Zhang Chu sat on the throne and gazed at the bright sun in front of him. After a long time, he looked back at the empty hall around him and said in a deep voice, "as I said before, after inheriting taixuanmen, the first thing I want to do is kill you. Now I've changed my mind. I'm going to destroy the whole taixuan gate, completely break the curse, and stop the fearless sacrifice. "

With Zhang Chu's current strength, he is fully capable of doing this.

Facing Zhang Chu's cold words, Gong Yuqing was not surprised: "you can't do that."

"Why? Can you stop me now? It's you who lead the wolf into the house. "

"Ha ha, leader, you misunderstood. It's not that we stop you, it's that you won't do it yourself. "

"Then you're wrong."

Gong Yuqing was not in a hurry. He wrote lightly: "when taixuan gate breaks down, there will be other seclusion sects to get up. As long as there is a practitioner, it doesn't matter whether the world is seclusion or not, this set of cruel rules of the game will continue. After all, human greed, no one can resist the temptation of supreme Qi

Even if Zhang Chu really destroyed himself, it would not prevent the continuation of the disaster. On the contrary, it would be more tragic than now. When the time comes, all the clans will fight against each other for the supreme power. At that time, even the so-called "paradise" in the world will not be spared.

"Taixuanmen is not the source of evil, on the contrary, it bears the burden that ordinary people can't bear."

"It is precisely because of the existence of taixuan gate that the mortal world can avoid becoming a place of killing and cutting without human nature, just like that of yinshizong gate."

"To bear the eternal curse, in exchange for worldly happiness, leader, how would you choose?"

Zhang Chushen took a breath and said: "even so, the promotion conference will stop!"

"Ha ha, when you inherit taixuanmen, the promotion conference has been suspended. Only when you abdicate, the promotion conference will restart."

With eternal curse, in exchange for a peaceful world?

Is the deal worth it?

Zhang Chu gazed at the clearer sky in the distance and the brighter sun than before. He couldn't help thinking deeply.

At the end of the play.

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