mountain. Since you've come here, it's certainly for the three demons and nine sects. With all due respect, you are not qualified to take away the three demons and nine sects from me. "

As soon as she said this, Lu Ji covered her mouth with a smile: "she is worthy of being the leader of Chu. She has the strength to speak. But then again, it's not so difficult to snatch food from the mid-term builders. But now that we are here, we must have something to rely on. "

"Oh?" Zhang Chu calmly looked at Lu Ji: "is there an expert to help, or with a superior weapon?"

"Neither." Lu Ji's eyes were always fixed on Zhang Chu's face. Her right hand was slowly raised over her head and gently waved down.

Under Zhang Chu's puzzled gaze, two men, whose accomplishments are only in the middle of Qi training, but whose physique is fierce, appear in the field of vision.

They were carrying something together. It seemed to be a big black box.

Take a closer look, it turned out to be a big black lacquer coffin!

They carefully put the coffin down, turned and walked. At the same time, an ugly young man came over and stood firm beside the coffin, holding a tray with two things on it. They are a spirit tablet and a black-and-white picture frame.

Zhang Chu recognized at a glance that the person in the portrait was Lu Ba, and the spirit tablet next to it read "the position of Lu Ba, the eldest son of the Lu family.".

Can we say that the big black lacquer coffin was used to restrain Lu BA's body?

Just when Zhang Chu was surprised, four people appeared one after another, carrying the other two coffins and arranging them together with LV BA's coffin. Then two young people carrying trays came out, on which were also statues and spiritual tablets.

On the left is the position of Lu Yifei, the third son of the Lu family, and on the right is the position of Lu He, the fourth son of the Lu family.

Lu Ji unexpectedly brought the three brothers' souls and bodies here. What does she want to do?

"Headmaster Chu, don't get me wrong. I brought the bodies of my brothers here. It's not like you demonstrating. After all, their death has nothing to do with you."

Lu Ji turned to the coffin and stroked the lid of LV BA's coffin. Her eyes flashed a touch of melancholy: "I didn't blame you for the defeat. The third brother and the fourth brother, one was killed by a traitor, the other was tortured by a demon girl, terminally ill and incurable. It's none of your business. "

Speaking of this, Lu Ji sighed and complained: "the third brother escorted the elder brother's body to Tianshan Mountain for a heavy burial. She was killed on the way and both died. I had to come here to fulfill my last wish for my third brother, and also to collect his body. As for the fourth younger brother, he breathes in front of me, so I always take him with me. "

It is also sad that Lu Ji is the only one left in the end.

"It's safe to live in the country." Zhang Chu gently reminded that he hoped that Lu Ji would let the three brothers sleep, instead of running around with their bodies.

But Lu Ji shook her head: "how can we sleep before the enemy dies?"

The corner of Lu Ji's mouth outlined a strange radian: "headmaster Chu, do you understand now? I'm not here for the three demons and nine sects, but for her! " Lu Ji raised her hand and pointed to Ruan Zhu beside Zhang Chu. Her smile was gradually ferocious: "the murderer who killed my third brother, even if she was chased to the ends of the earth, I would break her to pieces."

Before Lu Ji appeared, Zhang Chu had a bad feeling in his heart.

Facts have proved that Zhang Chu's premonition has come true!

Lu Ji looked at Ruan Zhu and said with a smile, "I will peel off her skin and flesh in front of my brother and pay homage to my third brother who died miserably!"

"Headmaster Chu, can't you cover up the murderer?" Lu Ji glanced at Zhang Chu with her spare light, and her voice was sharp: "leave her, then you can leave here with three demons and nine sects. This deal, for you, is a sure winner. It can not only avoid unnecessary fighting, but also get rid of competitors and kill two birds with one stone. "

As Lu Ji said, this is definitely a business with no loss.

Even Ruan Zhu began to persuade Zhang Chu: "what are you waiting for? Promise her. If I were you, I would certainly promise. "

Zhang Chu lowered his head. After a short silence, he said, "I seem to have said that I will protect you before I reach Tianshan Mountain and the three demons and nine sects are born."

Ruan Zhu's eyes suddenly widened and looked at Zhang Chu stupidly.

After a moment's consternation, Ruan Zhu turned her head and whispered, "I've never seen a monk like you, idiot."

Zhang Chu pretended not to hear, and looked at the opposite Lu Ji: "the clan of Lu family has been destroyed, but you still bring so many people. If I guess correctly, you have joined the clan of Shen Lang, right?"

Lu Ji did not hesitate: "not bad! Huaxuzong

"What a huaxuzong, Shen Lang is really more and more impressive to me. He's also at the foot of Tianshan Mountain?"

Lu Ji looked at Zhang Chu with a smile: "don't change the topic, Ruan Zhu, I'm going to make a decision."

Instead of answering, Zhang Chu asked, "do you want Ruan Zhu? Do you know Ruan Zhu's accomplishments? I advise you not to ask for trouble. I also remind you that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge ten years ago. "

I thought that when she said that, she would retreat.

The result is beyond Zhang Chu's expectation.

Lu Ji calmly said: "in the middle of the foundation building period, the successor of the disintegration of the demons had already practiced the second form. One on one, even you can't make it out of ten moves. "

"If you know Ruan Zhu's accomplishments, why do you still fly moths to the fire? You should know what the result is in the face of Ruan Zhu without the help of superior magic tools and experts. "

Lu Ji gave a cold smile: "if I were afraid, I would not come here."

The smile on Lu Ji's face disappeared, and she was more serious than ever: "Zhang Chu, let me ask you one last time, let go, or protect Ruan Zhu?"

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