At this point, there is no room for everyone to retreat. Even if they really want to give up, it is no easier to go back the same way than to move on.

It took a whole day to climb to the top of the first mountain. Looking at the endless mountains in the distance, everyone knew that the road to the secret place was just the beginning. It's no wonder that so few practitioners have been able to enter the secret world. At this moment, people finally know how difficult this road is.

Over mountains, every climb is a matter of life and death for all.

A few days later, the original dozens of practitioners had only one digit left, and there were no more than two of them.

They are either torn up by wandering ghosts or buried in endless snow.

No matter what the result is, it will be frozen forever and will never be discovered by others.

There are only two disciples around Zheng Yuanba. He thought that this trade would pay a great price, but he didn't expect that the price was so big.

His clan has been almost wiped out, even if it is to reach the secret realm, what? What about being promoted to a hermit?


When you reach the secret realm, you have to kill other opponents, become the master of the secret realm, and fight with the other two winners of the secret realm.

The chances of winning in the end are slim.

Zheng Yuanba felt so powerless for the first time in his life. When he looked forward one step at a time and never stopped Zhang Chu, he could not help sighing. In the face of such a desperate situation, he knew how far he was from Zhang Chu. The determination to go through all the difficulties and obstacles alone cannot be compared.

"Zhang Chu, congratulations on becoming the final winner of this land." Zheng Yuanba did not move forward any more. He sat on the ground, holding two disciples who were losing consciousness gradually, staring at Zhang Chu, saying every word.

Zhang Chu finally stopped, turned to look at Zheng Yuanba who had lost his fighting spirit, and said in a deep voice: "victory is just around the corner, but now you want to give up? What's the picture? "

Zheng Yuanba gave a bitter smile: "before entering the forbidden area, everyone, including me, thought that they had the chance to win the world, but when they really entered the forbidden area, they knew how small they were in front of the secret world. It's not just me. I'm afraid those who haven't entered the mountain are also holding this idea. They are full of despair under the hope. "

Looking at the endless mountain in the distance, Zheng Yuanba said: "I have never convinced anyone in my life, and I have never bowed to any clan. In the end, I lost to this mountain. In front of nature, I am a fart? "

Zhang Chu understands Zheng Yuanba's despair. Even Zhang Chu himself, if not for Qin Sitong and others, may have no fighting spirit.

For the sake of the people around him, Zhang Chu can't stop. Before exhausting his last breath, Zhang Chu will keep going, even climbing!

Looking at Zheng Yuanba, who had decided to wait for his death, Zhang Chu took a deep breath and said, "if you stop now, your disciple's death will be meaningless."

"It doesn't make sense to get to the secret. I'm not your opponent." Zheng Yuanba can only admit reality.

Zhang Chu's eyes condensed: "it's not that there is no flexible way."

"I know what your so-called alternative is. It's an insult and impossible for us to let my family belong to you." Zheng Yuanba's tone was firm and he refused Zhang Chu's kindness directly.

Zhang Chu didn't ask for it, but said coolly: "people are dead, and all dignity and glory have come to nothing. Dignity, glory, and even the meaning of those disciples' death are all given by you. It's up to you. "

With that, Zhang Chu no longer hesitated and turned to move on.

Almost as soon as he started, Zheng Yuanba's voice rang out behind him: "I won't be loyal to you, you know."

"Of course."

"Since you knew I would betray you, why are you willing to help me?"

"It's just that there are enough dead people."

Zheng Yuanba put down his exhausted disciples, stood up slowly, clenched his fist tightly, and said, "you're right. If I just stop like this, their death will be meaningless. I'll leave your clan without hesitation after my strength grows. "

"No problem." Zhang and Chu were indifferent and didn't care at all.

After this episode, they set foot on the journey again and climbed three mountains in a row. Even Zhao Tang and Lin Qingyan could not hold on.

Zhang Chu carried Qin Sitong on his back and dragged Zhao Tang and Lin Qingyan with both hands. Almost by his own strength, he carried on with everyone.

Zhao Tang and Lin Qingyan let Zhang Chu give up more than once.

Zhang Chu never gave any answer. All along, the principle of not abandoning and not giving up has become his unshakable creed.


There's only one mountain left.

Compared with the previous mountains, this mountain is neither high nor steep, but the last bet of Zhang Chu and others. If the secret place really exists, it must be on this mountain.

Zhang Chushen takes a breath and drags Zhao Tang and Lin Qingyan to the final hope.

When the first step to the foot of the mountain, Lin Qingyan, who had been half dead before, suddenly got up without any sign and directly broke away from Zhang Chu's hand.

Under Zhang Chu's incredible gaze, Lin Qingyan's expression changed 180 degrees, from cowardly and elegant to calm.

"Lin Qingyan, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Chu asked incredulously.

Lin Qingyan's mouth rose slightly, ignoring Zhang Chu's question, glanced at the mountains and said with appreciation: "after many years, someone has finally set foot in this land again. Zhang Chu, congratulations on your successful entry into the secret world. "

"What?" Zhang chuleng for a moment, looking at Lin Qingyan's eyes changed dramatically: "you... Who are you?"

Lin Qingyan gently waved his arm, and suddenly his true Qi surged, and his strength did not lose to Zhang Chu.

"I am the leader of the hermit sect."

"To meet people?"

Not only Zhang Chu, but everyone was stunned, especially Zheng Yuanba. He had doubted Lin Qingyan's identity before, just like Zhang Chu. But after countless lives and deaths along the way, Zheng Yuanba's doubts about Lin Qingyan had disappeared. At least in his opinion, Lin Qingyan is just a companion.

Now, Lin Qingyan has changed into the leader of yinshizong, which shocked Zheng Yuanba.

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